Journal Articles
Firth, S, Allinson, D, Watson, S (2024)
Quantifying the spatial variation of the energy performance gap for the existing housing stock in England and Wales,
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, ISSN: 1940-1493. DOI:
Dimitriou, V,
Firth, S, Hassan, T, Kane, T (2020)
The applicability of Lumped Parameter modelling in houses using in-situ measurements,
Energy and Buildings, 223, 110068, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI:
Kjærgaard, MB, Ardakanian, O, Carlucci, S, Dong, B,
Firth, S, Gao, N, Huebner, GM, Mahdavi, A, Rahaman, MS, Salim, FD, Sangogboye, FC, Schwee, JH, Wolosiuk, D, Zhu, Y (2020)
Current practices and infrastructure for open data based research on occupant-centric design and operation of buildings,
Building and Environment, 177, 106848, ISSN: 0360-1323. DOI:
Carlucci, S, De Simone, M,
Firth, S, Kjærgaard, MB, Markovic, R, Rahaman, MS, Annaqeeb, MK, Biandrate, S, Das, A, Dziedzic, JW, Fajilla, G, Favero, M, Ferrando, M, Hahn, J, Han, M, Peng, Y, Salim, F, Schlüter, A, van Treeck, C (2020)
Modeling occupant behavior in buildings,
Building and Environment, 174(May 2020), 106768, ISSN: 0360-1323. DOI:
Yamaguchi, Y, Yilmaz, S, Prakash, N,
Firth, S, Shimoda, Y (2018)
A cross analysis of existing methods for modelling household appliance use,
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, ISSN: 1940-1493. DOI:
Kane, T,
Firth, S, Hassan, T, Dimitriou, V (2017)
Heating behaviour in English homes: An assessment of indirect calculation methods,
Energy and Buildings, 148, pp.89-105, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI:
Yilmaz, S,
Firth, S, Allinson, D (2017)
Occupant behaviour modelling in domestic buildings: the case of household electrical appliances,
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 10(5-6), pp.582-600, ISSN: 1940-1493. DOI:
Allinson, D, Irvine, K, Edmondson, JL, Tiwary, A, Hill, G, Morris, J, Bell, MC, Davies, ZG,
Firth, S, Fisher, J, Gaston, KJ, Leake, JR, McHugh, N, Namdeo, A, Rylatt, M, Lomas, K (2016)
Measurement and analysis of household carbon: the case of a UK city,
Applied Energy, 164, pp.871-881, ISSN: 0306-2619. DOI:
Wei, S, Hassan, T,
Firth, S, Fouchal, F (2016)
Impact of occupant behaviour on the energy-saving potential of retrofit measures for a public building in the UK,
Intelligent Buildings International, pp.1-11, ISSN: 1750-8975. DOI:
Davies, P, Emmitt, S,
Firth, SK (2015)
Delivering improved initial embodied energy efficiency during construction,
Sustainable Cities and Society, 14, pp.267-279, DOI:
Dimitriou, V,
Firth, S, Hassan, T, Kane, T, Coleman, M (2015)
Data-driven simple thermal models: the importance of the parameter estimates, ISSN: 1876-6102. DOI:
Pan, S, Xu, C, Wei, S, Hassan, T, Xie, L, Xiong, Y,
Firth, S, De Wilde, P (2015)
Improper window use in office buildings: findings from a longitudinal study in Beijing, China, ISSN: 1876-6102. DOI:
Bassanino, M, Fernando, T, Masior, J, Kadolsky, M, Scherer, RJ, Fouchal, F, Hassan, T,
Firth, SK, Makeainen, T, Klobut, K (2015)
Collaborative environment for energy-efficient buildings at an early design stage, pp.863-870.
