Journal Articles
Dong, B, Li, L, Oboho, B, Tao, X, Zhu, P, P.Stockham, M, Li, C, Smith, R, Ding, Y, Li, Y,
Goddard, P, R.Slater, P (2026)
Experimental and computational study of Zn doping in Li5+xLa3Nb2−xZrxO12 garnet solid state electrolytes,
Materials Advances, 5(16), pp.6648-6660, DOI:
Mukherjee, S, Voneshen, DJ, Duff, A,
Goddard, P, Powell, AV, Vaqueiro, P (2023)
Beyond Rattling: Tetrahedrites as Incipient Ionic Conductors,
Advanced Materials, 35(44), ISSN: 0935-9648. DOI:
Hatton, P, Watts, M, Zhou, Y, Smith, R,
Goddard, P (2022)
Arsenic doping and diffusion in CdTe: a DFT study of bulk and grain boundaries,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 35(7), 075702, ISSN: 0953-8984. DOI:
Murray, E, Zhou, Y, Slater, P, Smith, R,
Goddard, P, Steele, H (2022)
Atomistic simulation of helium diffusion and clustering in plutonium dioxide,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(35), pp.20709-20720, ISSN: 1463-9076. DOI:
Zhou, Y, Srinivasan, P, Körmann, F, Grabowski, B, Smith, R,
Goddard, P, Duff, AI (2022)
Thermodynamics up to the melting point in a TaVCrW high entropy alloy: Systematic ab initio study aided by machine learning potentials,
Physical Review B, 105(21), 214302, ISSN: 2469-9950. DOI:
Dong, B, Haworth, AR, Yeandel, SR, Stockham, MP, James, MS, Xiu, J, Wang, D,
Goddard, P, Johnston, KE, Slater, PR (2022)
Halogenation of Li₇La₃Zr₂O₁₂ solid electrolytes: a combined solid-state NMR, computational and electrochemical study,
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10(20), pp.11172-11185, ISSN: 2050-7488. DOI:
Tan, L, Ali, K, Ghosh, PS, Arya, A, Zhou, Y, Smith, R,
Goddard, P, Patel, D, Shahmir, H, Gandy, A (2022)
Design principles of low-activation high entropy alloys,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 907, 164526, ISSN: 0925-8388. DOI:
Hatton, P, Watts, MJ, Abbas, A, Walls, M, Smith, R,
Goddard, P (2022)
Author correction: Chlorine activated stacking fault removal mechanism in thin film CdTe solar cells: the missing piece,
Nature Communications, 13, 404, DOI:
Kimber, P,
Goddard, P, Wright, I, Plasser, F (2021)
The role of excited-state character, structural relaxation, and symmetry breaking in enabling delayed fluorescence activity in push-pull chromophores,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(46), pp.26135-26150, ISSN: 1463-9076. DOI:
Hatton, P, Watts, M, Abbas, A, Walls, M, Smith, R,
Goddard, P (2021)
Chlorine activated stacking fault removal mechanism in thin film CdTe solar cells: the missing piece,
Nature Communications, 12(1), 4938, DOI:
Neale, AR, Sharpe, R, Yeandel, SR, Yen, CH, Luzyanin, KV,
Goddard, P, Petrucco, EA, Hardwick, LJ (2021)
Design Parameters for Ionic Liquid–Molecular Solvent Blend Electrolytes to Enable Stable Li Metal Cycling Within Li–O₂ Batteries,
Advanced Functional Materials, ISSN: 1616-301X. DOI:
Hunnisett, L, Kelly, PF, Bleay, S, Plasser, F, King, R, McMurchie, B,
Goddard, P (2021)
Mechanistic insight into the fluorescence activity of forensic fingerprinting reagents,
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 154(12), 124313, ISSN: 0021-9606. DOI:
Watts, MJ, Hatton, P, Smith, R, Fiducia, T, Abbas, A, Greenhalgh, R, Walls, M,
Goddard, P (2021)
Chlorine passivation of grain boundaries in cadmium telluride solar cells,
Amores, M, El-Shinawi, H, McClelland, I, Yeandel, SR, Baker, PJ, Smith, RI, Playford, HY,
Goddard, P, Corr, SA, Cussen, EJ (2020)
Li1.5La1.5MO6 (M = W6+, Te6+) as a new series of lithium-rich double perovskites for all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries,
Nature Communications, 11(1), 6392, ISSN: 2041-1723. DOI:
Ford, LJ, Slater, PR, Christie, J,
Goddard, P (2020)
Carbon dioxide and water incorporation mechanisms in SrFeO3−δ phases: a computational study,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, ISSN: 1463-9076. DOI:
Hatton, P, Abbas, A, Kaminski, P, Yilmaz, S, Watts, M, Walls, M,
Goddard, P, Smith, R (2020)
Inert gas bubble formation in magnetron sputtered thin-film CdTe solar cells,
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 476(2239), 20200056, ISSN: 1364-5021. DOI:
Hatton, P, Abbas, A, Kaminski, P, Yilmaz, S, Watts, M, Walls, M,
Goddard, P, Smith, R (2020)
Inert gas bubble formation in magnetron sputtered thin-film CdTe solar cells,
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 476(2239), 20200056, ISSN: 1364-5021. DOI:
Case, D, McSloy, AJ, Sharpe, R, Yeandel, SR, Bartlett, T, Cookson, J, Dashjav, E, Tietz, F, Kumar, CMN,
Goddard, P (2020)
Structure and ion transport of lithium-rich Li1+xAlxTi2−x(PO4)3 with 0.3,
Solid State Ionics, 346, ISSN: 0167-2738. DOI:
Dong, B, Yeandel, SR,
Goddard, P, Slater, PR (2020)
Combined Experimental and Computational Study of Ce-Doped La3Zr2Li7O12 Garnet Solid-State Electrolyte,
Chemistry of Materials, 32(1), pp.215-223, ISSN: 0897-4756. DOI:
Watts, M, Fiducia, T, Sanyal, B, Smith, R, Walls, M, Goddard, P (Accepted for publication) Enhancement of photovoltaic efficiency in CdSexTe1−x (where 0≤x≤1): Insights from density functional theory, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, ISSN: 0953-8984. DOI: 10.1088/1361-648x/ab5bba.
Koketsu, T, Ma, J, Morgan, BJ, Body, M, Legein, C, Goddard, P, Borkiewicz, OJ, Strasser, P, Dambournet, D (Accepted for publication) Exploiting cationic vacancies for increased energy densities in dual-ion batteries, Energy Storage Materials, ISSN: 2405-8297. DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2019.10.019.
Hatton, P,
Goddard, P, Smith, R, Abbas, A, Potamialis, C, Greenhalgh, R, Walls, M (2019)
Inert gas cluster formation in sputter-deposited thin film CdTe solar cells,
Thin Solid Films, 692, 137614, ISSN: 0040-6090. DOI:
Edge, J, Cooper, SJ, Aguadero, A, George, C, Titirici, M,
Goddard, P (2019)
UK Research on Materials for Electrochemical Devices,
JOHNSON MATTHEY TECHNOLOGY REVIEW, 63(4), pp.255-260, ISSN: 2056-5135. DOI:
Yeandel, S, Scanlon, DO,
Goddard, P (2019)
Enhanced Li-ion dynamics in trivalently doped Lithium Phosphidosilicate Li2SiP2: A candidate material as a solid li electrolyte,
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7(8), pp.3953-3961, ISSN: 2050-7488. DOI:
Yeandel, S, Chapman, BJ, Slater, PR,
Goddard, P (2018)
Structure and lithium-ion dynamics in fluoride-doped cubic Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) garnet for Li solid-state battery applications,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, ISSN: 1932-7447. DOI:
McSloy, AJ, Trussov, I, Jarvis, A, Cooke, DJ, Slater, PR,
Goddard, P (2018)
Mechanism of carbon dioxide and water incorporation in Ba2TiO4: A joint computational and experimental study,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122(2), pp.1061-1069, ISSN: 1932-7447. DOI:
Azough, F, Jackson, SS, Ekren, D, Freer, R, Molinari, M, Yeandel, S,
Goddard, P, Parker, SC, Maldonado, DH, Kepaptsoglou, DM, Ramasse, QM (2017)
Concurrent La and A-site vacancy doping modulates the thermoelectric response of SrTiO3: experimental and computational evidence,
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, ISSN: 1944-8244. DOI:
McSloy, A, Kelly, P, Slater, PR,
Goddard, P (2016)
A computational study of doped olivine structured Cd2GeO4: local defect trapping of interstitial oxide ions,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, ISSN: 1463-9084. DOI:
Andreev, YG, Panchmatia, PM, Liu, Z, Parker, SC, Islam, MS, Bruce, PG (2014)
The Shape of TiO₂-B Nanoparticles,
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136(17), pp.6306-6312, ISSN: 0002-7863. DOI:
Panchmatia, PM, Armstrong, AR, Bruce, PG, Islam, MS (2014)
Lithium-ion diffusion mechanisms in the battery anode material Li1+xV1−xO2,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 16(39), pp.21114-21118, ISSN: 1463-9076. DOI:
Šupuk, E, Ghori, MU, Asare-Addo, K, Laity, PR, Panchmatia, PM, Conway, BR (2013)
The influence of salt formation on electrostatic and compression properties of flurbiprofen salts,
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 458(1), pp.118-127, ISSN: 0378-5173. DOI:
Bhandary, S, Brena, B, Panchmatia, PM, Brumboiu, I, Bernien, M, Weis, C, Krumme, B, Etz, C, Kuch, W, Wende, H, Eriksson, O, Sanyal, B (2013)
Manipulation of spin state of iron porphyrin by chemisorption on magnetic substrates,
Physical Review B, 88(2), 024401, ISSN: 1098-0121. DOI:
Howard, MA, Clemens, O, Knight, KS, Anderson, PA, Hafiz, S, Panchmatia, PM, Slater, PR (2013)
Synthesis, conductivity and structural aspects of Nd3Zr2Li7−3xAlxO12,
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1(44), pp.14013-14013, ISSN: 2050-7488. DOI:
Dufton, JTR, Walsh, A, Panchmatia, PM, Peter, LM, Colombara, D, Islam, MS (2012)
Structural and electronic properties of CuSbS2 and CuBiS2: potential absorber materials for thin-film solar cells,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14(20), pp.7229-7229, ISSN: 1463-9076. DOI:
Panchmatia, PM, Orera, A, Rees, GJ, Smith, ME, Hanna, JV, Slater, PR, Islam, MS (2011)
Oxygen Defects and Novel Transport Mechanisms in Apatite Ionic Conductors: Combined 17O NMR and Modeling Studies,
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 50(40), pp.9328-9333, ISSN: 1433-7851. DOI:
Armstrong, AR, Lyness, C, Panchmatia, PM, Islam, MS, Bruce, PG (2011)
The lithium intercalation process in the low-voltage lithium battery anode Li1+xV1−xO2,
Nature Materials, 10(3), pp.223-229, ISSN: 1476-1122. DOI:
Malavasi, L, Orera, A, Slater, PR, Panchmatia, PM, Islam, MS, Siewenie, J (2011)
Local structure investigation of oxide ion and proton defects in Ge-apatites by pair distribution function analysis,
Chem. Commun, 47(1), pp.250-252, ISSN: 1359-7345. DOI:
Panchmatia, PM, Ali, ME, Sanyal, B, Oppeneer, PM (2010)
Halide Ligated Iron Porphines: A DFT+U and UB3LYP Study,
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 114(51), pp.13381-13387, ISSN: 1089-5639. DOI:
Panchmatia, PM, Orera, A, Kendrick, E, Hanna, JV, Smith, ME, Slater, PR, Islam, MS (2010)
Protonic defects and water incorporation in Si and Ge-based apatite ionic conductors,
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20(14), pp.2766-2766, ISSN: 0959-9428. DOI:
Oppeneer, PM, Panchmatia, PM, Sanyal, B, Eriksson, O, Ali, ME (2009)
Nature of the magnetic interaction between Fe-porphyrin molecules and ferromagnetic surfaces,
Progress in Surface Science, 84(1-2), pp.18-29, ISSN: 0079-6816. DOI:
Bernien, M, Miguel, J, Weis, C, Ali, ME, Kurde, J, Krumme, B, Panchmatia, PM, Sanyal, B, Piantek, M, Srivastava, P, Baberschke, K, Oppeneer, PM, Eriksson, O, Kuch, W, Wende, H (2009)
Tailoring the Nature of Magnetic Coupling of Fe-Porphyrin Molecules to Ferromagnetic Substrates,
Physical Review Letters, 102(4), 047202, ISSN: 0031-9007. DOI:
Panchmatia, PM, Sanyal, B, Oppeneer, PM (2008)
GGA+U modeling of structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of iron porphyrin-type molecules,
Chemical Physics, 343(1), pp.47-60, ISSN: 0301-0104. DOI:
Wende, H, Bernien, M, Luo, J, Sorg, C, Ponpandian, N, Kurde, J, Miguel, J, Piantek, M, Xu, X, Eckhold, P, Kuch, W, Baberschke, K, Panchmatia, PM, Sanyal, B, Oppeneer, PM, Eriksson, O (2007)
Substrate-induced magnetic ordering and switching of iron porphyrin molecules,
Nature Materials, 6(7), pp.516-520, ISSN: 1476-1122. DOI:
Newman, DM and Panchmatia, P (2003)
Nanoscale silver oxide: A rewritable optical recording medium,
IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 150(5), pp.214-217, ISSN: 1350-2344. DOI: