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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Petros Vourvachis

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Journal Articles

Yfanti, S, Karanasos, M, Wu, J, Vourvachis, P (2024) Short- and long-run cross-border European sustainability interdependences, Annals of Operations Research, ISSN: 0254-5330. DOI: 10.1007/s10479-023-05765-w.

Kim, TH, Lee, SH, Vourvachis, P (2022) Accounting standard-setting for an emission trading scheme: the Korean case, Journal of Business Ethics, 182(4), pp.1003-1024, ISSN: 0167-4544. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-022-05290-z.

Mai, N, Vourvachis, P, Grubnic, S (2022) The impact of the UK’s Modern Slavery Act (2015) on the disclosure of FTSE 100 companies, The British Accounting Review, 55(3), 101115, ISSN: 0890-8389. DOI: 10.1016/j.bar.2022.101115.

Arena, C, Petrides, Y, Vourvachis, P (2020) Determinants of CSR disclosure in Mexico, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 11(3), pp.303-341, ISSN: 1755-3849.

Arena, C, Liong, R, Vourvachis, P (2018) Carrot or stick: CSR disclosures by Southeast Asian companies, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 9(4), pp.422-454, ISSN: 2040-8021. DOI: 10.1108/SAMPJ-06-2016-0037.

Vourvachis, P, Woodward, T, Woodward, DG, Patten, DM (2016) CSR disclosure in response to major airline accidents: a legitimacy-based exploration, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, ISSN: 2040-8021.

Vourvachis, P (2016) Tools of legitimacy: The case of the Petrobras Corporate Blog [Review of article], Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 36(2), ISSN: 2156-2245. DOI: 10.1080/0969160X.2016.1197624.

Vourvachis, P and Woodward, T (2015) Content analysis in social and environmental reporting research: trends and challenges, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 16(2), pp.166-195, ISSN: 0967-5426. DOI: 10.1108/JAAR-04-2013-0027.

Michelon, G and Vourvachis, P (2015) Accounting for social value [book review], The International Journal of Accounting, 50(1), pp.102-105, ISSN: 1094-4060. DOI: 10.1016/j.intacc.2014.12.001.

Vourvachis, P (2014) Information warfare and new organizational landscapes: an inquiry into the ExxonMobil–Greenpeace dispute over climate change, Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 34(1), pp.58-59, ISSN: 0969-160X. DOI: 10.1080/0969160X.2014.885195.

Turner, G, Vourvachis, P, Woodward, T (2006) Heading towards sustainability reporting: a pilot study into the progress of embracing the global reporting initiative in the United Kingdom, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 8(2), pp.41-70, ISSN: 0967-5426. DOI: 10.1108/96754260680001049.


Steele, L and Vourvachis, P (2024) PRME SIP 2.0: Enhancing Quality and Maximising Stakeholder Value. In 11th UK&I PRME Conference, Exeter.

Bechir, B, Vourvachis, P, Vu, N, Brown, R, Asimakopoulos, P, Yfanti, S (2023) Do Conflict Mineral Disclosures Matter Financially?. In 33rd International Congress on Social & Environmental Accounting, St Andrews.

Adamidis, V and Vourvachis, P (2019) Social responsibility in ancient Greece: the role of the individual and socio-political structures. In paper presented at the 31st International Congress on Social & Environmental Accounting, St Andrews.

Adamidis, V and Vourvachis, P (2018) Social responsibility in ancient Greece: the role of the individual and socio-political structures. In paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business, Oslo.

Arena, C, Liong, R, Vourvachis, P (2017) Carrot or stick: CSR disclosures by South East Asian companies. In paper presented at the 4th Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) France conference, Toulouse, France.

Arena, C, Petrides, Y, Vourvachis, P (2016) Determinants of CSR disclosure in Mexico [Abstract]. In BAFA Northern Area Group annual conference, Loughborough.

Kim, T, Oats, L, Vourvachis, P (2015) Accounting standard setting for an Emissions Trading Scheme: evidence from Korea. In paper presented at the 10th Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) Spain Conference, Carmona (Sevilla).

Kim, T, Oats, L, Vourvachis, P (2015) Accounting standard setting for an Emissions Trading Scheme: evidence from Korea. In paper presented at the 3rd Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) France Conference, ESSEC Business School, Paris.

Vourvachis, P, Matilal, S, Oats, L (2014) Media pressure and social and environmental reporting of British Telecom: a spectacular perspective. In paper presented in the 5th Italian Social and Environmental Accounting Conference (CSEAR Italy), Padova.

Vourvachis, P, Matital, S, Oats, L (2014) Media pressure and social and environmental reporting of British Telecom: a spectacular perspective. In paper presented in the 26th Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) Conference, St Andrews, UK.

Vourvachis, P, Matital, S, Oats, L (2014) Media pressure and social and environmental reporting of British Telecom: a spectacular perspective. In paper presented in the Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Vourvachis, P, Matital, S, Oats, L (2013) Media pressure and social and environmental reporting of British Telecom: a spectacular perspective. In paper presented in the 25th Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) Conference, St Andrews, UK.

Vourvachis, P and Woodward, T (2013) SER reactions to major legitimacy (and/or reputation) threats: insights from the aviation industry. In paper presented in the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) research conference, Pamplona, Spain.

Vourvachis, P and Oats, L (2013) Media pressure and social and environmental reporting of British Telecom: a symbolic interaction perspective. In paper presented in the 2nd Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) France Conference, Montpellier.

Vourvachis, P and Woodward, T (2012) A content analysis of the content analysis literature in corporate social reporting research. In paper presented in the 24th CSEAR International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research, St Andrews, UK.

Vourvachis, P and Woodward, T (2012) A content analysis of the content analysis literature in corporate social reporting research. In paper presented in the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) research conference, Newcastle, UK.

Merkl-Davies, D, Brennan, N, Vourvachis, P (2011) Text analysis methodologies in corporate narrative reporting research. In paper presented in the 23rd CSEAR International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research, St Andrews, UK.

Merkl-Davies, D, Brennan, N, Vourvachis, P (2011) Text analysis methodologies in corporate narrative reporting research. In paper presented in the BAFA Northern Area Group annual conference, Salford, UK.

Vourvachis, P and Kladi, K (2010) Accounting for stress: a comparative analysis of corporate reporting on work-related stress by UK, German and Greek companies. In paper presented in the 22nd CSEAR International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research, St Andrews, UK.

Vourvachis, P and Woodward, T (2010) CSR reactions to major legitimacy (and/or reputation) threats: the case of the aviation industry. In paper presented in the British Accounting Association Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK.

Vourvachis, P, Collis, J, Georgiou, O (2009) Students’ Learning Style Preferences and Experiences on an Introductory Accounting Course: a Collaborative Study. In paper presented in the British Accounting Association Education SIG Annual Conference, Essex, UK.

Vourvachis, P (2008) In Search of Explanations for Corporate Social Reporting (CSR): An Attempt to Revisit Legitimacy Theory. In paper presented in the British Accounting Association Annual Conference, Blackpool, UK.

Vourvachis, P (2007) On the Use of Content Analysis (CA) in Corporate Social Reporting (CSR): Revisiting the Debate on the Units of Analysis and the Ways to Define Them. In paper presented in the British Accounting Association Annual Conference, Royal Holloway, UK.

Vourvachis, P and Kalafatis, S (2007) Determinants of the PhD Supervisor/ Student Relationship. In Research workshop, Kingston Business School, Kingston, UK.

Vourvachis, P (2006) In Search of Explanations for Corporate Social and Environmental Reporting (CSR): Reflections on an attempt to generate a framework and identify suitable methodologies to investigate motivations for CSR. In paper presented in the 15th EDAMBA Summer Academy, Sorèze, France.

Turner, G, Woodward, T, Vourvachis, P (2006) Heading towards Sustainability Reporting: A Pilot Study into the Progress of Embracing the Global Reporting Initiative in the United Kingdom. In paper presented in the British Accounting Association Annual Conference, Portsmouth, UK.

Vourvachis, P (2005) Reflections on an Attempt to Identify Suitable Methodologies to Investigate Motivations for CSR. In paper presented in the Kingston University Business School Doctoral Colloquium, Kingston Business School, Kingston, UK.


Vourvachis, P (2024) Zero tolerance. In Encyclopedia of Sport Management, Second Edition, pp.1054-1056, DOI: 10.4337/9781035317189.ch613.

Vourvachis, P and Anagnostou, M (2024) Executive positions. In Encyclopedia of Sport Management, Second Edition, pp.339-341, DOI: 10.4337/9781035317189.ch197.

Vourvachis, P (Accepted for publication) Zero tolerance. In Pedersen, PM (ed) Encyclopedia of Sport Management (2nd edition), Edward Elgar Publishing,ISBN: 9781035317172.

Vourvachis, P and Anagnostou, M (Accepted for publication) Executive positions. In Pedersen, PM (ed) Encyclopedia of Sport Management (2nd edition), Edward Elgar Publishing,ISBN: 9781035317172.


Vourvachis, P (2009) In search of explanations for corporate social reporting.


Vourvachis, P (2022) Sustainability in Business Education in the post-pandemic world, Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar.

Vourvachis, P, Matilal, S, Oats, L (2017) Media pressure and CSR reporting of BT University of York.

Arena, C, Petrides, Y, Vourvachis, P (2017) Determinants of CSR disclosure in Mexico Loughborough University.

Arena, C, Petrides, Y, Vourvachis, P (2016) Determinants of CSR disclosure in Mexico University of Trento.

Getting in touch

Research Office
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