Littleford, C, Ryley, TJ,
Firth, SK (2014)
Context, control and the spillover of energy use behaviours between office and home settings,
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 40, pp.157-166, ISSN: 0272-4944. DOI:
Kane, T,
Firth, S, Lomas, K (2014)
How are UK homes heated? A city-wide, socio-technical survey and implications for energy modelling,
Energy and Buildings, 86, pp.817-832, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI:
Chitnis, M, Sorrell, S, Druckman, A,
Firth, SK, Jackson, T (2014)
Who rebounds most? Estimating direct and indirect rebound effects for different UK socioeconomic groups,
Ecological Economics, 106, pp.12-32, DOI:
Wang, S, Wang, S, Lovett, A, Zhong, J, Taylor, G, Leduc, S,
Firth, S, Smith, P (2014)
Significant Contribution of Energy Crops to Heat and Electricity Needs in Great Britain to 2050,
BioEnergy Research, 7(3), pp.919-926, ISSN: 1939-1234. DOI:
Davies, PJ, Emmitt, S,
Firth, SK (2014)
Challenges for capturing and assessing initial embodied energy: a contractor’s perspective,
Construction Management and Economics, 32(3), pp.290-308, ISSN: 0144-6193. DOI:
Smith, P, Taylor, S, Lovett, A, Taylor, G,
Firth, SK, Finch, J, Morison, J, Moran, D (2014)
Editorial: Spatial mapping of Great Britain's bioenergy to 2050,
GCB Bioenergy, 6(2), pp.97-98, DOI:
Taylor, SC,
Firth, SK, Allinson, D, Quddus, M, Wang, C, Smith, P (2014)
Spatial mapping of building energy demand in Great Britain,
GCB Bioenergy, ISSN: 1757-1693. DOI:
Wang, S, Hastings, A, Wang, S, Sunnenberg, G, Tallis, MJ, Casella, E, Taylor, S, Alexander, P, Cisowska, I, Lovett, A, Taylor, G,
Firth, S, Moran, D, Morison, J, Smith, P (2014)
The potential for bioenergy crops to contribute to meeting GB heat and electricity demands,
GCB Bioenergy, 6(2), pp.136-141, ISSN: 1757-1693. DOI:
Wang, S, Smith, P, Lovett, A, Zhong, J, Taylor, G, Leduc, S,
Firth, S (2014)
Significant Contribution of Energy Crops to Heat and Electricity Needs in Great Britain to 2050,
Bioenergy Research, pp.1-8, ISSN: 1939-1234. DOI:
Iddon, CR and
Firth, SK (2013)
Embodied and operational energy for new-build housing: A case study of construction methods in the UK,
Energy and Buildings, 67, pp.479-488, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI:
Davies, PJ, Emmitt, S,
Firth, SK (2013)
On-site energy management challenges and opportunities: A contractor's perspective,
Building Research and Information, 41(4), pp.450-468, ISSN: 0961-3218. DOI:
Fouchal, F, Ellis, KA, Hassan, TM,
Firth, SK (2013)
ICT enabled energy efficiency – A lens onto other sectors,
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 2(2), pp.158-178, ISSN: 2046-6099. DOI:
Chitnis, M, Sorrell, S, Druckman, A,
Firth, SK, Jackson, T (2013)
Turning lights into flights: Estimating direct and indirect rebound effects for UK households,
Energy Policy, 55, pp.234-250, ISSN: 0301-4215. DOI:
Beizaee, A, Lomas, KJ,
Firth, SK (2013)
National Survey of Summertime Temperatures and Overheating Risk in English Homes,
Building and Environment, 65, pp.1-17.
Khatami, N, Cook, MJ,
Firth, SK, Hudleston, N (2013)
Control of carbon dioxide concentration in educational spaces using natural ventilation,
International Journal of Ventilation, 11(4), pp.339-352, ISSN: 1473-3315.
Steijger, LA, Buswell, RA, Smedley, VA,
Firth, SK, Rowley, P (2013)
Establishing the zero-carbon performance of compact urban dwellings,
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 6(4), pp.319-334.
