Publications for Muhammad Sohail
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Journal Articles
Kassim, F,
Sohail, M, Somorin, T, Blanch, G, Yaman, R, Afolabi, O (2024)
Optimised mixed agri-food waste simulant for enhanced bioenergy production via hydrothermal carbonisation and supercritical plant modelling,
Energy Reports, 13, pp.184-195, ISSN: 2352-4847. DOI:
Aljaber, K,
Sohail, M, Ruikar, K (2024)
Critical success factors of water and power public–private partnerships in developing countries: A systematic review,
Buildings, 14(6), 1603, DOI:
Osei, E, Afolabi, O,
Sohail, M (2024)
Exploring toilet plume bioaerosol exposure dynamics in public toilets using a Design of Experiments approach,
Scientific Reports, 14, 10665.
Ojo, VO and
Sohail, M (2023)
Assessing the performance of state water utilities in Nigeria: towards achieving the sustainable development goal on drinking water,
Sustainability, 16(1), 59, DOI:
Kassim, F,
Sohail, M, Taylor, B, Afolabi, O (2023)
Hydrothermal carbonisation of mixed agri-food waste: process optimisation and mechanistic evaluation of hydrochar inorganic chemistry,
Biomass and Bioenergy, 180, 107027, ISSN: 0961-9534. DOI:
Kassim, F,
Sohail, M, Taylor, B, Afolabi, O (2023)
Sustainable energy recovery from mixed agri-food waste by hydrothermal carbonisation: Mechanistic evaluation of the evolution of product characteristics,
Journal of the Energy Institute, 112, 101456, ISSN: 1743-9671. DOI:
Paddy, E, Afolabi, O,
Sohail, M (2022)
Toilet plume bioaerosols in healthcare and hospitality settings: A systematic review,
American Journal of Infection Control, 51(3), pp.324-333, ISSN: 0196-6553. DOI:
Ermilio, JF, Pattison, I,
Sohail, M (2021)
Performance monitoring and sustainable management of piped water supply infrastructure in developing communities,
Journal of the Water Resources and Planning and Management Division, ASCE, 148(2), 05021030, ISSN: 0733-9496. DOI:
Al-Alawi, A,
Sohail, M, Kayaga, S, Al-Alawi, A (2021)
Water management in mosques of Oman,
Sustainable water resources management, 7, 95, ISSN: 2363-5037. DOI:
Abdullahi, A and
Sohail, M (2021)
The role of Islamic social finance in societal welfare: a case study of selected IFBOs in southwest Nigeria,
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, ISSN: 1753-8394. DOI:
Afolabi, O,
Sohail, M, Cheng, Y-L (2019)
Optimisation and characterisation of hydrochar production from spent coffee grounds by hydrothermal carbonisation,
Renewable Energy, 147(Part 1), pp.1380-1391, ISSN: 0960-1481. DOI:
Cepeda, DM,
Sohail, M, Ogunlowo, OO (2018)
Understanding the Critical Success Factors for Delivery of Megaprojects in Colombia,
Proceedings of the ICE - Management, Procurement and Law, MPL-D-17-00005R2, ISSN: 1751-4304.
