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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Ian Hodgkinson

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Journal Articles

Richey, M, Hodgkinson, I, Ravishankar, MN (2025) The “key” to moving on: a frame analysis of entrepreneurs’ venture-failure narratives for public audience, Group & Organization Management, ISSN: 1059-6011.

Castro, V, Georgiou, M, Jackson, T, Hodgkinson, I, Jackson, L, Lockwood, S (2024) Digital data demand and renewable energy limits: Forecasting the impacts on global electricity supply and sustainability, Energy Policy, 195(2024), 114404, ISSN: 0301-4215. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2024.114404.

Tsougkou, E, Cadogan, JW, Boso, N, Hodgkinson, I, Oliveira, J, Laukkanen, T, Yazdani, N, Story, V (2024) International product adaptation and performance: A systematic analysis of the literature and agenda for future research, Journal of World Business, ISSN: 1090-9516.

Leite, H, Hodgkinson, I, Volochtchuk, AVL (2024) "It’s not the boogeyman": how voice assistant technology is bridging the digital divide for elderly groups, Technovation, ISSN: 0166-4972.

Chang, Y-Y, Chiang, F-Y, Hu, Q, Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P, Chang, C-Y (2024) Participative leadership congruence and employee task performance: the intermediate roles of person-unit fit and unit-member exchange, Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 45(8), pp.1375-1400, DOI: 10.1108/LODJ-12-2022-0538.

Sukumara-Panicker, V, Georgiadou, E, Hodgkinson, I (2024) Generous to a fault: differential impact of CSR investments on financial gains in Indian market multinationals, Journal of International Management, 30(3), 101142, ISSN: 1075-4253. DOI: 10.1016/j.intman.2024.101142.

Jackson, TW and Hodgkinson, I (2024) Debate: The data threat to 2050 net zero—public administrations’ responsibility for the ‘data-scape', Public Money and Management, 44(3), pp.182-184, ISSN: 0954-0962.

Manoli, AE, Keefe, P, Hodgkinson, I (2024) Maximizing the public relations agency—client relationship in the sports industry, Journal of Public Relations Research, 36(5), pp.426-440, ISSN: 1062-726X. DOI: 10.1080/1062726X.2024.2312196.

Leite, H, Hodgkinson, I, Volochtchuk, AVL (2024) The Impact of Service Separation on Value: A Longitudinal Study of User and Provider Experiences in a Mental Health Service, Public Administration, ISSN: 0033-3298.

Arshad, D, Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P, Khamarudin, M, Arshad, MZ, Bari, A (2023) Female consumer entrepreneurship in Asia: capabilities for micro-entrepreneurial success and the role of coaching and training, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 16(1), pp.188-208, ISSN: 2053-4604. DOI: 10.1108/JEEE-01-2023-0030.

Oliveira, J, Hultman, M, Boso, N, Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P, Nemkova, E, Souchon, A (2023) Decision-making in international marketing: Past, present, and future, International Marketing Review, 40(3), pp.413-428, ISSN: 0265-1335. DOI: 10.1108/IMR-11-2022-0249.

Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P, Leite, H, Lee, Y (2023) Entrepreneurial orientation, proactive market orientation and society: evidence from public service organizations in Brazil, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, ISSN: 1355-2554. DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-04-2022-0337.

Leite, H and Hodgkinson, I (2023) Examining Resilience Across a Service Ecosystem Under Crisis, Public Management Review, 25(4), pp.690-709, ISSN: 1461-667X. DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2021.2012375.

Jackson, T and Hodgkinson, I (2023) Is there a role for knowledge management in saving the planet from too much data? [Editorial], Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 21(3), pp.427-435, ISSN: 1477-8238. DOI: 10.1080/14778238.2023.2192580.

Hodgkinson, IR, Hughes, P, Leite, H (2023) The Cognitive Micro-foundations, and Socio-psychological Mechanisms, of Organizational Decision-Making in Public Management, British Journal of Management, 34(2), pp.787-804, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8551.12629.

