Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Belinda Dewsnap

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Journal Articles

Childs, DRN, Lee, N, Cadogan, JW, Dewsnap, B (2024) Resource gain or resource pain? How managerial social support resources influence the impact of sales anxiety on burnout, Industrial Marketing Management, 121(2024), pp.74-87, ISSN: 0019-8501. DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2024.07.002.

Zhu, D, Michaelidou, N, Dewsnap, B, Cadogan, J, Christofi, M (2023) Identity expressiveness in marketing: review and future research agenda, European Journal of Marketing, 58(1), pp.143-216, ISSN: 0309-0566. DOI: 10.1108/EJM-08-2021-0581.

Childs, D, Lee, N, Cadogan, J, Dewsnap, B (2023) How within-person research can extend marketing knowledge, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52(3), ISSN: 0092-0703. DOI: 10.1007/s11747-023-00978-8.

Dewsnap, B, Micevski, M, Cadogan, J, Kadic-Maglajlic, S (2020) Flexibility in marketing & sales interfacing processes, Industrial Marketing Management, 91, pp.285-300, ISSN: 0019-8501. DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.09.005.

Childs, D, Lee, N, Dewsnap, B, Cadogan, J (2019) A within-person theoretical perspective in sales research: outlining recommendations for adoption and consideration of boundary conditions, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 39(4), pp.386-399, ISSN: 0885-3134. DOI: 10.1080/08853134.2019.1620612.

Micevski, M, Dewsnap, B, Cadogan, J, Kadic-Maglajlic, S, Boso, N (2019) Sales intra-functional flexibility: Its relationship to performance and moderating effects on role stressors, Journal of Business Research, 104(November 2019), pp.552-562, ISSN: 0148-2963. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.12.021.

Souchon, A, Dewsnap, B, Durden, G, Axinn, CN, Holzmuller, HH (2015) Antecedents to export information generation: a cross-national study, International Marketing Review, ISSN: 0265-1335. DOI: 10.1108/IMR-05-2011-0125.

Souchon, AL, Sy-Changco, JA, Dewsnap, B (2012) Learning orientation in export functions: impact on export growth, INTERNATIONAL MARKETING REVIEW, 29(2), pp.175-202, ISSN: 0265-1335. DOI: 10.1108/02651331211216970.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2009) An exploratory study of sales-marketing integrative devices, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING, 43(7-8), pp.985-1007, ISSN: 0309-0566. DOI: 10.1108/03090560910961489.

Souchon, AL, Cadogan, JW, Proctor, DB, Dewsnap, B (2004) Marketing Information Use and Organisational Performance: The Mediating Role of Responsiveness, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 12(4), pp.231-242, ISSN: 0965-254X. DOI: 10.1080/0965254042000308057.

Dewsnap, B and Hart, CA (2004) Category Management: A New Approach for Fashion Marketing?, European Journal of Marketing, 38(7), pp.809-834, ISSN: 0309-0566. DOI: 10.1108/03090560410539267.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2002) A Social Psychological Model of Relations Between Marketing and Sales, European Journal of Marketing, 36(7/8), pp.874-894, ISSN: 0309-0566. DOI: 10.1108/03090560210430854.

Hart, CA and Dewsnap, B (2001) An Exploratory Study of the Consumer Decision Process for Intimate Apparel, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 5(2), pp.108-119, ISSN: 1361-2026. DOI: 10.1108/EUM0000000007282.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2000) The Sales-Marketing Interface in Consumer Packaged-Goods Companies: A Conceptual Framework, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 20(2), pp.109-119, ISSN: 0885-3134.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2000) The sales–marketing interface in consumer packaged-goods companies: A conceptual framework, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 20(2), pp.109-119, ISSN: 0885-3134. DOI: 10.1080/08853134.2000.10754230.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (1999) Category Management: A Vehicle for Integration between Sales and Marketing, The Journal of Brand Management, 6(6), pp.380-392, ISSN: 1350-231X.


Dewsnap, B, Childs, D, Cadogan, J, Lee, N, Pappas, A (Accepted for publication) Understanding and mitigating the evolution of salesperson burnout: A within-person longitudinal analysis. In AMA Winter Conference, Nashville.

Childs, D, Lee, N, Cadogan, J, Dewsnap, B (Accepted for publication) A longitudinal examination of salesperson burnout: Understanding the within-person burnout process and how it can be managed. In 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

Childs, D, Dewsnap, B, Cadogan, J, Lee, N (2020) An analysis of sales self-efficacy change: drivers and outcomes [Extended abstract]. In Lukas, B and Ferrell, OC (ed) 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference; AMA Winter Academic Conference 2020: Consumers and Firms in a Global World, San Diego, California, USA,ISBN: 9781713805892.

Tonikidou, A, Souchon, A, Kyriakopoulos, K, Hughes, P, Dewsnap, B, Hughes, M (2020) Translating new product development-level improvisation-based learning into strategy in SMEs. In Global Marketing Conference GAMMA (2020); 2020 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul Proceedings, Seoul, pp.300-305, DOI: 10.15444/GMC2020.03.06.02.

