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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Kevin Lomas

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Journal Articles

Petrou, G, Mavrogianni, A, Symonds, P, Chalabi, Z, Lomas, K, Mylona, A, Davies, M (2024) Development of a Bayesian calibration framework for archetype-based housing stock models of summer indoor temperature, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, ISSN: 1940-1493. DOI: 10.1080/19401493.2024.2421330.

Lomas, K, Morgan, K, Haines, V, Hartescu, I, Beizaee, A, Barnes, J, Zambelli, Z, Ravikumar, MR, Rossi, V (2024) Homes Heat Health protocol: an observational cohort study measuring the effect of summer temperatures on sleep quality, BMJ Open, 14(7), e086797, ISSN: 2044-6055. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-086797.

Lomas, K, Li, M, Drury, P (2024) How do energy efficiency measures affect the risk of summertime overheating and cold discomfort? Evidence from English homes, Energy Policy, 188, 114108, ISSN: 0301-4215. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2024.114108.

Lomas, K and Li, M (2023) An overheating criterion for bedrooms in temperate climates: Derivation and application, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 44(5), pp.485-517, ISSN: 0143-6244. DOI: 10.1177/01436244231183113.

Bhadra, J, Beizaee, A, Lomas, K, Hartescu, I (2023) 0219 Experimental study on thermal comfort and sleep quality of sleeping people in overheated bedroom conditions in the UK [Abstract], SLEEP, 46(Supplement_1), ISSN: 0161-8105. DOI: 10.1093/sleep/zsad077.0219.

Taylor, J, McLeod, R, Petrou, G, Hopfe, C, Mavrogianni, A, Castaño-Rosa, R, Pelsmakers, S, Lomas, K (2023) Ten questions concerning residential overheating in Central and Northern Europe, Building and Environment, 234, 110154, ISSN: 0360-1323. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110154.

Watson, S, Crawley, J, Lomas, K, Buswell, R (2023) Predicting future GB heat pump electricity demand, Energy and Buildings, 286, 112917, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.112917.

Tsang, C, Spentzou, E, Lomas, K, He, M (2022) Reducing energy consumption and improving comfort by retrofitting residential buildings in the hot summer and cold winter zone of China, Journal of Architectural Engineering, 28(4), 04022033, ISSN: 1076-0431. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000568.

Drury, P, Watson, S, Lomas, K (2021) Summertime overheating in UK homes: is there a safe haven?, Buildings and Cities, 2(1), pp.970-990, DOI: 10.5334/bc.152.

Roberts, BM, Allinson, D, Lomas, K (2021) Evaluating methods for estimating whole house air infiltration rates in summer: implications for overheating and indoor air quality, International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 41(1), pp.45-72, ISSN: 2398-4708. DOI: 10.1108/IJBPA-06-2021-0085.

Lomas, K, Allinson, D, Watson, S, Beizaee, A, Haines, V, Li, M (2021) Energy savings from domestic zonal heating controls: Robust evidence from a controlled field trial, Energy and Buildings, 254, 111572, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111572.

Lomas, K (2021) Summertime overheating in dwellings in temperate climates, Buildings and Cities, 2(1), pp.487-494, DOI: 10.5334/bc.128.

Lomas, K, Watson, S, Allinson, D, Fateh, A, Beaumont, A, Allen, J, Foster, H, Garrett, H (2021) Dwelling and household characteristics' influence on reported and measured summertime overheating: a glimpse of a mild climate in the 2050's, Building and Environment, 201, 107986, ISSN: 0360-1323. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.107986.

Duran, Ö and Lomas, K (2021) Retrofitting post-war office buildings: Interventions for energy efficiency, improved comfort, productivity and cost reduction, Journal of Building Engineering, 42, 102746, ISSN: 2352-7102. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102746.

Watson, S, Lomas, K, Buswell, R (2021) How will heat pumps alter national half-hourly heat demands? Empirical modelling based on GB field trials, Energy and Buildings, 238, 110777, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.110777.

Lomas, K (2019) Overheating in new homes: a new design tool, Buildings and Cities.

Gustin, M, McLeod, R, Lomas, K, Petrou, G, Mavrogianni, A (2019) A high-resolution indoor heat-health warning system for dwellings, Building and Environment, 168, 106519, ISSN: 0360-1323. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106519.

Lomas, KJ, Beizaee, A, Allinson, D, Haines, VJ, Beckhelling, J, Loveday, DL, Porritt, SM, Mallaband, B, Morton, A (2019) A domestic operational rating for UK homes: Concept, formulation and application, Energy and Buildings, 201, pp.90-117, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.07.021.

Badiei, A, Allinson, D, Lomas, K (2019) Automated dynamic thermal simulation of houses and housing stocks using readily available reduced data, Energy and Buildings, 203, 109431, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.109431.

Li, M, Allinson, D, Lomas, K (2019) Estimation of building heat transfer coefficients from in-use data: Impacts of unmonitored energy flows, International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 38(1), pp.38-50, ISSN: 2398-4708. DOI: 10.1108/IJBPA-02-2019-0022.

Roberts, BM, Allinson, D, Diamond, S, Abel, B, Das Bhaumik, C, Khatami, N, Lomas, K (2019) Predictions of summertime overheating: comparison of dynamic thermal models and measurements in synthetically occupied test houses, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 40(4), pp.512-552, ISSN: 0143-6244. DOI: 10.1177/0143624419847349.

Gustin, M, McLeod, R, Lomas, K (2019) Can semi-parametric additive models outperform linear models, when forecasting indoor temperatures in free-running buildings?, Energy and Buildings, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.03.048.

Watson, S, Lomas, K, Buswell, R (2018) Decarbonising domestic heating: what is the peak GB demand?, Energy Policy, ISSN: 0301-4215. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.11.001.

Gustin, M, McLeod, R, Lomas, K (2018) Forecasting indoor temperatures during heatwaves using time series models, Building and Environment, 143 (October 2018), pp.727-739, ISSN: 0360-1323. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.07.045.

Lomas, KJ, Oliveira, S, Warren, P, Haines, VJ, Chatterton, T, Beizaee, A, Prestwood, E, Gething, B (2018) Do domestic heating controls save energy? A review of the evidence, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 93, pp.52-75, ISSN: 1364-0321. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2018.05.002.

Fifield, L-J, Lomas, K, Giridharan, R, Allinson, D (2018) Hospital wards and modular construction: Summertime overheating and energy efficiency, Building and Environment, 141, pp.28-44, ISSN: 0360-1323. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.05.041.

Roberts, BM, Allinson, D, Lomas, K (2018) A matched pair of test houses with synthetic occupants to investigate summertime overheating, Journal of Sustainable Design & Applied Research, 6(1), pp.29-38, ISSN: 2009-549X. DOI: 10.21427/D70N8S.

Jack, R, Loveday, D, Allinson, D, Lomas, K (2017) First evidence for the reliability of building co-heating tests, Building Research & Information, pp.1-19, ISSN: 0961-3218. DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2017.1299523.

Lomas, K and Porritt, S (2016) Overheating in buildings: lessons from research, Building Research and Information, 45(1-2), pp.1-18, ISSN: 0961-3218. DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2017.1256136.

Short, CA, Giridharan, R, Lomas, K (2016) Taking the temperature: Heat stress, CIBSE Journal, pp.40-44, ISSN: 1759-846X.

Jones, RV and Lomas, KJ (2016) Determinants of high electrical energy demand in UK homes: Appliance ownership and use, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 117, pp.71-82, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.02.020.

Allinson, D, Irvine, K, Edmondson, JL, Tiwary, A, Hill, G, Morris, J, Bell, MC, Davies, ZG, Firth, S, Fisher, J, Gaston, KJ, Leake, JR, McHugh, N, Namdeo, A, Rylatt, M, Lomas, K (2016) Measurement and analysis of household carbon: the case of a UK city, Applied Energy, 164, pp.871-881, ISSN: 0306-2619. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.11.054.

