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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Robby Soetanto

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Journal Articles

Murguia, D, Soetanto, R, Szczygiel, M, Goodier, C, Kavuri, A (2024) Construction 4.0 implementation for performance improvement: an innovation management perspective, Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, ISSN: 1471-4175. DOI: 10.1108/CI-08-2023-0184.

Musaad, A, Carrillo, P, Soetanto, R, Munir, F (2024) Occupational Accidents, Injuries, and Associated Factors among Migrant and Domestic Construction Workers in Saudi Arabia, Buildings, ISSN: 2075-5309. DOI: 10.3390/buildings14092714.

Murguia, D, Vasquez, C, Demian, P, Soetanto, R (2022) BIM adoption among contractors: a longitudinal study in Peru, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 149(1), 04022140, ISSN: 0733-9364. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0002424.

Soetanto, R, Hermawan, F, Drosou, N, Bosher, L, Hatmoko, JUD (2022) Perceptions of social responsibility for community resilience to flooding: a comparison between communities in Indonesia and the UK, Water, 14(3), 433, DOI: 10.3390/w14030433.

Murguia, D, Demian, P, Soetanto, R (2021) The role of the industry’s cultural-cognitive elements on actors’ intention to adopt BIM: empirical study in Peru, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(3), pp.1183-1200, ISSN: 0969-9988. DOI: 10.1108/ECAM-08-2021-0743.

Murguia-Sanchez, D, Demian, P, Soetanto, R (2021) Systemic BIM adoption: a multilevel perspective, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147(4), 04021014, ISSN: 0733-9364. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0002017.

Asare, KAB, Ruikar, K, Zanni, M, Soetanto, R (2020) BIM-based LCA and energy analysis for optimised sustainable building design in Ghana, SN Applied Sciences, 2(11), 1855, ISSN: 2523-3971. DOI: 10.1007/s42452-020-03682-2.

Zanni, M, Ruikar, K, Soetanto, R (2020) Systematising multidisciplinary sustainable building design processes utilising BIM, Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 10(5), pp.637-655, ISSN: 2044-124X. DOI: 10.1108/BEPAM-05-2020-0088.

Soemitro, RAA, Adriati, F, Warnana, DD, Mukunoki, T, Soetanto, R, Maulana, MA (2020) Sediment consolidation in ephemeral river: the effect of applied loading on soil properties and dredging method selection, International Journal of River Basin Management, pp.1-10, ISSN: 1571-5124. DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2020.1742135.

Soetanto, R, Hermawan, F, Milne, A, Hatmoko, JUD, As'ad, S, He, C (2020) Developing sustainable arrangements for “proactive” disaster risk financing in Java, Indonesia, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 11(3), pp.435-451, ISSN: 1759-5908. DOI: 10.1108/IJDRBE-01-2020-0006.

He, C, Hillier, J, Milne, A, Park, S, Soetanto, R (2020) Using insurance instruments to improve disaster risk finance in Indonesia, SSRN, DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3350194.

Ballesteros-Perez, P, Sanz-Ablanedo, E, Soetanto, R, Gonzalez-Cruz, MC, Larsen, GD, Cerezo-Narvaez, A (2019) On the duration and cost variability of construction activities: an empirical study, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(1), 04019093, ISSN: 1943-7862. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001739.

Drosou, N, Soetanto, R, Hermawan, F, Chmutina, K, Bosher, L, Hatmoko, JUD (2019) Key factors influencing wider adoption of blue–green infrastructure in developing cities, Water, 11(6), pp.1234-1234, DOI: 10.3390/w11061234.

Ahmad, Y, Soetanto, R, Goodier, C (2019) Lean approach in precast concrete component production, Built Environment Project and Asset Management, ISSN: 2044-124X. DOI: 10.1108/BEPAM-02-2018-0051.

Zanni, M, Soetanto, R, Ruikar, K (2017) Towards a BIM-enabled sustainable building design process: roles, responsibilities and requirements, Architectural Engineering and Design Management, ISSN: 1752-7589. DOI: 10.1080/17452007.2016.1213153.

Soetanto, R, Mullins, A, Achour, N (2016) The perceptions of social responsibility for community resilience to flooding: the impact of past experience, age, gender and ethnicity, Natural Hazards, 86, pp.1105-1126, ISSN: 0921-030X. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-016-2732-z.

Adamu, Z, Emmitt, S, Soetanto, R (2015) Social BIM: co-creation with shared situational awareness, The Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), 20, pp.230-252, ISSN: 1874-4753.

Achour, N, Pascale, F, Soetanto, R, Price, A (2015) Healthcare emergency planning and management to major hazards in the UK, International Journal of Emergency Management, 11(1), pp.1-19, DOI: 10.1504/IJEM.2015.069514.

Soetanto, R, Childs, M, Poh, P, Austin, S, Glass, J, Adamu, Z, Isiadinso, C, Tolley, H, MacKenzie, H (2015) Key success factors and guidance for international collaborative design projects, International Journal of Architectural Research, 9(3), pp.6-25, ISSN: 1938-7806.

Soetanto, R, Childs, M, Poh, P, Austin, S, Hao, J (2014) Virtual collaborative learning for building design, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Management, Procurement and Law, 167(MP1), pp.25-34, DOI: 10.1680/mpal.13.00002.

Zanni, M, Soetanto, R, Ruikar, K (2014) Defining the sustainable building design process: methods for BIM execution planning in the UK, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 8(4), pp.562-587, ISSN: 1750-6220. DOI: 10.1108/IJESM-04-2014-0005.

Mullins, A and Soetanto, R (Accepted for publication) Ethnic differences in perceptions of social responsibility: Informing risk communication strategies for enhancing community resilience to flooding, Disaster Prevention and Management: an international journal, 22(2), pp.119-131, ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI: 10.1108/09653561311325271.

Soetanto, R and Goodier, (2013) Building future scenarios using cognitive mapping, Journal of Maps, 9, pp.1-16, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2013.770997.

Soetanto, R, Childs, M, Poh, P, Austin, S, Hao, J (2012) Global multidisciplinary learning in construction education: Lessons from virtual collaboration of building design teams, Civil Engineering Dimension, 14(3), pp.173-181, ISSN: 1410-9530. DOI: 10.9744/CED.14.3.173-181.

Shibani, A, Soetanto, R, Ganjian, E, Sagoo, A, Gherbal, N (2012) An Empirical Investigation of Total Quality Management in Libya: A Proposed Guideline of Implementation, International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), 4(1), pp.40-52, ISSN: 1935-5688. DOI: 10.4018/ijisss.2012010103.

Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ, Goodier, CI, Austin, SA (2011) Unravelling the complexity of collective mental models: a method for developing and analysing scenarios in multi-organisational contexts, Futures, 43(8), pp.890-907, ISSN: 0016-3287.

Mullins, A and Soetanto, R (2011) Enhancing community resilience to flooding through social responsibility, International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 1(2), pp.115-125, ISSN: 2041-9031.

Goodier, CI, Austin, SA, Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ (2010) Causal mapping and scenario building with multiple organisations, Futures: the journal of policy, planning and futures studies, 42(3), pp.219-229.

Austin, S and Soetanto, R (2010) The use of ACT-UK Virtual Reality Simulation Centre to enhance the learning experience of undergraduate building students, Engineering Education: Journal of the Higher Education Academy Engineering Subject Centre, 5(1), pp.2-10, ISSN: 1750-0052.

Shibani, A, Ganjian, E, Soetanto, R (2010) Implementation of total quality management in the Libyan construction industry, International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 2(4), pp.382-382, ISSN: 1740-2891. DOI: 10.1504/ijpom.2010.035874.

Greasley, K, Bryman, A, Dainty, ARJ, Price, AD, Naismith, N, Soetanto, R (2008) Understanding Empowerment from an Employee Perspective: What does it mean and do they want it?, Team Performance Management, 14(1/2), pp.38-57, ISSN: 1352-7592.

Soetanto, R, Glass, J, Dainty, ARJ, Price, AD (2007) Structural frame selection: case studies of hybrid concrete frames, Building Research and Information, 35(2), pp.206-219, ISSN: 0961-3218. DOI: 10.1080/09613210600809029.

Soetanto, R, Price, AD, Dainty, ARJ (2007) Improving management of people in construction, ICE Journal of Management, Procurement and Law, 160(1), pp.7-9, ISSN: 1751-4304.

Harty, CF, Goodier, CI, Soetanto, R, Austin, SA, Dainty, ARJ, Price, AD (2007) The futures of construction: A critical review of construction future studies, Construction Management and Economics, 25(5), pp.477-493, ISSN: 0144-6193.

Goodier, C, Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ, Austin, SA, Price, AD, Harty, CF (2007) A competitive future for UK Construction?, Construction Information Quaterly, 9(4), pp.169-174.

Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ, Glass, J, Price, AD (2006) Empirical evaluation of structural frame performance criteria: realizing the potential of hybrid concrete construction, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(3), pp.278-290, ISSN: 0733-9364. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(2006)132:3(278.

Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ, Glass, J, Price, AD (2006) A framework for objective structural frame selection, Structures and Buildings, 159(1), pp.45-52, ISSN: 0965-0911. DOI: 10.1680/stbu.2006.159.1.45.

Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ, Glass, J, Price, AD (2006) Towards an explicit design decision process: the case of the structural frame, Construction Management and Economics, 24(6), pp.602-615, ISSN: 0144-6193.

Soetanto, R, Price, AD, Dainty, ARJ (2006) Improving management of people in construction, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law, 160(MP1), pp.7-8.

Greasley, K, Bryman, A, Dainty, A, Price, A, Soetanto, R, King, N (2005) Employee perceptions of empowerment, Employee Relations, 27(4), pp.354-368, ISSN: 0142-5455. DOI: 10.1108/01425450510605697.

Dainty, ARJ, Bryman, A, Price, AD, Greasley, K, Soetanto, R, King, N (2005) Project affinity: the role of emotional attachment in construction projects, Construction Management and Economics, 23(3), pp.241-244, ISSN: 0144-6193.

Greasley, K, Bryman, A, Dainty, ARJ, Soetanto, R, King, N (2005) Employee perceptions of empowerment, Employee Relations, 27(4), pp.354-368, ISSN: 0142-5455.

Greasley, K, Bryman, A, Dainty, ARJ, Price, AD, Soetanto, R, King, N (2005) Employee perceptions of empowerment, Employee Relations, 27(4), pp.354-368, ISSN: 0142-5455.

Naismith, N, Price, ADF, Dainty, ARJ, Bryman, A, Greasley, K, Soetanto, R (2005) Engendering trust in the construction supply chain, Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(2), pp.136-153, ISSN: 1358-9180.

Soetanto, R and Proverbs, DG (2004) Intelligent models for predicting levels of client satisfaction, Journal of Construction Research, 5(2), pp.233-253, ISSN: 1609-9451. DOI: 10.1142/S1609945104000164.

Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ, Glass, J, Price, AD (2004) Criteria for Assessing the Potential Performance of Hybrid Concrete Structural Frames, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 11(6), pp.414-425, ISSN: 0969-9988.

Soetanto, R and Proverbs, DG (2004) Impact of flood characteristics on damage caused to UK domestic properties: the perceptions of building surveyors, Structural Survey, 22(2), pp.95-104, ISSN: 0263-080X. DOI: 10.1108/02630800410538622.

Soetanto, R and Proverbs, DG (2004) Intelligent models for predicting levels of client satisfaction, Journal of Construction Research, 5(2), pp.1-21, ISSN: 1793-687X. DOI: 10.1142/S1609945104000164.

Soetanto, R and Proverbs, DG (2002) Modelling the satisfaction of contractors: The impact of client performance, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 9(5-6), pp.453-465, ISSN: 0969-9988. DOI: 10.1108/eb021239.

Soetanto, R, Proverbs, DG, Cooper, P (2002) A tool for assessing contractor performance, Journal of Construction Procurement, 8(1), pp.48-63, ISSN: 1358-9180.

Soetanto, R and Proverbs, DG (2002) Modelling the satisfaction of contractors: the impact of client performance, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 9(5/6), pp.453-465, ISSN: 1365-232X. DOI: 10.1108/eb021239.

Soetanto, R, Proverbs, DG, Holt, GD (2002) A conceptual tool for assessing client performance in the construction project coalition, Civil Engineering Dimension, 4(2), pp.60-68, ISSN: 1979-570X.

Soetanto, R and Proverbs, DG (2002) Modelling client satisfaction levels: the impact of contractor performance, Australian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 2(1), pp.13-27, ISSN: 1837-9133.

Soetanto, R, Proverbs, DG, Holt, GD (2001) Achieving quality construction projects based on harmonious working relationships: Clients' and architects' perceptions of contractor performance, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 18(5), pp.528-548, ISSN: 0265-671X. DOI: 10.1108/02656710110392836.

Soetanto, R, Proverbs, DG, Cooper, P (2000) The performance of the project coalition in the UK construction industry: a conceptual optimisation model, Civil Engineering Dimension, 2(2), pp.104-110, ISSN: 1979-570X.


Meifrinaldi, Soetanto, R, Carrillo, P (2024) STAKEHOLDER READINESS FOR INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY IN PUBLIC SECTOR CONSTRUCTION: THE ROLE OF MATURITY MODELS. In , Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2024 - Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference, pp.433-442.

Kavuri, A, Soetanto, R, Goodier, C, Murguia, D, Szczygiel, M (2020) Scenarios for the digitalisation of the construction industry. In L, S and C, N (ed) 36th Annual ARCOM Conference; Proceedings of the 36th Annual ARCOM Conference, Online, pp.425-434, ISBN: 9780995546332.

Poh, PSH, Austin, S, Soetanto, R (2018) An international cross-disciplinary student collaboration: a retrospective eight years. In Torres, LGCALMIC (ed) 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN); EDULEARN18 Proceedings, Palma, Spain, pp.9398-9404, ISBN: 9788409027095. DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2018.2225.

Achour, N, Munokaran, S, Barker, F, Soetanto, R (2018) Staff stress: the sleeping cell of healthcare failure. In 7th International Conference on Building Resilience, Bangkok, Thailand, pp.459-466, DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2018.01.059.

Goodier, C, Zhang, Y, Lord, W, Soetanto, R (2018) Delay factors for international engineer-procure-construct (EPC) high-speed rail construction projects. In ARCOM- A Productive Relationship: Balancing Fragmentation and Integration, Belfast, UK.

Hermawan, F, Indarto, H, Soetanto, R (2017) Retrofitting in the middle of project execution: case study of a public hospital building. In , Bali, pp.323-332, DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.01.340.

Murguia-Sanchez, DE, Demian, P, Soetanto, R (2017) A systemic BIM innovation model in the construction supply chain. In 33rd Annual ARCOM Conference, Cambridge, pp.15-24.

Ikpeh, IJ, Soetanto, R, Anvuur, A, Smout, I (2017) Adjusting institutional arrangements: towards improved governance of self-supply water systems in Uyo, Nigeria. In , Loughborough, United Kingdom.

Hermawan, F and Soetanto, R (2014) A strategic approach for sustainable public buildings: a case study of revitalisation of public market buildings in Jakarta. In International Conference of Integrated Intellectual Community (ICONIC), Nurnberg, Germany, pp.1-6.

Alharthi, A, Soetanto, R, Edum-Fotwe, F (2014) The changing role of the public client in construction procurement. In ARCOM, Portsmouth, pp.1-10.

Al-Harthi, ASA, Soetanto, R, Edum-Fotwe, F (2014) The changing role of the public client in construction procurement. In ARCOM, Portsmouth, pp.403-412, ISBN: 978-0-9552390-8-3.

Poh, P, Soetanto, R, Austin, S, Adamu, Z (2014) International multidisciplinary learning: an account of a collaborative effort among three higher education institutions. In The 8th International Conference on e-Learning, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.1-6.

Childs, M, Soetanto, R, Austin, S, Glass, J, Adamu, Z, Isiadinso, C, Poh, P, Knyazev, D, Tolley, H, MacKenzie, H (2014) Virtual collaboration in the built environment. In European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN) Annual Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, pp.1-6, ISBN: 978-963-89559-5-1.

Al-Harthi, ASA, Soetanto, R, Edum-Fotwe, F (2014) Revisiting client roles and capabilities in construction procurement. In International Conference on Construction in a Changing World - CIB W92 Procurement Systems, Sri Lanka, pp.1-12.

Alharthi, A, Soetanto, R, Edum-Fotwe, F (2014) The changing role of the public client in construction procurement. In , Proceedings 30th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2014, pp.403-412.

Poh, PSH, Soetanto, R, Austin, S, Adamu, ZA (2014) International multidisciplinary learning: An account of a collaborative effort among three higher education institutions. In , Proceedings of the International Conference e-Learning 2014 - Part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2014, pp.389-393.

Hermawan, F, Soetanto, R, Davies, JW (2013) Enabling sustainable practices for building projects in Indonesian local government: an overview of practitioners' perceptions. In Indonesian Student Scientific Conference, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, pp.1-12.

Zanni, M, Soetanto, R, Ruikar, K (2013) Facilitating BIM-based sustainability analysis and communication in building design process. In he 6th Civil Engineering Conference in Asia Region (CECAR6), Jakarta, Indonesia, pp.1-8.

Hermawan, F, Wahyono, HL, Wibowo, MA, Dwihatmoko, JU, Soetanto, R (2013) Toward sustainable practices in building project at Indonesian local government: a case study of construction failure and building failure (defects) in Central Java – Indonesia. In The 6th Civil Engineering Conference in Asia Region (CECAR6), Jakarta, pp.1-10, ISBN: 978-602-8605-08-3.

Zanni, M, Soetanto, R, Ruikar, K (2013) Exploring the potential of BIM‐integrated sustainability assessment in AEC. In Soetanto, R (ed) Sustainable Building and Construction Conference (SB13), Coventry, pp.1-10, ISBN: 978-1-84600-049-2.

Austin, S and Soetanto, R (2012) International student integrated project work using virtual teams comprised of students from the United Kingdom and Canada. In , EE 2012 - International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in Engineering Education, Conference Proceedings.

Soetanto, R, Poh, P, Austin, S, Hao, J, Katsanis, C (2012) Communication modes and performance of virtual design teams in an undergraduate building project. In Smith, S (ed) ARCOM Twenty-eighth Annual Conference, Edinburgh, pp.177-187, ISBN: 978-0-9552390-6-9.

Austin, S, Kempton, J, Soetanto, R (2011) ACT-UK Simulation Centre: Use within the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building. In Davies, J, de Graaff, R, Kolmos, A (ed) The 3rd International Research Symposium on PBL 2011, Coventry University, pp.269-281, ISBN: 978-87-7112-025-7.

Hermawan, F, Soetanto, R, Muhrozi, Indarto, H (2011) Factors influencing decision making process of transportation infrastructure project in natural extreme condition: a case study of Semarang - Solo toll road project. In 7th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, Bangkok, pp.678-688.

Mullins, A and Soetanto, R (2011) Community resilience to flooding: Key personal attributes of social responsibility. In The International Emergency Management Society 18th Annual Conference, Bucharest, pp.1-10.

Soetanto, R (2010) ACT-UK simulation centre: Opportunities and challenges for research. In , Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2010 - Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference, pp.143-152.

Mullins, A and Soetanto, R (2010) Enhancing community resilience through social responsibility: a case of preparedness to flooding. In Soetanto, R and Davies, J (ed) The 3rd International World of Construction Project Management Conference, Coventry University, pp.259-268, ISBN: 978-1-84600-0409.

Soetanto, R and Austin, S (2010) Is the ACT-UK really a case for research?. In Soetanto, R (ed) The 3rd International World of Construction Project Management Conference, Coventry University, pp.214-223, ISBN: 978-1-84600-0409.

Pan, W, Soetanto, R, Sidwell, R (2010) How environments shape innovation: the case of precast concrete crosswall construction for multi-storey residential building construction. In CIB World Congress, University of Salford, pp.1-12, ISBN: 9781905732906.

Shibani, A, Soetanto, R, Ganjian, E (2010) Identification of critical success factors of TQM in the Libyan construction industry. In CIB World Congress, University of Salford, pp.1-12, ISBN: 9781905732906.

Mullins, A and Soetanto, R (2010) Investigating the relationship between perceptions of social responsibility and community resilience to flooding: A definition, context and methodology. In , WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, pp.293-304, DOI: 10.2495/FRIAR100251.

Soetanto, R and Mullins, A (2010) Flooding in the built environment: the roles of social responsibility and risk perception in extreme event decision making. In CIB World Congress, University of Salford, pp.1-12.

Austin, S and Soetanto, R (2010) An approach for capturing project information for the development of virtual reality training scenarios. In Third International World of Construction Project Management Conference, Coventry University, pp.204-213, ISBN: 9781846000409.

Woo, CH and Soetanto, R (2010) Motivating factors in UK construction projects. In Third International World of Construction Project Management Conference, Coventry University, pp.292-300, ISBN: 978-1-84600-0409.

Shibani, A, Soetanto, R, Ganjian, E (2010) An investigation on the critical success factors of total quality management implementation in Libyan construction organisations. In Third International World of Construction Project Management Conference, Coventry University, pp.301-309, ISBN: 978-1-84600-0409.

Pan, W, Sidwell, R, Soetanto, R (2009) A longitudinal investigation into utilising crosswall construction for multi-storey residential buildings. In , Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2009 - Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference, pp.261-270.

Soetanto, R and Pan, W (2009) Strategic planning of UK housebuilders: Case study of a major property developer. In , Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2009 - Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference, pp.381-390.

Soetanto, R and Dainty, ARJ (2009) Integrating uncertainty management in strategic planning practice. In , Building a Sustainable Future - Proceedings of the 2009 Construction Research Congress, pp.309-319, DOI: 10.1061/41020(339)32.

Soetanto, R, Goodier, CI, Austin, SA, Dainty, ARJ, Price, AD (2007) Enhancing strategic planning in the UK construction industry. In Burt, G (ed) Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Organizational Foresight: Learning the Future Faster, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Soetanto, R, Goodier, CI, Austin, SA, Dainty, ARJ, Price, AD (2007) Scenario planning for construction companies. In Hughes, W and hughes, W (ed) Proceedings of the Construction Management and Economics 25th Anniversary Conference, University of Reading, uk, p.64 (Abstract), ISBN: 978-0-415-46059-0.

Goodier, CI, Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ, Larsen, GD, Quigley, M (2007) Towards Sustained Competitiveness in UK Construction: A Multi-Methodological Approach. In walker, N (ed) Proceedings of the CIB World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, pp.915-927, ISBN: 1-920-01704-6.

Goodier, CI, Bosher, L, Fleming, A, Soetanto, R (2007) Synergising disaster risk management and construction research: A multi-disciplinary initiative form the UK. In walker, N (ed) CIB World Building Congress 14th - 18th May, Proceedings of the CIB World Building Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, pp.2942-2953, ISBN: 1-920-01704-6.

Goodier, CI, Soetanto, R, Fleming, A, McDermott, P, Austin, SA (2006) The future of construction procurement in the UK: a shift to service provision. In McDermott, P and Khalfan, (ed) International Conference of CIB-W92, Proceedings of International Conference of CIB-W92, Salford, uk, pp.182-193, ISBN: 1-905732-11-2.

Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ, Goodier, CI, Harty, CF, Austin, SA, Proce, S, Thorpe, A (2006) Synthesising emerging issues within key futures study reports in construction. In Pietroforte, R, DeAngelis, E, eds, FP (ed) Proceedings of the Joint CIB W065/W055/W086 Symposium - Construction in the XXI Century: Local and Global Challenges, Rome, italy, pp.308-309, ISBN: 88-495-1339-9.

Harty, CF, Goodier, CI, Soetanto, R, Austin, SA, Dainty, ARJ, Price, AD, Thorpe, A (2006) Scenario Development: A Methodology for Aligning Contemporary Practices with the Potential Futures of UK Construction. In Boyd, DE (ed) Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ARCOM Conference, Birmingham, UK, pp.601-610, ISBN: 0-9552390-0-1.

Soetanto, R, Harty, CF, Goodier, CI, Austin, SA, Dainty, ARJ, Price, AD, Thorpe, A (2006) Does the construction industry have a future?. In International European Construction Institute Annual Conference, Global Construction 10 years on: adapting to change, An invited paper at International European Construction Institute Annual Conference, Global Construction 10 years on: adapting to change, TU Delft, Netherlands.

Larsen, GD, Kao, CC, Soetanto, R, Goodier, C (2006) Understanding procurement methods in practice: an alternative perspective. In ,ISBN: 9781905732111.

Soetanto, R, Glass, J, Dainty, ARJ, Price, AD, Thorpe, A (2005) Improving the utility and value of CAD software for decision-making and design of structural frames. In Soilbelman, L and Pena-Mora, FE (ed) Proceedings of the 2005 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Cancun, Mexico,ISBN: 0 7844 0794 0.

Soetanto, R, Glass, J, Dainty, ARJ, Price, AD (2005) An inclusive auditable approach to structural frame selection. In Sariyildiz, S and Tuncer, BE (ed) World Trade Center, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp.553-563, ISBN: 9085590574.

Sexton, MG, Dainty, ARJ, Proverbs, D, Aouad, G, Glass, J, Goulding, J, Kagioglou, M, Oloke, D, Olomolaiye, P, Price, AD, Soetanto, R, Zhang, X (2005) HyCon - a virtual reality design support tool for hybrid concrete structural frames. In Borghoff, M, Gottschalg, A, Mehl, eds, R (ed) Proceedings of the 8th International Congress and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp.113-114, ISBN: 3-7625-3607-4.

Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ, Glass, J, Price, AD (2004) Structural frame selection processes: case studies of hybrid concrete construction projects. In Ellis, R and Bell, ME (ed) Proceedings of Construction and Building Research (COBRA) Conference, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK, RICS Foundation, 19.

Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ, Glass, J, Price, AD (2004) Towards a decision-support tool for selecting an appropriate structural frame. In Aouad, G, Amaratunga, D, Kagioglou, M, Ruddock, L, Sexton, eds, M (ed) Proceedings of the First SCRI International Symposium, University of Salford, pp.450-459.

Soetanto, R and Proverbs, DG (2003) Modelling the satisfaction of clients and architects based on the performance of UK contractors. In Second International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century, Hong Kong, pp.287-292, ISBN: 9889737019.

Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ, Price, AD, Glass, J (2003) Utilising socio-technical systems design principles to implement new ICT systems. In Greenwood, DE (ed) Brighton University, Proceedings of ARCOM 19th Annual Conference, Brighton, pp.695-704, ISBN: 0953416186.

Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ, Price, AD, Glass, J (2003) A framework for investigating human factors issues associated with the implementation of new ICT systems in construction organisations. In Anumba, CJ (ed) Proceedings of Second International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Innovative Developments in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Loughborough University, pp.121-130.

Soetanto, R and Proverbs, DG (2003) Methods of drying flooded domestic properties: the perceptions of UK building surveyors. In COBRA, University of Wolverhampton, pp.149-162, ISBN: 1-84219-148-9.

Soetanto, R, Proverbs, DG, Nicholas, J (2002) Assessment of flood damage to domestic properties: surveyors' perceptions of flood characteristics. In COBRA, Nottingham Trent University, pp.154-169, ISBN: 1842330748.

Soetanto, R and Proverbs, DG (2001) Modelling client satisfaction levels: a comparison of multiple regression and artificial neural network techniques. In ARCOM, Salford, pp.47-57, ISBN: 095341616X.

Soetanto, R, Proverbs, DG, Cooper, P (1999) A conceptual model of performance and satisfaction for main participants of construction project coalition. In ARCOM, Liverpool, pp.501-510, ISBN: 0953416127.


Ahadzie, DK, Proverbs, D, Soetanto, R, Oladokun, VO (2023) Handbook of Flood Risk Management and Community Action: An International Perspective. DOI: 10.1201/9781003315247.

Childs, M and Soetanto, R (2017) Online Learning for STEM Subjects: International Examples of Technologies and Pedagogies in Use.

Proverbs, DG and Soetanto, R (2008) Flood Damaged Property: A Guide to Repair. DOI: 10.1002/9780470759295.

CD Objects

Soetanto, R, Glass, J, Dainty, ARJ, Price, AD, Thorpe, A (2005) Improving the utility and value of CAD software for decision-making and design of structural frames,, ISBN: 0 7844 0794 0.

Soetanto, R, Dainty, ARJ, Glass, J, Price, AD (2004) Structural frame selection processes: case studies of hybrid concrete construction projects,.


Hermawan, F, Winoto, DWT, Ismiyati, Purwanggono, B, Soetanto, R (2023) Investigating Materials for Refurbishment Strategies of Heritage Buildings: A Case Study of Soesman Kantoor, Semarang. In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer Nature Singapore, pp.169-178, ISBN: 9789811693472. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-9348-9_15.

Ahadzie, DK, Proverbs, D, Soetanto, R, Oladokun, VO (2023) Handbook of flood risk management and community action: An international perspective. In Handbook of Flood Risk Management and Community Action: An International Perspective, pp.1-6, DOI: 10.1201/9781003315247-1.

Ahadzie, DK, Proverbs, D, Soetanto, R, Oladokun, V (2023) Conclusion and final remarks. In Handbook of Flood Risk Management and Community Action: An International Perspective, pp.234-239, DOI: 10.1201/9781003315247-22.

Soetanto, R, Childs, M, Poh, P, Glass, J, Austin, S, Adamu, ZA, Isiadinso, C (2017) Designed to be employed? Measuring the impact of a multidisciplinary collaborative design project on learner perceptions of employability attributes. In Online learning for STEM subjects: International examples of technologies and pedagogies in use, ©Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp.1-29, ISBN: 9781138934443.

Mullins, A and Soetanto, R (2012) Exploring the effect of perceptions of social responsibility on community resilience to flooding. In Lamond, J (ed) Flood hazards, impacts and response for the built environment, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, pp.343-352.

Mullins, A and Soetanto, R (2011) Exploring the Effect of Perceptions of Social Responsibility on Community Resilience to Flooding. In Flood Hazards: Impacts and Responses for the Built Environment, pp.343-352, DOI: 10.1201/b11050-29.

Soetanto, R, Proverbs, D, Lamond, J, Samwinga, V (2008) Residential properties in England and Wales: An evaluation of repair strategies towards attaining flood resilience. In Bosher, L (ed) Hazards And The Built Environment, Taylor & Francis, UK, pp.124-149, ISBN: 9780415427302.

Goodier, C, Soetanto, R, Fleming, A, McDermott, P, Austin, SA (2008) The Trajectory of Construction Procurement in the UK. In Barrett, P (ed) Revaluing Construction, Blackwell, pp.105-114, ISBN: 978-1-4051-5919-7.


Murguia, D, Demian, P, Soetanto, R (2022) Longitudinal data of building information modelling (BIM) adoption among contractors, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.19940093.

Murguia-Sanchez, D, Demian, P, Soetanto, R (2021) Cultural-cognitive elements and BIM adoption, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.14406644.

Murguia, D, Demian, P, Soetanto, R (2020) Systemic model of BIM adoption, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.11876535.

Drosou, N, Soetanto, R, Hermawan, F, Chmutina, K, Bosher, L, Hatmoko, JUD (2019) Supplementary Files for "Key Factors Influencing Wider Adoption of Blue–Green Infrastructure in Developing Cities", DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.8884388.

Murguia, D, Demian, P, Soetanto, R (2019) Institutions and Sensemaking - Dataset, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.8231090.

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