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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Robert Schmidt III

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Journal Articles

Chmutina, K, Dainty, A, Schmidt, R, Nikolaidou, E, Mantesi, E, Yu, Y, Cook, M (2022) Correction to: Thinking inside the box: new ways of considering energy consumption in a multi-user agency-constrained environment (Energy Efficiency, (2021), 14, 8, (92), 10.1007/s12053-021-10003-y), Energy Efficiency, 15(1), ISSN: 1570-646X. DOI: 10.1007/s12053-021-10015-8.

Chmutina, K, Dainty, A, Schmidt-III, R, Nikolaidou, E, Mantesi, E, Yu, Y, Cook, M (2021) Thinking inside the box: new ways of considering energy consumption in a multi-user agency-constrained environment, Energy Efficiency, 14(8), 92, ISSN: 1570-646X. DOI: 10.1007/s12053-021-10003-y.

Larimian, T, Sadeghi, A, Palaiologou, F, Schmidt-III, R (2020) Neighbourhood Social Resilience (NSR): Definition, Conceptualisation, and Measurement Scale Development, Sustainability, 12(16), 6363, ISSN: 2071-1050. DOI: 10.3390/su12166363.

Pinder, J, III, RS, Austin, S, Gibb, A, Saker, J (2017) What is meant by adaptability in buildings?, Facilities, 35(1/2), pp.2-20, ISSN: 0263-2772. DOI: 10.1108/F-07-2015-0053.

III, RS and Dainty, A (2016) The influence of practice culture on designed artefacts, Architectural Research Quarterly, 19(4), pp.397-409, ISSN: 1359-1355. DOI: 10.1017/S1359135516000051.

III, RS, Baldwin, AN, Zhuang, C (2016) Accelerated creep(ing): A 'buy & forget' mentality for Chinese homes, Dichotomy, (22), pp.10-38, ISSN: 0276-5748.

III, RS, Vibaek, KS, Austin, S (2014) Evaluating the adaptability of an industrialized building using dependency structure matrices, Construction Management and Economics, 32(1-2), pp.160-182, ISSN: 0144-6193. DOI: 10.1080/01446193.2013.847274.

Schmidt, R and Eguchi, T (2014) Mediating Change: A Japanese Perspective on Adaptable Architecture, Architectural Design, 84(2), pp.74-79, ISSN: 0003-8504. DOI: 10.1002/ad.1731.

Saker, JM, Schmidt, R, Pinder, J (2013) ‘’Stakeholder perspectives on developing more adaptable buildings’’, Construction Management and Economics, 31(5), pp.440-459.

Schmidt, R, Sage, DJ, Pinder, C, Holland, C (2013) Croydon’s tower: Reconciling old traumas and new hopes, Interventions / Adaptive Reuse, 4, pp.86-94.

Schmidt, Sage, DJ, Eguchi, T, Dainty, ARJ (Accepted for publication) Moving Architecture and Flattening Politics: Examining Adaptability Through a Narrative of Design, Architecture Research Quarterly, 16(1), pp.75-86.

Eguchi, T, Schmidt Iii, R, Dainty, ARJ, Austin, SA, Gibb, AGF (2011) The cultivation of adaptability in Japan, Open House International, 36(1), pp.74-85, ISSN: 1754-4661.


Nikolaidou, E, Yu, Y, III, RS, Dainty, A, Cook, M, Chmutina, K, Marini, D (2020) 'Inside the box': a cooperative game for co-creating energy efficient retail spaces. In Corrado, V, Fabrizio, E, Gasparella, A, Patuzzi, F (ed) Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA, Rome, Italy, pp.2371-2378, ISBN: 9781775052012.

Austin, SA, Grinnell, R, Schmidt III, R (2012) Classifying components based on change propogation potential. In 14th International Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference, DSM’12, Kyoto, Japan.

Kelly, G, III, RS, Dainty, A, Story, V (2011) Improving the design process for adaptability: linking feedback and architectural values. In Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2011 - Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference, pp.43-52, ISBN: 9780955239052.

III, RS, Deamer, J, Austin, S (2011) Understanding adaptability through layer dependencies. In ICED 11 - 18th International Conference on Engineering Design - Impacting Society Through Engineering Design, pp.209-220, ISBN: 9781904670308.

Pinder, J, III, RS, Gibb, A, Saker, J (2011) Exploring the business case for more adaptable buildings: lessons from case studies. In CIB Management and Innovation for a Sustainable Built Environment Conference, Amsterdam,ISBN: 9789052693958.

Kelly, G, III, RS, Dainty, A, Story, V (2011) Improving the design of adaptable buildings though effective feedback in use. In CIB Management and Innovation for a Sustainable Built Environment Conference, Amsterdam,ISBN: 9789052693958.

Schmidt Iii, R, Eguchi, T, Austin, SA (2010) Lessons from Japan: a look at the century housing system. In Procs 12th Int Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference, Cambridge, UK.

Eguchi, T, III, RS, Dainty, A (2010) The role of the design practice as an arena for innovation. In Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2010 - Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference, pp.491-500, ISBN: 9780955239045.

III, RS, Eguchi, T, Austin, S (2010) Lessons from Japan: a look at Century Housing System. In Managing Complexity by Modelling Dependencies - Proceedings of the 12th International DSM Conference, pp.361-373, ISBN: 9783446424739.

Schmidt Iii, R, Austin, SA, Brown, D (2009) Designing adaptable buildings. In Procs 11th Int DSM Conference, Greenville, USA, pp.315-328.

Schmidt Iii, R, Mohyuddin, S, Austin, SA, Gibb, AGF (2008) Using DSM to redefine buildings for adaptability. In Procs 10th Int DSM Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, pp.413-425.

Başer, B, Schmidt, R, Guler, G (2007) Creating an INFRA-FREE® environment with an integrated green network for Istanbul. In , ARI Bulletin of the Istanbul Technical University, pp.103-118.

Schmidt, RN and Patel, MP (2007) Aerionics - A new aero industry for flight control. In , SAE Technical Papers. DOI: 10.4271/2007-01-3847.

Anilir, S, Matsumura, S, Schmidt, R, Fukuda, K, Nishi, S, Araki, M (2006) Infra-free Life (IFL)-proposal for a spin-off technology from aerospace into building industry. In , Collection of Technical Papers - Space 2006 Conference, pp.1521-1538.

Wallace, JF, Zdankiewicz, EM, Schmidt, RN (1991) Surviving the space environment: An overview of advanced materials and structures development at the CWRU CCDS. In , AIAA/NASA/OAI Conference on Advanced SEI Technologies, 1991.


Richards, S, Schmidt, R, Sanliturk, C, Palaiologou, F (2023) Region. DOI: 10.4324/9781003361978.

Schmidt III, R and Austin, SA (2016) Adaptable Architecture: Theory and practice, Routledge, ISBN: 978-0415522571.

Pinder, J, Austin, S, Schmidt III, R, Gibb, A (ed) (2012) Form, function and the economics of change, Wiley-Blackwell.


Santos, M, Henriques, JE, Schmidt, R, Moreira, F (2023) Designing for adaptability and sustainability in regional architecture: Lessons from residences in Northeast Brazil. In Region, pp.255-270, DOI: 10.4324/9781003361978-21.

Richards, S, Schmidt, R, Sanliturk, C, Palaiologou, F (2023) Introduction. In Unknown Parent Title, pp.1-8, DOI: 10.4324/9781003361978-1.

Pinder, J, Austin, S, III, RS, Gibb, AGF (2012) Form, function and the economics of change. In Facilities Change Management, © John Wiley & Sons, pp.26-39, ISBN: 9781405153461. DOI: 10.1002/9781119967316.

III, RS, Austin, S, Pinder, J (2012) Thinking + talking adaptability: diagrams for time and change in the built environment. In Diagrammatically (Urban Infill), Kent State University, pp.24-31, ISBN: 9781467548281.

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