Morris, J, Allinson, D, Harrison, J, Lomas, K (2015) Benchmarking and tracking domestic gas and electricity consumption at the local authority level, Energy Efficiency, 9(3), pp.723-743, ISSN: 1570-646X. DOI: 10.1007/s12053-015-9393-8.

Short, CA, Renganathan, G, Lomas, KJ (2015) Erratum: A medium-rise 1970s maternity hospital in the east of England: Resilience and adaptation to climate change (Building Services Engineering Research & Technology (2015 36:2 (247-274) DOI: 10.1177/0143624414567544), Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 36(4), pp.519-520, ISSN: 0143-6244. DOI: 10.1177/0143624415587210.

Jones, RV and Lomas, K (2015) Determinants of high electrical energy demand in UK homes: socio-economic and dwelling characteristics, Energy and Buildings, 101, pp.24-34, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.04.052.

Short, CA, Giridharan, R, Lomas, K (2015) A medium-rise 1970s maternity hospital in the east of England: resilience and adaptation to climate change, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 36(2), pp.247-274, ISSN: 0143-6244. DOI: 10.1177/0143624414567544.

Beizaee, A, Allinson, D, Lomas, K, Foda, E, Loveday, D (2015) Measuring the potential of zonal space heating controls to reduce energy use in UK homes: the case of un-furbished 1930s dwellings, Energy and Buildings, 92, pp.29-44, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.01.040.

Iddon, CR, Mills, T, Renganathan, G, Lomas, K (2015) The influence of hospital ward design on resilience to heat waves: An exploration using distributed lag models, Energy and Buildings, 86, pp.573-588, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.09.053.

Jones, RV, Fuertes, A, Lomas, K (2015) The socio-economic, dwelling and appliance related factors affecting electricity consumption in domestic buildings, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 43, pp.901-917, ISSN: 1364-0321. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2014.11.084.

Kane, T, Firth, S, Lomas, K (2014) How are UK homes heated? A city-wide, socio-technical survey and implications for energy modelling, Energy and Buildings, 86, pp.817-832, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.10.011.

Taylor, S, Allinson, D, Firth, S, Lomas, K (2013) Dynamic energy modelling of uk housing: Evaluation of alternative approaches, Proceedings of BS 2013: 13th Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, pp.745-752.

Giridharan, R, Lomas, KJ, Short, CA, Fair, AJ (2013) Performance of hospital spaces in summer: A case study of a ‘Nucleus’-type hospital in the UK Midlands, Building and Environment, tbc, pp.tbc-tbc, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2013.07.001.

Lomas, KJ and Kane, T (2013) Summertime temperatures and thermal comfort in UK homes, Building Research and Information, 41(3), pp.259-280, ISSN: 0961-3218. DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2013.757886.

Beizaee, A, Lomas, KJ, Firth, SK (2013) National Survey of Summertime Temperatures and Overheating Risk in English Homes, Building and Environment, 65, pp.1-17.

Short, CA, Lomas, KJ, Giridharan, R, Fair, AJ (2012) Building resilience to overheating into 1960's UK hospital buildings within the constraint of the national carbon reduction target: Adaptive strategies, Building and Environment, 55, pp.73-95, ISSN: 0360-1323. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2012.02.031.

Lomas, KJ and Giridharan, R (2012) Thermal comfort standards, measured internal temperatures and thermal resilience to climate change of free-running buildings: A case-study of hospital wards, Building and Environment, 55, pp.57-72, ISSN: 0360-1323. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.12.006.

Lomas, KJ, Giridharan, R, Short, CA, Fair, AJ (2012) Resilience of 'Nightingale' hospital wards in a changing climate, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology: an international journal, 33(1), pp.81-103, ISSN: 0143-6244.

Kelly, S, Shipworth, M, Shipworth, D, Gentry, M, Wright, A, Pollitt, M, Crawford-Brown, D, Lomas, KJ (2012) Predicting the diversity of internal temperatures from English residential sector using panel methods, Applied Energy, 102, pp.601-621, DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.08.015.

Short, CA, Lomas, KJ, Giridharan, R, Fair, AJ (2012) Building resilience to overheating into 1960's UK hospital buildings within the constraint of the national carbon reduction target: Adaptive strategies, Building and Environment, ISSN: 0360-1323.

Lomas, KJ and Giridharan, R (2012) Thermal comfort standards, measured internal temperatures and thermal resilience to climate change of free-running buildings: a case-study of hospital wards, Building and Environment, TBC, pp.TBC-TBC, DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.12.006.

Firth, SK, Lomas, KJ, Rees, SJ (2010) A simple model of PV system performance and its use in fault detection, Solar Energy, 84(4), pp.624-635.

Lomas, KJ (2010) Carbon reduction in buildings: a trans disciplinary approach, Building Research and Information, Editorial, Special Issue CaRB project, 38(1), tba.

Shipworth, MD, Firth, SK, Gentry, MI, Wright, AJ, Shipworth, DT, Lomas, KJ (2010) Central heating thermostat settings and timing: building demographics, Building Research & Information, 38(1), pp.50-69, ISSN: 0961-3218.

Firth, SK, Lomas, KJ, Wright, AJ (2010) Targeting household energy-efficiency measures using sensitivity analysis, Building Research and Information: the international journal of research, development and demonstration, 38(1), pp.25-41, ISSN: 0961-3218. DOI: 10.1080/09613210903236706.

Lomas, KJ (2010) Editorial: Carbon reduction in existing buildings: A transdisciplinary approach, Building Research and Information, 38(1), pp.1-11, ISSN: 0961-3218. DOI: 10.1080/09613210903350937.

Firth, SK, Lomas, KJ, Wright, AJ (2010) Targeting household energy-efficiency measures using sensitivity analysis, Building Research and Information, 38(1), pp.25-41, ISSN: 0961-3218. DOI: 10.1080/09613210903236706.

Lomas, KJ, Bell, MC, Firth, SK, Gaston, KJ, Goodman, P, Leake, JR, Namdeo, A, Rylatt, M, Allinson, D, Davies, ZG, Edmondson, JL, Galatioto, F, Brake, JA, Guo, L, Fill, G, Irvine, KN, Taylor, SC, Tiwary, A (2010) The carbon footprint of UK Cities: 4M: measurement, modelling, mapping and measurement, ISOCARP Review 06: Int. Soc. of City and Regional Planners, 6(1), pp.168-191.

Short, CA, Cook, M, Lomas, KJ (2009) Erratum: Delivery and performance of a low-energy ventilation and cooling strategy (Building Research & Information 37:1 (1-30) DOI:10.1080/ 09613210802607841), Building Research and Information, 37(3), p.344, ISSN: 0961-3218. DOI: 10.1080/09613210902917090.

Ji, Y, Lomas, KJ, Cook, MJ (2009) Hybrid ventilation for low energy building design in south China, Building and Environment, 44(.), pp.2245-2255, ISSN: 0360-1323.

Lomas, KJ, Cook, MJ, Short, CA (2009) Commissioning hybrid advanced naturally ventilated buildings: a US case-study, Building Research and Information, 37(4), pp.397-412, ISSN: 0961-3218. DOI: 10.1080/09613210902920797.

Lomas, KJ (2009) Decarbonising national housing stocks: strategies, barriers and measurements, , 37(2), pp.187-191, ISSN: 0961-3218.

Lomas, KJ and Ji, Y (2009) Resilience of naturally ventilated buildings to climate change: advanced naturally ventilated buildings and hospital wards, Energy and Buildings, 41(6), pp.629-653, ISSN: 0378-7788.

Lomas, KJ (2009) Decarbonizing national housing stocks: strategies, barriers and measurement, BUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION, 37(2), pp.187-191, ISSN: 0961-3218. DOI: 10.1080/09613210802645874.

Lomas, KJ and Ji, Y (2009) Resilience of naturally ventilated buildings to climate change: advanced naturally ventilated buildings and hospital wards, Energy & Buildings, 41(6), pp.629-653, ISSN: 0378-7788.

