Publications for Carolynne Mason
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Journal Articles
Piggott, C, Spray, C,
Mason, C, Rhind, D (2024)
Using sport and physical activity interventions to develop life skills and reduce delinquency in youth: a systematic review,
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, ISSN: 1750-984X. DOI:
Bayes, N,
Mason, C, Haycraft, E, Holley, CE (2023)
Exploring the feasibility of using evidence-based feeding practices to promote children’s healthy eating in holiday clubs,
Public Health Nutrition, 26(12), pp.2868-2881, ISSN: 1368-9800. DOI:
Norrito, A, Michelini, E, Giulianotti, R,
Mason, C (2023)
‘Refugee footballers’: a socioecological exploration of forced migrants in the Italian and German elite football system,
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 59(1), pp.119-138, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI:
Norrito, A and
Mason, C (2022)
Lampedusa, football and COVID-19: transitions at the border and the role of sport,
Contemporary Social Science, 18(1), pp.26-40, ISSN: 2158-2041. DOI:
Horvat, CA and
Mason, C (2022)
Country profile of Slovenia: sport policy system in a small state,
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 14(4), pp.743-757, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI:
Kay, C,
Mason, C, Hartley, T (2022)
Co-producing desistance opportunities with women in prison: Reflections of a sports coach developer,
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, 31(1), pp.40-64, ISSN: 0838-164X. DOI:
Bayes, N,
Mason, C, Holley, C (2022)
Staff perspectives on the feeding practices used in holiday clubs to promote healthy eating in disadvantaged communities,
Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(5), ISSN: 0966-0410. DOI:
Bayes, N, Holley, C, Haycraft, E,
Mason, C (2021)
Adaptations to holiday club food provision to alleviate food insecurity during the Covid-19 pandemic,
Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 661345, DOI:
Sharpe, L, Coates, J,
Mason, C (2021)
Participatory research with young people with special educational needs and disabilities: a reflective account,
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 14(3), pp.460-473, ISSN: 2159-676X. DOI:
Sharpe, L, Coates, J,
Mason, C (2021)
Voice, vlogs and visibility: the experiences of young people with SEND engaging in the school games,
Sport, Education and Society, 27(2), pp.134-149, ISSN: 1357-3322. DOI:
Mason, C, Darby, P, Drywood, E, Esson, J, Yilmaz, S (2019)
Rights, risks and responsibilities in the recruitment of children within the global football industry,
The International Journal of Children's Rights, 27(4), pp.738-756, ISSN: 0927-5568. DOI:
Holley, C,
Mason, C, Haycraft, E (2019)
Opportunities and challenges arising from holiday clubs tackling children’s hunger in the UK: Pilot club leader perspectives,
Nutrients, 11(6), pp.1237-1237, DOI:
Holley, CE and
Mason, C (2019)
Correction to: A Systematic Review of the Evaluation of Interventions to Tackle Children’s Food Insecurity,
Current Nutrition Reports, 8(1), pp.28-28, DOI:
Holley, C and
Mason, C (2019)
A systematic review of the evaluation of interventions to tackle children’s food insecurity,
Current Nutrition Reports, 8(1), pp.11-27, DOI:
Yilmaz, S, Esson, J, Darby, P, Drywood, E,
Mason, C (2018)
Children’s rights and the regulations on the transfer of young players in football,
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 55(1), pp.115-124, ISSN: 1461-7218. DOI:
Kenyon, JA,
Mason, C, Rookwood, J (2018)
Emerging third-sector sports organisations and navigating uncertainty in an ‘era of austerity’: a single ethnographic case study from Liverpool,
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI:
Butler, C, Duncombe, R,
Mason, C, Sandford, R (2016)
Recruitments, engagements and partitions: managing participation in play,
International Journal of Play, 5(1), pp.47-63, ISSN: 2159-4937. DOI:
Sandford, R, Duncombe, R,
Mason, C, Butler, C (2015)
Ability to be active: exploring children’s active play in primary schools,
International Journal of Play, ISSN: 2159-4937. DOI:
Mason, CLJ, Warwick, P, Cremin, H, Harrison, T (2012)
The complex ecology of young people's community engagement and the call for community pedagogues,
Journal of Social Science Education, 11(3), p.1618.
Mason, CLJ (2011)
Learning to (Dis)Engage? The Socialising Experiences of Young People Living in Areas of Socio-Economic Disadvantage,
British Journal of Educational Studies, 59(4), pp.421-437.
Mason, CLJ (2010)
Problematising pupil voice using visual methods: findings from a study of engaged and disaffected pupils in an urban secondary school,
British Educational Research Journal, 37(4), pp.585-603.
Waring, AJ and
Mason, C (2010)
Opening Doors: Promoting Social Inclusion Through Increased Sports Opportunities,
Sport in Society, Vol. 13(No. 3), pp.517-529, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI:
Mason, CLJ (2010)
Opening doors: promoting social inclusion through increased sports opportunities,
Sport in Society, 13(3), pp.517-529.
Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R, Mason, C, Butler, C (2015) Ability to be Active: Exploring children’s active play in primary schools. In AIESEP International Congress, Madrid, Spain.
Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R, Mason, C, Stirrup, J (2015) Mapping a Physical Literacy Pathway: Examining early years physical activity/development provision. In AIESEP International Congress, Madrid, Spain.
Sharpe, L, Coates, J,
Mason, C (2024)
Voice, vlogs and visibility: the experiences of young people with SEND engaging in the school games. In
Disabled Children and Young People in Sport, Physical Activity and Physical Education, Routledge, pp.6-21, DOI:
Drywood, E, Darby, P, Esson, J,
Mason, C, Yilmaz, S (2024)
Children's rights, sport and migration. In Maguire, J, Liston, K, Falcous, M (ed)
Handbook on Sport and Migration, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.307-319, ISBN: 9781789909401. DOI:
Mason, C and Walpole, C (2022)
Using Child-Centred Approaches to Enhance the Evidence Base Around Using Sport-Based Interventions to Reduce Youth Offending. In
Sport, Physical Activity and Criminal Justice, Routledge, pp.66-78, DOI:
Kenyon, J,
Mason, C, Rookwood, J (2019) Emerging third-sector sports organisations and navigating uncertainty in an ‘era of austerity’: a single ethnographic case study from Liverpool. In Parnell, D, Millward, P, Widdop, P, King, N, May, A (ed)
Sport Policy and Politics in an Era of Austerity, Routledge, pp.24-41, ISBN: 9780367177713.
Mason, C (2017)
Physical activity opportunities for young people: a case study of StreetGames. In
Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice, © Routledge, pp.371-382, ISBN: 9781138943087.
Wilson, RMS, Abraham, A,
Mason, C (2014)
The nature of financial literacy. In
The Routledge Companion to Accounting Education, © Routledge, pp.50-80, ISBN: 9780415697330.
Wilson, RMS,
Mason, CLJ, Abraham, A (2014)
The nature of financial literacy. In
The Routledge Companion to Accounting Education, pp.51-80, DOI:
Mason, C (2013)
The civic engagement of young people living in areas of socio-economic disadvantage. In
Debates in Citizenship Education, pp.80-91, DOI:
Brown, SMN,
Mason, C, Nevill, M (2012)
Shifting Policy in School Sport Coaching - An Evaluation and Implications for Schools and Coaches. In Spracklen, K and Adams, A (ed)
Sport, Leisure and Tourism Politics and Places, pp.85-95, ISBN: 9781905369300.
Mason, CLJ (2011)
Debates in Citizenship Education. In Arthur, J and Cremin, H (ed)
Debates in Citizenship Education, Routledge, 7, ISBN: 9780415597661.
Mason, C (2011)
The civic engagement of young people living in areas of socio-economic disadvantage. In
Debates in Citizenship Education, pp.80-91, DOI:
Hillyard, S,
Mason, C, Kay, C, Carter, L (2024)
Twinning literacy project pilot evaluation: final report September 2024, Ministry of Justice.
Stirrup, J, Hooper, O, Norrito, A,
Mason, C, Bradbury, S (2023)
Marginalised youth and organised grassroots sport: Promoting retention and reducing dropout, The IOC Olympic Studies Centre Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme.
Coates, J and
Mason, C (2022)
Get out, get active final evaluation report.
Mason, C, Bradbury, S, Musson, H, Hathaway, H (2021)
Coaching for All (CFA) research report, Sporting Communities.
Mason, C, Walpole, C, Case, S (2020)
Using sport to enhance positive outcomes for young people in the context of serious youth violence: a theory of change.
Esson, J, Darby, P, Drywood, E,
Mason, C, Yilmaz, S, Hann, M, Lee, JJ (2020)
Children before players - Protecting and realising children's rights: A guide for professional football clubs, UNICEF UK.
Coates, J,
Mason, C, Sharpe, L, Drew, K (2020)
Inclusion 2020 evaluation: final report.
Esson, J, Darby, P, Drywood, E,
Mason, C, Yilmaz, S (2020)
Children before players: Current risks and future research agendas, UNICEF UK.
Kay, C and
Mason, C (2019)
The Twinning project: examining the power of sport in prisoner rehabilitation.
Mason, C, Downward, PM, Steenekamp, T (2017)
Scoping Study (School interventions on academic performance and behaviour), Greenhouse Sports.
Mason, C, Downward, PM, Cleland, J, Aldridge, J, Walpole, C (2017)
Youth Crime Reduction and Sport Pilot Project
Evaluation Report, Streetgames.
Mason, C, Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R, Brown, S (2012)
Evaluation of the 'Matalan yoUR Activity' Programme: Year 1 Research Report, Youth Sport Trust.
Sandford, RA,
Mason, C, Duncombe, R (2012)
Evaluation of the Pilot Phase of the ‘Matalan yoUR Activity’ Programme: Final Research Report, Youth Sport Trust.
Sandford, RA,
Mason, C, Duncombe, R (2011)
Evaluation of the ‘Matalan yoUR Activity’ programme: Interim research report, Youth Sport Trust.
Nevill, ME,
Mason, CLJ, Jeanes, R, Waring, A, Armour, KM, Harvey, J, Houlihan, BMJ, Lindsey, IA, Morris, JG (2008)
Evaluation of the New Opportunities in PE and Sport Initiative. The Year 5 Report, Report to the Big Lottery Fund, London.
Nevill, ME, Lindsey, IA,
Mason, CLJ, Jeanes, R, Waring, A, Armour, KM, Gibbon, C, Houlihan, BMJ, Jones, R, Harvey, J (2007)
Evaluation of the New Opportunities in PE and Sport Initiative. The Year 4 Report, Report to the Big Lottery Fund, London.
Mason, C, Walpole, C, Morgan, H, Meek, R (Accepted for publication) Youth Justice Sport Fund External Evaluation Report.