Publications for Ksenia Chmutina
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Journal Articles
Chmutina, K, von Meding, J, Williams, DA, Remes, J, Cheek, W, Alburo-Cañete, KZ (2024)
Solidarity in disaster scholarship,
Disasters, ISSN: 0361-3666.
Angel, D,
Chmutina, K, Haines, V, Pinto, MD (2024)
'Effing Awful!’: developing audio representation as a medium for conveying people's experiences of flooded homes,
Disaster Prevention and Management, ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI:
Boano, C and
Chmutina, K (2024)
Guest editorial: Introduction to the special issue: liberating disaster studies,
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 33(3), pp.165-166, ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI:
Pinto, MD,
Chmutina, K, Palaiologou, F, Bosher, L (2024)
The role of the spatial network in urban disaster risk variations: Reimagining the notion of spatial vulnerability at the urban scale,
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 15(3), ISSN: 2095-0055. DOI:
Cheek, W and
Chmutina, K (2024)
Lifting the spatial veil: using Soja’s Postmodern Geographies to theorize disasters,
Journal of Disaster Studies, 1(1).
Chmutina, K and Von Meding, J (2023)
Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on “Conversations with Disasters: Deconstructed”,
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 32(3), pp.381-383, ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI:
Chmutina, K and von Meding, J (2023)
Guest editorial: Introduction to the special issue on “conversations with disasters: deconstructed”,
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 32(3), pp.381-383, ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI:
Cheek, WW,
Chmutina, K, von Meding, J (2023)
In the arena: contesting disaster creation in cities,
Disasters, 48(1), e12588, ISSN: 0361-3666. DOI:
Colvin, V, Prokosch, ML, von Meding, J,
Chmutina, K, Smith, CT (2023)
Individual differences in psychological rigidity and beliefs about system fitness predict attitudes about social determinants of disaster risk,
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 95, 103876, ISSN: 2212-4209. DOI:
von Meding, J and
Chmutina, K (2023)
From labelling weakness to liberatory praxis: a new theory of vulnerability for disaster studies,
Disaster Prevention and Management, 32(2), pp.364-378, ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Lizarralde, G, von Meding, J, Bosher, L (2023)
Standardised indicators for ‘resilient cities’: The folly of devising a technical solution to a political problem,
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, ISSN: 1759-5908. DOI:
Chmutina, K, von Meding, J, Williams, DA, Vickery, J, Purdum, C (2023)
From pity to fear: security as a mechanism for (re)production of vulnerability,
Disasters, 47(3), pp.546-562, ISSN: 0361-3666. DOI:
Tumwebaze, I, Hrdličková, Z, Labor, A, Turay, A, Macarthy, JM,
Chmutina, K, Scott, R, Kayaga, S, Koroma, B, Howard, G (2022)
Water and sanitation service levels in urban informal settlements: a case study of Portee-Rokupa in Freetown, Sierra Leone,
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 12(8), pp.612-621, ISSN: 2043-9083. DOI:
Cheek, WW and
Chmutina, K (2022)
‘Building back better’ is neoliberal post-disaster reconstruction,
Disasters, 46(3), pp.589-609, ISSN: 0361-3666. DOI:
Cheek, W and
Chmutina, K (2022)
Measuring resilience in the assumed city,
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 13(3), pp.317-329, ISSN: 2095-0055. DOI:
Chmutina, K and von Meding, J (2022)
Towards a liberatory pedagogy of disaster risk reduction among built environment educators,
Disaster Prevention and Management, 31(5), pp.521-535, ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI:
Booth, A, Bosher, L,
Chmutina, K (2022)
The protection of crowded places from terrorist threats: does protective security advice meet the needs of security managers?,
Security Journal, 36(1), pp.141-164, ISSN: 0955-1662. DOI:
Marlow, EC,
Chmutina, K, Dainty, A (2022)
Interpreting sustainability and resilience in the built environment,
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 14(3), pp.332-348, ISSN: 1759-5908. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Cheek, W, von Meding, J (2022)
“Critique is not a verb”: is peer review stifling the dialogue in disaster scholarship?,
Disaster Prevention and Management, 31(4), pp.387-397, ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI:
Mantesi, E,
Chmutina, K, Goodier, C (2022)
The office of the future: Operational energy consumption in the post-pandemic era,
Energy Research & Social Science, 87, 102472, ISSN: 2214-6296. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Dainty, A, Schmidt, R, Nikolaidou, E, Mantesi, E, Yu, Y, Cook, M (2022)
Correction to: Thinking inside the box: new ways of considering energy consumption in a multi-user agency-constrained environment (Energy Efficiency, (2021), 14, 8, (92), 10.1007/s12053-021-10003-y),
Energy Efficiency, 15(1), ISSN: 1570-646X. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Dainty, A, Schmidt-III, R, Nikolaidou, E, Mantesi, E, Yu, Y, Cook, M (2021)
Thinking inside the box: new ways of considering energy consumption in a multi-user agency-constrained environment,
Energy Efficiency, 14(8), 92, ISSN: 1570-646X. DOI:
Goodall, S, Li, Y,
Chmutina, K, Dijkstra, T, Meng, X, Jordan, C (2021)
Exploring disaster ontologies from Chinese and Western perspectives: commonalities and nuances,
Disaster Prevention and Management, 31(3), pp.260-272, ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI:
Chmutina, K, von Meding, J, Sandoval, V, Boyland, M, Forino, G, Cheek, W, Williams, DA, Gonzalez-Muzzio, C, Tomassi, I, Paez, H, Marchezini, V (2021)
What we measure matters: the case of the missing development data in Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction monitoring,
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 12, pp.779-789, ISSN: 2095-0055. DOI:
Bosher, L,
Chmutina, K, van Niekerk, D (2021)
Stop going around in circles: towards a reconceptualisation of disaster risk management phases,
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 30(4/5), pp.525-537, ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI:
Rose, J and
Chmutina, K (2021)
Developing disaster risk reduction skills among informal construction workers in Nepal,
Disasters, 45(3), pp.627-646, ISSN: 0361-3666. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Tandon, A, Kalkhitashvili, M, Tevzadze, M, Kobulia, I (2020)
Connecting heritage, vulnerabilities and capacities through a participatory game,
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 53, 102005, ISSN: 2212-4209. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Sadler, N, von Meding, J, Abukhalaf, A (2020)
Lost (and found?) in translation: Key terminology in disaster studies,
Disaster Prevention and Management: an international journal, 30(2), pp.149-162, ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI:
Booth, A,
Chmutina, K, Bosher, L (2020)
Protecting crowded places: Challenges and drivers to implementing protective security measures in the built environment,
Cities, 107, 102891, ISSN: 0264-2751. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Jigyasu, R, Okubo, T (2019)
Editorial for the Special Issue on “Securing future of heritage by reducing risks and building resilience”,
Disaster Prevention and Management, 29(1), pp.1-9, ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI:
Chmutina, K and Von Meding, J (2019)
A dilemma of language: ‘‘Natural disasters’’ in academic literature,
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 10(3), pp.283-292, ISSN: 2095-0055. DOI:
Bosher, L, Kim, D, Okubo, T,
Chmutina, K, Jigyasu, R (2019)
Dealing with multiple hazards and threats on cultural heritage sites: An assessment of 80 case studies,
Disaster Prevention and Management, 29(1), pp.109-128, ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI:
Green, A and
Chmutina, K (2019)
Building climate resilience of UK’s rail network through a multihazard approach,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, pp.1-9, ISSN: 1478-4629. DOI:
Drosou, N, Soetanto, R, Hermawan, F,
Chmutina, K, Bosher, L, Hatmoko, JUD (2019)
Key factors influencing wider adoption of blue–green infrastructure in developing cities,
Water, 11(6), pp.1234-1234, DOI:
Chmutina, K and Rose, J (2018)
Building resilience: Knowledge, experience and perceptions among informal construction stakeholders,
