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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Thomas Jackson

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Journal Articles

Cotet, C, Kawalek, P, Jackson, T (2024) Navigating uncertainty with cybernetics principles: A scoping review of interdisciplinary resilience strategies for rail systems, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, ISSN: 1751-956X. DOI: 10.1049/itr2.12598.

Castro, V, Georgiou, M, Jackson, T, Hodgkinson, I, Jackson, L, Lockwood, S (2024) Digital data demand and renewable energy limits: Forecasting the impacts on global electricity supply and sustainability, Energy Policy, 195(2024), 114404, ISSN: 0301-4215. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2024.114404.

Dashti, L, Jackson, T, West, A, Jackson, L (2024) Enhancing halal food traceability: a model for rebuilding trust and integrity in Muslim countries, Journal of Islamic Marketing, ISSN: 1759-0833. DOI: 10.1108/JIMA-06-2023-0167.

Mohamed, A, Jackson, T, Onojeharho, E, Suzanne, E (2024) Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear event detection and classification using ontology interrogation and Social Media data, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 135, ISSN: 0952-1976. DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2024.108654.

Emsley, B, Farmer, J, Sherratt, P, Goodall, P, Jackson, T, West, A (2024) An overview of the test methodology used in current cycling helmet standards and literature, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 188, 104928, ISSN: 0734-743X. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2024.104928.

Jackson, T and Hodgkinson, I (2023) Array, Public Money & Management, 44(3), pp.182-184, ISSN: 0954-0962. DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2023.2279812.

Russell, E, Jackson, T, Fullman, M, Chamakiotis, P (2023) Getting on top of work-email: a systematic review of 25 years of research to understand effective work-email activity, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 97(1), pp.74-103, ISSN: 0963-1798. DOI: 10.1111/joop.12462.

Jackson, T and Hodgkinson, I (2023) Is there a role for knowledge management in saving the planet from too much data? [Editorial], Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 21(3), pp.427-435, ISSN: 1477-8238. DOI: 10.1080/14778238.2023.2192580.

Jackson, T and Hodgkinson, I (2022) Keeping a lower profile: How firms can reduce their digital carbon footprints, Journal of Business Strategy, 44(6), pp.363-370, ISSN: 0275-6668. DOI: 10.1108/JBS-03-2022-0048.

Lönnqvist, A, Jackson, T, Schiuma, G (2022) Key development areas for the growing and maturing knowledge management research field: creativity, novelty, relevance and impact, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 20(2), pp.175-176, ISSN: 1477-8238. DOI: 10.1080/14778238.2022.2064606.

Elayan, S, Sykora, M, Jackson, T, Onojeharho, E (2022) ‘Are you having a laugh?’: detecting humorous expressions on social media: an exploration of theory, current approaches and future work, International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 21(1), pp.115-137, ISSN: 1461-4111. DOI: 10.1504/IJITM.2022.121332.

Sykora, M, Elayan, S, Hodgkinson, I, Jackson, T, West, A (2022) The power of emotions: Leveraging user generated content for customer experience management, Journal of Business Research, 144, pp.997-1006, ISSN: 0148-2963. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.02.048.

Schiuma, G, Jackson, T, Lönnqvist, A (2021) Managing knowledge to navigate the coronavirus crisis, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 19(4), pp.409-414, ISSN: 1477-8238. DOI: 10.1080/14778238.2021.1992711.

Tsalapati, E, Tribe, J, Goodall, P, Young, RIM, Jackson, T, West, A (2021) Enhancing RFID system configuration through semantic modelling, The Knowledge Engineering Review, 36, e11, ISSN: 0269-8889. DOI: 10.1017/S0269888921000096.

Russell, E, Daniels, K, Jackson, T, Fullman, M (2021) The work-habits intervention model: A 12-month study to change work-email habits, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 94(4), pp.808-835, ISSN: 0963-1798. DOI: 10.1111/joop.12363.

Neal, A, Sharpe, R, Van-Lopik, K, Tribe, J, Goodall, P, Lugo-Sanudo, H, Segura-Velandia, D, Conway, P, Jackson, L, Jackson, T, West, A (2021) The potential of industry 4.0 cyber physical system to improve quality assurance: An automotive case study for wash monitoring of returnable transit items, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 32, pp.461-475, ISSN: 1755-5817. DOI: 10.1016/j.cirpj.2020.07.002.

Hodgkinson, I, Jackson, T, West, A (2021) Customer experience management: asking the right questions, Journal of Business Strategy, 43(2), pp.105-114, ISSN: 0275-6668. DOI: 10.1108/JBS-07-2020-0158.

Lappin, J, Jackson, T, Matthews, G, Ravenwood, C (2021) Rival records management models in an era of partial automation, Archival Science, 21(3), pp.243-266, ISSN: 1389-0166. DOI: 10.1007/s10502-020-09354-9.

Sykora, M, Elayan, S, Jackson, T (2020) A qualitative analysis of sarcasm, irony and related #hashtags on Twitter, Big Data and Society, 7(2), ISSN: 2053-9517. DOI: 10.1177/2053951720972735.

Tsalapati, E, Johnson, C, Jackson, T, Jackson, L, Low, D, Davies, B, Mao, L, West, A (2020) Enhancing polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell system diagnostics through semantic modelling, Expert Systems with Applications, 163, 113550, ISSN: 0957-4174. DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2020.113550.

Elayan, S, Sykora, M, Jackson, T (2020) "His tweets speak for themselves": an analysis of Donald Trump's Twitter behaviour, The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Civic and Political Studies, 15(1), pp.11-35, ISSN: 2327-0071. DOI: 10.18848/2327-0071/cgp/v15i01/11-35.

Russell, E, Jackson, T, Banks, A (2019) Classifying computer-mediated communication (CMC) interruptions at work using control as a key delineator, Behaviour & Information Technology, 40(2), pp.191-205, ISSN: 0144-929X. DOI: 10.1080/0144929x.2019.1683606.

Alrefaie, M, Summerskill, S, Jackson, T (2019) In a heart beat: Using driver’s physiological changes to determine the quality of a takeover in highly automated vehicles, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 131, pp.180-190, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2019.06.011.

Lappin, J, Jackson, T, Matthews, G, Onojeharho, E (2019) The defensible deletion of government email, Records Management Journal, ISSN: 0956-5698. DOI: 10.1108/RMJ-09-2018-0036.

Saat, SM, Hepworth, M, Jackson, T (2018) “She looked like an Alien”: Experience and definitions children attach to a parental cancer diagnosis, Aslib Journal of Information Management, ISSN: 2050-3806. DOI: 10.1108/AJIM-06-2017-0142.

Mao, L, Jackson, L, Jackson, T (2017) Investigation of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell internal behaviour during long term operation and its use in prognostics, Journal of Power Sources, 362, pp.39-49, ISSN: 0378-7753. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.07.018.

Gerrard, DM, Sykora, M, Jackson, T (2017) Social media analytics in museums: extracting expressions of inspiration, Museum Management and Curatorship, 32(3), pp.232-250, ISSN: 0964-7775. DOI: 10.1080/09647775.2017.1302815.

Alkraiji, AI, Jackson, T, Murray, I (2016) Factors impacting the adoption decision of health data standards in tertiary healthcare organisations in Saudi Arabia, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 29(5), pp.650-676, ISSN: 1741-0398. DOI: 10.1108/JEIM-11-2014-0111.

