Journal Articles
Zhao, J, Tang, L,
Liu, J, Wu, J, Song, X (2025)
D3-ImgNet: A Framework for Molecular Properties Prediction Based on Data-Driven Electron Density Images,
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 129(2), pp.570-582, ISSN: 1089-5639. DOI:
Chang, M, Zhao, S, Tang, L,
Liu, J, Zhang, Y (2024)
A reinforcement learning based Lagrangian relaxation algorithm for multi-energy allocation problem in steel enterprise,
Computers and Chemical Engineering, 194(2025), 108948, ISSN: 0098-1354. DOI:
Meng, S, Li, D,
Liu, J, Chen, Y (2024)
The multi-visit drone-assisted routing problem with soft time windows and stochastic truck travel times,
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 190(2024), 103101, ISSN: 0191-2615. DOI:
Tang, L, Liu, C,
Liu, J, Wang, X (2023)
An estimation of distribution algorithm with resampling and local improvement for an operation optimization problem in steelmaking process,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 54(3), pp.1346-1362, ISSN: 2168-2216. DOI:
Zhou, Y, Mandania, R,
Liu, J (2022)
Green vehicle routing and dynamic pricing for scheduling on-site services,
International Journal of Production Economics, 254(2022), 108602, ISSN: 0925-5273. DOI:
Arias-Melia, P,
Liu, J, Mandania, R (2022)
The vehicle sharing and task allocation problem: MILP formulation and a heuristic solution approach,
Computers & Operations Research, 147(2022), 105929, ISSN: 0305-0548. DOI:
Zhao, S, Meng, Y, Su, L,
Liu, J, Tang, L (2022)
Optimal plate design problem in steel production,
International Journal of Production Research, 61(5), pp.1575-1590, ISSN: 0020-7543. DOI:
Ji, C, Mandania, R,
Liu, J, Liret, A (2022)
Scheduling on-site service deliveries to minimise the risk of missing appointment times,
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 158, 102577, ISSN: 1366-5545. DOI:
Jiang, W,
Liu, J, Dong, Y, Wang, L (2021)
Assignment of duplicate storage locations in distribution centres to minimise walking distance in order picking,
International Journal of Production Research, 59(15), pp.4457-4471, ISSN: 0020-7543. DOI:
Tang, L, Song, X,
Liu, J, Liu, C (2020)
An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm With Filtering and Learning,
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, pp.1-14, ISSN: 1545-5955. DOI:
Li, Z, Tang, L,
Liu, J (2020)
A Memetic Algorithm Based on Probability Learning for Solving the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem,
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, pp.1-16, ISSN: 2168-2267. DOI:
Guo, Q, Tang, L,
Liu, J, Zhao, S (2020)
Continuous-time formulation and differential evolution algorithm for an integrated batching and scheduling problem in aluminium industry,
International Journal of Production Research, ISSN: 0020-7543. DOI:
Sun, D, Meng, Y, Tang, L,
Liu, J, Huang, B, Yang, J (2020)
Storage space allocation problem at inland bulk material stockyard,
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 134, ISSN: 1366-5545. DOI:
Zhao, G,
Liu, J, Tang, L, Zhao, R, Dong, Y (2019)
Model and heuristic solutions for the multiple double-load crane scheduling problem in slab yards,
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 17(3), pp.307-1319, ISSN: 1545-5955. DOI:
Liu, C, Tang, L,
Liu, J (2019)
A Stacked Autoencoder With Sparse Bayesian Regression for End-Point Prediction Problems in Steelmaking Process,
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, ISSN: 1545-5955. DOI:
Ge, P, Meng, Y,
Liu, J, Tang, L, Zhao, R (2019)
Logistics optimisation of slab pre-marshalling problem in steel industry,
International Journal of Production Research, 58(13), pp.4050-4070, ISSN: 0020-7543. DOI:
Zhao, G,
Liu, J, Dong, Y (2019)
Scheduling the operations of a double-load crane in slab yards,
International Journal of Production Research, 58(9), pp.2647-2657, ISSN: 0020-7543. DOI:
Tang, L, Tang, L,
Liu, J, Cheng, C (2019)
Global Method for a Class of Operation Optimization Problem in Steel Rolling Systems,
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 58(14), pp.5552-5566, ISSN: 0888-5885. DOI:
Liu, C, Tang, L,
Liu, J (2019)
Least squares support vector machine with self-organizing multiple kernel learning and sparsity,
Neurocomputing, 331, pp.493-504, ISSN: 0925-2312. DOI:
Setiawan, E,
Liu, J, French, A (2019)
Resource location for relief distribution and victim evacuation after a sudden-onset disaster,
IISE Transactions, ISSN: 2472-5854. DOI:
Liu, C, Tang, L,
Liu, J, Tang, Z (2018)
A Dynamic Analytics Method Based on Multistage Modeling for a BOF Steelmaking Process,
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 16(3), pp.1097-1109, ISSN: 1545-5955. DOI:
Luo, J,
Liu, J, Hu, Y (2017)
An MILP model and a hybrid evolutionary algorithm for integrated operation optimisation of multi-head surface mounting machines in PCB assembly,
International Journal of Production Research, 55(1), pp.145-160, ISSN: 0020-7543. DOI:
Tang, L, Zhao, X,
Liu, J, Leung, JY-T (2017)
Competitive two-agent scheduling with deteriorating jobs on a single parallel-batching machine,
European Journal of Operational Research, ISSN: 0377-2217. DOI:
Tang, L, Sun, D,
Liu, J (2016)
Integrated storage space allocation and ship scheduling problem in bulk cargo terminals,
IIE Transactions, 48(5), pp.428-439, ISSN: 0740-817X. DOI:
Tang, L, Meng, Y, Chen, Z-L,
Liu, J (2016)
Coil Batching to Improve Productivity and Energy Utilization in Steel Production,
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 18(2), pp.262-279, ISSN: 1523-4614. DOI:
Liu, S, Chen, W-H,
Liu, J (2016)
Robust assignment of airport gates with operational safety constraints,
International Journal of Automation and Computing, 13(1), pp.31-41, ISSN: 1476-8186. DOI:
Tang, L,
Liu, J, Yang, F, Li, F, Li, K (2015)
Modeling and solution for the ship stowage planning problem of coils in the steel industry,
Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 62(7), pp.564-581, ISSN: 0894-069X. DOI:
Tang, L, Li, F,
Liu, J (2015)
Integrated scheduling of loading and transportation with tractors and semitrailers separated,
Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 62(5), pp.416-433, ISSN: 0894-069X. DOI:
Lixin Tang, Yun Dong, Jiyin Liu, (2015)
Differential Evolution With an Individual-Dependent Mechanism,
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 19(4), pp.560-574, ISSN: 1089-778X. DOI:
Tang, L, Jiang, W,
Liu, J, Dong, Y (2015)
Research into container reshuffling and stacking problems in container terminal yards,
IIE Transactions, 47(7), pp.751-766, ISSN: 0740-817X. DOI:
Pang, K-W and
Liu, J (2014)
An integrated model for ship routing with transshipment and berth allocation,
IIE Transactions, 46(12), pp.1357-1370, ISSN: 0740-817X. DOI:
Tang, L, Zhao, J,
Liu, J (2014)
Modeling and solution of the joint quay crane and truck scheduling problem,
European Journal of Operational Research, 236(3), pp.978-990, ISSN: 0377-2217. DOI:
Tang, L, Gong, H,
Liu, J, Li, F (2014)
Bicriteria scheduling on a single batching machine with job transportation and deterioration considerations,
Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 61(4), pp.269-285, ISSN: 0894-069X. DOI:
Tang, L, Zhao, Y,
Liu, J (2014)
An Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for Practical Dynamic Scheduling in Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Production,
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18(2), pp.209-225, ISSN: 1089-778X. DOI:
Jiang, Y and
Liu, J (2014)
A new model and an efficient branch-and-bound solution for cyclic multi-hoist scheduling,
IIE Transactions, 46(3), pp.249-262, ISSN: 0740-817X. DOI:
Tang, L, Xie, X,
Liu, J (2014)
Crane scheduling in a warehouse storing steel coils,
IIE Transactions, 46(3), pp.267-282, ISSN: 0740-817X. DOI:
Luo, J and
Liu, J (2014)
An MILP model and clustering heuristics for LED assembly optimisation on high-speed hybrid pick-and-place machines,
International Journal of Production Research, 52(4), pp.1016-1031, ISSN: 0020-7543. DOI:
Tang, L, Meng, Y, Wang, G, Chen, Z-L,
Liu, J, Hu, G, Chen, L, Zhang, B (2014)
Operations Research Transforms Baosteel’s Operations,
Interfaces, 44(1), pp.22-38, ISSN: 0092-2102. DOI:
Jiu, S, Zhou, Z,
Liu, J (2013)
The equipment maintenance scheduling problem in a coal production system,
International Journal of Production Research, 51(17), pp.5309-5336, ISSN: 0020-7543. DOI:
Tang, L, Luo, J,
Liu, J (2013)
Modelling and a tabu search solution for the slab reallocation problem in the steel industry,
International Journal of Production Research, 51(14), pp.4405-4420, ISSN: 0020-7543. DOI:
Tang, L, Yang, Y,
Liu, J (2012)
Modeling and Solution for the Coil Sequencing Problem in Steel Color-Coating Production,
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 20(6), pp.1409-1420, ISSN: 1063-6536. DOI:
Tang, L, Zhao, R,
Liu, J (2012)
Models and algorithms for shuffling problems in steel plants,
Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 59(7), pp.502-524, ISSN: 0894-069X. DOI:
Tang, L, Che, P,
Liu, J (2012)
A stochastic production planning problem with nonlinear cost,
Computers and Operations Research, 39(9), pp.1977-1987, ISSN: 0305-0548. DOI:
Tang, L, Wang, G,
Liu, J,
Liu, J (2011)
A combination of Lagrangian relaxation and column generation for order batching in steelmaking and continuous-casting production,
Naval Research Logistics, 58(4), pp.370-388, ISSN: 0894-069X. DOI:
Tang, L, Meng, Y,
Liu, J (2011)
An improved Lagrangean relaxation algorithm for the dynamic batching decision problem,
International Journal of Production Research, 49(9), pp.2501-2517, ISSN: 0020-7543. DOI:
Zhang, Y, Zhou, Z,
Liu, J (2010) The Production Scheduling Problem in a Multi-Page Invoice Printing System,
Computers and Operations Research, 37(10), pp.1814-1821.
Tang, L, Yang, Y,
Liu, J (2010) An Efficient Optimal Solution to the Coil Sequencing Problem in Electro-Galvanizing Line,
Computers and Operations Research, 37(10), pp.1780-1796.
Tang, L, Jiang, S,
Liu, J (2010) Rolling Horizon Approach for Dynamic Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Release Times,
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49(1), pp.381-389.
Wan, Y-W,
Liu, J, Tsai, P-C (2009)
The Assignment of Storage Locations to Containers for a Container Stack,
Naval Research Logistics, 56(8), pp.699-713, DOI:
Tang, L, Xie, X,
Liu, J (2009) Scheduling of a Single Crane in Batch Annealing Process,
Computers & Operations Research, 36(10), pp.2853-2865.
Tang, L, Li, S,
Liu, J (2009) Dynamically Scheduling Ships to Multiple Continuous Berth Spaces in an Iron and Steel Complex,
International Transactions in Operational Research, 16(1), pp.87-107.
Tang, L, Li, S,
Liu, J (2009)
Dynamically scheduling ships to multiple continuous berth spaces in an iron and steel complex,
International Transactions in Operational Research, 16(1), pp.87-107, ISSN: 0969-6016. DOI:
Wu, B,
Liu, JY, Luo, RG (2008) Modeling of the flexible resource-constrained multi-mode project scheduling problem,
Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, 30(11), ISSN: 1671-4431.
Zhou, Z and
Liu, J (2008)
A heuristic algorithm for the two-hoist cyclic scheduling problem with overlapping hoist coverage ranges,
IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 40(8), pp.782-794, ISSN: 0740-817X. DOI:
Tang, L, Wang, X,
Liu, J (2008)
Color-coating production scheduling for coils in inventory in steel industry,
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 5(3), pp.544-549, ISSN: 1545-5955. DOI:
Liu, J (2008)
Single-job lot streaming in m - 1 two-stage hybrid flowshops,
European Journal of Operational Research, 187(3), pp.1171-1183, ISSN: 0377-2217. DOI:
Liu, J, Wu, L, Zhou, Z (2008)
A time-varying lot size method for the economic lot scheduling problem with shelf life considerations,
European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2(3), pp.337-355, ISSN: 1751-5254. DOI:
Tang, L, Liu, G,
Liu, J (2008)
Raw material inventory solution in iron and steel industry using Lagrangian relaxation,
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59(1), pp.44-53, ISSN: 0160-5682. DOI:
Tang, L, Wang, G,
Liu, J (2007)
A branch-and-price algorithm to solve the molten iron allocation problem in iron and steel industry,
Computers and Operations Research, 34(10), pp.3001-3015, ISSN: 0305-0548. DOI:
Tang, L, Xuan, H,
Liu, J (2007) Hybrid Backward and Forward Dynamic Programming Based Lagrangian Relaxation for Single Machine Scheduling,
Computers & Operations Research, 34(9), pp.2625-2636.
Jiang, Y and
Liu, J (2007)
Multihoist cyclic scheduling with fixed processing and transfer times,
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 4(3), pp.435-450, ISSN: 1545-5955. DOI:
Tang, L, Xuan, H,
Liu, J (2006)
A new Lagrangian relaxation algorithm for hybrid flowshop scheduling to minimize total weighted completion time,
Computers and Operations Research, 33(11), pp.3344-3359, ISSN: 0305-0548. DOI:
Liu, J, Wan, YW, Wang, L (2006)
Quay crane scheduling at container terminals to minimize the maximum relative tardiness of vessel departures,
Naval Research Logistics, 53(1), pp.60-74, ISSN: 0894-069X. DOI:
Tang, L, Liu, W,
Liu, J (2005)
A neural network model and algorithm for the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem in a dynamic environment,
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 16(3), pp.361-370, ISSN: 0956-5515. DOI:
Zhang, W, Yin, C,
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Multi-job lot streaming to minimize the mean completion time in m-1 hybrid flowshops,
International Journal of Production Economics, 96(2), pp.189-200, ISSN: 0925-5273. DOI:
Liu, J and Jiang, Y (2005)
An efficient optimal solution to the two-hoist no-wait cyclic scheduling problem,
Operations Research, 53(2), pp.313-327, ISSN: 0030-364X. DOI:
Murty, KG, Wan, YW,
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Hongkong international terminals gains elastic capacity using a data-intensive decision-support system,
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A decision support system for operations in a container terminal,
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Storage Space Allocation in Container Terminals,
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Mixed truck delivery systems with both hub-and-spoke and direct shipment,
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Dynamic Crane Deployment in Container Storage Yards,
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