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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for John McCardle

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Journal Articles

Gatto, G and McCardle, J (2019) Multispecies design and ethnographic practice: Following other-than-humans as a mode of exploring environmental issues, Sustainability, 11(18), 5032, DOI: 10.3390/su11185032.

Leitch, E and McCardle, J (2019) Performance based abstraction of biomimicry design principles using prototyping, Designs, 3(3), 38, DOI: 10.3390/designs3030038.

Leitch, E, McCardle, J, Smith, E, Hooker, G (2019) Growing the practice of biomimicry: opportunities for mission-based organisations based on a global survey of biomimicry practitioners, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 32(1), pp.71-87, ISSN: 0953-7325. DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2019.1634254.

McCardle, JR and Bunyan, J (2016) Observation of impact energy absorption performance on idealised trabecular forms in laser sintered nylon, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 22(6), pp.895-900, ISSN: 1355-2546. DOI: 10.1108/RPJ-10-2014-0142.

Fielding, EAS, McCardle, J, Eynard, B, Hartman, N, Fraser, AS (2014) Product lifecycle management in design and engineering education: International perspectives, Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, 22(2), pp.123-134, ISSN: 1063-293X. DOI: 10.1177/1063293X13520316.

McCardle, J, Storer, I, Torrens, G, Whitehead, S, Mailley, J, Farrell, G (2011) Offending Users: Designing-in Deterrence with Mobile Telephones, The Design Journal, 14(3), pp.323-342, ISSN: 1460-6925. DOI: 10.2752/175630611X13046972590888.

Pulé, S and McCardle, JR (2010) Developing novel explanatory models for electronics education, Design and Technology Education: an International Journal, 15(2), pp.1-14, ISSN: 1360-1431.

Whitehead, S, Mailley, JC, Storer, IJ, McCardle, JR, Torrens, GE, Farrell, G (2007) In Safe Hands: A Review of Mobile Phone Anti-theft Designs, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, ISSN: 1572-9869. DOI: 10.1007/s10610-007-9040-9.

McCardle, JR (2002) The Challenge of Integrating AI and Smart Technology in Design Education, The International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 12(1), pp.59-76, ISSN: 0957-7572. DOI: 10.1023/A:1013089404168.

McCardle, JR (2002) Back to the Drawing Board?, Journal of Design and Technology Education, 7(2), pp.123-132, ISSN: 1360-1431.

McCardle, JR (2002) Educating the Future Designers of "intelligent" products, The Journal of the Association for Design Education, July-August(9), pp.35-47, ISSN: 1354-408X.

McCardle, JR (2002) The challenge of integrating AI & Smart Technology in design education, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN EDUCATION, 12(1), pp.59-76, ISSN: 0957-7572. DOI: 10.1023/A:1013089404168.

Taylor Burge, KL, Harris, TJ, Stroud, RR, McCardle, JR (1994) The real time analysis of acoustic weld emissions using neural networks, The International Journal for the Joining of Materials, 6(1), pp.7-12, ISSN: 0905-6866.

Taylor-Burge, KL, Harris, TJ, Stroud, RR, McCardle, JR (1994) Real time analysis of acoustic weld emissions using neural networks, International Journal for the Joining of Materials, 6(1), pp.7-12, ISSN: 0905-6866.


McCardle, J, Angus, R, Trott, J (2019) Transdisciplinary design practices in education: A complex search for innovation in nature. In Erik, B, Ahmed, K, Lyndon, B, Ross, B, Dorothy, E, Hilary, G, William, I, Ian, WR (ed) DS 95: 21st International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2019), Glasgow,ISBN: 9781912254057. DOI: 10.35199/epde2019.96.

McCardle, J, Dempsey, S, Humberstone, M (2019) Stressors and creativity in industrial design practice. In Bohemia, E, Nuša, GG, Bont, FCD, Almendra, RA (ed) Conference proceedings of the Academy of Design and Innovation Management 2019: Research Perspectives In the era of Transformations, Loughborough University London, pp.1414-1429, ISBN: 9781912769018.

Zhang, Y, Bohemia, E, McCardle, J (2019) Aspects of a study of creative thinking and knowledge application. In Academy for Design Innovation Management 2019, London.

McCardle, J, Angus, R, Trott, J (2019) Transdisciplinary design practices in education: A complex search for innovation in nature. In , Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Towards a New Innovation Landscape, E and PDE 2019,ISBN: 9781912254057.

Zhang, Y, Bohemia, E, McCardle, J (2018) Insights on how metacognition influences knowledge application in product design education. In International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia,ISBN: 9789537738594. DOI: 10.21278/idc.

McCardle, J, Huskisson, A, Perry, S (2018) Performance metrics: Are the risks too high to be creative?. In Engineering and Product Design Education, Imperial College, London,ISBN: 9781912254026.

Zhang, Y, Bohemia, E, McCardle, J (2017) Review of creativity factors in final year design projects in China. In The 19th International Conference on Engineering and product Design Education, HiOA, Oslo, Noway,ISBN: 9781904670841.

Gatto, G and McCardle, J (2016) The designer and the scientist: The road to inspire transdisciplinary synergies. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND PRODUCT DESIGN EDUCATION, AALBORG UNIVERSITY, DENMARK.

McCardle, J (2015) Science informed design: involving the physical and natural sciences. In Engineering & Product Design Education 2015, Loughborough Design School, Loughborough University,ISBN: 978-1-904670-62-9.

Crick, T and McCardle, JR (2009) Identity and affect in design cognition. In Undisciplined! Design Research Society Conference 2008, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield.

McCardle, JR and Kirkham, C (2000) The Challenge of Utilising New Technology in Design Education. In Roberts, PH and Norman, EWLE (ed) IDATER 2000: International Conference on Design and Technology Educational Research and Curriculum Development, Loughborough University, pp.122-127, ISBN: 1 899291 45 8.

Swallow, SS, Vincent, D, McCardle, JR (1997) 'WINNER' (Brite EuRam project) crosses the line (adaptive control of welding using neural networks). In Al-Erhayem, OE (ed) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Joining of Materials, Helsingor, Denmark, pp.450-455, ISBN: 87-89582-04-7.

Lee, MH, McCardle, JR, Coghill, GM (1997) Industrial applications of model based reasoning. In IEE Digest, Colloquium by A4 (Artificial Intelligence) on Applications of Model Based Reasoning, London, UK, pp.1-5.

Stroud, RR and McCardle, JR (1996) Improved manufacturing in welding by innovative use of neural networks in real time 'WINNER' (Brite-Euram Project No 7918). In Lucas, WE (ed) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Technology in Welding, Lanaken, Belgium, Paper 31, ISBN: 1-85573-262-9.

McCardle, JR and Swallow, SS (1996) The use of arc sound & on-line ultrasonic signal processing on computer technology in welding. In Lucas, WE (ed) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Technology in Welding, Lanaken, Belgium, Paper 33, ISBN: 1-85573-262-9.

Vincent, D, McCardle, JR, Stroud, RR (1995) The classification of metal transfer mode using neural networks. In IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks Proceedings, Vols 1-6, Perth, Western Australia, p.522, ISBN: 0-78-032769-1.

Taylor Burge, KL, Harris, TJ, Stroud, RR, McCardle, JR (1994) The analysis of airborne acoustics of S.A.W. using neural networks. In Lucas, WE (ed) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Technology in Welding, Paris, France, Paper 28, ISBN: 1-85573-183-5.

Stroud, RR and McCardle, JR (1994) The evolution of neural networks in weld monitoring and control. In Al-Erhayem, OE (ed) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Joining of Materials, Helsingor, Denmark, pp.447-458, ISBN: 87-89582-03-9.

Stroud, RR, McCardle, JR, Vincent, D (1994) The application of neural networks to the classification of metal transfer mode in metal inert gas welding. In Al-Erhayem, OE (ed) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Joining of Materials, Helsingor, Denmark, pp.459-468, ISBN: 87-89582-03-9.

Taylor Burge, KL, Harris, TJ, Stroud, RR, McCardle, JR (1993) The real time analysis of acoustic weld emissions using neural networks. In Al-Erhayem, OE (ed) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Joining of Materials, Helsingor, Denmark, pp.60-67, ISBN: 87-89582-02-0.

Stroud, RR, Swallow, S, McCardle, JR, Burge, KT (1993) Controlling 1000 amps using neural networks. In IJCNN '93: Proceedings of the 1993 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vols 1-3, Nagoya, Japan, pp.1857-1860, ISBN: 0-78-031421-2.

Taylor Burge, KL, Harris, TJ, Stroud, RR, McCardle, JR (Accepted for publication) The application of neural networks for the control of industrial arc welding. In Computer Applications in Industry-IASTED'92, Proceedings of the International Association of Science and Technology for Development, Alexandria, Egypt, pp.24-27.

Taylor Burge, KL, Harris, TJ, Stroud, RR, McCardle, JR (1992) The use of neural networks to characterise problematic arc sounds. In Lucas, WE (ed) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Technology in Welding, Abington, Cambridge, UK, Paper 35, ISBN: 1-85573-086-3.

McCardle, JR and Taylor Burge, KL (1992) The management of industrial arc welding by neural networks. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management, CETIM, Senlis, France, pp.94-99.


Bingham, G, Southee, DJ, McCardle, J, Kovacevic, A, Bohemia, E, Parkinson, B (ed) (2015) The 17th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education Great Expectations: Design Teaching, Research & Enterprise, The Design Society, ISBN: 978-1-904670-62-9.


Bourne, DR, Conaty, G, Houghton, R, McCardle, JR (2002) UK Patent GB 2375683.


Coghill, GM, McCardle, JR, Price, CJ, Lee, MH (2000) A Technological Roadmap for Model-Based Systems and Qualitative Reasoning, p.29, Esprit, EC DGIII, MONET, NoE in MBS and QR, Project No 22672.

Stroud, RR, McCardle, JR, Vincent, D (1995) The classification of metal transfer mode using neural networks, Annexe 3, Report 2, European Commission DGXIII.

McCardle, JR, Stroud, RR, Vincent, D (1994) The invesigation of neural network architectures applied to the analysis of electrical and acoustic signals from arc welding, Part I (Project No 7918), Report 1, European Commission DGXIII.

McCardle, JR, Stroud, RR, Vincent, D (1994) The real time application of artificial neural networks to automatic arc welding (Project No 7918), Aendix 5, Report 1, European Commission DGXIII.


McCardle, JR (1999) Neural network systems techniques and applications, Volumes 4-7, T. Cornelius (ed), Los Angeles Academic Press.

McCardle, JR (1999) Neural network systems techniques and applications, Volumes 1-3, T. Cornelius (ed), Los Angeles Academic Press.

McCardle, JR (1998) An introduction to neural networks, Kevin Gurney, UCL Press.

McCardle, JR (1998) MONET - The European Network of Excellence in Model Based Systems & Qualitative Reasoning - The Global Newsletter.

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