Parboteeah, P, Jackson, T, Wilkinson, N (2016) A Theoretically Grounded Model to Reduce the Risk of Knowledge Loss in Organisations: An Energy Company Evaluation, Knowledge and Process Management, 23(3), pp.171-183, ISSN: 1099-1441. DOI: 10.1002/kpm.1502.

Sykora, M, Gruebner, O, Lowe, S, Shankardass, K, Trinquart, L, Jackson, TW, Subramanian, SV, Galea, S (2016) Mental Health Surveillance after the Terrorist Attacks in Paris, Lancet, 387, ISSN: 1474-547X.

Owa, K, Jackson, L, Jackson, T (2016) An intelligent novel tripartite - (PSO-GA-SA) optimization strategy, International Journal of Metaheuristics, ISSN: 1755-2184. DOI: 10.1504/IJMHEUR.2017.10002057.

Lock, RH, Cooke, L, Jackson, T (2013) Online Social Networking, Order and Disorder, The Electronic Journal of e-Government (EJEG), 11(1), pp.229-240, ISSN: 1479-439X.

Jackson, T, Parboteeah, P, Wilkinson, N (2013) A scientifically grounded model to reduce knowledge loss in organisations, Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM, 1, pp.287-294, ISSN: 2048-8963.

Cooke, L, lindsay, R, Jackson, TW (2013) Empirical Evaluation of a Technology Acceptance Model for Mobile Policing, Police Practice and Research, 2013, pp.1-19, ISSN: 1561-4263. DOI: 10.1080/15614263.2013.829602.

Alkraiji, A, Jackson, T, Murray, I (2013) Barriers to the Widespread Adoption of Health Data Standards: An Exploratory Qualitative Study in Tertiary Healthcare Organizations in Saudi Arabia, Journal of Medical Systems, 37(2), 9895, ISSN: 0148-5598. DOI: 10.1007/s10916-012-9895-2.

Lindsay, R, Jackson, TW, Cooke, L (2013) Empirical evaluation of a technology acceptance model for mobile policing, Police Practice and Research, ISSN: 1561-4263. DOI: 10.1080/15614263.2013.829602.

Sykora, M, Jackson, T, O'Brien, A, Elayan, S (2013) Emotive ontology: extracting fine-grained emotions from terse, informal messages, IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems, 8(2), pp.106-118, ISSN: 1646-3692.

Carpenter, L, Jackson, TW, Matthews, G, Thomas, D, Spencer, A (2012) The role of IT in email preservation and archiving, ICAC 12 - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Automation and Computing: Integration of Design and Engineering, pp.67-72.

Israilidis, J and Jackson, T (2012) Examining Information and Knowledge Processes to Enhance Best Practices in Agile Knowledge Intensive Environments, Knowledge and Process Management, 19(4), pp.171-179, ISSN: 1092-4604. DOI: 10.1002/kpm.1394.

ALKRAIJI, AI, Jackson, TW, MURRAY, I (2012) The Role of Health Data Standards in Developing Countries, Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries, 6(2), pp.454-466, ISSN: 1178-4407.

Jackson, TW, Tedmori, S, Hinde, CJ, Bani-Hani, AI (2012) The Boundaries of Natural Language Processing Techniques in Extracting Knowledge from Emails, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, 4(2), pp.119-127.

Hinde, CJ, Bani-Hani, AI, Jackson, TW, Cheung, YP (2012) Evolving Polynomials of the Inputs for Decision Tree Building, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, 4(2), pp.198-203, ISSN: 1798-0461. DOI: 10.4304/jetwi.4.2.198-203.

Hinde, CJ, Bani-Hani, AI, Jackson, TW, Cheung, YP (2012) Evolving Polynomials of the Inputs for Decision Tree Building, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, 4(2), pp.198-203.

Tedmori, S and Jackson, TW (2012) The design and evaluation of EKE, a semi-automated email knowledge extraction tool, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 10(1), pp.79-88, ISSN: 1477-8238. DOI: 10.1057/kmrp.2011.40.

Marulanda-Carter, L and Jackson, TW (2012) Effects of e-mail addiction and interruptions on employees, Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 14(1), pp.82-94, ISSN: 1328-7265. DOI: 10.1108/13287261211221146.

Jackson, TW and Smith, SC (2012) Harvesting Information from the Internet to Construct Ontologies, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 3(2), pp.211-224.

Jackson, TW and Farzaneh, P (2012) Theory-based model of factors affecting information overload, International Journal of Information Management, ISSN: 0268-4012.

Jackson, TW and Farzaneh, P (2012) Theory-based model of factors affecting information overload, International Journal of Information Management, 32(6), pp.523-532, ISSN: 0268-4012. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2012.04.006.

Lindsay, R, Jackson, T, Cooke, L (2012) Assessing the Business Value of Mobile Terminals in a UK Police Context, The Police Journal: a quarterly review for the police forces of the Commonwealth and English-speaking world, 85(4), pp.301-318.

Steventon, A, Jackson, TW, Hepworth, M, Curtis, S, Everitt, C (2012) Exploring and modelling elements of information management that contribute towards making positive impacts: An outcome based approach for senior managers in a local government setting, International Journal of Information Management, 32(2), pp.158-163, ISSN: 0268-4012. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2011.10.004.

Jackson, TW and Smith, S (2011) Retrieving relevant information: Traditional file systems versus tagging, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 25(1), pp.79-93, ISSN: 1741-0398. DOI: 10.1108/17410391211192170.

Lindsay, R, Jackson, TW, Cooke, L (2011) Adapted Technology Acceptance Model for Mobile Policing, Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 13(4), ISSN: 1328-7265. DOI: 10.1108/13287261111183988.

Parboteeah, P and Jackson, TW (2011) Expert evaluation study of an autopoietic model of knowledge, Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(4), pp.688-699, ISSN: 1367-3270.

Jackson, TW and Sharman, L (2011) Optimising e-mail communication: the impact of seminar and computer based training, International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, 7(2), pp.197-216, DOI: 10.1504/IJIEM.2011.039915.

Steventon, A, Jackson, TW, Hepworth, M, Curtis, S, Everitt, C (2011) Exploring and modelling elements of information management that contribute towards making positive impacts: An outcome based approach for senior managers in a local government setting, International Journal of Information Management, ISSN: 0268-4012.

Alkraiji, A, Jackson, T, Murray, I (2011) Health data standards and adoption process: Preliminary findings of a qualitative study in Saudi Arabia, Campus-Wide Information Systems, 28, pp.345-359-345-359, DOI: 10.1108/10650741111181616.

Parboteeah, P, Jackson, TW, Ragsdell, G (2010) Evaluating a Living Model of Knowledge, Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 8(1), pp.128-138, ISSN: 1479-4411.

Lindsay, RE, Jackson, TW, Cooke, L (2010) Mobile Information Seeking within a UK Police Force, Online Information Review, xx, ISSN: 1468-4527.

Lindsay, RE, Jackson, TW, Cooke, L (2010) Mobile Access to Information Systems in Law Enforcement: An Evaluation of its Implications for Data Quality, The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 13(2), pp.143-152.

Clarke, M, Hinde, CJ, Withall, MS, Jackson, TW, Phillips, IW, Brown, S, Watson, R (2010) Allocating railway platforms using a genetic algorithm, Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVI: Incorporating Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XVII, pp.421-434, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-983-1_33.

Lindsay, R, Cooke, L, Jackson, TW (2009) The Impact of Mobile Technology on a UK Police Force and Their Knowledge Sharing, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM), 8(2), pp.101-112, DOI: 10.1142/S0219649209002294.

Tedmori, S and Jackson, TW (2009) Assessing the value of an e-mail knowledge extraction system, Knowledge and Process Management, 16(apr), pp.65-73, ISSN: 1092-4604.

Tedmori, S and Jackson, TW (2009) Assessing the value of an E-mail knowledge extraction system, Knowledge and Process Management, 16(2), pp.65-73, ISSN: 1092-4604. DOI: 10.1002/kpm.325.

Lichtenstein, S, Tedmori, S, Jackson, TW (2008) Socio-ethical issues for expertise location from electronic mail, International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 4(1), pp.58-74, DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2008.019737.

Parboteeah, P and Jackson, TW (2007) An Autopoietic Framework for Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Process Management, 14(4), pp.248-259, ISSN: 1092-4604. DOI: 10.1002/kpm.291.

Jackson, TW (2007) Applying autopoiesis to knowledge management in organisations, Journal of Knowledge Management, 11(3), pp.78-91, ISSN: 1367-3270. DOI: 10.1108/13673270710752126.

Jackson, TW (2007) Applying Autopoiesis to Knowledge Management in Organisations, Journal of Knowledge Management, 11(3), pp.78-91, ISSN: 1367-3270. DOI: 10.1108/13673270710752126.

Culjak, G, Lawrence, E, Jackson, TW (2007) Wearable M-health systems, Information Management in the Networked Economy: Issues and Solutions - Proceedings of the 8th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2007, pp.1-8.

Culjak, G, Lawrence, E, Jackson, TW (2007) Challenges in current health information systems, Information Management in the Networked Economy: Issues and Solutions - Proceedings of the 8th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2007, pp.17-23.

Jackson, TW, Burgess, D, Edwards, J (2006) A Simple Approach to Improving Email Communication, Communications of the ACM, 49(6), pp.107-109, ISSN: 0001-0782.

Tedmori, S, Jackson, TW, Bouchlaghem, D (2006) Locating Knowledge Sources Through Keyphrase Extraction, Knowledge and Process Management, 13(2), pp.100-107, ISSN: 1092-4604. DOI: 10.1002/kpm.250.

Burgess, A, Jackson, TW, Edwards, J (2005) Email training significantly reduces email defects, International Journal of Information Management, 25(1), pp.71-83, ISSN: 0268-4012. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2004.10.004.

Balafas, PJ, Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ (2005) Deploying Knowledge Management and Securing Future Sponsorship within A Highly Heirarchical 'Role-Based' Organisational Culture, International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 4, pp.643-652, ISSN: 1447-9524.

Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ, Wilson, D (2003) Understanding Email Interaction Increases Organizational Productivity, Communications of the ACM, 46(8), pp.80-84, ISSN: 0001-0782. DOI: 10.1145/859670.859673.

Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ, Wilson, D (2003) Reducing the Effect of Email Interruptions on Employees, International Journal of Information Management, 23(1), pp.55-65, ISSN: 0268-4012. DOI: 10.1016/S0268-4012(02)00068-3.

Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ, Wilson, D (2001) The Cost of Email Interruption, The Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 5(1), pp.81-92, ISSN: 1328-7265.

Parsons, PA, Belcher, J, Jackson, T (1998) A Labor-Management Approach to Health Care Cost Savings: The Peoria Experience, Public Personnel Management, 27(1), pp.23-37, ISSN: 0091-0260. DOI: 10.1177/009102609802700103.


Dashti, L, Jackson, T, West, A, Jackson, L (2024) Building a halal food traceability model for Kuwaiti halal ecosystem from stakeholders’ perspectives. In Uden, L and Ting, I-H (ed) Knowledge Management in Organisations. 18th International Conference, KMO 2024, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 29 – August 1, 2024, Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp.225-236, ISBN: 9783031632686. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-63269-3_17.

Zhong, K, Jackson, T, West, A, Cosma, G (2024) Building a sustainable Knowledge Management System from dark data in industrial maintenance. In Uden, L and Ting, I-H (ed) Knowledge Management in Organisations. 18th International Conference, KMO 2024, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 29 – August 1, 2024, Proceedings, pp.263-274, ISBN: 9783031632686. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-63269-3_20.

Jackson, TW and Hodgkinson, I (2024) Building Climate Resilient and Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems. In Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, Rome, Italy.

Jackson, TW and Hodgkinson, I (2024) Unveiling the Hidden Costs: The Environmental Impact of Digitalization on the Road to Net-Zero Emissions. In Information & Records Management Society (IRMS), Brighton.

Zhong, K, Jackson, T, West, A, Cosma, G (2024) Natural Language Processing Approaches in Industrial Maintenance: A Systematic Literature Review. In , Procedia Computer Science, pp.2082-2097, DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2024.02.029.

Georgiou, M, Jackson, T, Hodgkinson, IR, Jackson, L, Lockwood, S, Zhong, K (2024) Digital Decarbonization in Manufacturing Supply Chains: Addressing the Environmental Impact of the Data Industry. In , Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp.304-315, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-63269-3_23.

Jackson, T, Jackson, L, Day, M (2023) Theoretical model of new ways of knowledge creation and their impact on exploratory and exploitative innovation. In Uden, L and Ting, I-H (ed) International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations (KMO 2023); Knowledge Management in Organisations: 17th International Conference, KMO 2023, Bangkok, Thailand, July 24–27, 2023, Proceedings, Bangkok, Thailand, pp.255-272, ISBN: 9783031340444. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-34045-1_22.

Lockwood, S, Hodgkinson, I, Jackson, T, Jackson, L, Barbour, E (2023) Data decarbonisation, greenhouse gas emissions, and industrial business. In British Academy of Management Conference (BAM 2023); BAM2023 Proceedings, Brighton, UK.

MacCallum, E, Jackson, L, Coxhead, J, Jackson, T (2023) Innovations in Future Crime Decision Making Through the Codification of Temporal Expert Knowledge. In , Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp.329-343, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-34045-1_27.

Onojeharho, E, Jackson, T, Jackson, L, Cotet, C (2023) Knowledge Gaps Implementing Electronic Content Management in the Third Sector. In , Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp.17-37, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-34045-1_3.

Sykora, M, Elayan, S, Perri, N, Jackson, T (2020) Tweeting Brexit: A Computational Analysis of Public Mood During the Brexit Negotiations. In 7th European Conference on Social Media, Larnaca, Cyprus. DOI: 10.34190/ESM.20.043.

Elayan, S, Sykora, M, Shankardass, K, Robertson, C, Feick, R, Shaughnessy, K, Haydn, L, Jackson, T (2020) The Stresscapes Ontology System: Detecting and Measuring Stress on Social Media. In 7th European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2020, Larnaca, Cyprus. DOI: 10.34190/ESM.20.046.

Sykora, M, Elayan, S, Barbour, N, Jackson, T (2020) A Survey of the Ethics of Social Media Analytics. In 7th European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2020, Larnaca, Cyprus. DOI: 10.34190/ESM.20.047.

Talebpour, M, Sykora, M, Jackson, T (2020) The Evaluation of Ontologies for Quality, Suitability for Reuse, and the Significant Role of Social Factors. In , Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp.161-177, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-49559-6_8.

López, DR, Pallis, G, Jackson, T, Onojeharho, E, Psarras, G, Navarro, AR, Käding, F, Statheropoulos, M, Wijnalda, G (2019) Data Gathering in Crisis Management. In , 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management, ICT-DM 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ICT-DM47966.2019.9032957.

Talebpour, M, Sykora, M, Jackson, T (2019) Social and community related themes in ontology evaluation: Findings from an interview study. In , Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp.320-336, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-15640-4_16.