Ogunlowo, OO, (Khan), MS, Bristow, AL (2018)
Stakeholder consensus on the use of compressed natural gas as automotive fuel in Nigeria,
Case Studies on Transport Policy, ISSN: 2213-624X. DOI:
Edgar, C,
Sohail, M, Cavill, S (2017)
Rethinking the effectiveness of defecation postures and practices: it’s not what you do it’s the way that you do it!,
Waterlines, 36(4), pp.367-374, ISSN: 0262-8104. DOI:
Afolabi, O,
Sohail, M, Thomas, P (2017)
Characterization of solid fuel chars recovered from microwave hydrothermal carbonization of human biowaste,
Energy, 134, pp.74-89, ISSN: 0360-5442. DOI:
Afolabi, O and (Khan), MS (2017)
Comparative evaluation of conventional and microwave hydrothermal carbonization of human biowaste for value recovery,
Water Science and Technology, 75(5), ISSN: 0273-1223. DOI:
Afolabi, O and (Khan), MS (2017)
Microwaving human faecal sludge as a viable sanitation technology option for treatment and value recovery,
Journal of Environmental Management, ISSN: 1095-8630. DOI:
Sohail, M, Cavill, S, Afolabi, OOD (2016)
Transformative technologies for safely managed sanitation,
Municipal Engineer ICE Proceedings, ISSN: 1753-7789. DOI:
Ogunlowo, F, Bristow, A, (Khan), MS (2016)
A stakeholder analysis of the automotive industry’s use of compressed natural gas in Nigeria,
Transport Policy, ISSN: 1879-310X. DOI:
Scott, P, Cotton, A, (Khan), MS (2015)
Using tenure to build a “sanitation cityscape”: narrowing decisions for targeted sanitation interventions,
Environment and Urbanization, 27(2), pp.389-406, ISSN: 1746-0301. DOI:
Sourani, A and (Khan), MS (2015)
The Delphi Method: review and use in construction management research,
International Journal of Construction Education and Research, ISSN: 1557-8771. DOI:
Ogunlowo, F, Bristow, A, (Khan), MS (2015)
Developing compressed natural gas as an automotive fuel in Nigeria: lessons from international markets,
Energy Policy, 76, pp.7-17, ISSN: 0301-4215. DOI:
Afolabi, S, (Khan), MS, Thomas, P (2015)
Microwave hydrothermal carbonization of human biowaste,
Waste and Biomass Valorization, 6(1), pp.1-11, ISSN: 1877-265X. DOI:
Danso-Boateng, E, Holdich, RG, Shama, G, Wheatley, AD,
Sohail, M, Martin, SJ (2013)
Kinetics of faecal biomass hydrothermal carbonisation for hydrochar production,
Applied Energy, 111, pp.351-357, DOI:
Sourani, A and
Sohail, M (2013)
Enabling sustainable construction in UK public procurement,
Proceedings of the ICE - Management, Procurement and Law, Volume 166(Issue 6), pp.297-312, ISSN: 1751-4304. DOI:
Scott, P, Cotton, A, Sohail Khan, M (2013)
Tenure security and household investment decisions for urban sanitation: The case of Dakar, Senegal,
Habitat International, 40, pp.58-64, ISSN: 0197-3975. DOI:
Nkansah, A, Fisher, J, Sohail Khan, M (2012)
Manual pit emptying as a sustainable livelihood in Ghana,
Sourani, A and
Sohail, M (2011)
Barriers to addressing sustainable construction in public procurement strategies,
Oluikpe, P,
Sohail, M, Odhiambo, F (2011)
The Role of Knowledge Management in Development Projects,
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, Vol. 10(No. 4), pp.315-326, DOI:
Oluikpe, P,
Sohail, M, Odhiambo, FO (2011)
The role of knowledge management in development projects,
Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 10(4), pp.315-326, DOI:
Sohail, M (2010)
How can the stigma of public transport as the ‘poor man’s vehicle’ be overcome to enhance sustainability and climate change mitigation?”,
Natural Resources Forum, Vol 34(4), p.329.
Bromley, DW, Buehler, R, Godefrooij, T, Kirkels, M, Quental, N, Kusakabe, K, Vasishth, A, Tejada, JD, Geys, B, Leiren, MD, Khan, MS, Mwendera, E, Melia, S, Brussel, M, Zuidgeest, M, De Souza, F, Acharya, SR, Dirgahayani, DP, Martiskainen, M (2010)
"How can the stigma of public transport as the 'poor man's vehicle' be overcome to enhance sustainability and climate change mitigation?",
Natural Resources Forum, 34(4), pp.327-331, ISSN: 0165-0203. DOI:
Joshi, S and
Sohail, M (2010)
Aided self-help: The Million Houses Programme - Revisiting the issues,
Habitat International, 34, pp.306-314.
Oluikpe, P,
Sohail, M, Odhiambo, FO (2010)
Towards a framework for Knowledge Management in Project Management,
International Journal Knowledge Management Studies, 4(1), pp.18-46.
Adinyira, E,
Sohail, M, Oteng-Seifah, S, Adjei-Kumi, T (2010)
Private sector driven supply chains in Ghana's rural water sector,
Water Policy, 12, pp.416-424.
Sohail, M and Maslyukivska, O (2009)
Learning from water sector reforms in Europe and Asia,
Management, Procurement and Law, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 162(MP3), pp.107-116.
Sohail, M and Cavill, S (2009)
Public-private partnerships in the water and sanitation sector,
Water Management, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 163(WM4), pp.261-267.
Sohail, M (2008) Municipal Engineer: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 161(ME4), ISSN: 0965-0903.
Ahmed, A and
Sohail, M (2008)
Child's Play and Recreation in Dhaka City, Bangladesh,
Municipal Engineer: Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, 161(4), pp.263-270, ISSN: 0965-0903. DOI:
Sohail, M (2008)
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer: Editorial,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer, 161(4), pp.207-208, ISSN: 0965-0903. DOI:
Sohail, M (2008)
Sohail, M (2008) Municipal Engineer: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 161(ME3), ISSN: 0965-0903.
Sohail, M and Cavill, S (2008)
Accountability to Prevent Corruption in Construction Projects,
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 134(9), pp.729-738, ISSN: 0733-9364.
Sohail, M (2008)
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer: Editorial,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer, 161(3), pp.147-148, ISSN: 0965-0903. DOI:
Sohail, M (2008)
Sohail, M and Maunder, DAC (2007)
Partnering to Improve Public Transport in Developing Countries,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport, 160(TR4), pp.179-189.
Maslyukivska, O and
Sohail, M (2007)
European Infrastructure Procurement Through PPP,
Management, Procurement and Law, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 160(MP4), pp.159-167.
Maslyukivska, O and
Sohail, M (2007)
European infrastructure procurement through PPP,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Management, Procurement and Law, 160(4), pp.159-167, ISSN: 1751-4304. DOI:
Sohail, M (2007) A Child in the City, Municipal Engineer - Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 160(ME2), ISSN: 0965-0903.
Sohail, M (2007)
Proceeding of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Editorial,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer, 160(2), pp.69-70, ISSN: 0965-0903. DOI:
Sohail, M (2007)
Cavill, S and
Sohail, M (2007)
Increasing Strategic Accountability: A Framework for International NGOs,
Development in Practice, 17(2), pp.231-248.
(Khan), MS, Bateman, JS, Cotton, AP, Reed, B (2007)
Discussion: P14066- Pro-poor concessions for sustainable water services,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering, 160(CE2), ISSN: 1751-7672. DOI:
Fouracre, PR,
Sohail, M, Cavill, S (2006)
A Participatory Approach to Urban Transport Planning in Developing Countries,
Transportation Planning and Technology, 29(4), pp.313-330, ISSN: 0308-1060.
Sohail, M and Cavill, S (2006)
Ethics: Making it the Heart of Water Supply,
ICE Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering, 159(1), pp.11-15, ISSN: 0965-089X.
Sohail, M, Bateman, J, Cotton, AP, Reed, RA (2006)
Pro-poor Concessions for Sustainable Water Services,
Civil Engineering, 159(5), pp.16-20, ISSN: 0965-089X. DOI:
Sohail, M and Cavill, S (2006)
Ethics: Making it the heart of water supply,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering, 159(1 SPEC. ISS.), pp.11-15, ISSN: 0965-089X. DOI:
Sohail, M (2006) Municipal Engineer - Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 159(ME1), ISSN: 0965-0903.
Sohail, M (2006)
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Editorial,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer, 159(1), pp.1-2, ISSN: 0965-0903. DOI:
Sohail, M (2006)
Sohail, M, Maunder, DAC, Cavill, S (2006)
Effective Regulation for Sustainable Public Transport in Developing Countries,
Transport Policy, 13(3), pp.177-190.