Leite, H, Hodgkinson, IR, Volochtchuk, AVL (2023) New development: Digital social care—the ‘high-tech and low-touch’ transformation in public services, Public Money and Management, 43(2), pp.183-186, ISSN: 0954-0962. DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2022.2140897.

Hultman, M, Boso, N, Yeboah-Banin, AA, Hodgkinson, I, Souchon, AL, Nemkova, E, Oliveira, J, Hughes, P (2022) How agency and self-efficacy moderate the effects of strategic improvisational behaviors on sales performance: Evidence from an emerging market, European Management Review, 19(3), pp.417-435, ISSN: 1740-4754. DOI: 10.1111/emre.12535.

Andrews, R and Hodgkinson, I (2022) Resource dependence and the survival of government-created social enterprises, Public Management Review, 26(5), pp.1178-1200, ISSN: 1471-9037. DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2022.2137228.

Jackson, T and Hodgkinson, I (2022) Keeping a lower profile: How firms can reduce their digital carbon footprints, Journal of Business Strategy, 44(6), pp.363-370, ISSN: 0275-6668. DOI: 10.1108/JBS-03-2022-0048.

Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I, Chang, YY, Chang, CY (2022) Knowledge-based theory, entrepreneurial orientation, stakeholder engagement, and firm performance, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 16(3), pp.633-665, ISSN: 1932-4391. DOI: 10.1002/sej.1409.

Ghosh, S, Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I (2022) Digital Transformation of Industrial Businesses: A Dynamic Capability Approach, Technovation, 113, pp.1-18, ISSN: 0166-4972.

Hodgkinson, IR, Jackson, TW, West, AA (2022) Customer experience management: asking the right questions, Journal of Business Strategy, 43(2), pp.105-114, ISSN: 0275-6668. DOI: 10.1108/JBS-07-2020-0158.

Sykora, M, Elayan, S, Hodgkinson, I, Jackson, T, West, A (2022) The power of emotions: Leveraging user generated content for customer experience management, Journal of Business Research, 144, pp.997-1006, ISSN: 0148-2963. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.02.048.

Chang, YY, Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I, Chang, CY, Seih, YT (2022) The antecedents of corporate entrepreneurship: multilevel, multisource evidence, Review of Managerial Science, 16(2), pp.355-390, ISSN: 1863-6683. DOI: 10.1007/s11846-021-00447-y.

Hodgkinson, IR (2022) Service outsourcing, pricing, and the engagement of citizen groups, Local Government Studies, 48(3), pp.514-533, ISSN: 0300-3930. DOI: 10.1080/03003930.2020.1851206.

Hodgkinson, IR, Mousavi, S, Hughes, P (2022) New development: Citizen science—discovering (new) solutions to wicked problems, Public Money and Management, 42(2), pp.133-136, ISSN: 0954-0962. DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2021.1967630.

Manoli, AE and Hodgkinson, I (2021) Exploring internal organisational communication dynamics in the professional football industry, European Journal of Marketing, 55(11), pp.2894-2916, ISSN: 0309-0566. DOI: 10.1108/EJM-05-2019-0422.

Leite, H and Hodgkinson, IR (2021) Telemedicine co-design and value co-creation in public health care, Australian Journal of Public Administration, 80(2), pp.300-323, ISSN: 0313-6647. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8500.12473.

Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Morgan, RE, Hodgkinson, IR, Lee, Y (2021) Strategic entrepreneurship behaviour and the innovation ambidexterity of young technology-based firms in incubators, International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 39(3), pp.202-227, ISSN: 0266-2426. DOI: 10.1177/0266242620943776.

Hughes, P and Hodgkinson, I (2021) Knowledge management activities and strategic planning capability development, European Business Review, 33(2), pp.238-254, ISSN: 0955-534X. DOI: 10.1108/EBR-03-2019-0034.

Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I, Morgan, R, Hughes, M, Hughes, C-H (2020) Product-market planning capability and profitability, Industrial Marketing Management, 90, pp.370-379, ISSN: 0019-8501. DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.08.007.

Manoli, AE and Hodgkinson, IR (2020) The implementation of integrated marketing communication (IMC): Evidence from professional football clubs in England, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28(6), pp.542-563, ISSN: 1466-4488.

Hughes, P, Morgan, RE, Hodgkinson, I, Kouropalatis, Y, Lindgreen, A (2020) A Diagnostic Tool to Determine a Strategic Improvisation Readiness Index Score (IRIS) to Survive, Adapt, and Thrive in a Crisis, Industrial Marketing Management, 88(July), pp.485-499, ISSN: 0019-8501.

Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P, Leone, V (2020) Collective organisational publicness versus privateness in community sport: a national panel study of local authorities, European Sport Management Quarterly, 21(4), pp.564-582, ISSN: 1618-4742. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2020.1765403.

Leite, H, Gruber, T, Hodgkinson, IR (2020) Flattening the infection curve – understanding the role of telehealth in managing COVID-19, Leadership in Health Services, 33(2), pp.221-226, ISSN: 1751-1879. DOI: 10.1108/LHS-05-2020-084.

Leite, H, Hodgkinson, IR, Gruber, T (2020) New development: ‘Healing at a distance’—telemedicine and COVID-19, Public Money and Management, 40(6), pp.483-485, ISSN: 0954-0962. DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2020.1748855.

Keiningham, TL, Aksoy, L, Bruce, HL, Cadet, F, Clennell, N, Hodgkinson, IR, Kearney, T (2020) Customer Experience Driven Business Model Innovation, Journal of Business Research, 116, pp.431-440, ISSN: 0148-2963.

Hughes, M, Chang, Y-Y, Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P, Chang, C-Y (2020) The multi-level effects of corporate entrepreneurial orientation on business unit radical innovation and financial performance, Long Range Planning, 54(1), 101989, ISSN: 0024-6301. DOI: 10.1016/j.lrp.2020.101989.

Hodgkinson, IR and Hughes, P (2019) Public Service Performance: Exploring the Effects of Strategy Configurations among Ownership Types, International Public Management Journal, 22(5), pp.775-796, ISSN: 1559-3169.

Scott, S, Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I, Kraus, S (2019) Technology adoption factors in the digitization of popular culture: Analyzing the online gambling market, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 148, ISSN: 0040-1625. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.119717.

Kumar, H, Downward, P, Hodgkinson, I, Manoli, AE (2019) Means as well as ends: some critical insights for UK sport policy on the impact of facility ownership and configuration on sports participation, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 11(3), pp.415-432, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2018.1522660.

Chang, Y-Y, Hodgkinson, IR, Chang, C-Y, Hughes, P (2019) The mediation between participative leadership and employee exploratory innovation: Examining intermediate knowledge mechanisms, Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 40(3), pp.334-355, ISSN: 0143-7739.

Hughes, P, Souchon, AL, Nemkova, E, Hodgkinson, IR, Oliveira, JS, Boso, N, Hultman, M, Yeboah-Banin, AA, Sy-Changco, J (2019) Quadratic effects of dynamic decision-making capability on innovation orientation and performance: Evidence from Chinese exporters, Industrial Marketing Management, 83, pp.59-69, ISSN: 0019-8501. DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2018.11.005.

Glennon, R, Hodgkinson, IR, Knowles, J (2019) Learning to Manage Public Service Organizations Better: A Scenario for Teaching Public Administration, Teaching Public Administration, 37(1), pp.31-45, ISSN: 0144-7394.

Hodgkinson, IR, Hughes, P, Radnor, Z, Glennon, R (2018) Affective commitment within the public sector: antecedents and performance outcomes between ownership types, Public Management Review, 20(12), pp.1872-1895, ISSN: 1471-9037. DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2018.1444193.

Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, IR, Hughes, M, Arshad, D (2018) Explaining the entrepreneurial orientation–performance relationship in emerging economies: The intermediate roles of absorptive capacity and improvisation, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35(4), pp.1025-1053, ISSN: 0217-4561. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-017-9539-7.

Awojide, D, Hodgkinson, I, Ravishankar, MN (2018) Managerial ambidexterity and the cultural toolkit in project delivery, International Journal of Project Management, 36(8), pp.1019-1033, ISSN: 0263-7863. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2018.07.007.

