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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Mark Evans

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Journal Articles

Pedgley, O, Palamut, Y, Şener, B, Evans, M (2024) Profiling of Turkish third-cycle theses in design: Bibliometric analysis of the Yök thesis center, Metu Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, ISSN: 0258-5316.

Jin, X, Dong, H, Evans, M, Yao, A (2024) Inspirational stimuli to support creative ideation for the design of artificial intelligence-powered products, Journal of Mechanical Design, 146(12), pp.1-20, ISSN: 1050-0472. DOI: 10.1115/1.4065696.

Duan, J, Evans, M, Hurn, K, Storer, I, Bai, Z (2024) A creative industrial design framework of the taxonomy for Chinese indigenous materials and relevant crafts, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 11, 462, ISSN: 2662-9992. DOI: 10.1057/s41599-024-02768-1.

Oyinlola, M, Okoya, SA, Whitehead, T, Evans, M, Lowe, AS (2023) The potential of converting plastic waste to 3D printed products in Sub-Saharan Africa, Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, 17, pp.200129-200129, ISSN: 2667-3789. DOI: 10.1016/j.rcradv.2023.200129.

Tommey, M, Hurn, K, Evans, M (2022) The state of industrial design or industrial design in a state: an exploration of the current status of industrial design, Journal of Design Research, 19(4/5/6), pp.273-289, ISSN: 1748-3050. DOI: 10.1504/JDR.2021.124218.

Branch, J, Parker, CJ, Evans, M (2021) Do user experience (UX) design courses meet industry’s needs? Analysing UX degrees and job adverts, The Design Journal, 24(4), pp.1-22, ISSN: 1460-6925. DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2021.1930935.

Jin, X, Dong, H, Evans, M (2021) The impacts of design heuristics on concept generation for a COVID-19 brief, Sustainability, 13(11), 6103, DOI: 10.3390/su13116103.

Aldoy, N and Evans, M (2020) An Investigation into a Digital Strategy for Industrial Design Education, International Journal of Art & Design Education, jade.12334, ISSN: 1476-8062. DOI: 10.1111/jade.12334.

Whitehead, T, Evans, M, Bingham, GA (2019) Local or Global? Approaches for New Product Development in Low Income Countries, The Design Journal, 22(5), pp.707-723, ISSN: 1460-6925. DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2019.1633882.

Pinski, J, Kane, F, Evans, M (2019) Designing through craft practice: A woven textile approach for footwear, Craft Research, 10(1), ISSN: 2040-4689. DOI: 10.1386/crre.10.1.41_1.

Pinski, J, Kane, F, Evans, M (2018) Craft-based design for innovation: Potential in novelty, quality and sustainability through hands-on interaction, Artifact: Journal of Design Practice, 5(2), pp.1-3, ISSN: 1749-3463. DOI: 10.1386/art_00003_1.

Pinski, J, Kane, F, Evans, M (2018) Craft-based design for innovation: Potential in novelty, quality and sustainability through hands-on interaction, Artifact, 5(2), pp.3.1-3.20, ISSN: 1749-3463. DOI: 10.1386/art_00003_1.

Self, J, Evans, M, Jun, GT, Southee, D (2018) Interdisciplinary: challenges and opportunities for design education, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29(4), pp.843-876, ISSN: 0957-7572. DOI: 10.1007/s10798-018-9460-5.

Privitera, M, Evans, M, Southee, D (2017) Human factors in the design of medical devices – approaches to meeting international standards in the European Union and USA, Applied Ergonomics: human factors in technology and society, 59 Part A, pp.251-263, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2016.08.034.

York, N, Southee, D, Evans, M (2017) The future of product design utilising printed electronics, Design and Technology Education Journal, ISSN: 1360-1431.

Evans, M and Aldoy, NN (2016) Digital design sketching using the tablet PC, The Design Journal, 19(5), pp.763-787, ISSN: 1460-6925. DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2016.1196091.

Self, J, Evans, M, Kim, E (2016) A comparison of digital and conventional sketching: Implications for conceptual design ideation, Journal of Design Research, ISSN: 1569-1551. DOI: 10.1504/JDR.2016.077028.

Evans, M, Pei, E, Cheshire, D, Graham, I (2015) Digital sketching and haptic sketch modelling during product design and development, Int. J. of Product Development, 20(3), pp.239-263, ISSN: 1477-9056. DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2015.069323.

