Journal Articles
Salagean, A (2024)
Coset leaders of the first-order Reed-Muller codes in four new classes of Boolean functions,
Advances in Mathematics of Communications, ISSN: 1930-5346. DOI:
Salagean, A and Reyes-Paredes, P (2023)
Probabilistic estimation of the algebraic degree of Boolean functions,
Cryptography and Communications, 15(6), pp.1199-1215, ISSN: 1936-2447. DOI:
Salagean, A and Ozbudak, F (2023)
Further constructions and characterizations of generalized almost perfect nonlinear functions,
Cryptography and Communications, 15(6), pp.1117-1127, ISSN: 1936-2447. DOI:
Natsheh, Q,
Salagean, A, Zhou, D, Edirisinghe, E (2023)
Automatic selective encryption of DICOM images,
Applied Sciences, 13(8), 4779, DOI:
Salagean, A and Stanica, P (2021)
Improving bounds on probabilistic affine tests to estimate the nonlinearity of Boolean functions,
Cryptography and Communications, 14(2), pp.459-481, ISSN: 1936-2447. DOI:
Özbudak, F and
Salagean, A (2020)
New generalized almost perfect nonlinear functions,
Finite Fields and Their Applications, 70, 101796, ISSN: 1071-5797. DOI:
Salagean, A and Özbudak, F (2020)
Counting Boolean functions with faster points,
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, ISSN: 0925-1022. DOI:
Salagean, A (2019)
Discrete antiderivatives for functions over Fpn,
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 88(3), pp.471-486, ISSN: 0925-1022. DOI:
Salagean, AM and Mandache-Salagean, M (2017)
Counting and characterising functions with “fast points” for differential attacks,
Cryptography and Communications, 9(2), pp.217-239, ISSN: 1936-2447. DOI:
Salagean, A, Winter, R, Mandache-Salagean, M, Phan, RC-W (2017)
Higher order differentiation over finite fields with applications to generalising the cube attack,
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, pp.1-22, DOI:
He, H, Sălăgean, A, Mäkinen, E, Vrt’o, I (2015)
Various heuristic algorithms to minimise the two-page crossing
numbers of graphs,
Open Computer Science, 5(1), pp.22-40, DOI:
Salagean, AM, Burrage, AJ, Phan, RCW (2013)
Computing the linear complexity for sequences with characteristic polynomial f^v,
Cryptography and Communications: Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions, 5(2), pp.163-177, ISSN: 1936-2447. DOI:
He, H,
Salagean, AM, Makinen, E (2010)
One and two-page crossing numbers for some types of graphs,
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 87(8), pp.1667-1679, ISSN: 0020-7160. DOI:
Salagean, AM (2009)
An Algorithm for Computing Minimal Bidirectional Linear Recurrence Relations,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 55(10), pp.4695-4700, ISSN: 0018-9448.
He, H, Sýkora, O,
Salagean, A, Mäkinen, E (2007)
Parallelisation of genetic algorithms for the 2-page crossing number problem,
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 67(2), pp.229-241, ISSN: 0743-7315. DOI:
He, H, Sykora, O,
Salagean, AM, Mäkinen, E (2007) Parallelisation of genetic algorithms for the 2-page crossing number problem,
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 67(2), pp.229-241, ISSN: 0743-7315.
Salagean, AM (2006)
Repeated-root Cyclic and Negacyclic Codes Over a Finite Chain Ring,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 154(2), pp.413-419, ISSN: 0166-218X. DOI:
Salagean, AM (2005)
On the Computation of the Linear Complexity and the k-Error Linear Complexity of Binary Sequences with Period a Power of Two,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 51(3), pp.1145-1150, ISSN: 0018-9448. DOI:
Salagean, AM (2005)
Factoring Polynomials Over Z4 and Over Certain Galois Rings,
Finite Fields and Their Applications, 11(1), pp.56-70, ISSN: 1090-2465. DOI:
Bereg, S, Kelarev, A,
Salagean, AM (2004) Directed Graphs and Minimum Distances of Error-correcting Codes in Matrix Rings,
New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, 33(2), pp.113-120, ISSN: 1171-6096.
Norton, GH and
Salagean, AM (2003)
Cyclic Codes and Minimal Strong Grobner Bases Over a Principal Ideal Ring,
Finite Fields and Their Applications, 9(2), pp.237-249, ISSN: 1090-2465. DOI:
Norton, GH and
Salagean, A (2002)
Grobner bases and products of coefficient rings,
Norton, GH and
Salagean, AM (2002)
Grobner Bases and Products of Coefficient Rings,
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 65, pp.147-154, ISSN: 0004-9727.
Norton, GH and Sǎlǎgean, A (2001)
Strong Gröbner bases and cyclic codes over a finite-chain ring,
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 6, pp.240-250, ISSN: 1571-0653. DOI:
Norton, GH and
Salagean, AM (2001)
Strong Grobner Bases for Polynomials Over a Principal Ideal Ring,
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 64, pp.505-528, ISSN: 0004-9727.
Norton, GH and Sǎlǎgean, A (2000) Strong Gröbner bases and cyclic codes over a finite-chain ring,
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 6, pp.1-11, ISSN: 1571-0653.
Norton, GH and
Salagean, AM (2000)
On the Hamming Distance of Linear Codes Over Finite Chain Rings,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 46, pp.1060-1067, ISSN: 0018-9448.
Norton, GH and
Salagean, AM (2000)
On the Key Equation Over a Commutative Ring,
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 20, pp.125-141, ISSN: 0925-1022.
Norton, GH and
Salagean, AM (2000)
On The Structure of Linear and Cyclic Codes Over Finite Chain Rings,
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 10, pp.489-506, ISSN: 0938-1279.
Salagean, AM (1999)
On the Isometries Between {̇Bbb Z}_{p^k} and {̇Bbb Z}_p^k,
IEEE Transactions on Information, 45, pp.2146-2147, ISSN: 0018-9448.
Salagean-Mandache, A (1999)
On the isometries between Z(p/sup k/) and Z/sub p//sup k/,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 45(6), pp.2146-2148, ISSN: 0018-9448. DOI:
Salagean, A and Reyes-Paredes, P (2024)
Bounds for the average degree-k monomial density of Boolean functions. In
The 12th International Workshop on SEquences and Their Applications (SETA); Pre-Proceedings of The 12th International Workshop on SEquences and Their Applications (SETA), Colchester, UK, pp.53-63.
Salagean, A (2024)
On the algebraic degree stability of Boolean functions when restricted to affine spaces. In
13th International Workshop of Coding and Cryptography; WCC 2024: The Thirteenth International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, Perugia, Italy.
Goi, YT, Leong, SM, Phan, RCW, Lai, S,
Salagean, A (2024)
Unveiling the Black Box: Neural Cryptanalysis with XAI. In
, Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp.1951-1956, DOI:
Salagean, A (2023)
Coset leaders of the first order Reed-Muller codes in the classes of Niho functions and threshold functions. In Quaglia, EA (ed)
19th IMA International Conference, IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding (IMACC) 2023; Cryptography and Coding, London, UK, pp.17-33, ISBN: 9783031478178. DOI:
Salagean, A and Reyes-Paredes, P (Accepted for publication) Probabilistic estimation of the degree of Boolean functions [Extended abstract]. In 7th International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA 2022), Balestrand, Norway.
Salagean, A and Ozbudak, F (Accepted for publication) Further constructions and characterizations of generalized almost perfect nonlinear functions [Extended abstract]. In 7th International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA 2022), Balestrand, Norway.
Salagean, A and Stanica, P (Accepted for publication) Estimating the nonlinearity of Boolean functions using probabilistic linearity tests. In Sequences and Their Applications (SETA), online.
Natsheh, A,
Salagean, A, Edirisinghe, E (2018)
Securing DICOM Images Based on Adaptive Pixel Thresholding Approach. In Hollmen, J, McGregor, C, Soda, P, Kane, B (ed)
31st IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), Karlstad Univ, Karlstad, SWEDEN, pp.280-285, ISBN: 9781538660607. DOI:
Saad, A, Amran, AR, Phillips, IW,
Salagean, AM (2017)
Big data analysis on secure VoIP services. In
International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, IMCOM 2017, Langkawi, Maylaysia,ISBN: 9781450348881. DOI:
Winter, R,
Salagean, A, Phan, RC-W (2015)
Comparison of cube attacks over different vector spaces. In
, Oxford, UK, pp.225-238, ISBN: 9783319272382. DOI:
Salagean, AM, Gardner, D, Phan, RPW (2013) Efficient Generation of Elementary Sequences. In
IMA conference on Cryptography and Coding, Oxford, UK, pp.16-27, ISBN: 978-3-642-45239-0.