Short, CA, Cook, M, Lomas, KJ (2009) Delivery and performance of a low-energy ventilation and cooling strategy, BUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION, 37(1), pp.1-30, ISSN: 0961-3218. DOI: 10.1080/09613210802607841.

Firth, SK, Lomas, KJ, Wright, A, Wall, R (2008) Identifying trends in the use of domestic appliances from household electricity consumption measurements, Energy and Buildings, 40(5), pp.926-936, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2007.07.005.

Rees, SJ, Lomas, KJ, Fiala, D (2008) Predicting local thermal discomfort adjacent to glazing, ASHRAE Transactions, 114(1), ISSN: 0001-2505.

Rees, SJ, Lomas, KJ, Fiala, D (2008) Predicting local thermal discomfort adjacent to glazing, ASHRAE Transactions, 114(1), pp.131-141, ISSN: 0001-2505.

Firth, SK, Lomas, K, Wright, A, Wall, R (2008) Identifying trends in the use of comestic applicances from household electricity consumption measurements, Energy and Buildings 40, pp.926-936.

Cook, MJ, Krausse, B, Lomas, KJ (2007) Environmental performance of a naturally ventilated city centre library, Energy and Buildings, 39(7), pp.792-801, ISSN: 0378-7788.

Krausse, B, Cook, MJ, Lomas, KJ (2007) Environmental performance of a naturally ventilated city centre library, Energy and Buildings, 39(7), pp.792-801, ISSN: 0378-7788.

Lomas, KJ (2007) Architectural design of an advanced naturally ventilated building form, Energy and Buildings, 39, pp.166-181, ISSN: 0378-7788.

Short, CA and Lomas, KJ (2007) Exploiting a hybrid environmental design strategy in a US continental climate, Building Research and Information, 35(2), pp.119-143, ISSN: 0961-3218.

Cook, MJ, Lomas, KJ, Fiala, D (2006) Low energy architecture for a severe US climate: design and evaluation of a hybrid ventilation strategy, Energy and Buildings, 39(1), pp.32-44, ISSN: 0378-7788.

Lomas, KJ, Cook, MJ, Fiala, D (2006) Low energy architecture for a severe US climate: design and evalutaion of a hybrid ventilation strategy, Energy and Buildings, 39(1), pp.32-44, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2006.03.032.

Lomas, K (2005) How can we reduce carbon emissions from buildings? Energy Resource Environmental and Sustainable Management, 2005(JUL/AUG), p.4, ISSN: 1478-7539.

Lomas, KJ and Pfrommer, P (2005) Coupled simulations for hygrothermal investigation of subterranean car parks and similar spaces, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 26(1), pp.11-33, ISSN: 0143-6244.

Lomas, K, Fiala, D, Cook, M, Cropper, PC (2004) Building bioclimatic charts for non-domestic buildings and passive downdraught evaporative cooling, ISSN: 0360-1323. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2003.12.011.

Cook, MJ, Robinson, D, Lomas, KJ, Eppel, H (2004) Passive downdraught evaporative cooling: thermal modelling of an office building, Indoor and Built Environment, 13(3), pp.205-221, ISSN: 1420-326X.

Lomas, KJ, Stokes, M, Rylatt, M (2004) A simple model of domestic lighting demand, Energy and Buildings, 36, pp.103-116, ISSN: 0378-7788.

Lomas, KJ, Short, CA, Woods, A (2004) Design strategy for low-energy ventilation and cooling within an urban heat island, Building Research and Information, 32(3), pp.187-206, ISSN: 0961-3218.

Lomas, KJ, Fiala, D, Cook, MJ, Cropper, PC (2004) Building bioclimatic charts for non-domestic buildings and passive downdraught evaporative cooling, Building and Environment, 39(6), pp.360-1323, ISSN: 0360-1323. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2003.12.011.

Lomas, KJ, Robinson, D, Cook, MJ, Eppel, H (2004) Passive down-draught evaporative cooling: thermal modelling of an office building, Indoor and Built Environment, 13(3), pp.205-221, ISSN: 1420-326X. DOI: 10.1177/1420326X04043816.

Lomas, KJ, Fiala, D, Stohrer, M (2003) First principles modeling of thermal sensation responses in steady-state and transient conditions, ASHRAE Transactions, 109(1), pp.179-186, ISSN: 1088-8586.

Lomas, KJ, Gadsden, S, Rylatt, M (2003) Putting solar energy on the urban map: a new GIS-based approach for dwellings, Solar Energy, Elsevier, 74(5), pp.397-407, ISSN: 0038-092X.

Lomas, KJ, Gadsden, S, Rylatt, M, Robinson, D (2003) Predicting the urban solar fraction: a methodology for energy advisers and planners based on GIS, Energy and Buildings, 35(1), pp.37-48, ISSN: 0378-7788.

Lomas, KJ, Rylatt, M, Gadsden, S (2003) Methods of predicting urban domestic energy demand with reduced datasets: a review and a new GIS-based approach, Buildings Services Engineering, 24(2), pp.93-102, ISSN: 0143-6244.

Lomas, KJ, Rylatt, M, Gadsden, S (2003) Using GIS to estimate the replacement potential of solar energy for urban dwellings,, Environment and Planning B, Planning and Design, 30, pp.51-68, ISSN: 0265-8135.

Lomas, KJ, Fiala, D, Strohrer, M (2001) Computer prediction of human thermoregulatory and temperature responses to a wide range of environmental conditions, Int Journal of Biometeorology (Int Soc B), 45(143-159), pp.143-159, ISSN: 0020-7128.

Lomas, KJ, Rylatt, M, Gadsden, S (2001) GIS-based decision support for solar energy planning in urban environments, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 25(6), pp.579-603, ISSN: 0198-9715.

Lomas, KJ, Bowman, NT, Eppel, H, Robinson, D, Cook, MJ (2000) Passive downdraught evaporative cooling I. Concept and precedents, Indoor and Built Environment, 9(5), pp.284-290, ISSN: 1420-326X. DOI: 10.1177/1420326X0000900506.

Lomas, KJ, Cook, MJ, Robinson, D, Bowman, NT, Eppel, H (2000) Passive downdraught evaporative cooling II. Airflow modelling, Indoor and Built Environment, 9(6), pp.325-334, ISSN: 1420-326X. DOI: 10.1177/1420326X0000900604.

Bowman, NT, Eppel, H, Lomas, KJ, Robinson, D, Cook, MJ (2000) Passive Downdraught Evaporative Cooling, Indoor and Built Environment, 9(5), pp.284-290, ISSN: 1420-326X. DOI: 10.1159/000057521.

Lomas, KJ, Fiala, D, Stohrer, M (1999) A computer model of human thermoregulation for a wide range of environmental conditions: the passive system, Journal of Applied Physiology, 87(5), pp.1957-1972, ISSN: 1522-1601.

Schweizer, C, Eicker, U, Lomas, K (1998) Dynamic calculation of daylighting in urban structures, Renewable Energy, 15(1-4), pp.360-363, ISSN: 0960-1481. DOI: 10.1016/s0960-1481(98)00187-6.

Lomas, KJ and Cook, MJ (1998) Buoyancy driven displacement ventilation flows: evaluation of two eddy viscosity turbulence models for prediction, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology: an international journal, 19(1), pp.15-21, ISSN: 0143-6244. DOI: 10.1177/014362449801900103.

Lomas, KJ, Bowman, NT, Cook, MJ, Eppel, H, Ford, B, Hewitt, M, Cucinella, M, Francis, E (1997) Application of passive downdraught evaporative cooling (PDEC) to non-domestic buildings, Renewable Energy, 10(2/3), pp.191-196, ISSN: 0960-1481. DOI: 10.1016/0960-1481(96)00062-6.

Lomas, KJ, Eppel, H, Martin, CJ, Bloomfield, DP (1997) Empirical validation of building energy simulation programs, Energy & Buildings, Energy & Buildings, 26(3), pp.253-276, ISSN: 0378-7788.