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 28, pp.158-164, ISSN: 2212-4209. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Fussey, P, Dainty, A, Bosher, L (2018)
Implications of transforming climate change risks into security risks,
Disaster Prevention and Management, 27(5), ISSN: 0965-3562. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Lizarralde, G, Dainty, A, Bosher, L (2016)
Unpacking resilience policy discourse,
Cities, 58, pp.70-79, ISSN: 0264-2751. DOI:
Gillott, M, Loveday, D, White, J, Wood, CJ,
Chmutina, K, Vadodaria, K (2015)
Improving the airtightness in an existing UK dwelling: the challenges, the measures and their effectiveness,
Building and Environment, 95, pp.227-239, ISSN: 0360-1323. DOI:
Lizarraldea, G,
Chmutina, K, Bosher, L, Dainty, A (2015)
Sustainability and resilience in the built environment: The challenges of establishing a turquoise agenda in the UK,
Sustainable Cities and Society, 15(2015), pp.96-104, ISSN: 2210-6707. DOI:
Rydin, Y, Guy, S, Goodier, C,
Chmutina, K, Devine-Wright, P, Wiersma, B (2015)
The financial entanglements of local energy projects,
Geoforum, 59, pp.1-11, ISSN: 0016-7185. DOI:
Chmutina, K and Bosher, L (2015)
Disaster risk reduction or disaster risk production: the role of building regulations in mainstreaming DRR,
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, .13, pp.10-19, ISSN: 2212-4209. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Bosher, L, Coaffee, J, Rowlands, R (2014)
Towards integrated security and resilience framework: a tool for decision-makers,
Procedia Economics and Finance, 18(.), pp.25-32, DOI:
Goodier, CI and
Chmutina, K (2014) Non-Technical Barriers for the Implementation of Decentralised Energy: Learning from International Case Studies,
International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 8(4), pp.-.
Chmutina, K, Ganor, T, Bosher, L (2014)
Role of urban design and planning in disaster risk reduction,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Urban Design and Planning, 167(3), pp.-, DOI:
Chmutina, K and Bosher, L (2014)
Construction in Barbados: keeping natural hazards in mind?,
Disaster Prevention and Management, 23(2), pp.175-196, DOI:
Goodier, C and
Chmutina, K (2014)
Non-technical barriers for decentralised energy and energy efficient buildings,
International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 8(4), pp.544-561, ISSN: 1750-6220. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Wiersma, B, Goodier, CI, Devine-Wright, P (2013)
Concern or Compliance? Drivers of Urban Decentralised Energy Initiatives,
Sustainable Cities and Society, 10(.), pp.122-129, DOI:
Chmutina, K, Sherriff, G, Goodier, CI (2013)
Success in international decentralised urban energy initiatives: a matter of understanding?,
Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, .(.), pp.-, DOI:
Goodier, CI,
Chmutina, K, Poulter, E, Stoelinga, P (2013)
Potential for seawater district heating and cooling in the UK,
Proceedings of the ICE - Energy, 3, pp.1-4, DOI:
Chmutina, K (2013)
Building for a changing climate: the challenge for construction, planning and energy By Peter F Smith,
Construction Management and Economics, 1, pp.1-3, DOI:
Chmutina, K and Goodier, CI (2013)
Alternative future energy pathways: Assessment of the potential of innovative decentralised energy systems in the UK,
Energy Policy, ISSN: 0301-4215. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Goodier, CI, Berger, S (2012)
Briefing: Potential of energy saving partnerships in the UK: an example of Berlin,
Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability, 166(6), pp.315-319, DOI:
Chmutina, K, Zhu, J, Riffat, S (2012)
An analysis of climate change policymaking and implementation in China,
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 4(2), pp.138-151, ISSN: 1756-8692. DOI:
Rogers, T,
Chmutina, K, Moseley, LL (2012)
The potential of PV installations in SIDS - an example in the island of Barbados,
Management of Environmental Quality, 23(3), pp.284-290, ISSN: 1477-7835. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Amir, S, Fortun, K, Henderson, J, Hernandez, R, Irwin, J, Knowles, SG, Remes, J, Sanders, M (Accepted for publication) Journal of Disaster Studies: An Inaugural Discussion, Journal of disaster studies, 1(1), pp.5-22.
Pinto, MD, Palaiologou, F,
Chmutina, K, Bosher, L (2022)
Urban morphology in support of disaster risk reduction: toward theory and methods for a spatial approach to tackling urban vulnerability to earthquakes. In Feliciotti, A and Fleischmann, M (ed)
XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form; ISUF Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form : "Urban Form and the Sustainable and Prosperous City", Glasgow, United Kingdom, pp.610-624, ISBN: 9781914241161. DOI:
Chmutina, K and Bosher, L (2020)
Considering multiple risks & inequalities in COVID19 times (& beyond..). In
ITC Webinar Series “Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities in Post-COVID Times, Online.
Nikolaidou, E, Yu, Y, III, RS, Dainty, A, Cook, M,
Chmutina, K, Marini, D (2020)
'Inside the box': a cooperative game for co-creating energy efficient retail spaces. In Corrado, V, Fabrizio, E, Gasparella, A, Patuzzi, F (ed)
Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA, Rome, Italy, pp.2371-2378, ISBN: 9781775052012.
Goodall, S, Dijkstra, T,
Chmutina, K, Meng, XM (2019)
Cultural perceptions of hazard and risk in a dynamic environment. In
International Conference on Silk Road Disaster Risk reduction and Sustainable Development, Beijing, China.
Brewer, G, Chmutina, K, Bhatia, S, Mieja, A, O'Keefe, S, Bosher, L (Accepted for publication) Building DRR Capacity: Integration into Postgraduate Coursework Programs. In 7th International Conference on Building Resilience, Bangkok, Thailand.
Chmutina, K, Rose, J, Shrestha, SD, Bhatta, D (2017)
Pathways to raising disaster risk reduction awareness among the informal construction stakeholders: a case of Nepal. In
7th International Conference on Building Resilience, Bangkok, Thailand. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Jigyasu, R, Bosher, L (2016)
Understanding the impacts of climate change on cultural heritage buildings: a case of York, UK. In
CIB World Building Congress, Tampere, Finland, pp.188-198, ISBN: 9789521537400.
Bosher, L,
Chmutina, K, Von Meding, J (2016)
Disaster risk reduction as a professional competency. A review of related training and education provision for built environment practitioners in the UK and Australia. In
International Conference on Building Resilience, Auckland, New Zealand.
Chmutina, K, Jigyasu, R, Bosher, L (2016)
Integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into the built environment. In
International Conference on Building Resilience, Auckland, New Zealand.
Chmutina, K, Bosher, L, Dainty, A (2015)
Securitisation of climate change and natural hazards in the UK. In , (ed)
The First Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Chmutina, K, Jovanovic, M, Bosher, L, Dainty, A, Burbiel, J (2015)
The complexity of security dimensions: a comparison of the North-West and South-East European regions. In
Future Security, Berlin, pp.169-176, ISBN: 978-3-8396-0908-8.
Chmutina, K, Lizarralde, G, Bosher, L, Dainty, A (2014)
The reification of resilience and the implications for theory and practice. In M, S, VV, P, P, Z, P, E (ed)
,ISBN: 9783950311068.
Lizarralde, G,
Chmutina, K, Bosher, LS, Dainty, ARJ (2014)
Tensions and complexities in creating a sustainable and resilient built environment: achieving a turquoise agenda in the UK. In
International Disaster and Risk Conference, Davos.
Chmutina, K, Bosher, LS, Coaffee, J (2014)
Decision–Support System Portal as a tool for mainstreaming DRR into urban decision making. In
International Disaster and Risk Conference, Davos.
Lizarralde, G,
Chmutina, K, Bosher, L, Dainty, A (2014) Tensions and complexities in creating a sustainable and resilient built environment: Achieving a turquoise agenda in the UK. In
, Proceedings of the 5th International Disaster and Risk Conference: Integrative Risk Management - The Role of Science, Technology and Practice, IDRC Davos 2014, pp.159-162.