Salagean, AM, Gardner, D, Phan, R (2012)
Index Tables of Finite Fields and Modular Golomb Rulers. In Gong, G (ed)
Sequences and Their Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Waterloo, Canada, pp.136-147, ISBN: 9783642306143. DOI:
Burrage, AJ,
Salagean, AM, Phan, RCW (2011)
Linear complexity for sequences with characteristic polynomial fv. In
2011 IEEE ISIT, Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp.688-692, ISBN: 978-1-4577-0596-0. DOI:
Burrage, AJ, Sălăgean, A, Phan, RC-W (2011)
On the Stability of m-Sequences. In
, pp.259-274, ISBN: 9783642255151. DOI:
Salagean, AM, Burrage, AJ, Phan, RC-W (2011)
On the Stability of m-sequences. In Chen, L (ed)
IMA conference on Cryptography and Coding, LNCS, Oxford, pp.259-274.
Salagean, AM and Alecu, A (2010) An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Computing the k-error Linear Complexity of Sequences Using the Discrete Fourier Transforn. In Carlet, C and Pott, A (ed)
Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2010, Proceedings of Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2010, Paris, France, pp.151-165.
Salagean, A (2009)
An Algorithm for Computing Minimal Bidirectional Linear Recurrence Relations. In
16th IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 05), IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, Berlin, GERMANY, pp.4695-4700, DOI:
Saad, A, Phillips, IW,
Salagean, AM (2009) A Framework for Monitoring the Performance of Secure VoIP. In Cunningham, S, Grout, V, Houlden, N, Oram, D, Picking, R (ed)
ITA 09, Proceedings of the Third Internatioal conference on Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA 09), Wrexham, North Wales, pp.495-505, ISBN: 978-0-946881-65-9.
Salagean, AM (2008) An Algorithm for Computing Minimal Bidirectional Linear Recurrence Relations. In
IEEE international symposium on information theory (ISIT 2008), Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE international symposium on information theory, Toronto, Canada, pp.1746-1750, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2571-6.
Alecu, A and
Salagean, AM (2008) An approximation algorithm for computing the k-error linear complexity of sequences using the discrete Fourier transform. In
IEEE international symposium on information theory (ISIT 2008), Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE international symposium on information theory, Toronto, Canada, pp.2414-2418, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2571-6.
Alecu, A and
Salagean, AM (2007)
Modified Berlekamp-Massey algorithm for approximating the k-error linear complexity of binary sequences. In Galbraith, S (ed)
11th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding, Proceedings of the 11th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding, Cirencester, UK, December 2007, LNCS 4887, Springer Verlag, Cirencester, UK, pp.220-232, ISBN: 978-3-540-77271-2.
Alecu, A and
Salagean, AM (2007)
A genetic algorithm for computing the k-error linear complexity of cryptographic sequences. In
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Singapore, pp.3569-3576, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1339-3.
Alecu, A and
Salagean, AM (2007)
A genetic algorithm for computing complexity of cryptographic the k-error linear sequences. In
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2007 IEEE CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, VOLS 1-10, PROCEEDINGS, Singapore, SINGAPORE, pp.3569-3576, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1339-3. DOI:
He, H, Sykora, O,
Salagean, AM (2006)
Various Island-based Parallel Genetic Algorithms for the 2-page Drawing Problem. In Fahringer, TE (ed)
Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, Innsbruck, Austria, pp.316-323.
Cheung, YC, Chung, PWH,
Salagean, AM (2006)
A Set Theoretic View of the ISA Hierarchy. In Ali, M and Dapoigny, RE (ed)
The 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE'06), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Annecy, France, pp.127-136.
Salagean, AM (2005) On the Computation of The Linear Complexity and the K-Error Linear Complexity of Binary Sequences with Period a Power of Two. In Helleseth, T, Sarwate, D, Song, H-Y, eds, YK (ed)
Sequences and Their Applications-SETA 2004, Seoul, Korea, pp.179-184.
Salagean, AM (2003) Repeated-Root Cyclic and Negacyclic Codes Over a Finite Chain Ring. In Augot, D, Charpin, P, Kabatianski, G, eds, G (ed)
Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, Versailles, France,ISBN: 2-7261-1205-6.
Norton, GH and
Salagean, AM (2001)
Groebner Bases and Cyclic Codes Over a Finite-chain Ring. In Augot, D, Carlet, eds, C (ed)
Workshop on Codes and Cryptography, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, .
Norton, GH and Sălăgean, A (1999)
On Efficient Decoding of Alternant Codes over a Commutative Ring⋆. In
, pp.173-178, ISBN: 9783540668879. DOI: