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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Eftychia Spentzou

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Journal Articles

Mindeel, TA, Spentzou, E, Eftekhari, M (2024) Energy, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality: Multi-objective optimization review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 202(2024), 114682, ISSN: 1364-0321. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2024.114682.

Tsang, C, Spentzou, E, Lomas, K, He, M (2022) Reducing energy consumption and improving comfort by retrofitting residential buildings in the hot summer and cold winter zone of China, Journal of Architectural Engineering, 28(4), 04022033, ISSN: 1076-0431. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000568.

Cook, M, Shukla, Y, Rawal, R, Angelopoulos, C, Caruggi-De-Faria, L, Loveday, D, Spentzou, E, Patel, J (2022) Integrating low energy cooling and ventilation strategies in Indian residences, Buildings and Cities, 3(1), pp.279-296, DOI: 10.5334/bc.197.

Spentzou, E, Cook, M, Emmitt, S (2021) Low-energy cooling and ventilation refurbishments for buildings in a Mediterranean climate, Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 18(4), pp.473-494, ISSN: 1745-2007. DOI: 10.1080/17452007.2021.1926898.

Corbett, T, Spentzou, E, Eftekhari, M (2020) Sensitivity analysis of proposed natural ventilation IEQ designs for archetypal open-plan office layouts in a temperate climate, Advances in Building Energy Research, 16(2), pp.171-201, ISSN: 1751-2549. DOI: 10.1080/17512549.2020.1813197.

Spentzou, E, Cook, M, Emmitt, S (2019) Modelling natural ventilation for summer thermal comfort in Mediterranean dwellings, International Journal of Ventilation, ISSN: 1473-3315. DOI: 10.1080/14733315.2017.1302658.

Spentzou, E, Cook, M, Emmitt, S (2017) Natural ventilation strategies for indoor thermal comfort in Mediterranean apartments, Building Simulation, 11, pp.175-191, ISSN: 1996-8744. DOI: 10.1007/s12273-017-0380-1.


Roberts, BM, Lomas, K, Gough, KV, Kasei, R, Manu, FW, Spentzou, E, Wilby, R (2023) Designing dwellings to cope with extreme heat in low-income communities. In Comfort At The Extremes 2023; Comfort At The Extremes 2023 conference, Ahmedabad, India, pp.52-60, DOI: 10.62744/CATE.45273.1127-084-092.

Saiful, SM, Firth, S, Spentzou, E (2023) Assessing the cooling performance of tropical dwellings using multi-year future climate scenario EnergyPlus weather files: a case study of Brunei Darussalam. In The 18th International IBPSA Conference and Exhibition Building Simulation 2023 (BS2023); Proceedings of Building Simulation 2023: 18th Conference of IBPSA, Shanghai, China, pp.2067-2074, ISBN: 9781775052036. DOI: 10.26868/25222708.2023.1538.

Mindeel, TA, Eftekhari, M, Spentzou, E (2023) Environmental assessment of a shared workspace in UK educational buildings during the winter season. In 15th International Green Energy Conference (IGEC-XV); Proceedings of the 15th International Green Energy Conference, Glasgow, UK.

Angelopoulos, C, Cook, M, Shukla, Y, Spentzou, E, Rawal, R, Caruggi-De-Faria, L, Loveday, D, Manu, S, Mishra, D, Patel, J (2020) Assessing the impact of control algorithms in direct evaporative cooling systems in mixed-mode buildings. In Corrado, V, Fabrizio, E, Gasparella, A, Patuzzi, F (ed) Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA, Rome, Italy, pp.916-923, ISBN: 9781775052012.

Angelopoulos, C, Cook, M, Shukla, Y, Spentzou, E, Rawal, R, Loveday, D, Caruggi De Faria, L, Mishra, D, Patel, J, Manu, S (Accepted for publication) Assessing the Impact of Control Algorithms in Direct Evaporative Cooling Systems in Mixed-mode Buildings. In Building Simulation Rome 2019, Rome, Italy.

Tsang, C, Spentzou, E, He, M, Lomas, K (2018) Evaluating energy savings retrofits for residential buildings in China. In Proceedings of the 4th IBPSA-England Conference on Building Simulation and Optimization, Cambridge, UK, pp.284-291.

Angelopoulos, C, Cook, M, Spentzou, E, Shukla, Y (2018) Energy saving potential of different setpoint control algorithms in mixed-mode buildings. In Building Simulation and Optimization 2018, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge.

Spentzou, E, Iddon, CR, Grove, M, Cook, M (2016) Priority school building programme: an investigation into predicted occupant comfort during the heating season in naturally ventilated classrooms. In CLIMA2016 12TH REHVA World Congress, Aalborg, Denmark.

Spentzou, E, Cook, M, Lin, CL (2015) Natural ventilation assessment of an existing apartment building in the Mediterranean using time-dependent CFD. In BS2015 - 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, Hyderabad - India.

Spentzou, E, Cook, M, Emmitt, S (2014) Assessing natural cooling strategies in apartment buildings using de-coupled internal-external airflow simulations. In 2014 Building Simulation and Optimization Conference, London, UK, UCL,ISBN: 978-0-9930137-0-6.

Spentzou, E, Cook, M, Emmitt, S (2013) Enhancing indoor comfort in existing apartment buildings in Athens using natural ventilation. In Proceedings of BS 2013- 13th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, pp.1168-1175.

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