Coleman, M, Brown, N, Wright, A,
Firth, SK (2012)
Information, communication and entertainment appliance use - Insights from a UK household study,
Energy and Buildings, 54, pp.61-72, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI:
Ye, J, Hassan, TM,
Firth, S, Ellis, KA, Sheridan, C, Hannus, M (2012) EFICIÊNCIA ENERGÉTICA: Avaliação dos impactos das tecnologias da informação e comunicação,
Electricidade Moderna, n/a, pp.148-159.
Mambo, AD and
Firth, SK (2012) Investigating the Potential of Retrofitting and Onsite Renewable as a Pathway to Zero Carbon Emission in Dwellings,
International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2(1), pp.75-82.
Simons, A and
Firth, SK (2011)
Life-cycle assessment of a 100% solar fraction thermal supply to a European apartment building using water-based sensible heat storage,
Energy and Buildings, 43(6), pp.1231-1240, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI:
Firth, SK, Lomas, KJ, Rees, SJ (2010)
A simple model of PV system performance and its use in fault detection,
Solar Energy, 84(4), pp.624-635.
Shipworth, MD,
Firth, SK, Gentry, MI, Wright, AJ, Shipworth, DT, Lomas, KJ (2010)
Central heating thermostat settings and timing: building demographics,
Building Research & Information, 38(1), pp.50-69, ISSN: 0961-3218.
Firth, SK, Lomas, KJ, Wright, AJ (2010)
Targeting household energy-efficiency measures using sensitivity analysis,
Building Research and Information: the international journal of research, development and demonstration, 38(1), pp.25-41, ISSN: 0961-3218. DOI:
Lomas, K, Bell, MC,
Firth, S, Gaston, KJ, Goodman, P, Leake, JR, Namdeo, A, Rylatt, M, Allinson, D, Davies, ZG, Edmondson, JL, Galatioto, F, Brake, JA, Guo, L, Fill, G, Irvine, K, Taylor, S, Tiwary, A (2010)
The carbon footprint of UK Cities: 4M: measurement, modelling, mapping and measurement.
Firth, SK, Lomas, KJ, Wright, A, Wall, R (2008)
Identifying trends in the use of domestic appliances from household electricity consumption measurements,
Energy and Buildings, 40(5), pp.926-936, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI:
Wright, A and
Firth, SK (2007)
The nature of domestic electricity loads and effects of time averaging on statistics and on-site generation calculations,
Applied Energy 84, pp.389-403.
Firth, SK, Shakland, N, Ruyssevelt, P (2003) UK photovoltaic field trials: observations on buildability,
Journal of Ambient Energy, 251, pp.5-11, ISSN: 0143-0750.
Saiful, SM,
Firth, S, Spentzou, E (2023)
Assessing the cooling performance of tropical dwellings using multi-year future climate scenario EnergyPlus weather files: a case study of Brunei Darussalam. In
The 18th International IBPSA Conference and Exhibition Building Simulation 2023 (BS2023); Proceedings of Building Simulation 2023: 18th Conference of IBPSA, Shanghai, China, pp.2067-2074, ISBN: 9781775052036. DOI:
Yeung, HCC, Wright, J,
Firth, SK (2023)
Uncertainty in UK Building Energy Compliance Testing using Building Performance Simulation. In
, Building Simulation Conference Proceedings, pp.3114-3121, DOI:
Halls, B,
Firth, S, Lomas, K (2022)
The influence of dwelling energy efficiency on the sensitivity of inputs to a steady-state energy model. In Saelens, D, Laverge, J, Boydens, W, Helsen, L (ed)
Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA; Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA, Bruges, Belgium, pp.1727-1734, ISBN: 9781775052029. DOI:
uSim 2018, Glasgow, UK.
BPACS 2018, Chicago, US.
Firth, S, Cole, G, Kane, T, Fouchal, F, Hassan, T (2018) An Open Science Approach for Building Performance Data Schemas and Analysis Algorithms. In
Building Simulation and Optimisation 2018, Cambridge, UK.
