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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Karen Blay

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Journal Articles

Blay, K, Gorse, C, Goodier, C, Starkey, J, Hwang, S, Pialarissi-Cavalaro, S (2025) Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) crack defect identification, International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, DOI: 10.1108/IJBPA-05-2024-0104.

Yevu, S, Blay, K, Ayinla, K, Hadjidemetriou, G (2025) Artificial Intelligence in offsite and modular construction research, Automation in Construction, ISSN: 0926-5805.

Saad, A, Gorse, C, Goodier, CI, Blay, K, Cavalaro, S (2024) Autoclaved Aerated Concrete in Reinforced Building Applications: A Systematic Review of AAC/RAAC in the Last 40+ Years, Results in Engineering, pp.103431-103431, ISSN: 2590-1230. DOI: 10.1016/j.rineng.2024.103431.

Weerasinghe, LNK, Darko, A, Chan, APC, Blay, K, Edwards, DJ (2024) Measures, benefits, and challenges to retrofitting existing buildings to net zero carbon: A comprehensive review, Journal of Building Engineering, 94(2024), 109998, DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.109998.

Tahseen, M, Hassan, T, Bassioni, H, Blay, K (2023) CMBAS tool for assessing BIM adoption status in construction markets: application for Egypt, Buildings, 13, DOI: 10.3390/buildings13102475.

Blay, K, Amankwaa, E, Afolabi, O, Mensah, P (2023) Managing COVID-19 and health vulnerabilities: mHealth user experience, information quality and policy recommendations, International Development Planning Review, 45(3), pp.249-272, ISSN: 1474-6743. DOI: 10.3828/idpr.2023.6.

Kurwi, S, Demian, P, Hassan, T, Blay, K (2022) A process model for collaboration at the design stage of rail project delivery, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 148(10), 04022105, ISSN: 0733-9364. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0002355.

Maniam, G, Zakaria, NA, Leo, CP, Vassilev, V, Blay, KB, Behzadian, K, Poh, PE (2022) An assessment of technological development and applications of decentralized water reuse: A critical review and conceptual framework, WIREs Water, 9(3), ISSN: 2049-1948. DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1588.

Afolabi, O, Leonard, SA, Osei, E, Blay, K (2021) Country-level assessment of agrifood waste and enabling environment for sustainable utilisation for bioenergy in Nigeria, Journal of Environmental Management, 294, 112929, ISSN: 0301-4797. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112929.

Kurwi, S, Demian, P, Blay, K, Hassan, T (2021) Collaboration through integrated BIM and GIS for the design process in rail projects: formalising the requirements, Infrastructures, 6(4), 52, ISSN: 2412-3811. DOI: 10.3390/infrastructures6040052.

Blay, K, Yeomans, S, Demian, P, Murguia, D (2020) The information resilience framework: Vulnerabilities, capabilities and requirements, Journal of Data and Information Quality, 12(3), 14, ISSN: 1936-1955. DOI: 10.1145/3388786.

Blay, K, Tuuli, MM, France-Mensah, J (2019) Managing change in BIM-Level 2 projects: benefits, challenges, and opportunities, Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 9(5), pp.581-596, ISSN: 2044-124X. DOI: 10.1108/BEPAM-09-2018-0114.

Amankwaa, EF and Blay, K (2018) Cities at risk? Exploring the synergies between smartphones and everyday vulnerabilities, Cities, ISSN: 0264-2751. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2018.06.015.

Agyekum, K, Blay, K, Opoku, A (2018) Mechanisms for preventing rising damp in new building infrastructure, Internal Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, ISSN: 2398-4708. DOI: 10.1108/IJBPA-06-2018-0048.

Xu, J, Zhang, S, Jing, H, Hancock, C, Qiao, P, Shen, N, Blay, K (Accepted for publication) Improving Real-Scene 3D Model Quality of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Oblique-Photogrammetry with a Ground Camera, Remote Sensing, 16(21), pp.3933-3933, DOI: 10.3390/rs16213933.


Hwang, S, Blay, K, Osmani, M, Wang, M (2024) The role of blockchain in enhancing trust: A construction project governance approach. In 2024 European Conference on Computing in Construction; Proceedings of the 2024 European Conference on Computing in Construction, Crete, Greece. DOI: 10.35490/ec3.2024.270.

Hwang, S, Wang, M, Osmani, M, Blay, K (2023) Blockchain-enabled-trust for construction project governance: A conceptual framework. In Skatulla, S and Beushausen, H (ed) 19th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE - 2022); ICCCBE 2022: Advances in Information Technology in Civil and Building Engineering, Cape Town, South Africa,ISBN: 9783031325144. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-32515-1_23.

Nsiah-Appiah, N, Blay, K, Demian, P, Hassan, T (2022) Conceptualising information misinterpretation in digital asset delivery. In 38th Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, Glasgow, UK.

Moghayedi, A, Mehmood, A, Vassilev, V, Aburamadan, R, Blay, K, Nguyen, D, Shrestha, P (Accepted for publication) Interrelationships between sustainability and wellbeing: Three cases from the Global South. In International Conference for Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society (SEEDS), Leeds, UK.

Moghayedi, A, Kourosh, BM, Vassilev, V, Akinwumi, I, Mehmood, A, Choe, P, Leo, C, Poh, P, Blay, K, Diazsolano, J (Accepted for publication) Causality between challenges, motivations, and extent of use of water recycling systems in residential properties. In Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society Conference, Leeds Beckett University.

Behzadian Moghadam, K, Moghayedi, A, Diazsolano, J, Peng, LC, Eong, PP, Akinwumi, I, Vassilev, V, Mehmood, A, Blay, K (Accepted for publication) Community engagement for developing strategic planning of residential water reuse schemes. In International conference on AQUA≈360: Water for All - Emerging Issues and Innovation, University of Exeter.

Salazar-Vela, J, Blay, K, Demian, P (2020) Social value in the digitalised construction environment. In Scott, L and Neilson, CJ (ed) ARCOM, Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference; Proceedings of the 36th Annual ARCOM Conference, Online, pp.75-84, ISBN: 9780995546332.

Blay, K (2018) The impact of inclusiveness on resilience in Temporary Multidisciplinary Organizations (TMO). In Construction Research Congress, New Orleans,ISBN: 9780784481295. DOI: 10.1061/9780784481295.025.

Blay, K, Anvuur, AM, Dainty, A (2018) Comparing resilience in organisations and projects. In ARCOM, Belfast,ISBN: 9780995546325.

Banahene, KO, Anvuur, A, Dainty, A (2014) Conceptualising organisational resilience: an investigation into project organising. In 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, Portsmouth, UK, pp.795-804, ISBN: 9780955239083.

Banahene, KO and Tuuli, M (2013) Towards a Framework for Briefing for Building Information Modelling (B4BIM) Enabled Projects. In Liu, AMM, Rowlinson, S, Ng, TST, Lu, WWS, Chan, IYS (ed) Proceedings of the HKU-HKHA International Conference 2013: Construction and Housing in the 21st Century, Hong Kong, pp.66-77.


Blay, K, Yeomans, S, Demian, P, Murguia-Sanchez, D (2019) Information resilience in a digital built environment, Center for Digital Built Britain.

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