Glennon, R, Hodgkinson, IR, Knowles, J, Radnor, Z, Bateman, N (2018) Public Sector ‘Modernisation’: Examining the Impact of a Change Agenda on Local Government Employees in England, Australian Journal of Public Administration, 77(2), pp.203-221, ISSN: 1467-8500.

Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, IR, Arshad, D, Hughes, M, Leone, V (2018) Planning to improvise? The role of reasoning in the strategy process: Evidence from Malaysia, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35(2), pp.449-470, ISSN: 0217-4561. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-017-9524-1.

Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, IR, Elliott, K, Hughes, M (2018) Strategy, Operations, and Profitability: The Role of Resource Orchestration, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 38(4), pp.1125-1143, ISSN: 0144-3577.

Kumar, H, Manoli, AE, Hodgkinson, IR, Downward, P (2018) Sport Participation: From Policy, Through Facilities, to Users’ Health, Well-Being, and Social Capital, Sport Management Review, 21(5), pp.549-562, ISSN: 1441-3523. DOI: 10.1016/j.smr.2018.01.002.

Oliveira, JS, Yazdani, N, Cadogan, JW, Hodgkinson, IR, Tsougkou, E, Jean, R-JB, Story, VM, Boso, N (2017) The empirical link between export entry mode diversity and export performance: a contingency- and institutional-based examination, Journal of Business Research, 55, pp.505-512, ISSN: 0148-2963. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.12.001.

Hodgkinson, IR, Hannibal, C, Keating, BW, Chester Buxton, R, Bateman, NA (2017) Toward a Public Service Management: Past, Present, and Future Directions, Journal of Service Management, 28(5), pp.998-1023, ISSN: 1757-5818.

Manoli, AE and Hodgkinson, IR (2017) Marketing Outsourcing in the English Premier League: The Right Holder/Agency Interface, European Sport Management Quarterly, 17(4), pp.436-456, ISSN: 1746-031X.

Hodgkinson, I, Ravishankar, MN, Aitken-Fischer, M (2017) The ambidextrous manager: What role does culture play?, Journal of Business Strategy, ISSN: 0275-6668. DOI: 10.1108/JBS-03-2016-0030.

Verleye, K, Jaakkola, E, Hodgkinson, IR, Jun, GT, Odekerken-Schröder, G, Quist, J (2017) What causes imbalance in complex service networks? Evidence from a public health service, Journal of Service Management, 28(1), pp.34-56, ISSN: 1757-5826. DOI: 10.1108/JOSM-03-2016-0077.

Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, IR (2017) In Pursuit of a ‘Whole Brain’ Approach to Undergraduate Teaching: Implications of the Herrmann Brain Dominance Model, Studies in Higher Education, 42(12), pp.2389-2405, ISSN: 1470-174X.

Hodgkinson, IR, Hughes, P, Hughes, M, Glennon, R (2017) Does Ownership Matter for Service Delivery Value? An Examination of Citizens’ Service Satisfaction, Public Management Review, 19(8), pp.1206-1220, ISSN: 1471-9037. DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2016.1272711.

Alonso, JM, Andrews, R, Hodgkinson, IR (2016) Institutional, ideological and political influences on local government contracting: Evidence from England, Public Administration, 94(1), pp.244-262, ISSN: 0033-3298. DOI: 10.1111/padm.12216.

Hodgkinson, IR, Hughes, P, Arshad, D (2015) Strategy development: Driving improvisation in Malaysia, Journal of World Business, 51(3), pp.379-390, ISSN: 1090-9516. DOI: 10.1016/j.jwb.2015.07.002.

Hodgkinson, IR and Hughes, P (2014) Strategy content and public service provider performance in the UK: an alternative approach, Public Administration, 92(3), pp.707-726, DOI: 10.1111/padm.12090.

Liu, X, Hodgkinson, IR, Chuang, F-M (2014) Foreign competition, domestic knowledge base and innovation activities: Evidence from Chinese high-tech industries, Research Policy, 43(2), pp.414-422, ISSN: 0048-7333. DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2013.11.005.

Hodgkinson, I, Ravishankar, MN, Aitken-Fischer, M (2014) A resource-advantage perspective on the orchestration of ambidexterity, Service Industries Journal, 34(15), pp.1234-1252, ISSN: 0264-2069. DOI: 10.1080/02642069.2014.942655.

Hodgkinson, IR (2013) Are generic strategies 'fit for purpose' in a public service context?, Public Policy and Administration, 28(1), pp.90-111, ISSN: 0952-0767. DOI: 10.1177/0952076712440301.

Hodgkinson, IR, Hughes, P, Hughes, M (2012) Re-examining the deployment of market orientation in the public leisure sector, Journal of Marketing Management, 28(11-12), pp.1249-1269, ISSN: 0267-257X. DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2011.645857.

Hodgkinson, IR, Hughes, P, Hughes, M (2012) Absorptive capacity and market orientation in public service provision, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 20(3), pp.211-229, ISSN: 0965-254X. DOI: 10.1080/0965254X.2011.643915.

Hodgkinson, IR and Hughes, P (2012) A Level Playing Field: Social Inclusion in Public Leisure, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 25, pp.48-63, ISSN: 0951-3558. DOI: 10.1108/09513551211200285.

Hodgkinson, IR and Hughes, P (2012) The performance implications of strategic capital for public leisure providers, Service Industries Journal, 32(8), pp.1375-1391, ISSN: 0264-2069. DOI: 10.1080/02642069.2011.567413.

Hodgkinson, IR, Ravishankar, MN, Aitken-Fischer, M (2011) Ambidextrous Capital in the Airline Industry, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, (1), pp.1-6, ISSN: 0065-0668. DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2011.65869134.


Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P, Leone, V (2024) Public administration and the obesity epidemic: does citizens’ physical activity participation make a difference across local populations?. In British Academy of Management Conference 2024 (BAM2024), Nottingham, England.

Leite, H, Hodgkinson, I, Cavalcanti, T (2024) "Hey Google": The Transformative Impact of Voice Assistant Devices and Improving Well-Being. In Frontiers in Service, Florida, US.

Leite, H, Alexopoulou, P, Hodgkinson, I, Tien-Der, JH (2024) Digital connection in a separated servicescape: longitudinal findings from a fitness App for disabled people. In Frontiers in Service, Florida, US.

Jackson, TW and Hodgkinson, I (2024) Building Climate Resilient and Low Carbon Sustainable Health Systems. In Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, Rome, Italy.

Jackson, TW and Hodgkinson, I (2024) Unveiling the Hidden Costs: The Environmental Impact of Digitalization on the Road to Net-Zero Emissions. In Information & Records Management Society (IRMS), Brighton.

Souchon, A, Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I, Boso, N, Nemkova, E, Oliveira, J, Hultman, M, Sy-Changco, J (2024) Competitive unpredictability in export markets [Abstract]. In World Marketing Congress; Proceedings of the 2024 AMS World Marketing Congress, Bel Ombre, Mauritius.

Georgiou, M, Jackson, T, Hodgkinson, IR, Jackson, L, Lockwood, S, Zhong, K (2024) Digital Decarbonization in Manufacturing Supply Chains: Addressing the Environmental Impact of the Data Industry. In , Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp.304-315, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-63269-3_23.

Lockwood, S, Hodgkinson, I, Jackson, T, Jackson, L, Barbour, E (2023) Data decarbonisation, greenhouse gas emissions, and industrial business. In British Academy of Management Conference (BAM 2023); BAM2023 Proceedings, Brighton, UK.

Sukumara Panicker, V, Georgiadou, E, Hodgkinson, I (Accepted for publication) Implications of CSR Investments on Financial performance in Emerging Market Multinationals. In International Business and SDG 8 – Are we on course? AIB UK & Ireland Chapter Conference, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow.

Yazdani, N, Pfajfar, G, Cadogan, JW, Mitręga, M, Lioliou, E, Jean, R-J, Hodgkinson, I, Tsougkou, E, Story, VM, Boso, N, Oliveira, JS (Accepted for publication) Cooperative Export Channel Modes in Times of Uncertainty, A Key to Born Global Firms’ Survival?. In 6th Industrial Marketing Management Summit, Bamberg, Germany.

Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, M, Hu, Q (2022) Unravelling the Planning—Strategy Execution Relationship and Implications for Strategy Adherence. In Strategic Management Society, London.

Lisbao, A, Gabor, N, Cadogan, JW, Oliveira, J, Hodgkinson, I, Tsougkou, E, Story, V, Boso, N (2021) Product Innovation Strategy and Competitive Advantage: An Empirical Study of Portuguese Exporters. In European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Madrid.

Leite, H and Hodgkinson, I (2021) COVID-19: A Wicked Public Management Problem. In International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) Conference, virtual.

Souchon, A, Nemkova, E, Hughes, P, Nathaniel, B, Hodgkinson, I, Oliveira, J, Hultman, M (2020) Structural drivers of creativity and contingency conditions for financial performance: A comparison of Mexico and China. In Global Marketing Conference GAMMA (2020), Seoul.

Mousavi, S, Fisk, R, Alkire, L, Hodgkinson, I, Masiero, S, Moradi, M (2020) Humans with humans science: leveraging the power of big data analytics for a better world. In 2021 Frontiers in Service Conference: Service in the World of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies, Virtual.

Ghosh, S, Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I (2019) Digital transformative capabilities: An exploratory study of industrial internet companies [Abstract]. In Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Berkeley, USA.

Hodgkinson, IR (2019) The Impact of Ownership Type on Citizens’ Service Engagement. In British Academy of Management, Birmingham, England.

Chang, Y-Y, Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I (2019) The Multi-Level Effects of Corporate Entrepreneurial Orientation on Business Unit Radical Innovation. In Academy of Management (AoM), Boston, Massachusetts.

Glennon, R and Hodgkinson, I (2019) Public Sector ‘Modernisation’. In International Research Society for Public Management, New Zealand.

Hughes, M, Chang, Y-Y, Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P, Chang, C-Y (2019) The multi-level effects of corporate entrepreneurial orientation on business unit radical innovation [conference abstract]. In 2019 Academy of Management Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Hughes, P, Daut, A, Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, M (2019) Family firm dynamics and strategic decision-making [Abstract]. In Strategic Management Society 39th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, USA.

Hodgkinson, I and Glennon, RJ (2018) Ownership influence on the participation of recreationally disadvantaged citizens. In International Research Society for Public Management Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Buxton, RC, Hodgkinson, I, Bateman, N (2018) UK public services: do they measure up? An examination of performance management though a lens of public service dominant logic. In International Research Society for Public Management Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Tsougkou, L, Cadogan, J, Hodgkinson, I, Oliveira, J, Nizam, A, Story, V, Boso, N, Despoudi, S (2018) Global orientation and export competitive advantage: A study of Malaysian firms [Abstract]. In Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA) Conference, Valencia, Spain.

Tsougkou, L, Cadogan, J, Hodgkinson, I, Oliveira, J, Laukkanen, T, Story, V, Yazdani, NM, Boso, N (2018) A multi-faceted examination of the export product adaptation—customer value creation relationship [Abstract]. In 2018 Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Tokyo, Japan.

Hodgkinson, I and Ravishankar, MN (2018) Orchestrating managerial ambidexterity: A subcultural paradox. In European Group for Organisational Studies, Tallinn, Estonia.

Hodgkinson, I (2018) Public managers' cognition and decision-making approaches: Is there only one way?. In 2nd Fórum de Gestão e Economia da UTFPR, Curitiba, Brazil.

Tsougkou, E, Oliveira, J, Cadogan, J, Hodgkinson, I, Laukkanen, T, Story, V, Yazdani, NM, Boso, N (2017) Does export product adaptation enable customer value creation? An examination of Finnish exporters. In EMAC Annual Conference, Groningen, Netherlands.

Glennon, RJ, Hodgkinson, I, Knowles, J, Radnor, ZJ, Bateman, N (2017) The aftermath of modernization: examining the impact of a change agenda on local government employees in the UK. In International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Budapest.

Kumar, H, Downward, P, Hodgkinson, I, Manoli, AE (2017) Does sport and fitness facility ownership matter? The impact on sport participation and citizens’ health, well-being and social capital in England [Abstract]. In European Association for Sport Management Conference, Switzerland. DOI: 10.7892/boris.105238.

Glennon, R, Radnor, Z, Hodgkinson, I, Buxton, RC (2016) Locating customer value in contracting-out decisions in English local authorities. In International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Hong Kong.

Hodgkinson, IR, Radnor, Z, Glennon, R, Chester Buxton, R (2015) Do contracting-out decisions achieve service delivery value for citizens?. In International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) Conference, Birmingham, UK.

Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Morgan, RE, Hodgkinson, I (2015) Organizing strategic entrepreneurship to enable product innovation in new and young technology-based firms. In Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.

Awojide, D (2015) How middle managers draw on cultural resources to shape their behaviors during the orchestration of ambidexterity. In .

Awojide, O, Hodgkinson, IR, Ravishankar, MN (2014) An Empirical Study of Middle Managers’ Exploratory, Exploitative, and Ambidextrous Behaviours on an Engineering Improvement Project. In The British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, pp.-.

Hodgkinson, IR and Hughes, P (2014) Strategy, Publicness and Organizational Performance. In International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) Conference, Ottawa, Canada, pp.-.

Awojide, O, Hodgkinson, IR, Ravishankar, MN (2013) The influence of middle management behaviours on the creation and development of contextual ambidexterity. In The Proceedings of the 27th Annual British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference, Liverpool, UK.

Hodgkinson, I, Ravishankar, MN, Aitken Fischer, M (2012) Contextual cultural barriers and ambidexterity in the airline industry. In The Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference on the Globalization of Innovation Strategies, Singapore, pp.-.

Hodgkinson, IR, Ravishankar, MN, Aitken Fischer, M (2011) Ambidextrous Capital in the Airline Industry. In The 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Hodgkinson, IR (2011) Are Generic Strategies 'Fit For Purpose' in Public Leisure Services?. In British Academy of Management Conference, Building and Sustaining High Performance Organisations in a Challenging Environment, Birmingham, UK.

Hodgkinson, IR, Ravishankar, MN, Aitken-Fischer, M (2011) Ambidextrous capital in the airline industry. In , Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. DOI: 10.5464/AMBPP.2011.97.a.

Hodgkinson, IR, Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Morgan, RE (2010) The Role of Absorptive Capacity in the Market Orientation-Customer Performance Relationship for Public Service Provision. In European Marketing Academy Conference, The 6 Senses - The Essentials of Marketing, Copenhagen, Denmark, 161 (abstract), ISBN: 978-87-92569-01-1.

Hodgkinson, IR and Hughes, P (2010) The Strategy-Performance Relationship: Evidence from the Public Leisure Sector. In British Academy of Management Conference, Management Research in a Changing Climate, Sheffield, England, p.45.

Hughes, P, Morgan, R, Hughes, M, Kouropalatis, Y, Powell, T, Hodgkinson, IR (2010) Antecedents and Consequences of Product-Market Planning Capability. In Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Strategic Management at the Crossroads, Rome, Italy, p.117.

Hodgkinson, IR (2009) Public Management: Market Orientation and Business Performance. In European Marketing Academy Conference, Marketing and the Core Disciplines, Audencia, Nantes, 167 (abstract).


Hodgkinson, I and Hughes, P (2023) Locating improvisation in public service management: Past, present, and future research directions. In Pina e Cunha, M, Vera, D, Cunha Meneses Abrantes, A, Miner, A (ed) The Routledge Companion to Improvisation in Organizations, Routledge Companions, pp.214-234, DOI: 10.4324/9781003171768.

Ghosh, S, Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I (2021) Digital Entrepreneurship, Corporate Entrepreneurship, and Digital Transformation: Leveraging Industrial Internet of Things and Emerging Technologies. In Digital Entrepreneurship: Impact on Business and Society, Springer International Publishing, pp.183-207.


Jackson, TW and Hodgkinson, I (2024) White Paper: The Impact of Digital Decarbonisation in Records and Information Management, OASIS Group.

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