Chmutina, K, Bosher, L, Coaffee, J (2014) Decision-support system portal as a tool for mainstreaming DRR into urban decision making. In
, Proceedings of the 5th International Disaster and Risk Conference: Integrative Risk Management - The Role of Science, Technology and Practice, IDRC Davos 2014, pp.163-166.
Goodier, CI and
Chmutina, K (2013)
Non-Technical Barriers for Challenging Lock-In to Urban Energy Systems: Learning from international Case Studies,. In Soutsos, M, Goodier, C, Le, T, Nguyen, T (ed)
The International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment for Now and the Future, hanoi, vietnam, pp.143-152, ISBN: 978-604-82-0018-3.
Chmutina, K, Wiersma, B, Goodier, CI, Devine-Wright, P (2013)
Belief or Compliance? Drivers of Urban Renewable Energy Initiatives,. In Soutsos, M, Goodier, C, Le, TT, Nguyen, T (ed)
The International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment for Now and the Future, hanoi, vietnam, pp.127-134, ISBN: 978-604-82-0018-3.
Chmutina, K and Goodier, CI (2012)
Case study analysis of urban decentralised energy systems. In Leal, W (ed)
International Conference on Technology Transfer and Renewable Energy, Mauritius, pp.501-516.
Rogers, T and
Chmutina, K (2012)
Past and Present Green Economy Initiatives, and Capacity Building and Financial Mechanisms for the Future Development of the Barbados Energy Sector. In
International Conference on technology Transfer and Renewable Energy, Mauritius, pp.547-561.
Sam-Mbomah, E, Chmutina, K, Smith, A, Goodall, S (Accepted for publication) Policy barriers in building climate resilience in Sierra Leone: A call to action. In 43rd WEDC International Conference. Disaster risk management; Disaster risk management. Proceedings of the 43rd WEDC International Conference, Virtual Conference.
Chmutina, K and Jigyasu, R (2023)
Routledge Handbook on Cultural Heritage and Disaster Risk Management, Routledge, ISBN: 9781003815518. DOI:
Alcántara-Ayala, I, Gomez, C,
Chmutina, K, van Niekerk, D, Raju, E, Marchezini, V, Cadag, JR, Gaillard, JC (2022)
Disaster risk. DOI:
Santos, PP,
Chmutina, K, Raju, E, Meding, JV (2020)
Understanding Disaster Risk,ISBN: 9780128190470.
Santos, PP,
Chmutina, K, Meding, JV, Raju, E (2020)
Understanding Disaster Risk: A Multidimensional Approach. DOI:
Bosher, L and
Chmutina, K (2017)
Disaster Risk Reduction for the Built Environment, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 9781118921494.
Del Pinto, M,
Chmutina, K, Bosher, L, Palaiologou, F (2024) The National and Local Dimension of the Italian Civil Protection System: Evolution and Implementation of DRR Policies. In Forino, G (ed)
Disasters and Changes in Society and Politics
Contemporary Perspectives from Italy, Bristol University Press, pp.204-221.
Chmutina, K and von Meding, J (2024)
Disaster origins: how perceptions shape public understanding and action. In
Encyclopedia of Technological Hazards and Disasters in the Social Sciences, pp.191-195, DOI:
Chmutina, K and Jigyasu, R (2023)
Introduction: Why disaster risk management of cultural heritage. In
Routledge Handbook on Cultural Heritage and Disaster Risk Management, pp.1-6, DOI:
Jigyasu, R and
Chmutina, K (2023)
Conclusions: Challenges and opportunities for disaster risk management of cultural heritage. In
Routledge Handbook on Cultural Heritage and Disaster Risk Management, pp.320-322, DOI:
Pinto, MD and Jackson, CD (2023)
Building synergies for cultural heritage: insights from theory and practice. In Jigyasu, R and
Chmutina, K (ed)
Routledge Handbook on Cultural Heritage and Disaster Risk Management, Routledge, pp.298-319, ISBN: 9781032274805. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Von Meding, J, Bosher, L (2019)
Language matters: Dangers of the “natural disaster” misnomer. In
Global Assessment Report 2019, UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), pp.1-22.