Firth, S (2018) Using Graphs to describe Building Data. In
DATALEB 2018, Murcia, Spain.
Firth, S, Cole, G, Kane, T, Fouchal, F, Hassan, T (2018) An open data science approach for building performance studies using refitXML and Jupyter Notebooks. In
eSim 2018, Montreal, Canada.
Oraiopoulos, A, Kane, T,
Firth, S, Lomas, K (2017)
Development of a statistical model for the prediction of overheating in UK homes using descriptive time series analysis. In
15th International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), San Francisco.
Fouchal, F, Dimitriou, V, Hassan, T,
Firth, S, Oraiopoulos, A, Masior, J, Schimpf, S (2017)
Decision support tool for selection of best building retrofit action. In
, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, pp.743-751, ISBN: 9780956595164. DOI:
Fouchal, F, Hassan, T,
Firth, S, Dimitriou, V, Wei, S, Masior, J (2016)
Functional requirements and system architecture for decision support of energy efficient building design in retrofit and maintenance stage. In
, Tampere, Finland, pp.761-773, ISBN: 9789521537455.
Dimitriou, V,
Firth, S, Hassan, T, Fouchal, F (2016)
BIM enabled building energy modelling: development and verification of a GBXML to IDF conversion method. In
BSO2016, Newcastle.
Fouchal, F, Hassan, T,
Firth, S, Wei, S, Dimitriou, V (2016)
Design specification and system architecture of a decision support of energy efficiency building retrofit and maintenance instructions. In
41st IAHS World Congress, Algarve, Portugal.
Noack, F, Katranuschkov, P, Scherer, RJ, Dimitriou, V,
Firth, S, Hassan, T, Ramos, N, Pereira, P, Malo, P, Fernando, T (2016)
Technical challenges and approaches to transfer building information models to building energy. In
ECPPM 2016, Limassol, Cyprus,ISBN: 9781138032804.
Brittle, J, Eftekhari, M,
Firth, S (2016)
Mechanical ventilation & cooling energy versus thermal comfort: A study of mixed mode office building performance in Abu Dhabi. In
9th Windsor Conference: Making Comfort Relevant, Windsor.
Kane, T, Cockbill, S, May, A, Mitchell, V, Wilson, C, Dimitriou, V, Liao, J, Murray, D, Stankovic, V, Stankovic, L, Fouchal, F, Hassan, T,
Firth, S (2015)
Supporting retrofit decisions using smart meter data: a multi-disciplinary approach. In
European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) 2015 Summer Study, Toulon/Hyères, France, pp.1009-1020.
Wilson, C, Stankovic, L, Stankovic, V, Liao, J, Coleman, M, Hauxwell-Baldwin, R, Kane, T,
Firth, S, Hassan, T (2015)
Identifying the time profile of everyday activities in the home using smart meter data. In
European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) 2015 Summer Study, Toulon/Hyères, France,ISBN: 9789198048278.
Hargreaves, T, Hauxwell-Baldwin, R, Coleman, M, Wilson, C, Stankovic, L, Stankovic, V, Murray, D, Liao, J, Kane, T,
Firth, S, Hassan, T (2015)
Smart homes, control and energy management: how do smart home technologies influence control over energy use and domestic life?. In
Proceedings of the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) 2015 Summer Study, Toulon/Hyères, France, pp.1021-1032, ISBN: 9789198048278.
Oliveira, L, May, A, Mitchell, V, Coleman, M, Kane, T,
Firth, S (2015)
Pre-installation challenges: classifying barriers to the introduction of smart home technology. In
, Copenhagen, pp.117-125, ISBN: 9789462520929. DOI:
Coleman, M, Kane, T, Dimitriou, V, Hassan, T,
Firth, S, Liao, J (2015)
Utilizing smart home data to support the reduction of energy demand from space heating – insights from a UK field study. In
8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting (EEDAL), Lucerne-Horw, Switzerland.
Fouchal, F, Masior, J, Wei, S, Hassan, T,
Firth, S (2015)
Decision support to enable energy efficient building design for optimised retrofit and maintenance. In
32nd CIB W78 Conference 2015, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, pp.205-214.
Kane, T,
Firth, S, Dimitriou, V, Coleman, M, Hassan, T (2015)
Exploring the performance gap in UK homes: new evidence from smart home and smart meter data. In
Building Simulation Conference 2015, Hyderabad - India.
Wei, S, Xu, C, Pan, S, Su, J, Wang, Y, Lu, X, Hassan, T,
Firth, S, Fouchal, F, Jones, RV, De Wilde, P (2015)
Analysis of factors influencing the modelling of occupant window opening behaviour in an office building in Beijing, China. In
Building Simulation Conference 2015 (BS2015), Hyderbad, India.
Dimitriou, V,
Firth, S, Hassan, T, Kane, T, Coleman, M (2015)
Data-driven simple thermal models: The radiator - gas consumption model. In
Building Simulation 2015: 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, Hyderabad, India.
Oraiopoulos, A, Kane, T,
Firth, S, Lomas, K (2015)
Measured internal temperatures in UK homes: a time series analysis and modelling approach. In
, Energy Procedia, pp.2844-2850, DOI:
He, C, Lee, T, Taylor, S,
Firth, S, Lomas, K (2015)
Coupling a stochastic occupancy model to EnergyPlus to predict hourly thermal demand of a neighbourhood. In
, Hyderabad, India, pp.2101-2108, ISBN: 9789352301188.
Yilmaz, S,
Firth, SK, Allinson, D (2015) A novel methodology for generating residential buildings electricity demand profiles. In
, 14th International Conference of IBPSA - Building Simulation 2015, BS 2015, Conference Proceedings, pp.656-663.
Oraiopoulos, A, Kane, T,
Firth, S, Lomas, K (2015)
Measured internal temperatures in UK homes: a time series analysis and modelling approach. In
14th International Conference of IBPSA - Building Simulation 2015, BS 2015, Conference Proceedings, pp.1692-1699, ISBN: 9789352301188.
Bassanino, M, Fernando, T, Masior, J, Kadolsky, M, Scherer, RJ, Fouchal, F, Hassan, TM,
Firth, SK, Mäkeläinen, T, Klobut, K (2014) Collaborative environment for energy-efficient buildings at an early design stage. In Mahdavi, A and Martens, B (ed)
eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction - Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling, ECPPM 2014 863-870 2015, Vienna, Austria, pp.863-870.
Mäkeläinen, T, Klobut, K, Fernando, T, Hannus, M, Sepponen, M, Masior, J, Fouchal, F, Hassan, T,
Firth, SK, Bassanino, M (2014) A new methodology for designing energy efficient buildings in neighbourhoods. In
ECPPM 2014, Vienna, Austria, -.
Lee, T, He, M, Taylor, S,
Firth, SK, Lomas, K (2014) Incorporating occupant behaviour into a housing stock model for the North East of England. In
Occupant Behaviour 2014, Nottingham, UK, -.
Fouchal, F, Hassan, T,
Firth, SK (2014)
Maintenance, Retrofit and Operation Decision Support Tool for Both Domestic and Non-domestic Buildings. In
ICCCBE 2014 - 2014 International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Florida, USA, pp.1699-1706, ISBN: 978-0-7844-1361-6. DOI:
Brittle, J, Eftekhari, M,
Firth, SK (2014) Mechanical cooling energy reduction for commercial buildings in hot climates: effectiveness of combined passive systems. In
Building Simulation and Optimisation 2014, London, UK, -.
Khatami, N, Hashemi, A, Cook, M,
Firth, SK (2014) Effects of manual and automatic natural ventilation control strategies on thermal comfort and indoor air quality. In
Mass Customisation and Sustainability in Housing, ZEMCH 2014, Londrina, Brazil, pp.210-222.
Dimitriou, V,
Firth, S, Hassan, T, Kane, T, Fouchal, F (2014)
Developing suitable thermal models for domestic buildings with Smart Home equipment. In
Building Simulation Optimisation 2014, London, pp.1-8, ISBN: 9780993013706.
Badiei, A,
Firth, S, Fouchal, F (2014)
The role of programmable TRVS for space heating energy demand reduction in UK homes. In
, UCL, London,ISBN: 978-0-9930137-0-6.
Lee, T, He, C, Taylor, S,
Firth, S, Lomas, K (2014)
Developing a geographically detailed housing stock model for the North East of England. In
USAR 2014, London, UK.
He, C, Lee, T, Taylor, S,
Firth, S, Lomas, K (2014)
Dynamic modelling of a large scale retrofit programme for the housing stock in the North East of England. In
USAR 2014, London, UK.
Abedin, J,
Firth, SK, Eames, P (2013) Simulation of domestic heat demand management using sensible and latent heat storage. In
Sustainable Buidling 2013, Dubai, -.
Brittle, JP, Eftekhari, MM,
Firth, SK (2013)
Mechanical cooling energy reduction for commercial buildings in hot climates: Effective use of external solar shading incorporating effects on daylight contribution. In
, Proceedings of BS 2013: 13th Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, pp.975-982.
Firth, SK, Fouchal, F, Kane, T, Dimitriou, V, Hassan, TM (2013)
Decision support systems for domestic retrofit provision using Smart Home data streams. In
CIB W78 2013: 30th International Conference on Applications of IT in the AEC Industry, Beijing, China, pp.1-10.
Taylor, SC, Allinson, D,
Firth, SK, Lomas, KJ (2013)
Dynamic energy modelling of UK housing: evaluation of alternative approaches. In
Building Simulation 2013, Chambéry, France, pp.745-751.
Littleford, C, Ryley, TJ,
Firth, SK (2013) Organisational settings and individual energy use: How context affects behaviour in shared offices. In --, (ed)
Tenth Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Magdeburg, Germany, --.
Abedin, J,
Firth, SK, Eames, P (2013) Simulation of domestic heat demand shifting through short-term thermal storage. In
Building Simulation 2013, France, -.
Davies, PJ, Emmitt, S,
Firth, SK, Kerr, D (2013) Addressing embodied energy from a contractor’s perspective. In
Sustainable Building conference SB13, Coventry, -.
Morris-Marsham, C and
Firth, SK (2013) The domestic energy supply business model: why it should sell services rather than commodities. In
Energy Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) Summer Study 2013, France, -.
fouchal, F, Ellis, KA, Hassan, T,
Firth, S (2013) Roadmap enabling ICT to improve energy efficiency in the built environment. In
CIB WBC13 World Building Congress 2013, Brisbane, Australia, pp.1-15.
Wang, C,
Firth, SK, Taylor, S, Quddus, M (2013) Spatially disaggregated domestic road transport energy demand in Great Britain. In
Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, -.
Ellis, KA, Hannus, M, Ye, J, Hassan, TM,
CIB W78 2012: 29th International Conference, Proceedings of the CIB W78 2012: 29th International Conference –Beirut, Lebanon, 17-19 October, Beirut - Lebanon, pp.292-303.
Chitnis, M, Sorrell, S, Druckman, A,
Firth, SK (2012) The rebound effect: to what extent does it vary with income?. In
9th BIEE Academic Conference, Oxford, UK, -.
Chitnis, M, Sorrell, S, Druckman, A,
Firth, SK (2012) Living up to expectations: estimating direct and indirect rebound effects for UK households. In
12th International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) European Conference, Venice, Italy, -.
Littleford, C,
Firth, SK, Ryley, TJ (2012) Saving energy in shared offices: The impact of individual attitudes and behaviour on lighting and heating. In
22nd Conference of the International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS),, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, pp.---.
Beizaee, A,
Firth, SK, Vadodaria, K, Loveday, D (2012)
Assessing the ability of PMV model in predicting thermal sensation in naturally ventilated buildings in UK. In
7th Windsor Conference: The changing context of comfort in an unpredictable wolrd, London, pp.1-17.
Littleford, C, Ryley, TJ,
Firth, SK (2011) The energy consumption behaviour of individual office workers: Influences of context, control and norms. In
9th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, pp.---.
Beizaee, A and
Firth, SK (2011)
A Comparison of Calculated and Subjective Thermal Comfort Sensation in Home and Office Environment. In
People and Buildings, London, pp.1-12.
Ye, J, Ellis, K, Hassan, TM,
Firth, SK, Hannus, M, Sheridan, C (2011) An approach to Impact Assessment of ICTs for Energy Efficiency. In
Proceedings of the CIB W78 (IT in construction) and W102 2011 Conference, Sophia Antipolis, France, -.
Kane, T,
Firth, SK, Allinson, D, Irvine, K, Lomas, KJ (2011)
Understanding occupant heating practices in UK dwellings. In
World Renewable Energy Congress,, Linköping, Sweden, pp.1126-1133.
Kane, T,
Firth, SK, Lomas, KJ, Allinson, D, Irvine, K (2011)
Variation of indoor temperatures and heating practices in UK dwellings. In Chiana, T and Moran, F (ed)
Conference on “Buildings Don’t Use Energy, People Do?” – Domestic Energy Use and CO2 Emissions in Existing Dwellings, Bath, UK, pp.2-10, ISBN: 978-0-86197-175-6.
Steijger, LA, Smedley, V, Buswell, RA,
Firth, SK, Rowley, PN (2010)
An air source heat pump model for operation in cold humid environments. In
System simulation in Buildings, Liege, Belgium.
Ye, J, Hassan, TM,
Firth, SK, Fouchal, F (2010) ICT for energy efficiency, Towards smart buildings, manufacturing, lighting and grids. In
Proceedings of the CIB W78 Conference, Cairo, Egypt, pp.5-11.
Firth, SK and Cook, MJ (2010)
Natural ventilation in UK schools: design options for passive cooling. In
Adapting to Change: New Thinking on Comfort, Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings, Windsor, UK, pp.1-18.
Kane, T,
Firth, SK, Allinson, D, Irvine, K, Lomas, KJ (2010)
Does the age of the residents influence occupant heating practice in UK domestic buildings?. In
East Midlands Universities Association 2010 Conference - Perspectives in Society: Health, Culture, and the Environment, Nottingham, pp.1-8.
Simons, A and
Firth, SK (2009) 100% solar fraction thermal supply to a European apartment building using water-based sensible heat storage; a comparative LCA. In
Environmental and Climate Technologies 2009, Riga, Latvia, -.
Firth, SK, Buswell, RA, Lomas, KJ (2009)
A simple model of domestic PV systems and their integration with building loads. In
Building Simulation 2009, Proceedings of IBPSA, Glasgow, pp.789-796.
Firth, SK and Lomas, KJ (2009)
Investigating CO2 emission reductions in existing urban housing using a community domestic energy model. In
Building Simulation 2009, IBPSA, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, pp.2098-2105.
Coleman, M, Wright, AJ, Brown, N,
Firth, SK (2009) Domestic consumer electronics appliance monitoring: A practical perspective and implications for inter-disciplinary research. In
Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting, Berlin, Germany, pp.---.
Simons, A and
Firth, SK (2009) LCA of 100% solar fraction thermal supply to a Swiss apartment building using water-based sensible heat storage. In
4th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference, IRES 2009, Berlin, Germany, -.
Firth, SK and Wright, AJ (2008)
Investigating the Thermal Characteristics of English Dwellings : Summer Temperatures. In
Air Conditioning and the Low Carbon Cooling Challenge, Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings, Windsor, UK.
Summerfield, AJ, Lowe, RJ,
Firth, SK, Wall, R, Oreszczyn, T (2006) Carbon Emissions and the case for joined-up research : adding value to household and building energy datasets. In
COBRA 06, London.
Firth, SK, Rees, SJ, Lomas, K (2005) A novel shading analysis method for PV systems using sun path plots and high resolution performance data. In
20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Firth, SK, Shankland, N, Ruyssevelt, P (2003) Uk Photovoltaic Field Trials - Observations on Buildability. In
Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology C79 Conference, Loughborough University.
Fraunhofer, T, Fouchal, F, Dimitriou, V, Hassan, T,
Firth, S (2017)
Deliverable 5.4 Decision Support Tool, Design4Energy FP7 EU Project, European Commission.
Dimitriou, V, Hassan, TM,
Firth, SK, Fouchal, F, Oraiopoulos, A, Perreira, P (2017)
Deliverable 5.3 Data analytics based on building energy performance modelling, Loughborough University for Design4Energy FP7 EU Project.
Firth, SK, Cockbill, S, Coleman, M, Dimitriou, V, Fouchal, F, Hargreaves, T, Hassan, T, Hauxwell-Baldwin, R, Kane, T, Liao, J, May, A, Murray, D, Mitchell, V, Oliveira, L, Parker, C, Seeam, A, Stankovic, L, Stankovic, V, Webb, L, Wilson, C (2016)
Smart Homes and Saving Energy: Final summary report of the REFIT project, EPSRC.
Team Symelec, Team Fraunhofer, Fouchal, F, Hassan, T,
Firth, SK, Wei, S, Team GSM, (2014)
Current State and requirements in Components and energy systems databases, European Commission, Deliverable 3.1 of the Design4Energy project.
Fouchal, F, Hassan, T,
Firth, SK, Klobut, K, Sepponen, M, Heimonen, I, Makelainen, T, Team Fraunhofer, Malo, P, Almeida, B (2014)
State of the art of energy-efficiency design at building and neighbourhood levels, European Commission, Deliverable 2.1a of the Design4Energy project.
Fouchal, F, Hassan, T,
Firth, S, Wei, S, Arrogante, JMT (2014)
Current state and requirements in components and energy systems databases.
Palmer, J, Terry, N, Kane, T,
Firth, SK, Hughes, M, Pope, P, Young, J, Knight, D, Godoy-Shimizu, D (2013)
Electrical appliances at home: tuning in to energy saving, Department of Energy and Climate Change.
Palmer, J, Terry, N,
Firth, SK, Kane, T, Godoy-Shimizu, D, Pope, P (2013)
Energy use at home:
models, labels and unusual appliances, Department of Energy and Climate Change.
Firth, SK and Palmer, J (2013)
The Potential for Smart Meters in a National Household Energy Survey, Department of Energy and Climate Change.
Fouchal, F, Hassan, TM,
Firth, S, Buchert, T (2012)
Recommendation to Education and Training Systems, European Commission, Deliverable D4.4of the REViSITE project.
Fouchal, F, Hassan, TM,
Firth, S, Hannus, M (2012)
Implementation Action Plan for the REViSITE Strategic Research Agenda, European Commission, Deliverable D3.3 of the REViSITE project.
Vlug, N, Fouchal, F, Hassan, TM,
Firth, S, Fies, B, Ellis, K, Lappalainen, V, Hannus, M, Lindow, K, Buchart, T (2012)
Recommendations for New Standards to Overcome Interoperability Barriers, European Commission, Deliverable D3.4 of the REViSITE project.
Fouchal, F, Hassan, TM,
Firth, S, Hannus, M (2011)
Vision for multi-disciplinary ICT-enabled Energy Efficiency, Vision for multi-disciplinary ICT-enabled Energy Efficiency, European Commission, Deliverable D3.1 of the REViSITE project.
Firth, SK, Cook, MJ, Wright, AJ (2008)
Dynamic Thermal Modelling of Aston-on-Mersey 6th Form College, .