Sinclair, M (2015) Connoisseurship as a substitute for user research? The case of the Swiss watch industry, Journal of Research Practice, ISSN: 1712-851X.

Nimkulrat, N, Niedderer, K, Evans, M (2015) On understanding expertise, connoisseurship, and experiential knowledge in professional practice, Journal of Research Practice, 11(2).

Self, J, Evans, MA, Dalke, H (2014) The influence of expertise upon the designer's approach to studio practice and tool use, The Design Journal, 17(2), pp.169-193, DOI: 10.2752/175630614X13915240575942.

Campbell, I, de Beer, DJ, Mauchline, D, Becker, L, van der Grijp, R, Ariadi, Y, Evans, M (2014) Additive manufacturing as an enabler for enhanced consumer involvement, SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, 25(2), pp.67-74, ISSN: 2224-7890. DOI: 10.7166/25-2-685.

Self, J, Evans, MA, Dalke, H, (2012) Innovation in knowledge exchange: An approach to the dissemination of research findings in support of design practice, Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 10(2), pp.127-146, ISSN: 1474-273X. DOI: 10.1386/adch.10.2.127_1.

Pei, E, Campbell, RI, Evans, MA (2011) A Taxonomic Classification of Visual Design Representations Used by Industrial Designers and Engineering Designers, Design Journal, 14(1), pp.64-91, ISSN: 1460-6925.

Al-Doy, N and Evans, MA (2011) A Review of Digital Industrial and Product Design Methods in UK Higher Education, Design Journal, 14(3), pp.343-368, DOI: 10.2752/175630611X13046972590923.

Evans, MA (2010) Researcher Practice: Embedding Creative Practice within Doctoral Research in Industrial Design, Journal of Research Practice, 6(2), pp.1-17, ISSN: 1712-851X.

Pei, E, Campbell, RI, Evans, MA (2010) Development of a tool for building shared representations among industrial designers and engineering design, CoDesign Journal, 6(3), pp.139-166, ISSN: 1571-0882.

Al Doy, N and Evans, MA (2010) The Development of a Curriculum for the Study of Digital Industrial Design, Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, 4(1), pp.195-217, ISSN: 1833-1874.

Wormald, PW and Evans, MA (2009) The integration of industrial design capability within UK SMEs: The challenges, opportunities and benefits, International Journal of Product Development, 9(4), pp.343-356, ISSN: 1477-9056. DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2009.027469.

Wormald, PW and Evans, MA (2009) Integration of industrial design capability within UK SMEs: challenges, opportunities and benefits, International Journal of Product Development, 9(4), pp.343-356, ISSN: 1477-9056.

Campbell, RI, Pei, E, Evans, MA (2008) Exploring the collaboration between industrial designers and engineering designers, Education Feature, International Council of Socieities of Industrial Design.

Evans, MA, Wallace, D, Cheshire, DG, Sener, B (2005) An evaluation of haptic feedback modelling during industrial design practice, Design Studies, 26(5), pp.487-508, ISSN: 0142-694X. DOI: 10.1016/j.destud.2004.10.002.

Evans, MA (2005) Rapid prototyping and industrial design practice: can haptic feedback modelling provide the missing tactile link?, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 11(3), pp.153-159, ISSN: 1355-2546. DOI: 10.1108/13552540510601273.

Evans, MA (2004) Getting to grips with the virtual workshop, Journal of the Institution of Engineering Designers, (November/December), pp.12-15.

Evans, MA (2004) An Investigation into the Capabilities of a Virtual Workshop, Journal of Design and Technology Education, 9(1), pp.6-13, ISSN: 1360-1431.

Evans, MA and Campbell, RI (2003) A Comparative Evaluation of Industrial Design Models Produced Using Rapid Prototyping and Workshop-Based Fabrication Techniques, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 9(5), pp.344-351, ISSN: 1355-2546. DOI: 10.1108/13552540310502248.

Cheshire, DG and Evans, MA (1997) Rapid prototyping for industrial design, Rapid News, 5(5), pp.38-43.

Evans, MA (1996) Designing for Food and Drink, New Designer, 1(2), pp.8-9.

Evans, MA (1996) Packaging Design for Food and Drink, New Designer, 1(2), pp.8-9.

Evans, MA (1996) Rendering Techniques, New Designer, 1(3), pp.8-9.

Evans, MA (1996) Backgrounds with Diffusers, New Designer, 2(1), pp.12-13.

Evans, MA (1995) Designing by Sketching, New Designer, 1(1), pp.8-9.

Evans, MA (1994) On the Draw, Journal of Designing, pp.18-19.

Evans, MA (1994) The Use of 2D and 3D Modelling in New Product Development, Journal of Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Students, pp.36-41.

Evans, MA (1994) Implications for the Introduction of Rapid Prototyping into Design Education, Journal of the National Association for Design Education, (2), pp.12-15, ISSN: 1354-408X.

Evans, MA and Hodgson, AR (1994) Focus on Initial Teacher Education, Journal of Design and Technology Teaching, 27(1), pp.42-43.

Evans, MA (1994) The Use of Modelling During Design Development, Design and Technology Times, p.6.

Evans, MA (1993) Designing with Models and Prototypes - Quality and Industrial Practices, Journal of the National Association for Design Education, (1), pp.16-21.


Evans, M, Obi, M, Pradel, P, Sinclair, M, Bibb, R (2024) Investigating designers' preferred learning media to design for additive manufacturing. In DESIGN 2024 Conference; Proceedings of the Design Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp.1779-1788, DOI: 10.1017/pds.2024.180.

Jin, X, Evans, M, Dong, H, Yao, A (2021) Design heuristics for artificial intelligence: inspirational design stimuli for supporting UX designers in generating AI-powered ideas. In Kitamura, Y and Quigley, A (ed) 2021 ACM CHI Virtual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021); Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '21), Yokohama, Japan (Virtual), pp.1-8, ISBN: 9781450380959. DOI: 10.1145/3411763.3451727.

Jin, X, Dong, H, Evans, M (2020) New design heuristics compared with existing ones. In Cain, SBMCR (ed) DRS2020 Conference; Proceedings of DRS 2020: Education, Virtual, pp.1597-1610, ISBN: 9781912294404. DOI: 10.21606/drs.2020.256.

Pinski, J, Kane, F, Evans, M (2017) Craft practice for sustainability. Re-thinking commercial footwear design process with a woven textile approach. In REDO Cumulus 2017, Design School Kolding,ISBN: 9788793416154.

Evans, M and Whitehead, T (2017) Using practice-led industrial/product design research to explore opportunities to support manufacturing-related enterprise in Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) countries. In IASDR 2017, Cincinnati, Ohiio, USA. DOI: 10.7945/C2ZX0C.

Evans, MA (2016) Creating impact from industrial design research: Case studies for app, exhibition, video, website, cards and award. In International Design Conference - Design 2016, Dubrivnik, Croatia.

Whitehead, T, Evans, M, Bingham, G (2016) Design tool for enhanced new product development in low income economies. In DRS 2016: Future-Focused Thinking, Brighton, UK, pp.1-16, DOI: 10.21606/drs.2016.467.

York, N, Southee, D, Evans, M (2016) The future of product design utilising printed electronics. In DRS 2016: Future-Focused Thnking, Brighton UK. DOI: 10.21606/drs.2016.151.

Evans, MA (2015) Developing research informed product design resources to support teaching and learning in the use of sketches, drawings, models and prototypes. In Bingham, G, Southee, D, McCardle, J, Kovacevic, A, Bohemia, E, Parkinson, B (ed) International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Loughborough, UK, pp.468-473, ISBN: 9 781904 670629.

York, N, Southee, DJ, Evans, MA (2015) Printed electronics, product design and the education of future industrial designers. In International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Loughborough, UK.

Evans, MA (2015) Predicting the future through academic research. In 2015 International Conference of the Industrial Designers Society of America, Seattle, USA.

Evans, MA (2015) Predicting the future through academic design research. In 2015 International Conference of the Industrial Designers Society of America, Seattle, USA.

Evans, MA (2015) Designers don’t do journals: Case studies in the development of research-based resources to support design practice and education. In 11th European Academy of Design Conference, Paris, France.

Privitera, M-B, Evans, MA, Southee, DJ (2015) Collaborative design process in medical device design. In 11th European Academy of Design Conference, Paris, France.

Gordon, J, Kane, F, Evans, M (2015) Weave as a method of sandal design: Innovation through the integration of a hands-on woven textile approach. In 11th European Academy of Design Conference, Paris, France.

Gordon, J, Kane, F, Evans, M (2015) Materials in footwear: an empirical study of hands-on textile approaches to sandal design. In Tangible Means: Experiential Knowledge Through Materials, EKSIG 2015, Design School, Kolding, pp.71-92, ISBN: 978-87-90775-90-2.

Whitehead, T, Evans, MA, Bingham, G (2014) A framework for design and assessment of products in developing countries. In Lim, Y-K and Niedderer, K (ed) Design Research Society 2014, Umea, Sweden, pp.439-451.

Gerrard, DM, O'Brien, A, Jackson, TW (Accepted for publication) Controversy and debate within social media: can museums improve 21st Century democracy?. In Nimkulrat, N, Niedderer, K, Evans, M (ed) International Conference 2013 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge, Loughborough, pp.319-330, ISBN: 978-1-907382-72-7.

Evans, MA, Cook, S, Frampton, R, Havenith, G, Marshall, R (2013) Breaking out of the academy: Case studies in the impact of academic design research. In 5th International Congress of International Associations of Societies of Design Research, Tokyo, Japan, pp.258-269.

Sinclair, M (2013) Connoisseurship as a Substitute for User Research? The Case of the Swiss Watch Industry. In Nimkulrat, N, Evans, M, Niedderer, N (ed) Knowing Inside Out - Experiential Knowledge, Expertise and Connoisseurship, Proceedings of the International Conference 2013 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge, Loughborough University, pp.303-318, ISBN: 978-1-907382-72-7.

Self, J, Evans, MA, Dalke, H (2013) Designerly Ways of Knowing and Doing: Design Embodiment and Experiential Design Knowledge. In Evans, M, Nimkulrat, N, Niedderer, K (ed) International Conference 2013 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge, Loughborough, pp.1-6.

Evans, MA, Nimkulrat, N, Niedderer, K (2013) Proceedings of the 2013 Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge. In .

Evans, MA, Pei, E, Campbell, RI (2013) Making the Tacit Explicit: Developing Tools to Support Collaboration During Industrial Design and Engineering Design Practice. In Evans, M, Nimkulrat, N, Niedderer, K (ed) In Proceedings of International Conference 2013 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge, Loughborough, pp.1-6.

Evans, M, Cook, S, Frampton, R, Havenith, G, Marshall, R (2013) Breaking out of the academy: case studies in the impact of academic design research. In , Tokyo.

Pasupa, S, Evans, MA, Lilley, D (2012) The status of sustainable design in Thailand. In Israsena, I and Tangsantikul, J (ed) 2012 Design Research Society Conference, Thailand, Bangkok, pp.1454-1464.

Campbell, RI, de Beer, DJ, Mauchline, DA, Becker, L, van der Grijp, R, Ariadi, Y, Evans, MA (2012) Additive manufacturing as an enabler for enhanced consumer involvement. CD Rom. In Du Preez, W (ed) Proceedings of 13th Annual RAPDASA Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, pp.1-2.

Ariadi, Y, Campbell, RI, Evans, MA, Graham, IG (2012) Combining Additive Manufacturing with Computer-aided Consumer Design. In Bourell, DL, Crawford, RH, Seepersad, CC, Beaman, JJ, Marcus, H (ed) 23rd Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium 2012, Austin, Texas, USA, pp.238-249.

Sinclair, M, Ariadi, Y, Campbell, RI, Evans, MA (2011) AM-enabled Consumer Design. In De Beer, DJ and Du Preez, W (ed) 12th Annual RAPDASA Conference, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa, pp.1-25.

Evans, MA (2011) From PhD to IDSA: Case Studies in the Evaluation of Design Tools. In 2011 International Conference of the Industrial Designers Society of America, http://www.idsa.org/category/reserved-tags/dr-mark-evans, New Orleans USA, pp.1-10.

Sinclair, MA, Campbell, RI, Ariadi, Y, Evans, MA (2011) AM-enabled Consumer Design. In Beer, D, J, D, Preez, D, Eds, W (ed) 12th Annual RAPDASA Conference, Proceedings of 12th Annual RAPDASA Conference, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa.

Sinclair, MA, Campbell, RI, Ariadi, Y, Evans, MA (2011) AM-enabled Consumer Design. In .

Evans, MA (2011) Case Studies in the Evaluation and Evolution of Tools to Support Design Education. In Bohemia, E, Mozota, BB, Collina, L (ed) 1st International Symposium for Design Education Researchers, Paris, France, pp.168-186.

Evans, MA (2011) From Thesis to Studio: the Use of Doctoral Research to Support Industrial Design Practice. In Roozenberg, NFM, Chen, LL, Stappers, PJ (ed) Diversity and Unity, 4th World Conference on Design Research (IASDR 2011), Delft, Netherlands, pp.1-12.

Self, J, Evans, MA, Dalke, H (2011) Innovation in Knowledge Exchange: An approach to the dissemination of research findings in support of design practice. In Niedderer, K and Mey, K (ed) EKSIG 2011: SkinDeep - Experiential Knowledge and Multi Sensory Communication, Farnham, UK, pp.1-25.

Evans, MA, Pei, E, Campbell, RI (2009) The Development of a Design Tool to Improve Collaboration between Industrial Designers and Engineering Designers. In Malins, J (ed) Design Connexity, Proceedings of the Eigth European Academcy of Design International Conference, Robert Gordon University, UK, pp.161-165, ISBN: 978 1 901085 97 6.

Evans, MA (2009) Integrating Practice with a PhD: A Generic Model for the Researcher-Designer. In Malins, J (ed) Design Connexity, Proceedings of the Eigth European Academy of Design International Conference, Robert Gordon University, UK, pp.155-160, ISBN: 978 1 901085 97 6.

Self, J, Dalke, H, Evans, MA (2009) Industrial design tools and design practice: An approach for understanding relationships between design tools and practice. In Proceedings of the International Association of Societies of Design Research 2009 Conference: Design Rigour and Relevance, Seoul, Korea,ISBN: 978 89 963194 0 5.

Campbell, RI, Pei, E, Evans, MA (2009) Two professions divided by an uncommon language: Using 'Co-Lab' to improve collaboration between industrial designers and engineering designers. In Clarke, A, Ion, B, McMahon, Hogarth, eds, P (ed) 11th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Proceedings of the 11th international conference on engineering and product design education, University of Brighton, UK, pp.134-139, ISBN: 978 1 904670 18 6.

Evans, MA (2009) Creative professional practice in methods and methodology. In Niedderer, K, Reilly, L, Roworth-Stokes, S, Smith, eds, C (ed) Proceedings of the International Conference 2009 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge, London Metropolitan University, UK, pp.18-19, ISBN: 978 0 9562789 3 7.

Evans, MA (2009) Creative professional practice in methods and methodology. In ,ISBN: 978 0 9562789 3 7.

Pei, E, Evans, MA, Campbell, RI (2008) Building a Common Ground: The Use of Design Representation Cards for Enhancing Collaboration between Industrial Designers and Engineering Designers. In Durling, DE (ed) Undisciplined - Design Research Society Conference, Proceedings of the 2008 Design Research Society Conference, Sheffield, UK.

Pei, E, Evans, MA, Campbell, RI (2008) Building a Common Ground: The Use of Design Representation Cards for Enhancing Collaboration between Industrial Designers and Engineering Designers. In .

Pei, E, Campbell, RI, Evans, MA (2007) Investigating Collaboration between Industrial designers and Engineering Designers: A Singapore Context. In Gibson, I (ed) The 2007 International Conference on Manufacturing Automation, Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Manufacturing Automation, Singapore, p.0, ISBN: 978 981 05 8089 6.

Evans, MA (2007) A Strategy for the Integration of Professional Practice during PhD Research. In Bohemia, E, Hilton, K, McMahon, C, Clarke, A (ed) E+PDE07 Shaping the Future?, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Northumbria University, UK, pp.537-542.

Pei, E, Evans, MA, Campbell, RI (2007) Them and Us?: Exploring the Collaboration between Industrial Designers and Engineering Designers. In Cullen, C (ed) Connecting, Proceedings of the 2007 Industrial Designers Society of America International Education Symposium, San Francisco, USA, pp.217-223.

Evans, MA (2007) A Strategy for the Integration of Professional Practice during PhD Research. In In Theory, Proceedings of the 2007 In Theory Conference: Encounters with Theory in Proactive-based PhD Research in Art and Design, De Montford University, UK, p.13, ISBN: 1 900856 73 5.

Pei, E, Campbell, RI, Evans, MA (2007) Investigating Collaboration between Industrial designers and Engineering Designers: A Singapore Context. In ,ISBN: 978 981 05 8089 6.

Evans, MA (2006) A Strategy for the Integration of Professional Practice within PhD Study. In Cullen, CE (ed) Proceedings of the IDSA National Education Conference 2006, Austin, Texas, USA, pp.45-51.

Evans, MA and Wormald, PW (2005) Knowledge Transfer and Industrial Design: A Program for Post-qualification Collaboration between Universities and Commerce in the UK. In ed, CC (ed) Proceedings of IDSA National Education Conference 2005, Alexandria, Virginia, USA, pp.71-78.

Evans, MA (2005) Translating virtual to tactile: haptic feedback and industrial design. In eds, PEA (ed) CAID & CD 2005, Applications of digital techniques in industrial design engineering: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on computer aided industrial design and conceptual design, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, pp.276-281, ISBN: 7-5062-7444-2.

Evans, MA (2005) Academics Maintaining Professional Design Capability: Part-Time Doctoral Education through a Case Study Approach. In Giard, J and Pyowka, DE (ed) Proceedings of the Fourth Conference: Doctoral Education in Design, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, pp.105-117, ISBN: 1-884320-27-9.

Kerai, J, Marshall, R, Evans, MA (2005) Development of a methodology to measure and evaluate sensorial quality in car interiors. In Wensveen, SE (ed) Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, Proceedings of the 2005 Conference: Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, Eindhoven Institute of Technology, pp.43-56, ISBN: 9086580017.

Evans, MA (2005) Knowledge Transfer and Industrial Design: A Programme for Post-qualification Collaboration between Universities and Commerce in the UK. In Cullen, CE (ed) Proceedings of the Industrial Designers Society of America National Education Conference 2005, Alexandria, Virginia, USA, pp.71-77.

Evans, MA (2001) Haptic Modelling - A Return to 'Hands-on' Designing?. In IDSA Education Conference 2000, Proceedings of the 2000 Industrial Designers Society of America Education Conference, University of Lousiana, USA.

Evans, MA (2001) Haptic Modelling - A Return to "Hands-On" Designing?. In Kemnitzer, RE (ed) Industrial Designers Society of America International Education Conference 2000, Proceedings of the 2000 Industrial Designers Society of America International Education Conference 2000, University of Louisiana, USA, pp.147-161.

Evans, MA, Cheshire, DG, Dean, CJ (2001) Haptic Modelling - An Alternative Industrial Design Methodology. In Barber, C, Faint, M, Wall, S, Wing, eds, AM (ed) Eurohaptics 2001, Proceedings of the Eurohaptics Conference 2001, University of Birmingham, pp.124-129.

Evans, MA, Cheshire, DG, Dean, CJ (2001) Haptic Feedback Modelling - Can Virtual Reality be Physical?. In Edwards, KL and Brodhurst, EKE (ed) SEED Annual Conference 2001, Proceedings of the 23rd SEED Annual Design Conference 2001, University of Derby, pp.43-50, ISBN: 0 901 43785 9.

Evans, MA, Cheshire, DG, Dean, C (2000) An Investigation into the Use of Haptic Modelling during Industrial Design Activity. In Roberts, PH and Norman, EWLE (ed) IDATER 2000, Proceedings of the International Conference on Design and Technology Educational Research and Curriculum Development, Loughborough University, pp.188-193, ISBN: 1 899291 45 8.

Cheshire, DG, Danneels, S, Evans, MA (2000) Case Studies in the Use of Advanced Computer-Based Technology to Support the New Product Development Process. In Dickens, PE (ed) TCT 2000, Proceedings of the Time Compression Technologies Conference 2000, Cardiff International Arena, pp.19-25.

Evans, MA and Wormald, PW (1999) 'Beam it up Scotty' - Industrial designers using networks to design and distribute products. In Hill, RE (ed) Electronic Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science Mid-Year Conference, Los Angeles, USA.

Evans, MA (1998) The potential of computer aided design to act as a catalyst for greater professional collaboration. In Wildemuth, BME (ed) Collaboration across boundaries, Orlando, pp.22-32, ISBN: 1 57387 060 9.

Evans, MA (1998) Product development strategies: an investigation into the integration of ergonomics methods and rapid prototyping into industrial design practice. In Quantum Leap: managing new product design, Track 2, University of Central England, pp.22-32.

Evans, MA (1997) The application of rapid prototyping techniques for industrial design and ergonomic evaluation. In Robertson, SAE (ed) Proceedings of the annual conference of the Ergonomics Society, Stoke Rochford Hall, Grantham, pp.370-375, ISBN: 07484 0677 8.

Evans, MA and Veveris, M (1997) An investigation into the application of computer modelling by indistrial designers and product design engineers. In Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Product Design Education, Brunel University, pp.341-360.

