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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for George Torrens

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Journal Articles

Dzogbewu, TC, Whitehead, T, de Beer, DJ, Torrens, G (2024) Adoption and Use of Customized Wheelchairs Manufactured for Persons Living with Disability: Modified UTUAT-2 Perspective, Designs, 9(1), pp.3-3, DOI: 10.3390/designs9010003.

Yang, J, Wang, Y, Peng, M, Torrens, G (2024) Research on Evaluation and Prediction Methods of Cognitive Intentions for Product Morphological Features, Applied Sciences, 14(20), pp.9263-9263, DOI: 10.3390/app14209263.

Torrens, G and Asghar, S (2023) 20 years of the Loughborough user centered assistive technology design process: has it made a difference?, Assistive Technology, 35(5), pp.425-434, ISSN: 1040-0435. DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2022.2113477.

Asghar, S, Torrens, G, Iqbal, M, Iftikhar, H, Mujtaba, MA (2022) Cultural bias: a comparison of semantic responses by 126 students from Pakistan and the United Kingdom to a wheelchair when viewed against a congruent and incongruent background, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 18(2), pp.127-139, ISSN: 1748-3107. DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2022.2126903.

Holloway, C, Morgado Ramirez, DZ, Bhatnagar, T, Oldfrey, B, Morjaria, P, Moulic, SG, Ebuenyi, ID, Barbareschi, G, Meeks, F, Massie, J, Ramos-Barajas, F, McVeigh, J, Keane, K, Torrens, G, Rao, PVM, MacLachlan, M, Austin, V, Kattel, R, Metcalf, CD, Sujatha, S (2021) A review of innovation strategies and processes to improve access to AT: Looking ahead to open innovation ecosystems, Assistive Technology, 33(sup1), pp.68-86, ISSN: 1040-0435. DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2021.1970653.

McMurchie, B, King, RSP, Lindley, M, Reynolds, J, Torrens, G, Kelly, P (2021) Dietary omega-3 supplementation causes rapid, reversible changes to dark adaptation ability, Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology, 49(4), pp.390-392, ISSN: 1442-6404. DOI: 10.1111/ceo.13925.

Torrens, G and Fray, M (2020) Making a difference: using a participatory design process to give a voice to people with disabilities, Design for All, 15(11), pp.56-63.

McMurchie, B, King, R, Lindley, M, Reynolds, J, Torrens, G, Kelly, P (2019) Shedding Light on the Effect of Fish Oil Supplementation on Dark Adaptation Capabilities, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv.11302613.

McMurchie, B, King, R, Lindley, M, Reynolds, J, Torrens, G, Kelly, P (2019) Shedding Light on the Effect of Fish Oil Supplementation on Dark Adaptation Capabilities, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv.11302613.v1.

Asghar, S, Torrens, G, Iftikhar, H, Welsh, R, Harland, RG (2019) The influence of social context on the perception of assistive technology: using a semantic differential scale to compare young adults’ views from the United Kingdom and Pakistan, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 15(5), pp.563-576, ISSN: 1748-3107. DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2019.1646819.

Asghar, S, Torrens, G, Harland, RG (2019) Cultural influences on perception of disability and disabled people: A comparison of opinions from students in the United Kingdom (UK) Pakistan (PAK) about a generic wheelchair using a semantic differential scale, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 15(3), pp.292-304, ISSN: 1748-3115. DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2019.1568595.

McMurchie, B, Kelly, P, King, RSP, Torrens, G (2019) Finding evidence in the dark: utilization of inkjet-printed amino acids, Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 51(sup1), ISSN: 1834-562X. DOI: 10.1080/00450618.2019.1571108.

McMurchie, B, King, RSP, Kelly, P, Torrens, G (2018) The importance of dark adaptation for forensic examinations; an evaluation of the Crime-lite Eye™, Science and Justice, 59(2), pp.138-144, ISSN: 1355-0306. DOI: 10.1016/j.scijus.2018.10.006.

Torrens, G (2018) Dialogue appropriate to assistive technology product design: A taxonomy of communication formats in relation to modes of sensory perception, She Ji, 3(4), pp.262-276, ISSN: 2405-8726. DOI: 10.1016/j.sheji.2018.01.001.

Torrens, G (2017) The order and priority of research and design method application within an assistive technology new product development process: A summative content analysis of 20 case studies, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 0(0), pp.0-0, ISSN: 1748-3107. DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2017.1280547.

Torrens, GE, Badni, K, Hurn, K, Storer, IJ (2015) An introduction to the development of a product brand: An evidence-based template for use with first year undergraduate industrial designers, Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 79(2), pp.24-45, ISSN: 0046-2012.

Torrens, GE and Newton, H (2013) Getting the Most from Working with Higher Education: A review of methods used within a participatory design activity involving KS3 special school pupils and undergraduate and post-graduate industrial design students, Design and Technology Education: an international journal, 18(1), pp.58-71.

Torrens, GE and Smith, NCS (2012) Evaluation of an assistive technology product design using a paired comparisons method within a mixed methods approach: a case study evaluating preferences for four types of cutlery with 34 upper limb impaired participants, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 8(4), pp.340-347, ISSN: 1748-3107. DOI: 10.3109/17483107.2012.735746.

Torrens, GE (2012) Assistive Technology product to Universal design: A way forward, Design For All India, 7(7), pp.182-205.

McCardle, J, Storer, I, Torrens, G, Whitehead, S, Mailley, J, Farrell, G (2011) Offending Users: Designing-in Deterrence with Mobile Telephones, DESIGN JOURNAL, 14(3), pp.323-342, ISSN: 1460-6925. DOI: 10.2752/175630611X13046972590888.

Whitehead, S, Mailley, JC, Storer, IJ, McCardle, JR, Torrens, GE, Farrell, G (2007) In Safe Hands: A Review of Mobile Phone Anti-theft Designs, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, ISSN: 1572-9869. DOI: 10.1007/s10610-007-9040-9.

Torrens, GE (2006) Kodak's ergonomics design for people at work, ERGONOMICS, 49(2), pp.220-220, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI: 10.1080/00140130500145194.

Williams, G, Hodder, S, Torrens, GE, Hodgson, AR (2005) Integration of anthropometry into computer aided design to manufacture and evaluate protective handwear, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, pp.275-288.

Williams, GL, Torrens, GE, Hodgson, AR (2004) Integration of anthropometric data within a computer aided design model, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE, 218(10), pp.1417-1421, ISSN: 0954-4054. DOI: 10.1243/0954405042323450.

McDonagh, DC, Torrens, GE, Reid, A (2003) Meeting needs beyond the functional: living with urinal incontinence, The Ergonomist: The Newsletter of the Ergonomist Society, April 2003(394), pp.1-4, ISSN: 0268-5639.

Torrens, GE, McDonagh Philp, DC, Newman, A (2001) Getting a Grip: Cutlery Design undergoes extensive evaluation of hand-object interaction, leading to improved products for people with hand use limitations, Ergonomics in Design:The Magazine of Human Factors Applications, 9(2), pp.7-13, ISSN: 1064-8046.

Torrens, GE and McDonagh Philp, DC (2001) Handle with Care: Getting a Grip on Specialist Cutlery Design, New Design Magazine, 3, p.54, ISSN: 1472-2674.

Torrens, GE, Hann, J, Webley, M, Joy, J, Sutherland, IA (2000) Hand performance assessment of ten people with Rheumatoid Arthritis when using a range of specified saucepans, DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION, 22(3), pp.123-134, ISSN: 0963-8288.

Torrens, GE (2000) The implementation of a user-centred design approach by student industrial designers when designing for elderly and disabled people, The Design Journal, 3(1), pp.15-30, ISSN: 1460-6925.

McDonagh Philp, DC and Torrens, GE (1999) Developing a user-centred approach to new product innovation, Academy Newsletter: The European Academy of Design, July, p.4.

Torrens, GE and O'Hare, FP (1998) Introducing user-centred factors into a value analysis methodology approach to the development of a health and beauty care product, The Design Journal, 1(2), pp.27-36, ISSN: 1460-6925.

Torrens, GE (1998) Design for ageing and disability at Key Stage 4: An introduction to the nature of designing, available teaching materials and resources, The Journal of the National Association for Design Education, 2, pp.19-35, ISSN: 1354-408X.

Torrens, GE (1997) Barrier free design: Getting the message to designers, Newsletter of the European Institute for Design and Disability, p.2.

Torrens, GE (1997) Choosing a switch, New Designers, pp.22-23, ISSN: 1358-6882.

Torrens, GE (1997) Barrier free design: Connecting with your environment, Newsletter of the European Institute for Design and Disability, 5(Autumn/Winter), p.2.

Burkitt, J, Martin, G, Kay, GH, Torrens, GE, Chapman, C, Sandbach, D (1996) The development of the Port-a-Bidet: A portable bidet for people with minimal hand function, MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS, 18(6), pp.515-518, ISSN: 1350-4533. DOI: 10.1016/1350-4533(96)00003-3.

Torrens, GE (1996) Barrier-Free Design, New Designer, 1(2), pp.10-11, ISSN: 1358-6882.

Torrens, GE (1996) Getting a Grip: Developing an Understanding of Hand and Product Interaction during Task Performance, Usertalk, (7), pp.4-5.

Burkitt, J, Torrens, GE, Kay, GH, Sandbach, D, Sutherland, IA (1995) The development of the Autosip: A hygienic, self-operated, drinking device for people with minimal sucking ability and/or minimal arm strength, Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences, 8(4), pp.115-118, ISSN: 0929-6719.


Sansoni, S, Torrens, G, Yang, F, Suroya, S, Wang, Y (2023) Medical device or fashion accessory? A case study of a redesigned child's prosthetic upper limb applying principles of perception and semantics to reframe social acceptance. In 24th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23 ); Proceedings of the Design Society, Bordeaux, France, pp.2615-2624, DOI: 10.1017/pds.2023.262.

Sansoni, S, Torrens, G, Downs, S (2023) THE ROLE OF GRAPHIC DESIGN IN PROMOTING SUSTAINABILITY AND ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITIES AGAINST GREENWASHING. In , Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Responsible Innovation for Global Co-Habitation, E and PDE 2023, pp.445-450, DOI: 10.35199/epde.2023.75.

Torrens, G, Jiang, Y, Dong, H (2020) Incorporating "care" into design education through games. In Iacono, FTASABE (ed) E3_Universal Design Practice Conference III_Design and Ergonomics - “Designing for Inclusive Learning Experience”; Designing for Inclusion, Gamification and Learning Experience, Florence, Italy, pp.54-68, ISBN: 9788891797780.

Palmer, G and Torrens, G (2020) Crafting expertise. In , EKSIG 2013: Knowing Inside Out - Experiential Knowledge, Expertise and Connoisseurship - International Conference 2013 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge, Conference Proceedings, pp.271-288.

Johnson, N, Torrens, G, Storer, I (2019) Communicating the value of design: Design considerations to assist practitioner rationale in FMCG packaging development. In Bohemia, E, Nuša, GG, Bont, FCD, Almendra, RA (ed) Academy for Design Innovation Management Conference 2019: Research Perspectives In the era of Transformations; Conference proceedings of the Academy of Design and Innovation Management 2019: Research Perspectives In the era of Transformations, Loughborough University London, pp.453-468, ISBN: 9781912769018.

Johnson, N, Torrens, G, Storer, I (2019) The value of design in UK FMCG packaging development: An industry case study exploring practitioner design practice rationale & decision-making. In International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference (IASDR) 2019, Manchester Metropolitan University.

Torrens, G, Storer, I, Asghar, S, Welsh, R, Hurn, K (2019) Social camouflage: A survey of 143 students of their preference for assistive technology cutlery and the visual mechanisms being influenced. In Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2019, Stratford-upon-Avon,ISBN: 9781999652715.

Torrens, G, Storer, I, Asghar, S, Welsh, R, Hurn, K (2019) Persona-Technology footprint: an evaluation of 144 student’s perceptions of a person using assistive technology. In Golightly, RCD (ed) Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2019, Stratford-upon-Avon.

Asghar, S, Torrens, G, Iftikhar, H, Harland, RG (2019) Cultural blindness: Eye-tracking trial of visual attention towards assistive technology (AT) product, by students from the UK and Pakistan. In International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference (IASDR 2019), Manchester School of Art, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.

Asghar, S, Torrens, G, Alamgir, S (2018) What is the energy price of independent living? A review of energy consumption of AT products in inclusive smart homes. In Conference on High Performance Energy Efficient Building & Homes (HPEEBH 2018), University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, Pakistan, pp.314-324.

Asghar, S, Torrens, G, Harland, RG (2018) Cross-cultural influences on the semantics ascribed to assistive technology product and its envisaged user. In The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film 2018, Tokyo, Japan, pp.263-263.

McMurchie, B, Torrens, G, Kelly, P (2016) Forensic anthropometry from fingerprints- A collaboration between chemistry and design [Abstract]. In International Conference on Anatomy and Physiology, Birmingham, UK, pp.29-29, DOI: 10.4172/2161-0940.C1.002.

Torrens, GE (2014) How User-centred is Assistive Technology design?. In Naidex, National Exhibition Centre, Brimingham, pp.1-36.

Ollyn, MG, Bibb, RJ, Torrens, GE, Molwane, OB (2013) Determine the level of design awareness and investigate user-centred design (UCD) approaches in Botswana's Companies. In Gaborone International Design Conference (GIDEC), Gaborone, Botswana, pp.1-4.

Torrens, GE (2012) Rebranding of Assistive Technology: Towards social acceptance of AT products. In ALT2012, 1st DMU Assisted Living Technologies Workshop, De Montfort University, Leicester, pp.1-34.

Norman, EWL, Bhamra, TA, Torrens, GE, Trimingham, RL (2008) Curriculum Design for the 16+ to 18+ Design and Technology Educational Phase Boundary: Loughborough's Design Contexts Module. In Norman, DE and Spendlove, D (ed) Designing the Curriculum - Making it Work: The Design and Technology Association Education and International Conference 2008, Loughborough University, p.121, ISBN: 1 898788 84 7.

Edwards, MB, Torrens, GE, Bhamra, TA (2006) The use of fingerprint contact area or biometric identification. In International Conference on Biometrics; Advances in Biometrics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Hong Kong, pp.341-347.

Storer, IJ, Badni, KS, Torrens, GE, Goonetilleke, T, Page, T (2005) Enhanced Communication of Product Concept Data Utilizing Motion Capture, CAD Modelling and Animation. In , pp.1-14.

Torrens, GE and Hayes, SG (2004) Towards a new materials specification for extremities personal protective equipment. In Technical Textiles for Security and Defence, 15-17 November, TTSD 2004, Royal Armouries, Leeds.

Storer, IJ, Torrens, GE, Williams, G, Woodcock, AJ (2003) Harder Hardware? A Pilot Study into Gaining Soldiers' Perceptions of their Weapons. In McCabe, PTE (ed) The Ergonomic Society 2003 Annual Conference, Contemporary Ergonomics 2003, Edinburgh, pp.443-447, ISBN: 041 530 9948.

McDonagh, DC, Torrens, GE, Reid, A (2003) Enhancing quality of life: living with incontinence. In 17th Conference of European Health Psychology Society (Gender, Culture and Health), Book of Abstracts, Kos, Greece, p.102.

Woodcock, A, Torrens, GE, McDonagh, DC (2003) Emotional response to food packaging. In McDonagh, D, Hekkert, P, Erp, V, J, Gyi, eds, D (ed) Third International Conference on Design and Emotion, Design and Emotion: The Experience of Everyday Things, Loughborough, UK, pp.308-313, ISBN: 0415 30363 X.

Gibb, AG, Haslam, RA, Gyi, DE, Torrens, GE (2002) APaCHE - A Partnership for Construction Health. In Rowlinson, SE (ed) Triennial Conference CIB WO99 Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites, One Country Two Systems, Hong Kong, pp.55-60, ISBN: 9627757047.

Woodcock, AJ, Torrens, GE, McDonagh, DC (2002) Packaging for all: does it help or hinder the elderly user?. In International Conference for Universal Design in Japan 2002, For all, for everybody. Toward a better life of tomorrow - products, environments, and information for ourselves, Yokohama, Japan, pp.597-605.

Burton, M, Campbell, RI, Torrens, GE (2002) Computer Aided Design and Development of an Innovative Healthcare Product. In 3rd Annual RAPDASA Conference, Bloemfontein, South Africa, pp.1107-119.

Torrens, G, Williams, GL, Huxley, R (2001) " Could you open this jar for me please": a pilot study of the physical nature of jar opening. In , Royal Agricultural College, pp.83-89, ISBN: 9780415250733.

Torrens, GE, Mansfield, NJ, Newman, A, Gyi, DE, Gibb, AG (2000) Task and Product Analysis of an Electric Breaker Tool. In Musculoskeletal Disorders 2000, Dublin Castle, pp.121-131.

Torrens, GE, Bruseberg, A, McDonagh Philp, DC (2000) Reducing the Risk: A Partnership between Academia and a Small to Medium Enterprise. In Childs, PRN and Brodhurst, EKE (ed) Integrating Design Education Beyond 2000, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, pp.193-198, ISBN: 1 860 58265 6.

McDonagh Philp, DC and Torrens, GE (2000) What do soldiers want from their gloves?. In McCabe, PT, Hanson, MA, Robertson, SA (ed) Ergonomics Society Annual Conference, Contemporary Ergonomics 2000, Grantham, UK, pp.349-353, ISBN: 0-7484-0958-0.

Torrens, G, Mansfield, NJ, Newman, A, Gyi, D, Gibb, A (2000) Task and product analysis of an electric powered hammertool. In , Dublin, pp.121-131.

Torrens, GE and Newman, A (2000) The measurement of range of movement of the wrist: man or machine?. In McCabe, T, P, Hanson, A, M, Robertson, Eds, SA (ed) Proceedings of the annual conference of the Ergonomics Society, Contemporary Ergonomics 2000, Grantham, UK, pp.276-280, ISBN: 0-7484-0958-0.

Torrens, GE and Newman, A (2000) The evaluation of gloved and ungloved hands. In McCabe, T, P, Hanson, A, M, Robertson, Eds, SA (ed) Proceedings of the annual conference of the Ergonomics Society, Contemporary Ergonomics 2000, Grantham, UK, pp.301-305, ISBN: 0-7484-0958-0.

Gyi, DE and Torrens, GE (1999) A user centred methodology for the design of cutlery for people with weak grip and limited dexterity. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Product Safety Research, Washington, USA, pp.246-252, ISBN: 90-6788-251-8.

Torrens, GE and Gyi, DE (1999) Towards the integrated measurement of hand and object interation. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Product Safety Research, Washington, USA, pp.217-226, ISBN: 90-6788-251-8.

McDonagh Philp, DC, Lebbon, C, Torrens, GE (1999) An evidence based design method within a user-centred design approach. In Committee, TP (ed) Proceedings of the 4th Asian Design Conference International Symposium on Design Science, Nagaoka, Japan,ISBN: 4-9980 776-0-0.

Mockford, CD and Torrens, GE (1997) Student use of internet resources in the context of design and technology project work. In Smith, JSE (ed) Proceedings of international conference on Design and Technology Educational Research and Curriculum Development, Loughborough University, pp.161-193, ISBN: 1 899291 20 2.

Torrens, GE (1997) Developing a robust product specification: curriculum development in the field of designing for elderly and disabled people. In Smith, JS (ed) IDATER 97, Loughborough, UK, p.266.

Torrens, GE (1997) What is the optimum surface feature? A comparison of five surface features when measuring the digit coefficient of friction of ten subjects. In Robertson, SA (ed) Annual Conference of the Ergonomics-Society, CONTEMPORARY ERGONOMICS 1997, STOKE ROCHFORD HALL, LINCOLNSHIRE, ENGLAND, pp.314-319, ISBN: 0-7484-0677-8.

Torrens, GE, Marshall, R, Burkitt, J, Kay, G (1996) Using modularity to produce more competitive assistive technology products. In Proceedings of the 13th Irish Manufacturing Committee, Limerick, Ireland, pp.797-804.

Torrens, GE (1996) Inclusive design resources: curriculum development in the field of designing for disabled and elderly people. In Smith, JSE (ed) IDATER 96, Loughborough, UK, p.60, ISBN: 1 899291 10 5.

Torrens, GE (1996) The early exploitation of prototyping to enhance design problem analysis and product development in the field of assistive technology. In Smith, JSE (ed) IDATER 96, Loughborough, p.59, ISBN: 1 899291 10 5.

Torrens, GE (1996) A contribution to the understanding of the role of digital pulp in hand grip performance. In Robertson, SA (ed) Annual Conference of the Ergonomics-Society, CONTEMPORARY ERGONOMICS 1996, UNIV LEICESTER, LEICESTER, ENGLAND, pp.75-80, ISBN: 0-7484-0549-6.

Torrens, GE (1995) Designing for Physical Disability: A Discussion of Research and Development Methods Through to a Commercial Conclusion. In Cooper, RE (ed) Designing Interfaces: Inaugural Conference of the European Academy of Design, University College, Salford, pp.4-5, ISBN: 0 952 5666 1 3.

Brown, FR, Torrens, GE, Wright, DK (1992) Research into optimising hand and body function for tasks in everyday living: the development of a range of 'easy use' saucepan handles. In Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, 5-10 July, VI Mediterranean Proceedings, Capri, Italy, pp.549-553.

Brown, FR, Torrens, GE, Wright, DK (1992) The role of Product Design in the development of new products for the disabled and elderly. In 4th European Congress on Research in Rehabilitation, 20-22 July 1992, held at The Medical School, Newcastle upon Tyne University, 4th European Congress, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, p.7.

CD Objects

Torrens, GE (1996) Manufacturing,Microsoft Corporation, ISBN: 1572 311 614.


Torrens, GE, Campbell, RI, Tutton, W (2012) Design issues in military footwear and handwear. In Sparks, E (ed) Advances in Military Textiles and Personal Equipment, Woodhead Publishing, pp.139-164.

Torrens, GE and Black, K (2011) Equipment design in inclusive physical activity and disability sport. In Riobas, AC, Stamatakis, E, Black, K (ed) Design for Sport, Gower, pp.153-178, ISBN: 978-0566088599.

Torrens, GE and Black, K (2011) Case study 6.1: Participatory design: describing an undergraduate interactive inclusive design project. In Riobas, AC, Stamatakis, E, Eds, KB (ed) Design for Sports, Gower, pp.225-229.

Torrens, GE (2011) Universal Design: empathy and affinity. In Karwowski, W, Soares, M, M, Stanton, A, N, Eds, (ed) Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Consumer Product Design, Taylor and Francis, pp.233-248, DOI: 10.1201/9780429143946.

Torrens, GE (1996) Manufacturing. In Encarta, (ed) Microsoft Encarta 96, Microsoft Corporation,ISBN: 1572 311 614.

Digital/Visual Products

Downs, S and Torrens, G (2024) Procrastination: Help Advice Guidance, SDCA.

Torrens, G and Allot, K (2021) School of Design and Creative Arts: Connector Challenge, YouTube, SDCA.

Internet Publications

Torrens, G (Accepted for publication) Business Integrated Industrial Design Innovation (BIIDI) process model development.

Welsh, R and Torrens, G (Accepted for publication) Business Integrated Industrial Design (BIIDI) process checklist template.

Welsh, R and Torrens, G (Accepted for publication) Break-even template - BIIDI checklist.

Allott, K and Torrens, G (Accepted for publication) Inclusive sports products: three designs showcased at a Special Olympics event.


Torrens, G (2014) Splint with adjustable collars.

Torrens, G (2014) A splint comprising adjustable collar means.

Torrens, G (2014) A splint comprising adjustable collar means and a pad.

Torrens, GE, Birchall, NS, Pickaver, GF (1997) A compliance tester.

Torrens, GE (1995) A splint.

Torrens, GE (Accepted for publication) Splint.

Fulford, RS and Torrens, GE (Accepted for publication) Protection pad for the trochantheric region and device comprising the pad.


Hurn, K, Torrens, G, Storer, I, Asghar, S, Welsh, R (Accepted for publication) Social Camouflage - Poster for the Chartered Institute for Ergonomics & Human Factors (CIEHF) Conference 2019.

Hurn, K, Torrens, G, Storer, I, Asghar, S, Welsh, R (Accepted for publication) Persona Technology Footprint - Poster for the Chartered Institute for Ergonomics & Human Factors (CIEHF) Conference 2019.


Savage, M, Bhatnagar, T, Liao, C, Chaudron, M, Boyar, J, Laurentius, D, Torrens, G, Perry, K, Morjaria, P, Barajas, FR, Goedde, B, Holloway, C (2020) Product Narrative: Digital Assistive Technology. A market landscape and strategic approach to increasing access to digital assistive technology in low- and middle-income countries.

Torrens, GE (2001) Hand data deployment project R297: Confidential Report for the Defence Science and Technology Laboratories, pp.1-56, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory.

Torrens, GE (2001) Hand data deployment project R297, pp.1-56, DSTL.


Welsh, R, Torrens, G, Downs, S, Swalwell, JRM, Asghar, S, Wang, Y (2024) SPSS processed data set of Procrastination survey data, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.26871157.

Torrens, G, Swalwell, JRM, Welsh, R, Downs, S, Asghar, S, Wang, Y (2024) Results of the Procrastination survey with bar charts, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.26871163.

Torrens, G, Swaleell, JRM, Welsh, R, Downs, S, Asghar, S, Wang, Y (2024) Design-procrastination_results_Jan2022_Formatted-charts_23Aug2024.

Welsh, R, Torrens, G, Downs, S, Swalwell, JRM, Asghar, S, Wang, Y (2024) SPSS processed data set of Procrastination survey data_Jan2022_24Aug2024.

Torrens, G (2022) LUCAT design process data sets, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.13147982.

Torrens, G, Swalwell, J, Downs, S, Asghar, S (2022) Procrastination dataset_155 design students and staff from a UK school of design and creative arts, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.19160666.

Asghar, S, Torrens, G, Iftikhar, H, Harland, RG (2020) Dataset _ Cultural Blindness: Eye-tracking trial of visual attention towards Assistive Technology (AT) product, by students from the UK and Pakistan, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.8378897.

Asghar, S, Torrens, G, Iftikhar, H, Welsh, R, Harland, RG (2019) Dataset _ The influence of social context on the perception of assistive technology: Using a semantic differential scale to compare young adults’ views from the UK and Pakistan, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.7982006.

Asghar, S, Torrens, G, Harland, RG (2019) RAW DATASET _Cultural influences on perception of disability and disabled people: A comparison of opinions from students in the United Kingdom (UK) and Pakistan (PAK) about a generic wheelchair, using a semantic differential scale, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.6166103.

Asghar, S, Torrens, G, Harland, RG (2019) Questionnaire and Outcomes _ Cultural influences on perception of disability and disabled people: A comparison of opinions from students in the United Kingdom (UK) and Pakistan (PAK) about a generic wheelchair, using a semantic differential scale, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.6200228.

McMurchie, B, Torrens, G, Kelly, P (2019) Height, weight and fingerprint measurements collected from 200 participants, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.7539206.

Torrens, G (2017) frequency of communication format used in 20 case studies.xlsx, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.5328712.


Torrens, G and Downs, S (2024) Kgatleng Crafts Group business readiness review, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.24935793.


Downs, S and Torrens, G (2024) Procrastination: help advice & guidance.

Torrens, G and Downs, S (2024) Procrastination.

Torrens, G and Allot, K (2022) School of Design and Creative Arts: Connector Challenge.

Torrens, G, Allott, K, Wilkinson, L (2019) Rita Malangeni skill share detail - Crafts abilities Network.

Torrens, G, Allott, K, Wilkinson, L, Whitehead, T (2018) Workshop 305 - Crafts abilities Network Day 1.

Torrens, G, Allott, K, Wilkinson, L (2018) Skills share workshop - Crafts abilities Network Day 2.

Torrens, G, Allott, K, Wilkinson, L (2018) Webinar event - Crafts abilities Network - Day 3.

Torrens, G, Kayange, G, Whitehead, T, Jackman, C (2018) Webinar presentations - Crafts abilities Network - Day 3.

Evans, MA, Bibb, R, Bingham, Torrens, Sinclair, M, Atkin, J, Newsom, G, Buswell, Concrete Innovation.

Allot, K, Torrens, G, Downs, S Procrastination.


Torrens, G (2024) Procrastination online survey report, This Onlinesurveys report summaries the results of the procrastination survey, completed in April 2022..

Torrens, G (2018) Craft Abilities Skills Share Workshop.

Page, T and Torrens, G (2016) Webinar: A Design Research Approach to Geriatric Care, TRIPLL (Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life) 2016 Webinar Series: Mobile Health, Pain & Aging at Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University, NY, USA, Dr. Page will focus on how increasing advance and use of technology presents challenges for older users and older generations who often experience difficulty in using new technology compared with their younger counterparts. Dr. Page investigated how touchscreen devices have affected the usability of interactive consumer products by older adults. The research was conducted with participants and each was required to carry out common tasks on mobile phones which they were unfamiliar with. It was seen that some older users are frequent users of modern technologies such as touchscreens and find this easier to use than systems which are generally perceived as more 'simple' systems such as keypads on a mobile phone. Technological advances show a change in interface design, making use easier for all users, in particular older people, yet this has not been developed to its full potential and still deters certain users from choosing to use products implementing these technologies. It is recommended that technology developers consider the needs and desires of older adults as a user group. Dr. Torrens will focus on empathy and affinity: getting to know older people. Mobile health technology now involves proprietary as well as bespoke medical products, both physical and digital. This section of the Webinar will introduce ways in which healthcare practitioners and healthcare product designers can cost-effectively research and develop new mhealth products and services from a social healthcare model. The topics will include: effective literature review; bottom up versus top down research; understanding your product user, empathic modelling, participant recruitment; participatory design; challenges of constrained dialogue; route to market..

Torrens, GE (2011) Design integrations: Book Review, Review of the book 'Design Integrations' edited by Sharon Poggenpohl and Keiichi Sato (Bristol: Intellect, 2009). 304pp. Book contributing to the current debate about the nature and future of the design profession, featuring papers from both editors and ten authors across 13 chapters. The book aims to provide those within and outside the design community with a point of reference and defining statements, guiding the profession from object orientation to being idea- and process-led, and beyond. Review states that the book provides a one-stop resource from which to form an opinion about design and how designers work. Each paper is themed into one of two sections that examine either research or collaboration, with the review noting that the research theme was explored more satisfactorily. Chapters address topics such as the relationship between designers and the social context within which they work, current design research methods, design engineering practices, and participatory design. The final chapter concludes the two themes, and mainly focuses on design research and future direction, calling for a paradigm shift towards the application of design ability, design expertise and design intelligence. Review concludes that the book is more suited towards postgraduates than undergraduates, and is an essential reference for researchers and academics..

Torrens, G (Accepted for publication) Procrastination online survey report, This online survey report summarises the results of the procrastination survey completed in April 2022..

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