Lomas, KJ, Eppel, H, Martin, CJ, Bloomfield, DP (1997) Empirical validation of building energy simulation programs, Energy and Buildings, 26(3), pp.253-275, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI: 10.1016/s0378-7788(97)00007-8.

Lomas, KJ (1996) The UK applicability study: an evaluation of thermal simulation programs for passive solar house design, Building & Environment, 31(3), pp.197-206, ISSN: 0360-1323.

Lomas, KJ, Pfrommer, P, Kupke, C (1996) Solar Radiation Transport Through Slat-type Blinds: A New Model and its Application for Thermal Simulation of Buildings, Solar Energy, 57(2), pp.77-91, ISSN: 0038-092X.

Lomas, KJ, Pfrommer, P, Kupke, C (1994) Influence of transmission models for special glazing on the predicted performance of commercial buildings, Energy & Buildings, 21(2), pp.101-110, ISSN: 0378-7788.

Lomas, KJ, Pfrommer, P, Kupke, C (1994) The radiation transfer through coated and tinted glazing, Solar Energy, 54(5), pp.287-299.

Lomas, KJ and Mardaljevic, J (1993) Creating the right image, Building Services, The CIBSE Journal, pp.28-30, ISSN: 0951-9270.

Lomas, KJ, Prfrommer, P, Kupke, C (1993) Calculation of the incidence angle dependent transmissivity of coated and tinted glazing, Glaswelt, FRG, tba.

Lomas, KJ, Pfrommer, P, Strohrer, M (1993) The influence of orientation, tilt, coatings and solar protection measures on the transmission and heat gain factor of multiple glazing systems, Wksb, New Services, 32, p.913.

Lomas, KJ and Eppel, H (1992) Sensitivity analysis techniques for building thermal simulation programs, Energy and Buildings, 19(1), pp.21-43, ISSN: 0378-7788.

Lomas, KJ (1991) Availability of monitored hourly building performance data for validating dynamic thermal models of buildings, Tech Note Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 12(2), pp.71-74, ISSN: 0143-6244.

Lomas, KJ (1991) Dynamic thermal simulation models of buildings: a new method for empirical validation, Building Services Engineering Research and Techno, 12(1), pp.25-37, ISSN: 0143-6244.

Lomas, KJ, Bloomfield, DP, Parand, F, Cole, A, Pinney, AA (1991) Dynamic thermal models: reliability for domestic building design, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 12(4), pp.115-128, ISSN: 0143-6244.

Bowman, N and Lomas, K (1988) SUCCESSES AND FRUSTRATIONS OF DYNAMIC SIMULATION, Australian refrigeration, Air conditioning and heating, 42(4), ISSN: 0005-0148.

Lomas, KJ and Bowman, NT (1985) Empirical validation of dynamic thermal computer models of buildings, Building Services Engineering Research & Technology, 6(4), pp.153-162, ISSN: 0143-6244.

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Beizaee, A, Lomas, K, Rossi, V, Morgan, K, Hartescu, I, Ravikumar, MR, Haines, V, Barnes, J, Zambelli, Z (2024) Investigating the effect of bedroom temperatures on thermal comfort and sleep quality in natural settings. In Comfort at the Extremes (CATE) 2024; Proceedings of the conference Comfort at the Extremes (CATE) 2024, Seville, Spain.

Ravikumar, MR, Hartescu, I, Lomas, K, Beizaee, A, Rossi, V, Haines, V, Barnes, J, Zambelli, Z, Morgan, K (2024) Operationalising “temperature-related sleep disturbance” in a warming climate [Abstract]. In Sleep Europe Congress: The 27th Conference of the European Sleep Research Society; Journal of Sleep Research: Volume 33, Issue S1. Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain, Seville, Spain, pp.61-62, DOI: 10.1111/jsr.14290.

Swan, M, Beizaee, A, Roberts, BM, Bennett, G, Lomas, K (2024) The impact of uncertain input parameters in Dynamic Thermal Models on overheating assessment. In CIBSE Technical Symposium 2024, Cardiff, UK.

Drury, P, Beizaee, A, Lomas, K (2024) Evaluating the summertime overheating signature of domestic buildings using synthetic temperature data. In Pisello, AL, Pigliautile, I, Lau, SSY, Clark, NM (ed) International Conference on “Health & Environmental Resilience and Livability in Cities -The challenge of climate change (HERL 2022); Building Resilient and Healthy Cities: A Guide to Environmental Sustainability and Well-being, Perugia, Italy, pp.93-103, ISBN: 9783031338625. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-33863-2_7.

Roberts, BM, Lomas, K, Gough, KV, Kasei, R, Manu, FW, Spentzou, E, Wilby, R (2023) Designing dwellings to cope with extreme heat in low-income communities. In Comfort At The Extremes 2023; Comfort At The Extremes 2023 conference, Ahmedabad, India, pp.52-60, DOI: 10.62744/CATE.45273.1127-084-092.

Bhadra, J, Beizaee, A, Lomas, K, Hartescu, I (2023) Assessing the self-rated sleep quality in UK homes, based on an online survey. In CISBAT International Conference 2023; Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Lausanne, Switzerland. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2600/14/142004.

Bhadra, J, Beizaee, A, Hartescu, I, Lomas, K (2023) P49 Assessing sleep quality and thermal comfort in real bedrooms: towards a standardised methodology. In BSS Sleep 2023 – Biennial Scientific Meeting of the British Sleep Society; BMJ Open Respiratory Research, Leeds, UK. DOI: 10.1136/bmjresp-2023-bssconf.58.

Roberts, BM, Abel, B, Allinson, D, Crowley, J, Das Bhaumik, C, Diamond, S, Lomas, K (2023) Identifying the causes of discrepancy between measured and modelled indoor temperatures in two synthetically occupied test houses. In CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium 2023; CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium 2023, Glasgow, UK.

Roberts, BM, Kasei, R, Codjoe, SNA, Amankwaa, EF, Gough, KV, Abdullah, K, Mensah, P, Lomas, K (2022) Comparing indoor air quality in naturally ventilated and air-conditioned hospitals in the tropics. In 42nd AIVC-10th TightVent & 8th Venticool Conference, 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Roberts, BM, Abel, B, Allinson, D, Crowley, J, Rashid, T, Salehi, B, Lomas, K (2022) A dataset from synthetically occupied test houses for validating model predictions of overheating. In CIBSE Technical Symposium 2022, London, UK.

Halls, B, Firth, S, Lomas, K (2022) The influence of dwelling energy efficiency on the sensitivity of inputs to a steady-state energy model. In Saelens, D, Laverge, J, Boydens, W, Helsen, L (ed) Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA; Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA, Bruges, Belgium, pp.1727-1734, ISBN: 9781775052029. DOI: 10.26868/25222708.2021.30546.

Duran, O and Lomas, K (2021) An advanced refurbishment evaluation methodology for modernist office buildings. In Akansel, S, Çay, RD, Osmanoğlu, İ (ed) XIIth International Sinan Symposium; Proceedings of the XIIth International Sinan Symposium, Edirne, Turkey (Online), pp.149-164, ISBN: 9789753742924.

Drury, P and Lomas, K (2020) No escape from the heat? Bedroom temperatures during England’s hottest summer. In Finlayson, SRFNW (ed) 11th Windsor Conference 2020: Resilient Comfort; Windsor 2020 Conference Proceedings, Windsor, UK, pp.69-83, ISBN: 9781916187634.

Gustin, M, McLeod, RS, Lomas, K (2019) Forecasting indoor temperatures during heatwaves: Do more complex models provide better predictions?. In Building Simulation Conference Proceedings, Rome, Italy, pp.4243-4250, ISBN: 9781713809418. DOI: 10.26868/25222708.2019.210804.

Tsang, C, Spentzou, E, He, M, Lomas, K (2018) Evaluating energy savings of retrofits for urban dwellings in the hot summer and cold winter zone of China. In Building Simulation and Optimization 2018; IBPSA-England, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, pp.284-291.

Roberts, BM, Allinson, D, Lomas, K (2018) Overheating in dwellings: a matched pair of test houses with synthetic occupants. In CIBSE Technical Symposium, London.

Quigley, ES and Lomas, K (2018) Performance of medium-rise, thermally lightweight apartment buildings during a heat wave. In Windsor Conference: rethinking construction, Windsor UK,ISBN: 9780992895785.

Wright, DL, Haines, V, Lomas, K (2018) Overheating in UK homes: Adaptive opportunities, actions and barriers. In Windsor Conference: rethinking construction, Windsor, London, UK,ISBN: 9780992895785.

Gustin, M, McLeod, R, Lomas, K (2018) Prediction of internal temperatures during hot summer conditions with time series forecasting models. In Building Simulation and Optimization 2018, Cambridge, UK.

Tsang, C, Spentzou, E, He, M, Lomas, K (2018) Evaluating energy savings retrofits for residential buildings in China. In Proceedings of the 4th IBPSA-England Conference on Building Simulation and Optimization, Cambridge, UK, pp.284-291.

Chasapis, K, Allinson, D, Lomas, K (2018) Early-stage design decision-making for Community Energy Schemes. In Building Simulation and Optimization 2018, Emmanual College, Univ. of Cambridge, pp.60-67.

Oraiopoulos, A, Kane, T, Firth, S, Lomas, K (2017) Development of a statistical model for the prediction of overheating in UK homes using descriptive time series analysis. In 15th International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), San Francisco.

Gustin, M, Oraiopoulos, A, McLeod, R, Lomas, K (2017) A new empirical model incorporating spatial interpolation of meteorological data for the prediction of overheating risks in UK dwellings. In PLEA 2017, Edinburgh,ISBN: 9780992895754.

Roberts, BM, Allinson, D, Lomas, K, Porritt, S (2017) The effect of refurbishment and trickle vents on airtightness: the case of a 1930s semi-detached house. In 38th AIVC - 6th TightVent - 4th venticool Conference, Nottingham, UK, pp.369-380.

Jack, R, Loveday, D, Allinson, D, Lomas, K (2015) Quantifying the effect of window opening on the measured heat loss of a test house. In International SEEDS Conference 2015: Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society, Leeds Beckett University.

Duran, O, Taylor, S, Lomas, K (2015) The impact of refurbishment on thermal comfort in post-war office buildings. In Energy Procedia, pp.877-882, DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.011.

Oraiopoulos, A, Kane, T, Firth, S, Lomas, K (2015) Measured internal temperatures in UK homes: a time series analysis and modelling approach. In , Energy Procedia, pp.2844-2850, DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.645.

He, C, Lee, T, Taylor, S, Firth, S, Lomas, K (2015) Coupling a stochastic occupancy model to EnergyPlus to predict hourly thermal demand of a neighbourhood. In , Hyderabad, India, pp.2101-2108, ISBN: 9789352301188.

Witt, H, Taylor, S, Lomas, K, Liddiard, R (2015) Simulation of energy use in UK supermarkets using EnergyPlus. In , Hyderabad, India, pp.1095-1102, ISBN: 9789352301188.

Duran, O, Taylor, S, Lomas, K (2015) Evaluation of refurbishment strategies for post-war office buildings. In , Hyderabad, India, pp.138-145, ISBN: 9789352301188.

Oraiopoulos, A, Kane, T, Firth, S, Lomas, K (2015) Measured internal temperatures in UK homes: a time series analysis and modelling approach. In 14th International Conference of IBPSA - Building Simulation 2015, BS 2015, Conference Proceedings, pp.1692-1699, ISBN: 9789352301188.

Lee, T, He, M, Taylor, S, Firth, SK, Lomas, K (2014) Incorporating occupant behaviour into a housing stock model for the North East of England. In Occupant Behaviour 2014, Nottingham, UK, -.

Ng, T, Li, J, Lomas, K, Zou, W (2014) Sustainable refurbishment solutions for high-rise residential buildings in subtropical areas. In Hirota, EH, Formoso, CT, Onyango, J (ed) ZEMCH2014 International Conference; ZEMCH 2014 Inteternational Conference Proceedings: Mass Customisation and Sustainability in Housing, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil, pp.266-275, ISBN: 9780991060818.

Lee, T, He, C, Taylor, S, Firth, S, Lomas, K (2014) Developing a geographically detailed housing stock model for the North East of England. In USAR 2014, London, UK.

He, C, Lee, T, Taylor, S, Firth, S, Lomas, K (2014) Dynamic modelling of a large scale retrofit programme for the housing stock in the North East of England. In USAR 2014, London, UK.

Ng, TST, Xu, J, Anumba, CJ, Lomas, K (2014) Using historic cases to formulate appropriate sustainable building refurbishment strategy. In Proc. World Sustainable Building Conf. B14, Barcelona, Spain, pp.208-214, ISBN: 9788469718155.

Taylor, SC, Allinson, D, Firth, SK, Lomas, KJ (2013) Dynamic energy modelling of UK housing: evaluation of alternative approaches. In Building Simulation 2013, Chambéry, France, pp.745-751.

Taylor, S, Bater, J, Allinson, D, Firth, SK, Lomas, K (2013) Constructing dynamic thermal models for the UK housing stock: towards an object-oriented approach. In Building Simulation 2013, France, -.

Morris, J, Allinson, D, Lomas, KJ (2012) Towards benchmarking English residential gas consumption. In XXXIII International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Paris.

Lomas, KJ and Kane, T (2012) Summertime temperatures in UK homes: a case study of houses in Leicester. In 7th Windsor Conference: The changing context of comfort in an unpredictable world, Windsor UK, pp.1-16.

Lomas, KJ and Kane, T (2012) Summertime temperatures in 282 UK homes: thermal comfort and overheating risk. In 7th Windsor Conference: The changing context of comfort in an unpredictable world, Windsor, UK, pp.1-16.

Morris, J, Allinson, D, Harrison, J, Lomas, KJ (2011) Developing a benchmarking tool for measuring the effectiveness of local authority domestic energy reduction policies. In “Buildings Don’t Use Energy, People Do?” – Domestic Energy Use and CO2 Emissions in Existing Dwellings, Bath.

Kane, T, Firth, SK, Allinson, D, Irvine, K, Lomas, KJ (2011) Understanding occupant heating practices in UK dwellings. In World Renewable Energy Congress, http://www.ep.liu.se/ecp_home/index.en.aspx?issue=57, Linköping, Sweden, pp.1126-1133.

Kane, T, Firth, SK, Lomas, KJ, Allinson, D, Irvine, K (2011) Variation of indoor temperatures and heating practices in UK dwellings. In Chiana, T and Moran, F (ed) Conference on “Buildings Don’t Use Energy, People Do?” – Domestic Energy Use and CO2 Emissions in Existing Dwellings, Bath, UK, pp.2-10, ISBN: 978-0-86197-175-6.

Jack, R, Lomas, K, Allinson, D (2011) The expanding house : extensions to domestic buildings and their impact on energy consumption. In 1st Conference: People and Buildings MC2011, Arup UK, London.

Lomas, KJ (2010) High efficiency non-residential buildings: concepts, implementations and experiences from the UK. In Liesener, L (ed) Proc. POLYCITY Final Conference, Visions of Urban Sustainability, Policity-Visions of Sustainable Urban Energy Systems, Stuttgart, DE, pp.60-65, ISBN: 9783940670212.

Kane, T, Firth, SK, Allinson, D, Irvine, K, Lomas, KJ (2010) Does the age of the residents influence occupant heating practice in UK domestic buildings?. In East Midlands Universities Association 2010 Conference - Perspectives in Society: Health, Culture, and the Environment, Nottingham, pp.1-8.

Ji, Y, Lomas, KJ, Cook, MJ (2009) Hybrid ventilation for low energy building design in south China. In 1st International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2008), BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, Dalian, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp.2245-2255, DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2009.02.015.

Firth, SK, Buswell, RA, Lomas, KJ (2009) A simple model of domestic PV systems and their integration with building loads. In Building Simulation 2009, Proceedings of IBPSA, Glasgow, pp.789-796.

Firth, SK and Lomas, KJ (2009) Investigating CO2 emission reductions in existing urban housing using a community domestic energy model. In Building Simulation 2009, IBPSA, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, pp.2098-2105.

Ji, Y and Lomas, KJ (2009) Current and likely future performance of advanced natural ventilation. In BS09, IBPSA, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, pp.236-243.

Lomas, KJ (2009) Energy use in dwellings: decarbonising the stock and people. In ESRC Seminar Series, Mapping the Public Policy Landscape, London, pp.8-14.

Lomas, KJ, Cook, MJ, Short, CA (2009) Commissioning hybrid advanced naturally ventilated buildings: a US case study. In 5th Windsor Conference of the Network-for-Comfort-and-Energy-Use-in-Buildings on Air Conditioning and the Low Carbon Cooling Challenge, BUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION, Windsor, ENGLAND, pp.397-412, DOI: 10.1080/09613210902920797.

Ji, Y and Lomas, KJ (2009) Current and likely future performance of advanced natural ventilation. In Building Simulation 2009, Glasgow, pp.236-243.

Lomas, KJ, Cook, MJ, Short, CA (2008) Commissioning hybrid advanced naturally ventilated buildings: a US case-study. In 5th NCEUB Conference, Conference Proceedings, Windsor, UK.

Rees, SJ, Lomas, KJ, Fiala, D (2008) Predicting local thermal discomfort adjacent to glazing. In , ASHRAE Transactions, pp.431-441.

Lomas, K, Oreszcyn, T, Shipworth, D, Wright, A, Summerfield, A (2006) Carbon Reduction in Buildings (CaRB) - Understanding the social and technical factors that influence energy use in UK homes. In , COBRA 2006 - Proceedings of the Annual Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

Lomas, KJ, Krausse, B, Cook, M (2006) Environmental performance of a naturally ventilated city centre library. In Proc. Int. Conf. Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings - Getting them Right, Windsor, UK, p.12.

Lomas, KJ, Krausse, B, Cook, M (2006) Performance monitoring of a naturally ventilated city centre library. In Proc. 23rd Conf. on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA), Geneva, CH, p.6.

Lomas, KJ and Cook, MJ (2005) Sustainable buildings for a warmer world. In Imbabi, M and Mitchell, P (ed) Proc. World Renewable Energy Congress (WERC), Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress 2005, Aberdeen, UK, pp.1006-1029, ISBN: 9780080446714.

Lomas, KJ, Firth, S, Rees, SJ (2005) A novel shading analysis method for PV systems using sun path plots and high resolution performance data. In 20th European PV Solar Energy Conf, Barcelona, ES, pp.2005-2009.

Thomson, M, Infield, D, Stokes, M, Rylatt, M, Mardaljevic, J, Lomas, K (2003) Secondary distribution network power-flow analysis. In ,ISBN: 9780889863354.

Lomas, KJ, Kubaha, K, Fiala, D (2003) Predicting human geometry-related factors for detailed radiation analysis in indoor spaces. In Proc IBPSA 8th Int Building Simulation Conf, Eindhoven, Netherlands, pp.681-688.

Lomas, KJ, Thomson, M, Stokes, M, Rylatt, M, Infield, D, Mardaljevic, J (2003) Secondary distribution network power-flow analysis. In PGRES Conf, Palm Springs, California, pp.120-125.

Lomas, KJ, Fiala, D, Cropper, PC, Bunzl, A (2003) Simulation der thermischen Behaglichkeit in Fahrzeugen. In Bauphysikertreffen, HfT Stuttgart, pp.69-81.

Lomas, KJ and Fiala, D (2003) International co-operation and research in building physics: thermal comfort modelling. In HfT Publikationen, Stuttgart, Germany, pp.59-66.

Lomas, KJ, Stokes, M, Mardaljevic, J (2003) Predicting the effects of grid-connected photovoltaic power generation in complex urban environments. In 20th Conf on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Santiago, Chile, tba.

Fiala, D, Lomas, KJ, Stohrer, M (2003) First principles modeling of thermal sensation responses in steady-state and transient conditions. In The 2003 Winter Meeting, ASHRAE Transactions, Chicago, pp.179-186.

Lomas, KJ and Firth, SK (2003) UK photovoltaic field trials - observations on performance. In Seminar for Young Researchers, Nottingham University, Nottingham, UK, p.7.

Lomas, KJ, Cook, MJ, Short, CA, Pop, QM (2003) A new sustainable health and social care building for a deprived community. In Healthcare Estates Conference and Exhibition, Harrogate, UK, pp.N/A-N/A.

Lomas, KJ, Short, CA, Pop, QM, Cook, MJ (2003) An innovative low energy integrated health and social care building for a deprived community. In Proc. 20th Conf. on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA), Santiago, CO, pp.5-5.

Lomas, KJ, Short, CA, Pop, QM, Cook, MJ, Fiala, D (2003) Passive downdraught cooling of a central London institutional building. In Proc. 20th Conf. on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA), Santiago, CO, pp.6-6.

Fiala, D, Lomas, KJ, Stohrer, M (2003) First Principles Modeling of Thermal Sensation Responses in Steady-State and Transient Conditions. In , ASHRAE Winter Meetings CD, Technical and Symposium Papers, pp.183-190.

Lomas, KJ, Rylatt, M, Stokes, M, Mardalevic, J, Rylatt, M, Thomson, M, Infield, D (2002) Solar City: managing the uptake of solar energy technologies from an electrical supply network perspective. In 5th Symposium of the Int Urban Planning and the Environment Assoc (IUPEA, Christ Church, Oxford, p.11.

Lomas, KJ, Shankland, N, Eppel, H, Cartmell, B (2001) Renewable energy technologies for a low-energy public building. In 6th European Conf on Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, Proc Euro Solar 2000, tba, tba.

Lomas, KJ and Fiala, D (2001) The dynamic effect of adaptive human responses in the sensation of thermal comfort. In Proc Conf Moving Thermal Comfort Standards into the 21st Century, Windsor, pp.147-157, ISBN: 1-873-640-33-1.

Lomas, KJ, Shankland, N, Cartmell, B, Reeve, P, Dotzler, W (2001) A ventilated photovoltaic and solar-air collector for space and water heating. In Proc CIBSE National Conf, London, tba.

Lomas, KJ, Eicker, U, Hoefker, G, Eppel, H (2001) Desiccant cooling with solar energy. In CIBSE National Conf, tba, p.7.

Lomas, KJ, Cook, MJ, Mardaljevic, J (2001) Use of computer simulation in the design of a low energy learning resource centre. In Proc. CIBSE National Conf, London, Part 2, 11.

Lomas, KJ, Gadsden, S, Mardaljevic, J, Rylatt, M (2000) Planning for solar energy: towards an integrated GIS-based decision support system. In Proc Greenwich 2000 Intl Symposium on Digital Creativity: Architecture, Landscape, Design, London, pp.159-168, ISBN: 1 86166 140 1.

Lomas, KJ, Gadsden, S, Rylatt, M, Robinson, D (2000) Energy efficiency and solar energy in urban planning: a GIS-based decision support prototype for the domestic sector. In Proc PLEA 2000 Conf, Cambridge, UK, pp.672-677, ISBN: 1-902916-16-6.

Lomas, KJ, Martinez, D, Fiala, D, Cook, MJ (2000) Predicted comfort envelopes for office buildings with passive downdraught evaporative cooling. In Proc. ROOMVENT 2000, Air Distribution in Rooms (Volume 1), Reading, UK, pp.53-58, ISBN: 978-0080430171.

Lomas, KJ and Fiala, D (1999) Application of a computer model predicting human thermal responses to the design of sports stadia. In Proc CIBSE 99 National Conf, Harrogate, pp.492-499`, ISBN: 0900953977.

Lomas, KJ, Strohrer, M, Fiala, D (1999) Dynamic simulation of human heat transfer and thermal comfort, results and application. In Proc Conf Indoor Air 99, Edinburgh, pp.596-601.

Lomas, KJ, Cook, MJ, Eppel, H (1999) Design and operating concept for an innovative naturally ventilated library. In Proc. CIBSE National Conf. 1999, CIBSE National Conference, Harrogate, UK, pp.500-507, ISBN: 9780900953972.

Lomas, KJ, Cook, MJ, Eppel, H (1999) Use of computer simulation in the design of a naturally ventilated library. In Szokolay, SV (ed) Proc. PLEA 1999 Conf, Sustaining the future: energy, ecology, architecture, Brisbane, AU, pp.597-602, ISBN: 1864993480.

Lomas, KJ, Fiala, D, Martinez, D, Cook, MJ (1999) Dynamic thermal sensation in PDEC buildings. In Szokolay, SV (ed) Proc. PLEA Conf, Sustaining the Future: energy, ecology, Architecture, Brisbane, AU, pp.243-248.

Lomas, KJ and Mardaljevic, J (1998) A simulation based method to evaluate the probability of daylight glare over long time periods and its application. In CIBSE Nat Lighting Conf, Lancaster University, pp.282-291.

Lomas, KJ, Schweizer, C, Eicker, U (1998) Dynamic calculation of daylighting in urban structures. In Proc World Renewable Energy Conf, Florence, Italy, tba.

Lomas, KJ, Schweizer, C, Eicker, U (1998) Prognose der solaren Einstrahlung auf PV-Module unter Berucksichtigung komplexer Verschattung und Reflexionen; 13 Symposium Phot. In Proc 13th Symposium PV Solar Energy, Staffelstein, Germany, pp.112-116.

Lomas, KJ, Schweizer, C, Eicker, U (1998) Computation of illuminance and irradiation in urban structures. In Proc 2nd World Conf and Exhibition on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, Vienna, Austria, tba.

Lomas, KJ, Schweizer, C, Eicker, U (1998) Solar irradiation in an urban structure. In Proc 2nd ISES-Europe Solar Congress, Portoroc, Slovenia, tba.

Lomas, KJ, Schweizer, C, Eicker, U (1998) Computation of illuminance and irradiance in urban structures. In Proc 2nd World Conf and Exhibition on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, Vienna, Austria, pp.175-182.

Lomas, KJ, Eicker, U, Schweizer, C (1998) Dynamic calculation of daylighting in urban structures, Renewable Energy, Florence. In tba, Florence, Italy, pp.364-367.

Lomas, KJ, Eicker, U, Schweizer, C (1998) Solar irradiation in an urban structure. In Proc 2nd ISES-Europe Solar Congress, EuroSun, Portoroc, Slovenia, pp.183-189.

Lomas, KJ, Schweizer, C, Eicker, U (1998) Prognose der solaren Einstrahlung auf PV-Module unter Berucksichtigung komplexer Verschattung und Reflexionen: 13 Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie (Prognosis of the Solar Irradiation on PV Modules considering complex Shading and Reflections). In Proc 13th Symposium PV Solar Energy, Staffelstein, Germany, pp.112-116.

Lomas, KJ, Bartholomew, D, Hand, J, Irving, S, McElroy, L, Parand, F, Robinson, D, Strachan, P (1997) An application manual for building energy and environmental modelling. In Proc Building Simulation 97, 5th Int Conf, International Building Performance Simulation Association, Prague, pp.387-398, ISBN: 80-01-01646-3.

Lomas, KJ, Cropper, PC, Lyons, A, Mardaljevic, J (1997) A dynamic lighting system: background and prototype. In Proc Lux Europa 97 Conf, Amsterdam, ND, pp.480-492.

Lomas, KJ, Cropper, PC, Lyons, A, Mardaljevic, J (1997) A dynamic lighting system: background and prototype. In Presentation at BEPAC Sustainable Building Conf 5-6 Feb, Abingdon, UK, pp.480-492.

Lomas, KJ and Czarnecki, CA (1997) A knowledge based tool for the rapid design of energy efficient buildings. In Proc 12th Int Conf on Systems Engineering, Coventry, pp.177-182, ISBN: 0905949633.

Lomas, KJ and Eppel, H (1997) Empirical validation of the glazing models in thermal simulation programs of buildings. In Proc BEPAC Sustainable Building Conf, 5-6 Feb, TBA, p.27.

Lomas, KJ and Cook, MJ (1997) Guidance in the use of computational fluid dynamics for modelling buoyancy driven flows. In Proc. Conf. Building Simulation 1997, 5th Int. IBPSA, Prague, CZ, pp.57-64.

Lomas, KJ, Eppel, H, Cook, MJ, Mardaljevic, J (1997) Ventilation and thermal performance of design options for Stadium Australia. In Proc. Building Simulation 1997, 5th Int. IBPSA, Prague, CZ, pp.135-142, ISBN: 8001016463.

Lomas, KJ, Mansour, MA, Cook, MJ, Taki, AH (1997) Use of computational fluid dynamics for modelling passive downdraught evaporative cooling. In Proc. 18th Ann. AIVC Conf, 18th AIVC Conference Ventilation and Cooling, Vol. 2, Athens, GR, pp.603-611, ISBN: 9780946075966.

Lomas, KJ and Bloomfield, D (1995) New techniques for validating building energy simulation programs. In Proc. Building Simulation ’95, Madison Winsconsin, pp.596-603.

Eppel, H and Lomas, KJ (1995) Empirical validation of three thermal simulation programs using data from a passive solar building. In Building Simulation ’95, Madison Wisconsin, pp.588-595.

Mardaljevic, J and Lomas, KJ (1995) The application, validation and further development of Radiance: some UK activities. In Building Simulation ’95, Madison Wisconsin, pp.387-394.

Lomas, KJ (1994) Thermal program validation: the current status. In Proc BEPAC '94, York, UK, pp.73-82.

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Lomas, KJ, Shorrock, L, Seale, CF, Eppel, H (1994) Testing BREDEM-8 against Measured Consumption Data and Simulation Models. In Proc BEP'94, Canterbury, UK, pp.149-156.

Lomas, KJ and Eppel, H (1994) Thermal simulation to support low-energy building design: current capabilities and future challenges. In RIBA/CIBSE Conf 'Towards Zero Energy Buildings', RIBA, London, UK, TBA.

Lomas, KJ, Thornton, S, Shulver, R (1993) Integrated systems for environmental design of buildings. In Proc SERC N & N Workshop, Armathwaite Hall, UK, p.12.

Lomas, KJ, Mardaljevic, J, Henderson, DG (1993) Advanced lighting design for complex spaces. In CLIMA 2000 Conf London, London, UK, p.10.

Lomas, KJ, Eppel, H, Mardaljevic, J (1993) Computer simulation for low energy building design. In Proc Environmental Engineering Conf, De Montfort Univ, Leicester, UK, p.9.

Lomas, KJ and Mardaljevic, J (1993) Advanced daylighting design for atrium buildings. In Proc PLEA'93, Florence, Italy, TBA.

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Lomas, KJ, Irvine, KN, Fuller, RA, Devine Wright, P, Payne, S, Tratalos, J, Warren, PH, Gaston, KJ (ed) (2009) Ecological and psychological value of urban greene space, Dimensions of the Sustainable City 2, Eds J Jenks & C Jones, Springer Science, ISBN: 978-1-4020-8646-5.

CD Objects

Firth, SK, Buswell, RA, Lomas, KJ (2009) A simple model of domestic PV systems and their integration with building loads,International Building Performance and Simulation Association, Building Simulation, BS09, Glasgow, UK.


Irvine, KN, Fuller, RA, Devine Wright, P, Payne, S, Tratalos, J, Warren, PH, Lomas, KJ, Gaston, KJ (2009) Ecological and psychological value of urban green space. In Jenks, J and Jones, C (ed) Dimensions of the Sustainable City 2, Springer Science, pp.215-237, ISBN: 978-1-4020-8646-5.

Lomas, KJ and Baker, K (2009) Energy Use. In Jenks, J and Jones, C (ed) Dimensions of the Sustainable City 2, Springer Science, pp.129-143, ISBN: 978-1-4020-8646-5.

Lomas, KJ, Fiala, D, Bunzl, A, Cropper, PC, Schlenz, D (2004) A new simulation system for predicting human thermal and perceptual responses in vehicles. In Schlenz, D (ed) PKW-Klimatisierung. 3. Klimakonzepte, Regelungsstrategien und Entwicklungsmethoden, Expert Verlag, pp.147-162, ISBN: 9783816922681.

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Dawes, G, Lomas, K, Beizaee, A (Accepted for publication) Energy Flexibility in a Planning Context: A Pilot Project.


Allinson, D, Roberts, BM, Lomas, K, Loveday, D, Gorse, C, Hardy, A, Thomas, F, Miles-Shenton, D, Johnston, D, Glew, D, Rakhshanbabanari, K, Fylan, F, Farmer, D, Elwell, C, Crawley, J, Hollick, F, Wingfield, J, Roberts, G, Reevell, L (2022) Technical evaluation of SMETER technologies (TEST) project, pp.1-183, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.

Lomas, K, Haines, V, Beizaee, A (2016) Heating controls scoping review project, pp.1-80.

Haines, VJA, Lomas, K, Thomson, M, Richardson, I, Bhamra, T, Giulietti, M, Tang, T, Lawton, C, Guo, L, Allinson, D (2010) How Trends in Appliances Affect Domestic CO2 Emissions: A Review of Home and Garden Appliances Summary Report, pp.1-6, Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Lomas, KJ (2000) Solar air collectors for buildings -domestic and non-domestic, pp.14-14, DETR Best Practice Programme.

Lomas, KJ, Patronis, J, Knight, I (2000) The Inland Revenue Headquarters - feedback for designers and clients, pp.21-21, Best Practice Programme.

Lomas, KJ, Cropper, PC, Mardaljevic, J, Lyons, AR (1997) Predicting time-varying illuminances in complex spaces with innovative glazing and lighting systems, pp.11-11, EPSRC.

Lomas, KJ, Eppel, H, Mardaljevic, J (1996) Empirical validation of the glazing models in thermal simulation programs of buildings, pp.11-11, EPSRC.

Lomas, KJ (1994) A guide to applicability study 1, pp.40-40, ETSU.

Lomas, KJ and Eppel, H (1994) Atrium studies technical review: final report, pp.160-160, ETSU.


Lomas, K (1983) Frost susceptibility of granular materials.


Allinson, D, Crawley, J, Elwell, C, Farmer, D, Fylan, F, Glew, D, Gorse, C, Hardy, A, Hollick, F, Johnston, D, Lomas, KJ, Loveday, DL, Miles-Shenton, D, Parker, J, Rakhshanbabanari, K, Reevell, L, Roberts, B, Roberts, G, Thomas, F, Wingfield, J (2024) Technical Evaluation of SMETER Technologies Project, Phase 2 Data: Heat Transfer Coefficients, In-Use Temperature and Energy Data, Local Weather, Dwelling Information, and Occupancy Surveys From 30 English Dwellings, 2019-2021, DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-856978.

Lomas, K and Li, M (2024) Supplementary information files for An overheating criterion for bedrooms in temperate climates, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.23212757.

Lomas, K, Watson, S, Allinson, D, Fateh, A, Beaumont, A, Allen, J, Foster, H, Garrett, H (2023) Influence of dwelling and household characteristics on summertime overheating in a mild climate in the 2050’s: statistical analyses, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.14206868.

Watson, S, Crawley, J, Lomas, K, Buswell, R (2023) Supplementary information files for Predicting future GB heat pump electricity demand, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.22193449.

Lomas, K and Li, M (2023) Supplementary information files for "An overheating criterion for bedrooms in temperate climates: Derivation and application", DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.26090809.

Roberts, B, Allinson, D, Crawley, J, Li, M, Elwell, C, Lomas, K (2023) Technical Evaluation of SMETER Technologies Project Phase 1 Data: Simulated Co-heating Tests and In-use Data from 110 Dwellings, 2019, DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-856292.

Roberts, BM, Allinson, D, Abel, B, Lomas, K (2022) Measured indoor temperature, weather, infiltration, and ventilation in synthetically occupied test houses: summer 2021, UK, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.19308299.

Roberts, BM, Allinson, D, Lomas, K (2022) Prediction of overheating in synthetically occupied UK homes: dataset for validating dynamic thermal models of buildings, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.8094575.

Drury, P, Watson, S, Lomas, K (2022) Supplemental data for Summertime overheating in UK homes: is there a safe haven?, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.18095975.

Allinson, D, Crawley, J, Elwell, C, Farmer, D, Fylan, C, Glew, D, Gorse, C, Hardy, A, Hollick, F, Johnston, D, Lomas, KJ, Loveday, DL, Miles-Shenton, D, Parker, J, Reevell, L, Roberts, BM, Roberts, G, Thomas, F, Wingfield, J (2021) Technical Evaluation of SMETER Technologies Project Phase 2 Data: Temperature, Relative Humidity, Dwelling Information, and Local Weather, 2019-2020, DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-854701.

Lomas, K, Oliveira, S, Warren, P, Haines, V, Chatterton, T, Beizaee, A, Prestwood, E, Gething, B (2019) Supplementary information files for "Do Domestic Heating Controls Save Energy? A Review of the Evidence".

Lomas, K, Beizaee, A, Allinson, D, Haines, V, Loveday, D (2019) Domestic Operational Rating; Excel data tables for the D114 homes. Supplementary Information to ‘‘A Domestic Operational Rating for UK homes: Concept, Formulation and Application, Energy and Buildings, Lomas KJ, et.al. 2019”, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.7836326.

Lomas, K and Beizaee, A (2019) Calculating the Domestic Operational Rating of gas-fired, centrally-heated homes: equations and results for example homes and the D114 sample. Supplementary Information to ‘‘A Domestic Operational Rating for UK homes: Concept, Formulation and Application, Energy and Buildings, Lomas KJ, et.al. 2019”, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.7836320.

Lomas, K and Allinson, D (2019) Domestic Energy Demand in the UK: Trends, Regulation and Energy Rating. Supplementary information to ‘‘A Domestic Operational Rating for UK homes: Concept, Formulation and Application, Energy and Buildings, Lomas KJ, et.al. 2019”, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.7836317.

Beizaee, A, Allinson, D, Lomas, K, Foda, E, Loveday, D (2019) Measuring the potential of zonal space heating controls to reduce energy use in UK homes: The case of un-furbished 1930s dwellings - dataset, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.8677766.

Haines, V, Allinson, D, Loveday, D, Beckhelling, J, Mallaband, B, Beizaee, A, Morton, A, Porritt, S, Li, M, Wright, D, Foda, E, Hallin, S, Lomas, K (2019) The DEFACTO Field Trial: Methodology and Data Sets, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.7837940.

Watson, S, Lomas, K, Buswell, R (2018) Data cleaning, temperature and gas demand weighting, and determining the DHW demand, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.6795395.


Fifield, LJ, Lomas, KJ, Renganathan, G (2018) Hospital Wards and Offsite Modular Construction: Thermal Comfort and Summertime Overheating.

Tunzi, M, He, C, Allinson, D, Lomas, K (2017) Optimal operation of a multi vector district energy system in the UK, The large price drop in solar PV and electrical batteries offer new opportunities for optimizing district energy plants, but requires a more complex daily operation of these plants. Solar PV production used locally by a ground source heat pump (GSHP) with a minimal use of the national grid is one opportunity. Even if, for the benefit of the GSHP, the share of electricity for boosting the temperatures of district heating water goes up when lowering forward temperatures in the network down to as low as 45 °C, the overall operational income is improved..

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