Lizarralde, G, Bosher, L, Bryant, C,
Chmutina, K, Cardosi, G, Dainty, A, Labbé, D (2018) The diversity of governance approaches in the face of resilience. In Forino, G, Bonati, S, Calandra, LM (ed)
Governance of risk, hazards and disasters: Trends in theory and practice, Routledge, pp.11-26.
Smith, A (2017) Landslides. In Bosher, L and
Chmutina, K (ed)
Disaster Risk Reduction for the Built Environment, John Wiley & Sons, pp.185-204.
Ravankhah, M,
Chmutina, K, Schmidt, M, Bosher, L (2017)
Integration of cultural heritage into disaster risk management: challenges and opportunities for increased disaster resilience. In
Going Beyond – Perceptions of Sustainability in Heritage Studies No. 2,, ISBN: 9783319571645.
Chmutina, K, Jigyasu, R, Bosher, L (2017)
Integrating disaster risk reduction including climate change adaptation into the delivery and management of the built environmentagement of the built environment. In
Routledge Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Handbook, ©Taylor & Francis (Routledge),ISBN: 9781138924567.
Chmutina, K and Bosher, L (2017)
Rapid urbanisation and security: Holistic approach to enhancing security of urban spaces. In
The Palgrave Handbook of Security, Risk and Intelligence, Palgrave Macmillian, pp.27-45, ISBN: 9781137536747.
Ravankhah, M,
Chmutina, K, Schmidt, M, Bosher, L (2017)
Integration of Cultural Heritage into Disaster Risk Management: Challenges and Opportunities for Increased Disaster Resilience. In
In Albert M-T, Bandarin F, Pereira Roders A, (Eds.) Going Beyond – Perceptions of Sustainability in Heritage Studies No. 2, Volume 5 of the Heritage Studies Series, De Gruyter, De Gruyter, pp.307-321, ISBN: 978-3-319-57164-5. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Jigyasu, R, Bosher, L (2017)
The Routledge Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction including Climate Change Adaptation, pp.264-274, DOI:
Jovanovic, M, Sweijs, T,
Chmutina, K, Vietti, F, Tibaldeo, RF, Burbiel, J, Bosher, L, Dainty, A (2016)
Non-traditional transnational security challenges in Serbian, British and Dutch discourses: a cross-country comparison. In AJ, M (ed)
Exploring the Security Landscape: Non-Traditional Security Challenges, © Springer International Publishing, pp.9-30, ISBN: 9783319279138. DOI:
Chmutina, K and Bosher, L (2016)
Managing disaster risk and resilience in the UK: Response vs. prevention in policy and practice. In
Routledge Handbook of International Resilience: Policies, Theories and Practices. Routledge, © Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp.267-278, ISBN: 9781138784321.
Jovanović, M, Sweijs, T,
Chmutina, K, Vietti, F, Franzini Tibaldeo, R, Burbiel, J, Bosher, L, Dainty, A (2016)
Non-traditional transnational security challenges in serbian, british and dutch security discourses: A cross-country comparison. In
Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications, pp.9-29, DOI:
Guy, S, Sheriff, G,
Chmutina, K, Goodier, C (2016)
Seawater district heating in the Hague: Assembling energy futures. In
Actor Networks of Planning Exploring the Influence of Actor Network Theory, Routledge, pp.142-156, ISBN: 9781138886407.
Fisher, J,
Chmutina, K, Bosher, L (2015)
Urban resilience and sustainability: the role of a local resilience forum in England. In AJ, M (ed)
Disaster Management: Enabling Resilience, © Springer International Publishing, pp.91-107, ISBN: 9783319088181. DOI:
Chmutina, K and Goodier, CI (2013)
Case study analysis of urban decentralized energy systems. In Leal Filho, W, Mannke, F, Mohee, R, Schulte, V, Surroop, D (ed)
Climate-Smart Technologies: Integrating Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Mitigation and Adaptation Responses, Springer, pp.307-324.
Rogers, T and
Chmutina, K (2013)
Past and Present Green Economy Initiatives and Capacity
Building and Financial Mechanisms for the Future Development
of the Barbados Energy Sector. In Leal Filho, W, Mannke, F, Mohee, R, Schulte, V, Surroop, D (ed)
Climate-Smart Technologies: Integrating Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Mitigation and Adaptation Responses, pp.245-258.
Chmutina, K, Gibb, A, Dainty, A, Bosher, L (2018)
Academic analysis of the ICE Report ‘In Plain Sight: reducing the risk of infrastructure failure’.
Bosher, L, Von Meding, J, Johnson, C, Arefian, FF,
Chmutina, K, Chang-Richards, YA (2016)
Disasters and the built environment. Research roadmap,ISBN: 9789080302204.
Chmutina, K, Bosher, L, Dainty, A, Polchar, J, Sweijs, T, Lucini, B, Lombardi, M (2015)
Workshop report North Western Europe. DOI:
Chmutina, K, Bosher, L, Dainty, A, Sweijs, T, Mukena, J, Frinking, E, Lucini, B, Lombardi, M (2015)
Case study on North-West Europe. DOI:
Chmutina, K and Bosher, L (2014)
DESURBS deliverable 2.3: generic integrated security and resilience decision support framework.
Rydin, Y,
Chmutina, K, Goodier, CI (2013)
Sustainable energy management and the built environment (SEMBE) mid-term impact review, the Government Office for Science, UK and FORESIGHT.
Chmutina, K and Bosher, L (2013)
DESURBS draft deliverable 2.1 (d2.1c): roles of key stakeholders.
Chmutina, K and Bosher, L (2013)
DESURBS deliverable 2.2: tools for the assessment of security threats.
Bijay, P, Boodhan, M,
Chmutina, K (2012)
Transnational recommendation report. Prepared for DIREKT – Small Developing Island Renewable Energy Knowledge and Technology Transfer Network.
Drosou, N, Soetanto, R, Hermawan, F,
Chmutina, K, Bosher, L, Hatmoko, JUD (2019)
Supplementary Files for "Key Factors Influencing Wider Adoption of Blue–Green Infrastructure in Developing Cities", DOI:
Chmutina, K, von Meding, J, Faas, AJ (2023)
Book review: In the shadow of Tungurahua: Disaster Politics in Highland Ecuador. DOI:
Sandoval, V, Williams, D, Cheek, W, von Meding, J,
Chmutina, K, Gonzáles-Muzzio, C, Forino, G, Tomassi, I, Marchezini, V, Vahanvati, M, Páez, H, Boyland, M (2022)
The role of public and private sectors in disaster capitalism: an international overview, This contributing paper explores the role and the contribution of the public and private sectors in the (re)production and accumulation of disaster risks from a disaster capitalism optic, both in the academic literature and in the policy realm. This study responds to this gap and provides a preliminary international overview of the root causes, behaviours, and consequences of disaster capitalism, its contribution to disaster risk creation, and its role in the systemic nature of risk. The study analyses diverse ex-ante and ex-post experiences of disaster capitalism in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, India, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States, within a timespan that goes from European colonial times until the current Covid-19 pandemic.
This study concludes that the relation of disaster capitalism with processes of disaster risk creation and role in the systemic nature of risk are of fundamental importance. The paper indicates that when social interests are not well protected or exposed to market turbulences, unscrupulous profiteers can take advantage or destroy them, regardless of the consequences for the majority of the people and the planet’s ecosystems. The researchers recommend transdisciplinarity and other approaches (such as action-research initiatives and design-thinking) that allow for a better understanding of the social dimension of the systemic nature of risk..
von Meding, J,
Chmutina, K, Forino, G, Raju, E (2020)
Guest editorial, Introduction to the special issue on disrupting the status quo. DOI:
von Meding, J,
Chmutina, K, Forino, G, Raju, E (2020)
Introduction to the special issue on Disrupting the Status Quo, No description supplied. DOI: