Publications for Crispin Coombs
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Journal Articles
Dwivedi, YK, Jeyaraj, A, Hughes, L, Davies, GH, Ahuja, M, Albashrawi, MA, Al-Busaidi, AS, Al-Sharhan, S, Al-Sulaiti, KI, Altinay, L, Amalaya, S, Archak, S, Ballestar, MT, Bhagwat, SA, Bharadwaj, A, Bhushan, A, Bose, I, Budhwar, P, Bunker, D, Capatina, A, Carter, L, Constantiou, I,
Coombs, C, Crick, T, Csáki, C, Darnige, Y, Dé, R, Delbridge, R, Dubey, R, Gauld, R, Gutti, RK, Hattingh, M, Haug, A, Hendricks, L, Hino, A, Hsu, CHC, Iivari, N, Janssen, M, Jebabli, I, Jones, P, Junglas, I, Kaushik, A, Khazanchi, D, Kodama, M, Kraus, S, Kumar, V, Maier, C, Malik, T, Matthee, M, McCarthy, IP, Meier, M, Metri, B, Micu, A, Micu, A-E, Misra, SK, Mishra, A, Molin-Juustila, T, Oppermann, L, O’Regan, N, Pal, A, Pandey, N, Pappas, IO, Parker, A, Pathak, K, Pienta, D, Polyviou, A, Raman, R, Ribeiro-Navarrete, S, Ritala, P, Rosemann, M, Sarker, S, Saxena, P, Schlagwein, D, Schultze, H, Sharma, C, Sharma, SK, Simintiras, A, Singh, VK, Smuts, H, Soldatos, J, Tiwari, MK, Thatcher, JB, Vanberghen, C, Varga, Á, Vassilakopoulou, P, Venkatesh, V, Viglia, G, Vorley, T, Wade, M, Walton, P (2024)
“Real impact”: challenges and opportunities in bridging the gap between research and practice – making a difference in industry, policy, and society,
International Journal of Information Management, 78(2024), 102750, ISSN: 0268-4012. DOI:
Dwivedi, YK, Hughes, L, Ismagilova, E, Aarts, G,
Coombs, C, Crick, T, Duan, Y, Dwivedi, R, Edwards, J, Eirug, A, Galanos, V, Ilavarasan, PV, Janssen, M, Jones, P, Kar, AK, Kizgin, H, Kronemann, B, Lal, B, Lucini, B, Medaglia, R, Le Meunier-FitzHugh, K, Le Meunier-FitzHugh, LC, Misra, S, Mogaji, E, Sharma, SK, Singh, JB, Raghavan, V, Raman, R, Rana, NP, Samothrakis, S, Spencer, J, Tamilmani, K, Tubadji, A, Walton, P, Williams, MD (2021)
Artificial Intelligence (AI): Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy,
International Journal of Information Management, 57, ISSN: 0268-4012. DOI:
Coombs, C, Stacey, P, Kawalek, P, Simeonova, B, Becker, J, Bergener, K, Carvalho, JÁ, Fantinato, M, Garmann-Johnsen, NF, Grimme, C, Stein, A, Trautmann, H (2021)
What is it about humanity that we can’t give away to intelligent machines? A European perspective,
International Journal of Information Management, 58, 102311, ISSN: 0268-4012. DOI:
Dwivedi, YK, Hughes, DL,
Coombs, C, Constantiou, I, Duan, Y, Edwards, JS, Gupta, B, Lal, B, Misra, S, Prashant, P, Raman, R, Rana, NP, Sharma, SK, Upadhyay, N (2020)
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on information management research and practice: Transforming education, work and life,
International Journal of Information Management, 55, 102211, ISSN: 0268-4012. DOI:
Coombs, C (2020)
Will COVID-19 be the tipping point for the intelligent automation of work? A review of the debate and implications for research,
International Journal of Information Management, 55, 102182, ISSN: 0268-4012. DOI:
Coombs, C, Hislop, D, Taneva, S, Barnard, S (2020)
The Strategic Impacts of Intelligent Automation for Knowledge and Service Work: An Interdisciplinary Review,
Journal of Strategic Information Systems, ISSN: 0963-8687. DOI:
Coombs, C and Chopra, R (2019)
Artificial intelligence and data analytics: Emerging opportunities and challenges in financial services,
Journal of Financial Transformation, 50, pp.54-59, ISSN: 1755-361X.
Gubler, M,
Coombs, C, Arnold, J (2018)
The gap between career management expectations and reality - empirical insights from the IT industry,
Gruppe Interaktion Organisation, ISSN: 2366-6145. DOI:
Coombs, C (2017)
Coherence and transparency: some advice for qualitative researchers,
Production, 27, ISSN: 0103-6513. DOI:
Abubakare, MA,
Coombs, C, Ravishankar, MN (2017)
The impact of salient cultural practices on the outcome of IS implementation,
Journal of Global Information Management, In press, ISSN: 1062-7375. DOI:
Arnold, J,
Coombs, C, Gubler, M (2017)
Career anchors and preferences for organizational career management: A study of information technology professionals in three European countries,
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(22), pp.3190-3222, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI:
Abubakre, MA, Ravishankar, MN,
Coombs, C (2016)
Revisiting the trajectory of IT implementation in organisations: An IT culture perspective,
Information Technology and People, In Press, ISSN: 1758-5813. DOI:
Coombs, CR (2015)
When planned IS/IT project benefits are not realized: a study of inhibitors and facilitators to benefits realization,
Abubakre, MA, Ravishankar, MN,
Coombs, C (2015)
The role of formal controls in facilitating information system diffusion,
Information and Management, Accepted version, DOI:
Hislop, D, Bosley, SLC,
Coombs, CR, Holland, J (2014)
The process of individual unlearning: A neglected topic in an under-researched field,
Management Learning, 45(5), pp.540-560, ISSN: 1350-5076. DOI:
Gubler, M, Arnold, J,
Coombs, C (2014)
Organizational boundaries and beyond: a new look at the components of a boundaryless career orientation,
Career Development International, 19(6), pp.641-667, ISSN: 1362-0436. DOI:
Gubler, M, Arnold, J,
Coombs, C (2014)
Reassessing the protean career concept: Empirical findings, conceptual components, and measurement,
Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35(S1), pp.S23-S40, DOI:
Coombs, CR (2010)
Commentary on: A scheme to support the recruitment and retention of allied health professionals to hard to fill posts in rural areas,
International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 17(10), pp.555-555.
Coombs, CR, Arnold, JM, Loan Clarke, J, Bosley, SLC, Martin, C (2010)
Allied health professionals' intention to work for the National Health Service: a study of stayers, leavers and returners,
Health Services Management Research, 23(2), pp..47-53, DOI:
Coombs, CR, Arnold, JM, Loan Clarke, J, Bosley, S, Martin, C (2010)
Allied Health Professionals' Intention to Work for the National Health Service: A Study of Stayers, Leavers and Returners,
Health Services Management Research, 23, pp.47-53, DOI:
Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, JM,
Coombs, CR, Hartley, R, Bosley, SLC (2010)
Retention, turnover and return - a longitudinal study of allied health professionals in Britain,
Human Resource Management Journal, 20(4), pp.391-406, DOI:
Coombs, CR (2009)
Improving Retention Strategies for IT Professionals Working in the Public Sector,
Information & Management, 46, pp.233-240, DOI:
Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, J,
Coombs, CR, Bosley, S, Martin, CJ (2009)
Why Do Speech and Language Therapists Stay In, Leave and (Sometimes) Return to the National Health Service (NHS)?,
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 44(6), pp.883-900, DOI:
Doherty, NF, Dudhal, N,
Coombs, CR, Summers, R, Vyas, H, Hepworth, M, Kettle, E (2008)
Towards an Integrated Approach to Benefits Realisation Management - Reflections from the Development of a Clinical Trials Support System,
The Electronic Journal Information Systems Evaluation, 11(2), pp.83-90, ISSN: 1566-6379.
Summers, R, Vyas, H, Dudhal, N, Doherty, NF,
Coombs, CR, Hepworth, M (2008) Innovations in clinical trials informatics,
Conference proceedings : .. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, 2008, pp.2889-2892, ISSN: 1557-170X.
Coombs, CR, Arnold, J, Loan Clarke, J, Wilkinson, AJ, Park, J, Preston, D (2007)
Improving the Recruitment and Return of Nurses and Allied Health Professionals: A Quantitative Study,
Health Services Management Research, 20(1), pp.22-36, ISSN: 0951-4848. DOI:
Arnold, J, Loan Clarke, J,
Coombs, CR, Wilkinson, AJ, Park, J, Preston, D (2006)
How well can the Theory of Planned Behavior Account for Occupational Intentions?,
Journal of Vocational Behavior, 69(3), pp.374-390, ISSN: 0001-8791. DOI:
Doherty, NF,
Coombs, CR, Loan Clarke, J (2006)
A Re-Conceptualization of the Interpretive Flexibility of Information Technologies: Redressing the Balance Between the Social and the Technical,
European Journal of Information Systems, 15(6), pp.569-582, ISSN: 0960-085X. DOI:
Arnold, J and
Coombs, CR (2004) The Patient Factor,
Nursing Standard, pp.16-17.
Arnold, J,
Coombs, CR, Loan Clarke, J, Wilkinson, AJ, Park, JR, Preston, D (2004) Cut to the Chase,
Health Services Journal, pp.36-37.
Coombs, CR, Park, JR, Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, J, Preston, D, Wilkinson, AJ (2003)
Perceptions of Radiography and the National Health Service: A Qualitative Study,
Radiography, 9(2), pp.109-122.
Park, JR,
Coombs, CR, Wilkinson, AJ, Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, J, Preston, D (2003)
Attractiveness of Physiotherapy in the National Health Service as a Career Choice: Qualitative Study,
Physiotherapy, 89(10), pp.575-583.
Coombs, CR, Arnold, J, Loan Clarke, J, Wilkinson, AJ, Park, JR, Preston, D (2003)
Perceptions of Nursing in the NHS,
Nursing Standard, 18(5), pp.33-38.
Arnold, J,
Coombs, CR, Wilkinson, AJ, Loan Clarke, J, Park, J, Preston, D (2003)
Corporate Images of the United Kingdom National Health Service: Implications for the Recruitment and Retention of Nursing and Allied Profession Staff,
Corporate Reputation Review, 6(3), pp.223-238, ISSN: 1363-3589.
Coombs, CR, Park, J, Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, J, Preston, D, Wilkinson, AJ (2002)
Perceptions of Radiography and the NHS: Some Preliminary Findings,
Synergy News, pp.6-8.
Coombs, CR, Doherty, NF, Loan Clarke, J (2001)
The Importance of User Ownership and Positive User Attitudes in the Successful Adoption of Community Information Systems,
Journal of End User Computing, 13(4), pp.5-16, ISSN: 1063-2239.
Coombs, CR, Park, J, Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, J, Preston, D, Wilkinson, AJ (2001)
Who would be a Radiographer in the NHS?,
Synergy News, p.12.
Coombs, CR, Park, JR, Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, J, Preston, D, Wilkinson, AJ (2001) The Attractiveness of Working for the NHS as a Radiographer: A Review of the Literature,
RAD Magazine, pp.67-68.
Coombs, CR (2001) Project Aims to Boost Recruitment,
Physiotherapy Frontline, 7(7), p.29.
Coombs, CR, Doherty, NF, Loan Clarke, J (1999) Factors Affecting the Level of Success of Community Information Systems,
Journal of Management in Medicine, 13(2), pp.142-153, ISSN: 0268-9235.
Coombs, CR, Doherty, NF, Loan Clarke, J (1998)
A Study of the Uptake and Application of Community Information Systems in England and Wales,
The British Journal of Healthcare Computing and Information Management, 15(6), pp.24-27.
Coombs, CR, Doherty, NF, Loan Clarke, J (1998) The Factors Determining the Success of a CIS: A Case Study,
Information Technology in Nursing, 10(3), pp.9-15.
Hislop, D,
Coombs, C, Barnard, S, Taneva, S (2022)
The impact of intelligent automation on jobs and workers in the knowledge and service sectors: the current state of knowledge and a research agenda. In
BAM Human Resource Management Special Interest Group International Symposium 2022, Prato, Italy.
Moraes, R and
Coombs, C (2020)
Information technology capability and organizational agility on a health company. In
24th UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) International Conference; UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2019, Oxford, UK,ISBN: 9780956027238.
Coombs, C and Redman, A (2018)
The impact of robo-advice on financial advisers: a qualitative case study. In
23rd UK Academy for Information Systems International Conference, Oxford,ISBN: 9780956027252.
Coombs, C, Hislop, D, Taneva, S, Barnard, S (2018)
The impact of AI and robotics on work. In
International Labour process Conference, Beunos Aires, Argentina.
Odusanya, KA,
Coombs, C, Doherty, N (2017)
Exploring the link between IT culture and perceptions of individual benefits realized: An empirical analysis. In
Proceedings of the Twenty-First DIGIT Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, December 2016,.
Coombs, C, Hislop, D, Barnard, S, Ellison, I (2016)
The impact of the internet of things on mobile workers. In
IFIP 9.1 Changing Nature of Work, Dublin.
Rawahi, KA,
Coombs, C, Doherty, N (2016)
The realization of public value through e-government: a structuration perspective. In
International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin.
Aitken, A,
Coombs, C, Doherty, N (2015)
Towards benefit orientated business process modelling: a canonical action research study. In
20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference, Oxford,ISBN: 9780956027283.
Odusanya, KA,
Coombs, C, Doherty, N (2015)
Exploiting benefits from IS/IT investments: an IT culture perspective. In
Twenty-Third European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Münster, Germany.
Odusanya, KA,
Coombs, C, Doherty, N (2015)
Assessing individual benefits realization capability: an IT culture perspective. In
International Conference on Information Systems, Forth Worth, Dallas, Texas.
Odusanya, K,
Coombs, C, Doherty, NF (2015) Assessing individual benefits realization capability: An IT culture perspective. In
, 2015 International Conference on Information Systems: Exploring the Information Frontier, ICIS 2015.
Odusanya, K,
Coombs, C, Doherty, NF (2015) Assessing individual benefits realization capability: An IT culture perspective. In
, 2015 International Conference on Information Systems: Exploring the Information Frontier, ICIS 2015.
Abubakre, M,
Coombs, C, Ravishankar, MN (2014) The influence of organizational culture on the outcome of an IS implementation. In
The Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Auckland, New Zealand.
(2014) The influence of organizational culture on the outcome of is implementation. In
, 35th International Conference on Information Systems "Building a Better World Through Information Systems", ICIS 2014.
Coombs, CR, Hislop, D, Holland, J, Bosley, S, Manful, E (2013) Exploring types and consequences of individual unlearning by healthcare managers in the United Kingdom National Health Service. In
British Academy of Management Conference, Liverpool, pp.1-6.
Coombs, CR and Doherty, N (2013) From IT development to IT exploitation – Shifting the research agenda. In
United Kingdom Association for Information Systems Conference, Oxford, pp.1-5.
Coombs, CR, Hislop, D, Holland, J, Bosley, S, Manful, E (2013) The Organizational Context of Unlearning and Forgetting. In
Academy of Management Meeting, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, pp.1-5.
Coombs, CR, Abubakre, M, Mayasandra, (2013) Achieving IT diffusion within the fragments – an IT culture perspective. In
European Conference on Information Systems, Utrecht, pp.1-10.
Coombs, CR, Hislop, D, Holland, J, Bosley, S, Manful, E (2013) The heterogeneity of individual unlearning: Managerial unlearning within the UK's national health service. In
European Group on Organization Studies Colloquium, Montreal, pp.1-12.
Abubakre, M, Ravishankar, MN, Coombs, CR (Accepted for publication) Achieving IT diffusion within the fragments: An IT culture perspective. In The Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Utrecht, Netherlands, Nominee: Claudio Cibbora Most Innovative Research Paper Award.
Abubakre, M,
Coombs, C, Ravishankar, MN (2012) The role of subcultures in understanding the diffusion process of a management information system. In
The European Conference on Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain.
Aslam, U,
Coombs, CR, Doherty, NF (2012)
European Conference on Information Systems, Barcelona, pp.1-7.
Abubakre, M,
Coombs, C, Jayawardhena, C (2011) The diffusion of management information systems in organizations - An organizational sub-culture perspective. In
, 19th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2011.
Abubakre, M,
Coombs, C, Jayawardhena, C (2011) Information system diffusion in organizations - A control mechanism perspective. In
, Proceedings of the European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems - Informing Responsible Management: Sustainability in Emerging Economies, EMCIS 2011, pp.519-525.
Gubler, M, Arnold, JM, Hartley, R,
Coombs, CR (2010) What "career success" means to individuals in Europe - An empirical analysis. In
Academy of Management Conference, Presented at:, Montreal.
Arnold, JM, Loan Clarke, J,
Coombs, CR, Hartley, R (2010) Intention as a predictor and outcome of the career behavior of health professionals. In
International Congress of Applied Psychology, Presented at:, Melbourne.
Abubakre, M,
Coombs, CR, Jayawardhena, C, Hunt, A (2010) Learning the Lessons from the Developed World: E-Banking Security in Nigeria. In
UKAIS 2010, Proceedings of UKAIS 2010, University of Oxford, UK.
Sabeeh, SA, Hislop, D,
Coombs, CR (2009) An Investigation of the Interplay of Power and Knowledge During the Implementation of Change in the Banking Sector of an Asian Developing Country. In Bolisani, E and Scarso, EE (ed)
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Vicenza, Italy, p.708, ISBN: 978-1-906638-39-9.
Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, JM,
Coombs, CR, Bosley, SLC, Hartley, R (2009) Retention, turnover and return: a two-wave study of clinical health professionals in England. In
European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Conference, Presented at:, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Patton, S and
Coombs, CR (2009) Factors Affecting the Level of Success of Warehouse Management Systems. In Brooks, L and Wainwright, DE (ed)
UKAIS 2009, Proceedings of UKAIS 2009, University of Oxford.
Summers, R, Vyas, H, Dudhal, N, Doherty, NF,
Coombs, CR, Hepworth, M (2008) Innovations in Clinical Trials Informatics. In
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 2008, British Columbia, Canada, pp.2889-2892.
Summers, R, Vyas, H, Dudhal, N, Doherty, NF,
Coombs, CR, Hepworth, M (2008) Innovations in Clinical Trials Informatics. In
30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pp.2889-2892, ISBN: 978 1 4244 1814 5.
Doherty, NF, Dudhal, N,
Coombs, CR, Summers, R, Vyas, H, Hepworth, M, Kettle, E (2007) The Application of Benefits Realisation Practices to the Development of a Clinical Trials Support System. In
European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation, Montpellier, France, p.11.
Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, J,
Coombs, CR, Bosley, S, Martin, C (2007) Retention in the United Kingdom's National Health Service: Why do Allied Health Professionals stay and not leave?. In
The 13th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Stockholm, p.180.
Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, JM,
Coombs, CR, Bosley, SLC, Martin, C (2007) Retention in the United Kingdom's National Health Service: Why do Allied Health Professionals stay and not leave?. In
13th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Stockholm, p.180.
Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, J,
Coombs, CR, Park, J (2003) Recruiting Health Care Professionals - Issues of Identity and Moral Obligation. In
Eleventh European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology, Identity and Diversity in Organizations: Building Bridges in Europe, Lisboa, Portugal.
Arnold, J,
Coombs, CR, Wilkinson, AJ, Preston, D (2003) Corporate Images of the United Kingdom National Health Service: Implications for Staff Recruitment and Retention. In
Eleventh European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology, Identity and Diversity in Organizations: Building Bridges in Europe, Lisboa, Portugal.
Coombs, CR, Doherty, NF, Loan Clarke, J (2003) Empowerment v. Control: A Study of the Cultural Impacts of Information Systems in NHS Community Trusts. In Levy, M, Martin, A, Schweinghart, eds, C (ed)
UKAIS 2003, Proceedings of UKAIS 2003, University of Warwick.
Coombs, CR, Arnold, J, Loan Clarke, J, Park, J, Preston, D, Wilkinson, AJ (2002) Looking Good? The Corporate Reputation of the United Kingdom National Health Service. In
Proceedings of the British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Middlesex University Business School, London.
Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, J,
Coombs, CR, Park, J, Preston, D, Wilkinson, AJ (2002)
A Qualitative Study of the Attractiveness of the United Kingdom National Health Service as an Employer to Potential Nursing and Professions Allied to Medical Staff. In
3rd International Conference on Organizational Behaviour in Health Care, Said Business School, University of Oxford.
Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, J,
Coombs, CR, Park, J, Preston, D, Wilkinson, AJ (2001) Bridging the Divide Between Needed and Potential Employees - The National Health Service in Great Britain. In
Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Auckland, New Zealand,ISBN: 0-473-08309-4.
CD Objects
Abubakre, M, Coombs, CR, Jayawardhena, C, Hunt, A (2010) Learning the Lessons from the Developed World: E-Banking Security in Nigeria,.
Patton, S and Coombs, CR (2009) Factors Affecting the Level of Success of Warehouse Management Systems,.
Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, J, Coombs, CR, Bosley, S, Martin, C (2007) Retention in the United Kingdom's National Health Service: Why do Allied Health Professionals stay and not leave?,.
Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, JM, Coombs, CR, Bosley, SLC, Martin, C (2007) Retention in the United Kingdom's National Health Service: Why do Allied Health Professionals stay and not leave?,.
Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, J, Coombs, CR, Park, J (2003) Recruiting Health Care Professionals - Issues of Identity and Moral Obligation,.
Arnold, J, Coombs, CR, Wilkinson, AJ, Preston, D (2003) Corporate Images of the United Kingdom National Health Service: Implications for Staff Recruitment and Retention,.
Coombs, CR, Doherty, NF, Loan Clarke, J (2003) Empowerment v. Control: A Study of the Cultural Impacts of Information Systems in NHS Community Trusts,UKAIS.
Coombs, CR, Arnold, J, Loan Clarke, J, Park, J, Preston, D, Wilkinson, AJ (2002) Looking Good? The Corporate Reputation of the United Kingdom National Health Service,.
Loan Clarke, J, Arnold, J, Coombs, CR, Park, J, Preston, D, Wilkinson, AJ (2001) Bridging the Divide Between Needed and Potential Employees - The National Health Service in Great Britain,, ISBN: 0-473-08309-4.
Coombs, C, Hislop, D, Taneva, S, Barnard, S (2020)
The changing nature of knowledge and service work in the age of intelligent machines. In Yates, S and Rice, RE (ed)
The Oxford Handbook of Digital Technology and Society, Oxford University Press, pp.342-368, ISBN: 9780190932596. DOI:
Coombs, C, Hislop, D, Taneva, S, Barnard, S (2020)
The changing nature of knowledge and service work in the age of intelligent machines. In
The Oxford Handbook of Digital Technology and Society, pp.344-368, DOI:
Doherty, N and
Coombs, CR (2013)
IT Exploitation Through Business Transformation: Experiences and Implications. In
Transforming Field and Service Operations, pp.3-13.
Coombs, CR, Doherty, N, Neaga, I (2013) Measuring and Managing the Benefits from IT Projects: A Review and Research Agenda. In
Transforming Field and Service Operations, pp.257-269.
Coombs, CR, Doherty, NF, Loan Clarke, J (2002) The Role of User Ownership and Positive User Attitudes in the Successful Adoption of Information Systems within NHS Community Trusts. In Mahmood, MAE (ed)
Advanced Topics in End User Computing, Idea Group Publishing, pp.188-209, ISBN: 1-930708-42-4.
Coombs, CR, Doherty, NF, Loan Clarke, J (2002) The Role of User Ownership and Positive User Attitudes in the Successful Adoption of Information Systems within NHS Community Trusts. In Armoni, AE (ed)
Effective Healthcare Information Systems, IRM Press, pp.113-136, ISBN: 1-931777-01-2.
Watson, N, Rady, A,
Coombs, C, Parkes, A, Moss, R, Ajeer, A (2022)
21st Century Meat Inspector project report. DOI:
Hislop, D,
Coombs, C, Taneva, S, Barnard, S (2017)
Impact of artificial intelligence, robotics and automation on work.
Coombs, CR, Hislop, D, Holland, J, Bosley, SLC, Manful, E (2013)
Exploring types of individual unlearning by local health-care managers: an original empirical approach, NIHR HS&DR, DOI:
Arnold, JM, Loan Clarke, J,
Coombs, CR, Hartley, R (2008)
A Longitudinal Study of Allied Health Professionals' Career Attitudes and Behaviour in a Changing Labour Market, p.22, Economic and Social Research Council, Ref RES-000-22-2443.
Arnold, J, Loan Clarke, J,
Coombs, CR, Bosley, S, Martin, C (2006)
Push and Pull. Why Allied Health Professionals Stay In, Leave or Return to the NHS. Views of Professionals Inside and Outside the NHS, p.309, Department of Health.
Arnold, JM, Loan Clarke, J,
Coombs, CR, Bosley, SLC, Martin, C (2006)
Push and Pull: Why Allied Health Professionals stay in, leave or return to the NHS. Views of Professionals inside and outside of the NHS, Department of Health.
Arnold, J, Loan Clarke, J,
Coombs, CR, Park, J, Wilkinson, AJ, Preston, D (2003)
Looking Good? The Attractiveness of the NHS as an Employer to Potential Nursing and Allied Health Profession Staff, p.415, Department of Health.