Coates, R, Sykora, M, Jackson, T (2019) Browsing to Breathe: Social Media for Stress Reduction. In Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. DOI: 10.24251/hicss.2019.510.

Chen, X, Sykora, M, Jackson, T, Elayan, S (2018) What about mood swings? Identifying depression on Twitter with temporal measures of emotions. In WWW 2018 Conference - The Sixth International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (SocialNLP 2018), Lyon, France,ISBN: 9781450356404. DOI: 10.1145/3184558.3191624.

Tsalapati, E, Jackson, T, Johnson, W, Jackson, L, Vasilyev, A, West, A, Mao, L, Davies, B (2018) The role of semantic technologies in diagnostic and decision support for service systems. In Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii.

Chen, X, Sykora, M, Jackson, T, Elayan, S, Munir, F (2018) Tweeting your mental health: Exploration of different classifiers and features with emotional signals in identifying mental health conditions. In HICCS Hawaii International Conference on Computer Systems, Hawaii,ISBN: 9780998133119. DOI: 10.24251/HICSS.2018.421.

Talebpour, M, Sykora, M, Jackson, T (2018) Ontology selection for reuse: Will it ever get easier?. In 10th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development - KEOD 2018, Seville, Spain,ISBN: 9789897583308. DOI: 10.5220/0006937101080116.

Simatwo, S, Ragsdell, G, Jackson, T (2017) Moving KM to the next generation: The contribution of critical systems thinking. In 18th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2017), Barcelona, Spain,ISBN: 9781911218487.

Hills, SA, Jackson, T, Sykora, M (2017) Persuasion and the microblog: A model of persuasive communications in terse text. In , Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Social Media, ECSM 2017, pp.364-372.

Talebpour, M, Sykora, M, Jackson, T (2017) The role of community and social metrics in ontology evaluation: An interview study of ontology reuse. In IC3K 2017 - Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, pp.119-127, ISBN: 9789897582721. DOI: 10.5220/0006589201190127.

Mounce, SR, Fargus, A, Weeks, M, Young, J, Ejimbe, D, Goya, E, Holburn, M, Jackson, T, Boxall, JB (2017) Online advanced uncertain reasoning architecture with binomial event discriminator system for novelty detection in smart water networks. In , CCWI 2017 - 15th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry.

Owa, K, Jackson, L, Jackson, T (2016) Swarm computational intelligence design for a high integrity protection system. In IAENG International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Hong Kong.

Mousavi, S, sykora, M, Jackson, TW (2015) Investigating a Semantic Retrieval Approach for Question Answering. In Software Quality Management, Loughborough University.

Coates, R, Sykora, M, Jackson, T (2015) An investigation of Cyberchondria in ‘The Age of Risk’. In SQM, Loughborough University.

Sykora, M, Robertson, C, Shankardass, K, Feick, R, Shaughnessy, K, Coates, B, Lawrence, H, Jackson, T (2015) Stresscapes: validating linkages between place and stress expression on social media. In .

Owa, K, Ramzan, A, Jackson, L, Jackson, T, Sykora, M, Mousavi, S (2015) A novel ontological approach to modelling engineering processes: A coupled tank system case study. In 13th International conference on manufacturing research (ICMR2015), Bath.

Onojeharho, E, Jackson, T, Cooke, L (2015) Introducing the Email Knowledge Extraction with Social Network Analysis (EKESNA) tool for discovering an organisation’s expertise network. In BCS Quality Specialist Group’s Annual International SQM (Software Quality Management) and INSPIRE (International conference for Process Improvement, Research and Education), Loughborough.

Mounce, SR, Pedraza, C, Jackson, T, Linford, P, Boxall, JB (2015) Cloud Based Machine Learning Approaches for Leakage Assessment and Management in Smart Water Networks. In , Procedia Engineering, pp.43-52, DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2015.08.851.

Jackson, T and Sykora, M (2015) Using social media to analyse the Scottish Referendum journey. In Software Quality Management, Loughborough University.

Sykora, M, Jackson, T, Von Lunen, A, Elayan, S, O'Brien, A (2015) The role of visualisations in social media monitoring systems. In European Conference on Social Media - ECSM 2015,, ISBN: 9781910810316.

Sykora, M, Osborne, M, Moran, S, McCreadie, R, Lunen, AV, Cano, E, Ireson, N, Macdonald, C, Ounis, I, He, Y, Jackson, TW, Ciravegna, F, O'Brien, A (2014) Real-Time Detection, Tracking, and Monitoring of Automatically Discovered Events in Social Media. In The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Baltimore, pp.1-8.

Sykora, M, Jackson, T, O'Brien, A, Elayan, S, Von Lunen, A (2014) Twitter based analysis of public, fine-grained emotional reactions to significant events. In European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2014, The European Conference on Social Media, pp.540-548, ISBN: 9781910309285.

Osborne, M, Moran, S, McCreadie, R, Von Lunen, A, Sykora, M, Cano, E, Ireson, N, MacDonald, C, Ounis, I, He, Y, Jackson, T, Ciravegna, F, O'Brien, A (2014) Real-time detection, tracking, and monitoring of automatically discovered events in social media. In The 52nd annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Baltimore, p.59, ISBN: 9781941643006.

Osborne, M, Moran, S, McCreadie, R, Von Lunen, A, Sykora, M, Cano, E, Ireson, N, MacDonald, C, Ounis, I, He, Y, Jackson, T, Ciravegna, F, O'Brien, A (2014) Real-time detection, tracking, and monitoring of automatically discovered events in social media. In , Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp.37-42.

Sykora, MD, Jackson, TW, Obrien, A, Elayan, S (2013) National security and social media monitoring: A presentation of the emotive and related systems. In , Proceedings - 2013 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference, EISIC 2013, pp.172-175, DOI: 10.1109/EISIC.2013.38.

Sykora, MD, Jackson, TW, O'Brien, A, Elayan, S (2013) Emotive ontology: Extracting fine-grained emotions from terse, informal messages. In , Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Intelligent Systems and Agents 2013, ISA 2013, Proceedings of the IADIS European Conference on Data Mining 2013, ECDM 2013, pp.19-26.

Gerrard, DM, O'Brien, A, Jackson, TW (Accepted for publication) Controversy and debate within social media: can museums improve 21st Century democracy?. In Nimkulrat, N, Niedderer, K, Evans, M (ed) International Conference 2013 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge, Loughborough, pp.319-330, ISBN: 978-1-907382-72-7.

Hurst, M, Glencross, M, Jackson, T (2013) Affecting HCI. In SAP' 13: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2013, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, pp.115-115, DOI: 10.1145/2492494.2501874.

Hurst, M, Jackson, TW, Glencross, M (2012) Emotion recognition - Theory or practicality. In , ICAC 12 - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Automation and Computing: Integration of Design and Engineering, pp.352-357.

Bani-Hani, AI, Chris Hinde, Jackson TW, (2012) Economic Benefits of an ERP System to a Low Tech SME. In International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, Barcelona, Spain, pp.285-289.

Jackson, TW, Parboteeah, P, Morgan, V (2012) The Role of National Culture in Knowledge Sharing: A Multinational Corporation Perspective. In 13th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Cartagena, Spain, pp.520-530, ISBN: 978-1-908272-63-8.

Jackson, TW, Hinde, CJ, Parboteeah, P, Timms, R, Washington, R (2012) The Barriers to Knowledge Sharing Within a Third Sector Sport Organisation. In 13th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Cartagena, Spain, pp.510-520, ISBN: 978-1-908272-63-8.

Parboteeah, P, Jackson, TW, Smith, G (2011) Getting Ready for Knowledge Management: A UK Local Government Case Study. In Lehner, F and Bredl, K (ed) European Conference on Knowledge Management, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Knowledge Management, University of Passau, Germany, ISBN: 978-1-908272-10-2.

Bani Hani, AI, Tedmori, S, Hinde, CJ, Jackson, TW (2011) Review of Knowledge Extraction from Email: The Boundaries of Natural Language Processing Techniques. In Mardni, DW (ed) International Conference on Information & Communication Systems, Proceedings of International Conference on Information & Communication Systems, Irbid, Jordan, pp.61-66, ISBN: 978-1-4507-8208-1.

Bani Hani, AI, Hinde, CJ, Jackson, TW (2011) Knowledge Management, Sharing and ERP Systems in a Small Company. In Mardni, DW (ed) International Conference on Information & Communication Systems, Proceedings of International Conference on Information & Communication Systems, Irbid, Jordan, pp.24-27, ISBN: 978-1-4507-8208-1.

Jackson, TW, Tedmori, S, Bani Hani, AI, Hinde, CJ (2011) Review of Knowledge Extraction from Email: The Boundaries of Natural Language Processing Techniques. In Wail Mardni, (ed) International Conference on Information & Communication Systems, Proceedings of International Conference on Information & Communication Systems, Irbid, Jordan, pp.61-66, ISBN: 978-1-4507-8208-1.

Bani Hani, AI, Hinde, CJ, Jackson, TW (2011) Knowledge Management, Sharing and ERP Systems in a Small Company. In Wail Mardni, (ed) International Conference on Information & Communication Systems, Proceedings of International Conference on Information & Communication Systems, Irbid, Jordan, pp.24-27, ISBN: 978-1-4507-8208-1.

Hinde, CJ, Bani Hani, AI, Jackson, TW, Cheung, YP (2011) Evolving the input space for decision tree building. In Wail Mardni, (ed) International Conference on Information & Communication Systems 2011, Proceedings of International Conference on Information & Communications Systems, Irbid, Jordan, pp.48-52, ISBN: 978-1-4507-8208-1.

Bani-Hani, AI, Jackson, Hinde, (2011) Knowledge Management, Sharing and ERP Systems in a Small Company. In Wail Mardini, (ed) International Conference on Information & Communication Systems, Proceedings of International Conference on Information & Communication Systems, Irbid, Jordan, pp.24-27, ISBN: 978-1-4507-8208-1.

Lambri, T, Jackson, TW, Cooke, L (2011) The Challenges and Complexities of Implementing and Evaluating the Benefits of an IT System: The UK Police National Database. In Dawson, R, Ross, M, Staples, G (ed) Software QualityManagement, Global Quality Issues, Loughborough, UK, pp.373-390.

Cairns, A, Jackson, TW, Cooke, L (2011) The Factors Involved in Sharing Information Between Public Agencies. In Dawson, R, Ross, M, Staples, G (ed) Software Quality Management, Global Quality Issues, Loughborough, UK, pp.403-419.

Alkraiji, A, Jackson, TW, Murray, IR (2011) Health Data Standards and Adoption Process: Preliminary Findngs of a Qualitative Study in Saudi Arabia. In Dawson, R, Ross, M, Staples, G (ed) Software Quality Management, Global Quality Issues, Loughborough, UK, pp.39-54.

Withall, MS, Hinde, CJ, Jackson, T, Phillips, IW, Brown, S, Watson, R (2011) Automating rolling stock diagramming and platform allocation. In WCCR 2011, 9th World Congress on Railway Research, Lille, France, pp.-.

Parboteeah, P, Jackson, T, Smith, G (2011) Getting Ready for Knowledge Management: A UK Local Government Case Study. In Lehner, F and Bredl, K (ed) 12th Annual European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM), PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, VOLS 1 AND 2, Univ Passau, Passau, GERMANY, pp.746-751.

Hinde, CJ, Withall, MS, Phillips, IW, Jackson, TW, Brown, S, Watson, R (2010) Train Timetable Generation Using Genetic Algorithms. In Filipe, J and Kacprzyk, J (ed) ICEC 2010, Proceedings of ICEC 2010, Valencia, Spain, pp.170-175, ISBN: 978-989-8425-31-7.

Bani Hani, AI, Hinde, CJ, Jackson, TW (2010) Knowledge Validation in SMES. In Filipe, J and Kacprzyk, J (ed) KMIS 2010, Proceedings of KMIS 2010, Valencia, Spain, pp.354-357, ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0.

Bani-Hani, AI, Jackson, Hinde, (2010) Knowledge Validation in SMES. In Filipe, J. & Kacprzyk, J, SciTePress, (ed) KMIS 2010, Proceedings of KMIS 2010, Valencia, Spain, pp.354-357, ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0.

Bani Hani, AI, Jackson, TW, Hinde, CJ (2010) Barriers to Knowledge Management in Small Low Tech Enterprises. In Dawson, R, Ross, M, Staples, G (ed) Software Quality Management XVIII, BCS London, pp.41-52, ISBN: 978-0-9557300-8-5.

Alkraiji, A, Jackson, TW, Murray, IR (2010) Health Data Standards and Barriers to the Widespread Adoption of Health Information Technology. In Dawson, R, Ross, M, Staples, G (ed) Software Quality Management XVIII, BCS London, pp.105-122, ISBN: 978-0-9557300-8-5.

Jackson, TW (2010) Email Related Stress: The Physiological Impact of Email Stress on Employee Effectiveness. In Dawson, R, Ross, M, Staples, G (ed) Software Quality Management XVIII, BCS London, pp.185-196, ISBN: 978-0-9557300-8-5.

Bani-Hani, AI, Jackson, Hinde, (2010) Barriers to Knowledge Management in Small Low Tech Enterprises. In Software Quality Management XVIII, Software Quality Management XVIII, BCS London, Southampton Solent University, Southampton, London, pp.41-52, ISBN: 978-0-9557300-8-5.

Alkraiji, A, Jackson, TW, Murray, IR (2010) Identifying and modelling the critical success factors that affect the adoption of health information technology related standards. In Irani, Z (ed) Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, Abu Dhabi, pp.0-0, ISBN: 978-1-902316-80-2.

Marulanda Carter, L, Jackson, TW, Ragsdell, G (2010) Developing an Email Stress Measuring Methodology to Determine the Impact Email has on Employee Effectiveness. In Software Quality Management (SQM), Proceedings of the 18th International Software Quality Management (SQM) Conference, BCS, London, pp.197-206, ISBN: 978-0-955 7300-8-5.

Lindsay, RE, Jackson, TW, Cooke, L (2010) Mobile access to information systems in law enforcement: an evaluation of its implications for data quality. In Remeyni, D (ed) ICIME 2010, the First International Conference of Information Management and Evaluation, Proceedings of ICIME 2010, the First International Conference of Information Management and Evaluation, University of Cape Town, South Africa, xx.

Lindsay, RE, Jackson, TW, Cooke, L (2010) Mobile access to information systems in law enforcement: an evaluation of its implications for data quality. In Procs. of the Internationational Conference on Information Management and Evaluation, Cape Town, S. Africa, pp.188-196.

Austin, J, Brewer, G, Jackson, T, Hodge, VJ (2010) Aura-alert; The use of binary associative memories for condition monitoring applications. In , 7th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies 2010, CM 2010/MFPT 2010, pp.699-711.