Cheshire, DG and Evans, MA (1997) An investigation into the use of rapid prototyping by industrial designers. In Dickens, PME (ed) Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing, Nottingham, pp.1-7, ISBN: 0951975978.

Cheshire, DG, Evans, MA, Roberts, S, Ryall, CJ (1996) The Application of Rapid Prototyping by Industrial Designers. In Hillery, MTE (ed) Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee, University of Limerick, pp.827-835, ISBN: 1 874653 38 0.

Evans, MA and Veveris, M (1996) Academics as Design Consultants. In Hodskinson, ME (ed) Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Product Design Education, University of Central Lancashire, pp.A2, 1-7, ISBN: 0 906694 94 9.

Evans, MA (1995) An investigation into the application of Ergonomics Methods during the Industrial Design of Consumer Products. In Proceedings of the Conference on Ergonomics in Consumer Product Design and Evaluation, Chilworth Manor, Southampton, pp.23-29.

Cheshire, DG, Evans, MA, Wormald, PW (1995) An investigation into the feasibility of rapid prototyping being adopted during industrial design activity. In Bennett, GE (ed) Proceedings of the First National Conference on Rapid Prototyping and Tooling, Buckinghamshire College, pp.1-10, ISBN: 0852989822.

Cheshire, DG, Evans, MA, Wormald, PW (1995) An investigation into the feasibility of concurrent engineering methodologies being adopted during industrial design activity. In ed, SM (ed) CE95, Proceedings of the International Conference on Concurrent Engineering 1995, McLean Hilton, Virginia, USA, pp.461-468, ISBN: 0-9642449-1-8.

Evans, MA, Hodgson, AR, Mockford, CD, Norman, EW (1994) From Concept Design to Prototype Production: Innovative Use of IT in Industrial Design Education. In Smith, JSE (ed) IDATER 94, Proceedings of the International Conference on Design and Technology Educational Research and Curriculum Development, Loughborough University, p.193, ISBN: 0 9518 299 9 8.

Evans, MA and Wormald, PW (1993) The Future Role of Virtual and Physical Modelling in Industrial Design. In Smith, JSE (ed) IDATER 93, Proceedings of the International Conference on Design and Technology Educational Research and Curriculum Development, Loughborough University of Technology, pp.97-101, ISBN: 0 9518299 63.

Evans, MA (1992) Model of Prototype. In ed, SJS (ed) Proceedings of International Conference on Design and Technology Educational Research and Development, Loughborough University of Technology, pp.42-46, ISBN: 0 9518299 4 7.

CD Objects

Evans, MA (1996) Prototype,.


Pinski, J, Kane, F, Evans, M (2021) Handweaving as a catalyst for sustainability. In Gardetti, MA and Muthu, SS (ed) Handloom Sustainability and Culture, Springer, pp.77-96, ISBN: 9789811656644. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-5665-1_4.

Evans, M, Whitehead, T, Osanjo, L, Gamaliel, M, Wiyancoko, D, Hasdogan, G (2021) The use of creative product design to generate employment opportunities through materials-driven supply chains. In Emmanuel, T, Cooper, R, Spencer, J (ed) Design for Global Challenges and Goals, Routledge, pp.123-135, ISBN: 9780367568511.

Evans, MA, Pei, E, Campbell, R (2015) Developing Tools to Support Collaboration and Understanding during Industrial Design Practice. In Tovey, M (ed) Design Pedagogy Developments in Art and Design Education, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd, pp.134-146, ISBN: 9781472415981.

Evans, MA (2003) Design and Designing. In Garner, SWE (ed) Modelling Strategies and Product Design, The Open University, pp.8-20, ISBN: 0 7492 59124.

Evans, MA (1998) Applying ergonomics methods during the industrial design of consumer products. In Stanton, NE (ed) Human Factors in Consumer Products, Taylor and Francis, pp.193-202, ISBN: 07484 0603 4.

Garner, SW and Evans, MA (1997) Graphical Communication. In Williams, PJ and Williams, APE (ed) Technology Education for Teachers, Macmillan Education, pp.111-135, ISBN: 0 7329 4090 7.

Evans, MA and Garner, SW (1997) Communication in Design. In Williams, A and Williams, JE (ed) Technology Education for Teachers, Macmillan Education, pp.111-135, ISBN: 0732940907.

School/Dept Working Papers

Evans, MA (1994) The Application of Modelling Techniques in UK Undergraduate Design Courses.


Evans, MA (2015) Fly Ash Concrete printed Bench, March 2015.

Evans, MA (1999) Industrial design of in-car equipment, January 1999.

Evans, MA (1998) Industrial design sports equipment, January 1998.

Evans, MA (1997) Industrial design of medical equipment, January 1997.

Evans, MA (1997) Industrial design of capital equipment, January 1997.

Evans, MA (1996) Industrial Design of Capital Equipment, January 1996.

Evans, MA (1996) Industrial Design of Healthcare Products, January 1996.

Evans, MA (1996) Industrial Design of a Nylon Line Garden Trimmer, January 1996.

Evans, MA and Veveris, M (1995) Industrial Design of Personal Care Products, January 1995.

Evans, MA and Wormald, PW (1995) Industrial design of a consumer product (B), January 1995.

Evans, MA and Wormald, PW (1995) Industrial design of a consumer product (A), January 1995.

Evans, MA and Wormald, PW (1995) Industrial design of an optical device, January 1995.

Evans, MA and Wormald, PW (1994) Industrial design of an optronics mast (CM010), January 1994.

Evans, MA and Wormald, PW (1994) Industrial design of an optronics mast (CM011), January 1994.

Evans, MA and Wormald, PW (1994) Industrial design of a laser optical device, January 1994.

Evans, MA (1993) The Design of a Site Dumper, January 1993.

Evans, MA (1993) Conceptual Design of a Telephone, January 1993.

Evans, MA (1992) The Design of a Compact Tyre Inflator Using Rechargeable Gas Cylinders, January 1992.

Evans, MA (1992) The Design of a Pivot-Steer Handler, January 1992.

Evans, MA (1992) Design of a Polymer Anti-Pollution Boom, January 1992.

Evans, MA (1992) Design of a Hose Connector to reduce Components by Innovatory Tooling, January 1992.

Wormald, PW and Evans, MA (1992) High Definition Thermal Image Camera, January 1992, Pilkington Optronics Glasgow.

Digital/Visual Products

Evans, M (2023) D.Doc Mapping of the European Doctorate in Design, European Union Erasmus+, European Union Erasmus+.

Evans, MA, Graham, I, Pei, E, Cheshire, D (2014) DiD - Digital Industrial Design, Design Practice Research Group, Loughborough University, Higher Education Funding Council for England (Vitae).

Evans, MA, Campbell, RI, Pei, E (2014) CoLab - Supporting communication and collaboration between industrial designers and engineering designers, Design Practice Research Group, Loughborough University, Royal Academy of Engineering.

Evans, MA and Self, J (2014) iD Site, Design Practice Research Group, Loughborough University & Design Practice Lab, UNIST, DPR Group & DPR Lab.

Evans, MA and Pei, E (2014) iD Cards Smartphone App, Design Practice Research Group, DPR Group & Industrial Designers Society of America.

Evans, MA and Pei, E (2014) iD Cards pdf, Design Practice Research Group, Loughborough University, DPR Group & Industrial Designers Society of America.

Evans, MA (2014) Design Practice Research Case Studies, Design Practice Reserarch Group, Lougfhborough University, Design Practice Research Group.

Evans, MA and Pei, E (2011) iD Cards, Loughbough University.


Evans, MA (2015) Concrete Innovation, National Centre for Craft and Design, 7 pieces , 12-12-2015 to 28-02-2016.

Evans, MA (2015) Breaking the Mould, Loughborough Design School, 7 pieces , 29-06-2015 to 06-07-2015.

Evans, MA (2014) 3D: Printing the Future, Manchester Museum of Science and Industry, 7 pieces , 23-10-2014 to 20-09-2015.


Evans, MA (2000) Conceptual Communication Device.

Evans, MA (1996) Research into Colour Perception.

Devices or Products

Evans, MA (2015) Fly Ash Concrete Printed Bench.


Evans, MA How to improve students' presentation skills in graphic products and resistant materials from keystage 3 to post 16.

Evans, MA, Bibb, R, Bingham, Torrens, Sinclair, M, Atkin, J, Newsom, G, Buswell, Concrete Innovation.


Evans, MA (1999) Improving the design process.

Evans, MA (1992) Innovative Use of Materials in Consumer Product Design, Conceptual Design.

Getting in touch

Research Office
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+44 (0)1509 222453