Ahmed, N and
Sohail, M (2006) Du Precaire au Durable,
Courrier de la Planete, 77, pp.41-43.
Addo Yobo, FN, Njiru, C,
Sohail, M (2006)
Determinants of Households' Intention to Pay for Improved Water Services: an Application of the Theory of Reasoned Action,
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA, 55(6), pp.419-425.
Cotton, AP,
Sohail, M, Scott, RE (2005)
Towards improved labour standards for construction of minor works in low income countries,
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 12(6), pp.617-632, ISSN: 0969-9988. DOI:
Bateman, JS,
Sohail, M, Njiru, C (2005)
Socially Sensitive Regulation for Water Services,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Water Management, 158(WM4), pp.177-181.
Martin, NA and
Sohail, M (2005)
Can Regional Cooperation Deliver Private Investments for the Water and Sanitation Sector in the Caribbean?,
Social and Economic Studies, 54(4), pp.42-69, ISSN: 0037-7651.
Cavill, S and
Sohail, M (2005)
Improving Public Urban Services through Increased Accountability,
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 131(4), pp.263-273, ISSN: 1052-3928. DOI:
Sohail, M and Cotton, AP (2005) Public Private Partnerships and the Poor in Water Supply Projects,
Waterlines, 24(2), pp.15-19.
Sohail, M (2005)
Sustaining livelihoods by improving urban public transport services,
ICE Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability, 158(ES1), pp.9-15.
Sohail, M, Cavill, S, Cotton, AP (2005)
Sustainable operation and maintenance of urban infrastructure: Myth or reality?,
Jayaratne, KA and
Sohail, M (2005)
Regulating urban upgrading in developing countries,
Municipal Engineer, 158(1), pp.53-62, ISSN: 0965-0903. DOI:
Jayaratne, KA and
Sohail, M (2005)
Regulating urban upgrading in developing countries,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer, 158(1), pp.53-62, ISSN: 0965-0903. DOI:
Sohail, M and Baldwin, AN (2004) Community-partnered contracts in developing countries,
ICE Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability, 157(ES4), pp.193-201.
Doe, SR and
Sohail, M (2004)
The Boundaries and Limits of Community Management: Lessons from the Water Sector in Ghana,
Community Development Journal, 39(4), pp.360-371.
Sohail, M (2004) Municipal Engineer - Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 157(ME2), ISSN: 0965-0903.
Sohail, M (2004)
Cavill, S and
Sohail, M (2004)
Strengthening Accountability for Urban Service,
Environment and Urbanisation, 16(1), pp.155-170.
Cavill, S and
Sohail, M (2004)
Strengthening accountability for urban services,
Environment and Urbanization, 16(1), pp.155-170, ISSN: 0956-2478. DOI:
Sohail, M and Baldwin, AN (2004)
Performance Indicators for 'Micro-Projects' in Developing Countries,
Construction Management and Economics, 22(1), pp.11-23, ISSN: 0144-6193. DOI:
Ahmed, N and
Sohail, M (2004)
Stakeholders' Response to the Private Sector Participation of Water Supply Utility in Karachi,
Water Policy, 6(3), pp.229-247.
Sohail, M, Maunder, DAC, Miles, DWJ (2004)
Managing Public Transport in Developing Countries: Stakeholder Perspectives in Dar es Salaam and Faisalabad,
International Journal of Transport Management, 2, pp.149-160.
Hodgkinson, D and
Sohail, M (2003) Municipal Engineer - Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 156(ME4), ISSN: 0965-0903.
Cavill, S and
Sohail, M (2003)
Accountability in the Provision of Urban Services,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Municipal Engineer, 156(ME4), pp.235-244, ISSN: 0965-0903.
Hodgkinson, D and
Sohail, M (2003)
Ethnics - a key issue,
Cavill, S and
Sohail, M (2003)
Accountability in the provision of urban services,
Municipal Engineer, 156(4), pp.235-244, ISSN: 0965-0903. DOI:
Ahmed, N and
Sohail, M (2003)
Alternate Water Supply Arrangements in Peri-Urban Localities: Awami (People's) Tanks in Organgi Township, Karachi,
Environment and Urbanisation, 15(2), pp.33-42.
Ahmed, N and
Sohail, M (2003)
Alternate water supply arrangements in peri-urban localities: awami (people's) tanks in Orangi township, Karachi,
Environment and Urbanization, 15(2), pp.33-42, ISSN: 0956-2478. DOI:
Sohail, M and Baldwin, AN (2003)
Urban Infrastructure Procurement in Low-Income Countries,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability, 156(ES2), pp.87-93.
Sohail, M and Baldwin, AN (2003)
Urban infrastruture procurement in low-Income contries,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 156(2), pp.87-93, ISSN: 1478-4629. DOI:
Farade, T and
Sohail, M (2003)
Making Regulatory Mechanisms Work: Lessons from Cases of Private Sector Participation,
Water Policy, 5(3), pp.269-288.
Sohail, M, Miles, DWJ, Cotton, AP (2002)
Developing Monitoring Indicators for Urban Micro Contracts in South Asia,
International Journal of Project Management, 20(8), pp.583-591, ISSN: 0263-7863. DOI:
Sohail, M and Baldwin, AN (2001)
Partnering with the community - an option for infrastructure procurement,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Municipal Engineer, 145(4), pp.293-297.
Sohail, M and Baldwin, A (2001)
International development,
Sohail, M and Baldwin, A (2001)
Partnering with community?an option for infrastructure procurement,
Municipal Engineer, 145(4), pp.293-297, ISSN: 0965-0903. DOI:
Sohail, M and Baldwin, AN (2001) Municipal Engineer - Proceedings of Civil Engineers, 145(4), ISSN: 0965-0946.
Sohail, M and Edum Fotwe, FT (2000) Cost-duration tool for policy decision on micro and small projects,
Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 5(3), pp.79-84.
Sohail, M (2000) Urban Public Transport and Sustainable Livelihoods,
Sustainable Development International, ICG Publications, UK, p.4.
Sohail, M, Ali, M, Nixon, WB, Murphy, RJ (1998) Letters to the editor (multiple letters) [1],
Waste Management and Research, 16(6), pp.594-596, ISSN: 0734-242X.
Cotton, AP and
Sohail, M (1997)
Community Partnered Procurement: A Socially Sensitive Option,
Waterlines: Journal of Appropriate Technologies for Water Supply and Sanitation, (16(2), pp.24-27.
Sohail, M (1996) Discussion on Analysis of Client Satisfaction Factors in Construction Industry,
Journal of Management in Engineering, p.57.
Felemban, H, Sohail, M, Ruikar, K (Accepted for publication) Exploring the Readiness of Organisations to Adopt Artificial Intelligence, Buildings, 14(8), pp.2460-2460, DOI: 10.3390/buildings14082460.
Ahmed, N, Sohail, M, Ekwam, J (Accepted for publication) Investigating Alternative Water Supply in Settlements: Cases from Turkana County in Kenya and Orangi in Karachi, Pakistan, Sustainability, 16(19), pp.8725-8725, DOI: 10.3390/su16198725.
Chen, G, Afolabi, OOD, Sohail, M, Thomas, CPL (Accepted for publication) An assessment of restaurant food waste management in Chengdu, China between 2010-2020. In 42nd WEDC International Conference. Equitable and Sustainable WASH Services: Future challenges in a rapidly changing world; Equitable and Sustainable WASH Services: Future challenges in a rapidly changing world. Proceedings of the 42nd WEDC International Conference, Virtual Conference.
Sohail, M, Scott, P, CAVILL, S (2017) Urination needs and practices away from home: where do women go?. In R, S (ed)
Local action with international cooperation to improve and sustain water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services: Proceedings of the 40th WEDC International Conference,, Loughborough, UK.
Scott, P,
Sohail, M, Cavill, S (2017)
Urination needs and practices away from home: where do women go?. In
WEDC Conference,.
Afolabi, O, (Khan), MS, Wheatley, AD (2014)
Hydrothermal treatment of human biowastes as an alternative sanitation strategy. In
, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp.1-6, ISBN: 9786048213374.
Ermilio, J, Cain, D, Pattison, I, (Khan), MS (2014)
Performance evaluation of community managed water supply infrastructure. In
, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp.1-6.
Joshi, S and
Sohail, M (2013)
Affordable Housing in Ahmedabad. In
RC43 Conference 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp.1-17.
Sourani, A, and
Sohail, M (2012)
Sourani, A. and Sohail, M. (2012) Which economic sustainability criteria should be addressed in public procurement strategies?. In
4th CIB International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Built Environment (SASBE2012): Emerging economies, São Paulo, Brazil, São Paulo, Brazil, pp.561-567.
Ramlagan, K,
Sohail, M, Mourshed, M (2012)
Cost and Energy Implication of Leakage in Water Supply Schemes in Ireland. In
World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy, International Water Association, Dublin, Ireland, pp.1-12.
Danso-Boateng, E, Holdich, R, Wheatley, A, Martin, S,
Sohail, M, Gyi, D (2012)
A toilet system based on hydrothermal carbonization. In
Proceedings of the Second International Faecal Sludge Management conference (FSM2), Durban, South Africa, October 29-31 2012, pp.1-6.
Sohail, KM (2008) Public private partnerships- considerations for community of practice. In
United Nations Development Programme, Community of Practice for public private partnerships on capacity development for local service delivery for the poor to achieve the MDGs, Dakar, Senegal.
Cavill, S and Sohail, KM (2008) Faith and Human Development: A study day for academics and practitioners, with keynote address by the Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP on Faith and Action in a Pluralist Society. In
2008 Study Day organised by the Contextual Theology Centre, London Muslim Centre, Magdelen College, Oxford.
Sohail, KM (2008) Is PPP a viable option for the provision of safe schools. In
International conference on School Safety - A golden Jubilee initiative, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Sohail, KM (2008) Public private partnerships for service delivery. In
6th Forum of the World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty, United Nations Development Programme, Athens, Greece.
Sohail, M and Cavill, S (2008) Does corruption affect construction?. In
Proceedings of CIB W107 Construction in Developing Countries International Symposium "Construction in Developing Countries: Procurement, Ethics and Technology, Trinidad & Tobago.
Sohail, KM (2007) Toolkit for pro-poor municipal PPPs. In
Delivering Basic Services to the Poor through Public-Private Partnerships, Joint UNDP-UNESCAP Initiative on Capacity Development of Local Governments in Asia, Bangkok, Thailand.
Cavill, S and
Sohail, M (2007) Bad Faith?: Faith and Corruption in Development Projects. In
Study Day on Faith and Human Development, The Human Development and Capability Association.
Cavill, S and
Sohail, M (2006)
Combating Corruption in the Delivery of Infrastructure Services. In Reading University, (ed)
Conference on Institutions and Development, Reading University.
Sohail, KM (2006) PPPs for improve service delivery at local level. In
Internal PPP summit 2006, United Nation development programme, Istanbul, Turkey.
Cavill, S and
Sohail, M (2006)
Accountability Arrangements to Combat Corruption and Improve Sustainability in the Delivery of Infrastructure Services. In Baldwin, A, Hui, E, Wong, F (ed)
Bear 2006 Construction Sustainability and Innovation, Book of Abstracts and Proceedings of the CIB W89 International Conference on Building Education and Research, Hong Kong, p.112.
Sohail, M and Cavill, S (2006)
Corruption in Construction Projects. In
Construction in Developing Economies: New Issues and Challenges, Proceedings of the CIB W 107 Construction in Developing Economies International Symposium, Santiago, Chile.
Sohail, M and Baldwin, AN (2005)
Principal Considerations in the Use of Community Partnered Procurement for Sustainable Urban Infrastructure. In
Proceedings of The 2005 World Sustainable Building Conference, Tokyo, pp.4263-4270.
Ahmed, A and
Sohail, M (2005)
Children's Perception on their Living Spaces in Dhaka City: A Qualitative Overview. In
XXII World Congress of Architecture, Abstracts, Istanbul, p.17.
Sourani, A and
Sohail, M (2005) A Review of Sustainability in Construction and its Dimensions. In Kahkonen, KE (ed)
11th Joint CIB International Symposium: Combining Forces - Advancing Facilities Management and Construction through Innovation, Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland, pp.536-547.
Martin, N and
Sohail, M (2005) Can regional cooperation deliver investments for the water and sanitation sector in the Caribbean?. In
6th annual conference of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies 'Governance, institutions and economic growth: Reflections on Arthur Lewis' theory of economic growth, Kingston, Jamaica, p.27.
Sourani, AI and
Sohail, M (2005)
Realising social objectives of sustainable construction through procurement strategies. In Sullivan, K and Kashiwagi, DTE (ed)
W92/T23/W107 International Symposium on Procurement systems, The impact of cultural differences and systems on construction performance, CIB, Las Vegas, NV, USA, pp.637-644.
Brown, E, Cloke, J,
Sohail, M (2004)
Key Myths about Corruption (Briefing Paper). In
The 2004 Annual Conference of the Development Studies Association of the UK and Ireland, Bridging Research and Policy, London, UK, pp.0-1.
Ahmed, N,
Sohail, M, Khan, MY (2004) Operation, Maintenance and Sustainability of Infrastructure Related to Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor. In
Second International Symposium on Infrastructural Engineering in Developing Countries, Karachi, Pakistan, pp.85-107.
Sohail, M (2004)
Infrastructure for People - Value Driven Provisions of Infrastructure (Key Note Paper). In
Second International Symposium on Infrastructural Engineering in Developing Countries, Karachi, Pakistan, pp.61-63.
Addo Yobo, FN, Njiru, C,
Sohail, M (2004) Using Consumer Behaviour Studies as a Tool for Improving Water Service Delivery. In
In proceedings of International Water Association (IWA) UK Young Researchers Conference, University of Southampton, UK.
Sohail, M, Mitlin, D, Maunder, DC (2004)
Improving Access and Quality of Public Transport Services through Partnerships. In
Towards More Attractive Urban Transportation, Bucharest, Romania, pp.0-1.
Sohail, M (2003) The Outcome of the Third Water Forum and Their Implications on Urban Local Governments in Asia and Pacific (Key Paper). In
Regional Workshop on 'Pro-Poor and Sustainable Urban Water and Waste Water Management', UNESCAP, Phitsanulok, Thailand, p.4.
Sohail, M (2003) Public Private Partnerships for R&D: Perspective from the Water and Sanitation Sector. In
OECD Conference, Biotechnology for Infectious Diseases: Addressing the Global Needs, Lisbon, Portugal, p.4.
Martin, NA and
Sohail, M (2003)
Regional integration - a way forward for improved water and sanitation services in the Caribbean. In
Regional goverance for sustainability, Second meeting of the academic forum of regional government for sustainable development, Fremantle, Australia, p.27.
Martin, N and
Sohail, M (2003) Can Regional Co-operation Deliver Investments for the Water and Sanitation Sector in the Caribbean?. In
Governance, Institutions and Economic Growth: Reflections on Arthur Lewis' Theory of Economic Growth, 6th Annual Conference, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, Kinston, Jamaica, pp.1-1.
Sohail, M (2003) Overview of Materials and Tools on PSP and the Urban Poor. In
Water Utilities Partnerships, Workshop on Private Sector Participation in Water and Sanitation and the Urban Poor, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, p.4.
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