Clarke, M, Hinde, CJ, Withall, MS, Jackson, TW, Phillips, IW, Brown, S, Watson, R (2009) Allocating Railway Platforms Using a Genetic Algorithm. In Bramer, M, Ellis, R, Petridis, M (ed) AI-2009, Proceedings of AI-2009, The Twenty-ninth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, pp.421-434, ISBN: 978-1-84882-982-4. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-983-1.

Parboteeah, P, Jackson, TW, Ragsdell, G (2009) Using autopoiesis to redefine data, information and knowledge. In , ACIS 2009 Proceedings - 20th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, pp.1045-1053.

Parboteeah, P, Jackson, TW, Ragsdell, G (2009) Using autopoiesis to redefine data, information and knowledge. In , 12th Australian Conference on Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision Support, ACKMIDS 09 and 20th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, ACIS 2009, pp.1045-1053.

Jackson, T, Bell, K, Shen, A (2009) Partial stroke testing - Application technology. In , Proceedings of the International Instrumentation Symposium, pp.138-149.

Lindsay, RE, Jackson, TW, Cooke, L (2009) An Evaluation Framework for the Selection of a Mobile Policing Information Solution. In Dan Remeyni, (ed) The 3rd European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation, Proceedings ECIME 2009, The 3rd European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp.293-302.

Parboteeah, P, Jackson, TW, Ragsdell, G (2009) Evaluating a Living Model of Knowledge. In ECKM 2009, 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management Conference Proceedings, Vicenza, Italy, pp.609-616.

van Reijsen, J, Helms, R, Jackson, TW, Vleugel, A, Tedmori, S (2009) Mining e-Mail to Leverage Knowledge Networks in Organizations. In ECKM 2009, 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management Conference Proceedings, Vicenza, Italy, pp.870-879.

Tedmori, S, Lichtenstein, S, Jackson, TW (2007) Expertise Location Using Keyphrases in Electronic Mail: Soci-ethical Challenges. In Burstein, F and Linger, H (ed) ACKMIDS 2007, Proceedings of the Australian Conference for Knowledge Management & Intelligent Decision Support, Melbourne, Australia, xx.

Smith, S, Jackson, TW, Adelmann, H (2007) Concept Clouds: Improving Information Retrieval. In Barcelona Spain, (ed) European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM2007), Proceedings of the Eigth European Conference on Knowledge Management, Barcelona, SpainISBN: 978-1-905305-53-7, pp.931-938, ISBN: 978-1-905305-52-0.

Tedmori, S, Jackson, TW, Bouchlaghem, NM, Newcombe, M (2007) Information Seeking and Sharing Behaviour of a UK Police Force. In Barcelona, Spain, 988, P (ed) European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM2007), Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference on Knowledge Management, Barcelona, Spain, pp.982-988, ISBN: 978-1-905305-52-0.

Parboteeah, P, Jackson, TW, Ragsdell, G (2007) Developing an Autopoietic Model of Organisational Learning. In Martins, DB (ed) European Conference on Knowledge Management, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Consorci Escola Industrial de Barcelona, Spain, pp.744-749, ISBN: 978-1-905305-53-7.

Culjak, G, Lawrence, E, Jackson, TW (2007) Wearable M-Health Systems. In 8th IBIMA, Proceedings of the International Business Information Management Conference - 8th IBIMA, Dublin, xxx.

Tedmori, S, Jackson, TW, Bouchlaghem, NM (2007) Optimising the Email Knowledge Extraction System to Support Knowledge Work. In Österle, H, Schelp, J, Winter, R (ed) 15th European Conference on Information Systems, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St Gallen, pp.681-691.

Culjak, G, Lawrence, E, Jackson, TW (2007) Challenges in Current Health Information Systems. In 8th IBIMA, Proceedings of the International Business Information Management Conference - 8th IBIMA, Dublin, xxx.

Parboteeah, P and Jackson, TW (2007) Time for Reflection: Going Back to Autopoiesis to Understand. In Khosrow Pour, M (ed) IRMA - Managing Worldwide Operations with Communications with Information Technology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pp.49-52, ISBN: 978 159904 9298.

Smith, S, Jackson, TW, Parsons, T, Adelmann, H (2007) Assessing the Knowledge Sharing Environment Within a Multi-National Pharmaceutical Company. In Khosrow Pour, M (ed) IRMA, IRMA - Managing Worldwide Operations with Communications with Information Technology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pp.49-52, ISBN: 978 159904 9298.

Jackson, TW (2007) Case Study: Overcoming the Headache of the E-Mail Inbox Through Training. In Khosrow Pour, M (ed) IRMA, IRMA - Managing Worldwide Operations with Communications with Information Technology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pp.686-690, ISBN: 978 159904 9298.

Paul, P and Jackson, TW (2007) Knowledge Management in the Living Organisation. In Hettinger, M (ed) International Conference on Enterprise as Systems: Theory and Theory in Action, Proceedings of the International Conference on Enterprise as Systems: Theory and Theory in Action, Illinois, USA, pp.1-9.

Jackson, T, Fletcher, M, Liang, B, Jessop, M, Austin, J (2007) An Architecture for Distributed Search and Data-Mining in Condition Monitoring Applications. In 2007 IEEE Aerospace Conference, pp.1-12, DOI: 10.1109/aero.2007.352873.

Jackson, TW and Culjak, G (2006) Can Seminar and Computer-Based Training Improve the Effectiveness of Electronic Mail Communication Within the Workplace?. In Spencer, S and Jenkins, A (ed) Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide, xxx, ISBN: 978-0-9758417-1-6.

Parboteeah, P and Jackson, TW (2006) Building a Scientific Foundation for Organisational Learning Within the KM Paradigm. In Edwards, JE (ed) The Knowledge Management Aston Conference, Lakeside Conference Centre, Aston, UK, pp.76-91, ISBN: 0 903440 37 7.

Parboteeah, P and Jackson, TW (2006) Building a Scientific Foundation for Organisational Learning Within the KM Paradigm. In Edwards, JE (ed) The Knowledge Management Aston Conference, The Lakeside Conference Centre, Aston, UK, pp.76-91, ISBN: 0 903440 37 7.

Tedmori, S, Jackson, TW, Bouchlaghem, NM, Nagaraju, R (2006) Expertise Profiling: Is Email Used to Generate, Organise, Share or Leverage Knowledge. In Rivard, H, Miresco, E, Melham, H (ed) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE-XI), Quebec, Canada, p.179, ISBN: 2 921145 57 X.

Jackson, TW and Smith, S (2006) Developing an e-mail Interception and Interpretation. In Khosrow-Pour, ME (ed) Emerging Trends and Challenges in Information Technology Management, Hershey, pp.611-614.

Tedmori, S, Jackson, TW, Bouchlaghem, D, Holger, H, Nagaraju, R (2006) Building a Tool for Expertise Discovery. In Khosrow-Pour, ME (ed) Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Emerging Trends and Challenges in Information Technology Management, Washington, DC, pp.1053-1056, ISBN: 1 59904 019 0.

Parsons, T, Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ (2006) Pharmaceutical Learning and Collaborative Networks - A Qualitative Case Study. In Euro IMSA, Innsbruck, Austria, pp.47-52.

Parsons, TW, Jackson, T, Dawson, R (2006) What drives pharmaceutical innovation and knowledge exchange? A study supporting the use of Knowledge Management within the pharmaceutical industry. In , Coventry.

Fletcher, M, Jackson, T, Jessop, M, Bojian Liang, Austin, J (2006) The signal data explorer: a high performance grid based signal search tool for use in distributed diagnostic applications. In Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID'06), pp.8 pp.-224, DOI: 10.1109/ccgrid.2006.102.

Pasley, A, Jackson, T, Jessop, M, Austin, J (2005) Searching against distributed data using a Web service architecture. In , Local to Global Data Interoperability - Challenges and Technologies, 2005, pp.129-133.

Parsons, TW, Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ, Adelmann, H (2005) The Applicability of Knowledge Management as an Aid to Pharmaceutical Innovation. In Remenyi, DE (ed) ECKM 2005, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Limerick, pp.391-397, ISBN: 1-905305-06-0.

Jackson, TW, Burgess, A, Edwards, J (2005) Optimising the Email Communication Environment. In Khosrow-Pour, ME (ed) IRMA, Managing Modern Organizations With Information Technology, San Diego, California, USA, pp.819-820, ISBN: 1591408229.

Ubhi, H, Dawson, RJ, Jackson, TW, Goodson, M (2005) Getting the Best Value from the Intranet: A Case Study. In Khosrow-Pour, ME (ed) IRMA, Managing Modern Organizations With Information Technology, San Diego, California, USA, pp.319-322, ISBN: 1591408229.

Parsons, T, Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ (2005) A Study of the Community of Practice and Its Applicability to Organisational Knowledge. In Khosrow-Pour, ME (ed) IRMA, Managing Modern Organizations With Information Technology, Diego, California, USA, pp.902-903, ISBN: 1591408229.

Parsons, T, Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ (2005) Conceptualising User Strategies within Collaborative Learning. In Hamza, MHE (ed) EuroIMSA 2005, Proceedings of the 2005 Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications Conference, Grindelwald, Switzerland, pp.47-52, ISBN: 0-88986-484-5.

Jackson, T, Austin, J, Fletcher, M, Jessop, M, Bojian Liang, Pasley, A, Ong, M, Ren, X, Allan, G, Kadirkamanathan, V, Thompson, HA, Fleming, PJ (2005) Distributed health monitoring for aero-engines on the GRID: DAME. In 2005 IEEE Aerospace Conference, pp.3738-3747, DOI: 10.1109/aero.2005.1559680.

Ubhi, H, Dawson, RJ, Jackson, TW, Goodson, M, Pearce, H (2004) Pilot System for Locating and Sharing Knowledge. In ed, RD (ed) ECKM 2004, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Paris, pp.843-850, ISBN: 0-9547096-5-9.

Burgess, A, Jackson, TW, Edwards, J (2004) Tolerance Levels of Employees within the Workplace. In Khosrow-Pour, ME (ed) IRMA, Innovations Through Information Technology, New Orleans, USA, pp.205-207, ISBN: 1-59140-261-1.

Jackson, TW and Tedmori, S (2004) Capturing and Managing Electronic Knowledge: The Development of the Email Knowledge Extraction. In Khosrow-Pour, ME (ed) IRMA, Innovations Through Information Technology, New Orleans, USA, pp.463-466, ISBN: 1-59140-261-1.

Balafas, P, Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ (2004) Introduction of Goal-Oriented Knowledge Management (GOKM). In Khosrow-Pour, ME (ed) IRMA, Innovations Through Information Technology, New Orleans, USA, pp.362-365, ISBN: 1-59140-261-1.

Jackson, TW (2004) Instant Messaging Implications in the Transition from a Private Consumer Activity to a Communicationn Tool for Business. In Edgar-Nevil, D, Ross, M, Staples, eds, G (ed) Software Quality Management, New Approaches to Software Quality, Canterbury, ISBN: 1-902505-56-5.

Burgess, A, Jackson, TW, Edwards, J (2004) The Effectiveness of Training in Reducing Email Defects. In Edgar-Nevil, D, Ross, M, Staples, eds, G (ed) Software Quality Management, New Approaches to Software Quality, Canterbury, pp.345-354, ISBN: 1-902505-56-5.

Dang, CC, Jackson, TW, Edwards, J (2004) A Pragmatic Model for Managing Knowledge. In Edgar-Nevil, D, Ross, M, Staples, eds, G (ed) Software Quality Management, New Approaches to Software Quality, Canterbury, pp.355-366, ISBN: 1-902505-56-5.

Balafas, P, Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ, Wilson, D (2003) Accelerated Knowledge Management (AKM): Developing Rapid KM Methodology for an Adaptive Service-Oriented Business Model. In Abbot, J, Martin, L, Palmer, R, Stone, M, Wright, eds, LT (ed) Business Innovation in the Knowledge Economy - Abstracts from the IBM & Stratford-Upon-Avon Conference, Warwick & Stratford-Upon-Avon, UK, pp.10-12.

Jackson, TW and Burgess, A (2003) Capturing and Managing Email Knowledge. In Abbot, J, Martin, L, Palmer, R, Stone, M, Wright, eds, LT (ed) Business Innovation in the Knowledge Economy, Business Innovation in the Knowledge Economy - Abstracts from the IBM & Stratford-Upon-Avon Conference, Warwick & Stratford-Upon-Avon, UK, pp.28-29.

Jackson, TW and Frazer, D (2003) The Impact of Microsoft .NET on Software Quality. In Ross, and eds, S (ed) Software Quality Management, Process Improvement and Project Management Issues, Glasgow, Scotland, pp.57-68, ISBN: 1-902505-53-0.

Balafas, P and Jackson, TW (2003) Revitalising your Systems through Cross-System Analysis. In Ross, and eds, S (ed) Software Quality Management, Process Improvement and Project Management Issues, Glasgow, Scotland, pp.115-126, ISBN: 1-902505-53-0.

Dang, CC, Jackson, TW, Edwards, J (2003) A Symbolic Model for IT Project Management. In Ross, and eds, S (ed) Software Quality Management, Process Improvement and Project Management Issues, Glasgow, Scotland, pp.275-286, ISBN: 1-902505-53-0.

Uhbi, H, Dawson, RJ, Jackson, TW (2003) What are the Fundamental Differences Between Software Configuration Management and Engineering Configuration Management?. In Ross, and eds, S (ed) Software Quality Management, Process Improvement and Project Management Issues, Glasgow, Scotland, pp.287-293, ISBN: 1-902505-53-0.

Burgess, A, Jackson, TW, Edwards, J (2003) Measuring Electronic Communication Defects and their Impact at 3M. In Ross, and eds, S (ed) Software Quality Management, Process Improvement and Project Management Issues, Glasgow, Scotland, pp.343-353, ISBN: 1-902505-53-0.

Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ, Wilson, D (2003) Breaking Bad Habits: The Negative Effect of Email and Instant Messaging on the Workplace. In Khosrow-Pour, ME (ed) Information Resources Management Conference, Information Technology & Organisations: Trends, Issues, Challenges & Solutions, Philadelphia, pp.399-401, ISBN: 1-59140-066-X.

Dawson, RJ and Jackson, TW (2003) Enabling a Do-It-Yourself Requirements Analysis. In MKhosrow-Pour, ME (ed) Information Resources Management Conference, Information Technology & Organisations: Trends, Issues, Challenges & Solutions, Philadelphia, pp.322-324, ISBN: 1-59140-066-X.

Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ, Wilson, D (2002) Evaluating the Effect of Email Interruptions within the Workplace. In EASE 2002, Conference on Empirical Assessment in Software Engineering, Keele, UK, pp.3-7.

Jackson, TW, Fisher, D, Dawson, RJ (2002) An Investigation into the Current State of Information Security in the United Kingdom. In King, G, Ross, M, Staples, G, Twomey, eds, T (ed) Software Quality Management, Proceedings of Software Quality Management X: Issues of Quality Management and Process Improvement, Limerick, Ireland, pp.127-140, ISBN: 1-902-505-45-X.

Jackson, TW, Shah, N, Dawson, RJ, Darren, W (2001) The Ethics of Electronic Monitoring within the Workplace. In Dawson, R, King, G, Ross, M, Staples, eds, G (ed) Software Quality Management IX, Pathways to Quality, Loughborough University, UK, pp.125-137, ISBN: 1-902505-40-9.

Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ, Wilson, D (2001) Case Study: Evaluating the Use of an Electronic Messaging System in Business. In EASE 2001, Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Assessment in Software Engineering, Keele University, UK, pp.53-56.

Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ, Wilson, D, Johnson, B (2000) Downsizing Electronic Mail Can Optimise Company Communications. In INSPIRE V, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Software Process Improvement Research, Education and Training, University of North London, pp.131-141, ISBN: 1-902505-36-0.

Jackson, TW and Dawson, RJ (2000) The Cost of E-Mail Within Organisations. In Khosrowpour, ME (ed) IRMA 2000, Proceedings of the Information Resources Management Association International Conference: Challenges of Information Technology Management in the 21st Century, Anchorage, Alaska, pp.1093-1094, ISBN: 1-878-28984-5.

Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ, Wilson, D (2000) E-Communication Analysis: The Cost of an Internal Email Messaging System within Organisations. In Thoma, H, Mayr, C, H, Erkollar, eds, A (ed) 6th International Conference on Re-Technologies for Information Systems, Preparing to E-Business, Zurich, Switzerland, pp.129-140, ISBN: 3-85403-132-7.

Jackson, TW and Dawson, RJ (1999) Improving the Communication Process: The Costs and Effectiveness of Email Compared with Traditional Means. In Hawkins, C, Georgiadou, E, Perivolaropoulos, L, Ross, M, Staples, eds, G (ed) INSPIRE'99, Fourth International Conference on Software Process Improvement Research, Education and Training, Crete, pp.167-178, ISBN: 1-902505-16-6.

Jackson, TW and Dawson, RJ (1999) The Need for Computer Scientists to Receive Training on People Skills. In Green, T, Abdullah, R, Brna, eds, P (ed) PPIG11, Collected Papers of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group, 11th Workshop, Leeds, pp.67-91.

Hills, S, Jackson, T, Sykora, M (Accepted for publication) Open-Source Intelligence Monitoring for the Detection of Domestic Terrorist Activity: Exploring Inexplicit Linguistic Cues to Threat and Persuasion for Natural Language Processing. In , Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security 2015: ECCWS 2015, pp.429-429.

Jackson, T, Jessop, M, Pasley, A, Austin, J (Accepted for publication) Searching against distributed data using a web service architecture. In CLADE 2005. Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments, 2005, CLADE 2005. Proceedings Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments, 2005, pp.122-129, DOI: 10.1109/clade.2005.1520914.

Jackson, T, Jessop, M, Fletcher, M, Austin, J (Accepted for publication) A Virtual Organisation deployed on a Service Orientated Architecture for Distributed Data Mining applications. In , pp.155-170, ISBN: 9780387736587. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-73659-4_9.


Jackson, TW and Lockwood, S (2018) Business Analytics A Contemporary Approach, Red Globe Press, ISBN: 9781137610607.

Jackson, TW (2009) The Email Optimisation Toolkit, Ark Group, ISBN: 978-1-906355-70-8.

CD Objects

Lindsay, RE, Jackson, TW, Cooke, L (2009) An Evaluation Framework for the Selection of a Mobile Policing Information Solution,Academic Conferences International.

Smith, S, Jackson, TW, Adelmann, H (2007) Concept Clouds: Improving Information Retrieval,.

Tedmori, S, Jackson, TW, Bouchlaghem, NM, Newcombe, M (2007) Information Seeking and Sharing Behaviour of a UK Police Force,.


Hills, S, Jackson, T, Sykora, M (2016) Persuasion in the microblog: Understanding and identifying persuasive intent in terse text. In Why Cyber Security is a Socio-Technical Challenge: New Concepts and Practical Measures to Enhance Detection, pp.105-118.

Sykora, M, Elayan, S, Jackson, T, O'Brien, A, Lunen, A (2015) Twitter based Analysis of Public, Fine-Grained Emotional Reactions to Significant Events. In Leading Issues in Social Media Research, Acpil, pp.1-10, ISBN: 9781910810224.

Lambri, T, Cooke, L, Jackson, T (2014) Exploring system transition in the police organization: the case of the United Kingdom Police National Database. In Guzman, MCD, Das, M, Das, DK (ed) The Evolution of Policing: Worldwide Innovations and Insights, CRC Press, pp.265-279, ISBN: 978-1466567153.

Parboteeah, P, Jackson, TW, Ragsdell, G (2009) Autopoiesis as the foundation for Knowledge Management. In Magalhaes, R and Sanchez, R (ed) Autopoiesis in Organization: Theory and Practice, Emerald, pp.243-262, ISBN: 978 1 84855 832 8.

Balafas, P, Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ (2005) Case Study: Facilitating Knowledge-Based Working at Danwood. In Ellis, SE (ed) Knowledge-Based Working: Intelligent Operating for the Knowledge Age, Chandos Publishing, pp.108-117, ISBN: 1843341204.

Jackson, TW, Dawson, RJ, Wilson, D (2002) The Cost of Email Within Organisations. In Fazlollahi, BE (ed) Strategies for eCommerce Success, IRM Press, Hershey, USA, pp.307-313, ISBN: 1-931777-08-X.

Internet Publications

Hodgkinson, I and Jackson, TW (2024) Controlling AI's Energy Usage. DOI: 10.1093/itnow/bwae126.

Hodgkinson, I, Jennings, N, Jackson, TW (2024) Everyone must understand the environmental costs of AI.

Jackson, TW, Hodgkinson, I, Lockwood, S (2024) Why Data Decarbonisation Matters for Net Zero.

Jackson, TW and Hodgkinson, I (2024) Decoding the digital carbon footprint: exposing the global data challenge.

Hodgkinson, I and Jackson, TW (2023) Three steps for businesses to make AI data and compute more sustainable.

Hodgkinson, I, Jackson, TW, Jackson, L (2023) On track for 6.8 billion years of continuous movie streaming: Data, energy & need for digital decarbonization.

Hodgkinson, I, Jackson, L, Jackson, TW (2023) On track for 6.8 billion years of continuous Netflix streaming: Data, energy & need for digital decarbonization.

Jackson, TW and Hodgkinson, I (2022) What is ‘dark data’ and how is it adding to all of our carbon footprints.

Jackson, TW and Hodgkinson, I (2022) ‘Dark data’ is killing the planet – we need digital decarbonisation.

Sykora, M, Elayan, S, Jackson, T (Accepted for publication) Sentiment across Hashtags and Sentiment Analysis Tools.


Jackson, T and Hodgkinson, I (2024) White paper: The impact of digital decarbonisation in records and information management, Oasis Group.


Jackson, TW and Oldfield, H (2005) Email Madness, of Leadership & Management.

Tedmori, S and Jackson, TW (2005) EKE: A Tool for Email Knowledge Extraction, poster.

Jackson, TW (2004) Seven Problems that Blight all IT Leaders.

Jackson, TW (2002) Changing the Future of Business IT, Spangler, B. (ed.).

Jackson, TW (2002) The Importance of IS Metric Evaluation in Industry.

Jackson, TW (2002) A Simple Step to Increasing E-Commerce Confidence.

Jackson, TW (2002) E-Mail and Organizational Effectiveness.

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