Childs, D, Dewsnap, B, Cadogan, J, LEE, N (2020) An Analysis of Sales Self-Efficacy Change: Drivers and Outcomes. In 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference, SAN DIEGO, CA, USA.

Micevski, M, Dewsnap, B, Cadogan, J, Kadic-Maglajlic, S (Accepted for publication) Flexibility in Marketing & Sales Interfacing Processes. In Industrial Marketing Management 2020 Summit, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Crick, J, Dewsnap, B, Cadogan, J, Souchon, A (2018) Implementing the marketing concept through customer value-oriented functional resource investments [extended abstract]. In Luo, SKLMGX (ed) 2019 American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference; Proceedings of the 2019 AMA Winter Academic Conference, Austin, Texas,ISBN: 9780877570035.

Micevski, M, Kadic-Maglajlic, S, Boso, N, Dewsnap, B, Cadogan, J (2017) Sales intra-functional flexibility: its relationship to performance and moderating effects of customer orientation and role stressors [conference abstract]. In 8th EMAC Regional Conference, Timisoara, Romania.

Micevski, M, Dewsnap, B, Cadogan, JW, Kadić-Maglajlić, S, Boso, N (2014) Performance implications of the interplay between sales intra-functional flexibility, customer orientation and role ambiguity. In AMS World Marketing Congress, Peru.

Souchon, AL, Dewsnap, B, Efrat, K, Korobilis-Mages, E (2013) Marketing information use: Links to innovativeness and performance. In 2013 Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Auckland, pp.x-x.

Dewsnap, B, Farrell, AM, Micevski, M (2013) Measuring Social Identity in Interfunctional Research in Marketing. In EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, p.337.

Farrell, AM, Sood, A, Dewsnap, B (2013) Student Morningness-Eveningness Type and Performance: Does Class Timing Matter?. In EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, p.403.

Dewsnap, B, Micevski, M, Cadogan, JW (2012) Coordination Flexibility in Sales and Marketing: In-depth Insights into an Important New Concept. In AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, St Petersburg, Florida, pp.1-1.

Dewsnap, B, Farrell, AM, Boso, N (2011) Charismatic Leadership As A Driver of Marketing-Sales Collaboration. In Makovec Brencic, M (ed) EMAC 40th Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp.163-163.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2006) Testing a Model of Marketing-Sales Relations. In Academy of Marketing Conference, Middlesex University, London.

Dewsnap, B, Jobber, D, Ashill, N (2006) Sales-Marketing Intergroup Relations: Antecedents and Consequences. In 34th European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2005) The Social Psychology of Sales-Marketing Intergroup Relations: An Empirical Investigation. In 34th European Academy of Marketing Conference, Rejuvenating Marketing: Contamination, Innovation, Integration, Milan.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2005) The Sales and Marketing Interface: A Social Psychological Investigation. In 2005 Academy of Marketing Conference, Dublin.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2004) What Factors Affect Collaboration between Sales and Marketing Departments?. In Academy of Marketing Conference, Virtue in Marketing, Cheltenham,ISBN: 1 86174 148 0.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2004) The Antecedents of Sales-Marketing Collaboration: An Empirical Investigation. In 33rd European Marketing Academy Conference, Worldwide Marketing? Murcia,ISBN: 84-8371-464-7.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2002) Re-thinking Marketing Structures in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Sector: An Exploratory Study of UK Firms. In Proceedings of Academy of Marketing Conference, Nottingham, pp.170-239, ISBN: 0 86339 807 3.

Hart, CA and Dewsnap, B (2000) Understanding the Bra Consumer: Implications for Retailer Product Positioning. In Book of Abstracts from the 7th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference, Sintra, Portugal, p.70.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (1999) A Measure of Interdepartmental Integration for Marketing: An Exploratory Study. In Academy of Marketing Conference, Stirling, pp.2163-2170, ISBN: 1 85769 115 6.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (1998) The Sales-Marketing Interface: A Synthesis of Theoretical Perspectives and Conceptual Framework. In 27th EMAC Conference, European Marketing Academy Conference, Stockholm, pp.385-409, ISBN: 91-7258-482-3.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (1998) The Sales-Marketing Interface: Is it Working?. In The Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 1998, Sheffield, pp.170-177, ISBN: 0 86 339 807 3.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (1997) The Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations in FMCG Marketing: Towards a Conceptual Framework. In Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing, Manchester, pp.1287-1292, ISBN: 0 905304 15 2.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (1997) A Study of Intergroup Relations in FMCG Marketing. In Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing, Manchester, pp.49-54, ISBN: 0 905304 18 7.

CD Objects

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2006) Testing a Model of Marketing-Sales Relations,.

Dewsnap, B, Jobber, D, Ashill, N (2006) Sales-Marketing Intergroup Relations: Antecedents and Consequences,.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2005) The Social Psychology of Sales-Marketing Intergroup Relations: An Empirical Investigation,.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2005) The Sales and Marketing Interface: A Social Psychological Investigation,.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2005) The Sales and Marketing Interface: A Social Psychological Investigation,.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2004) What Factors Affect Collaboration between Sales and Marketing Departments?,, ISBN: 1 86174 148 0.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2004) The Antecedents of Sales-Marketing Collaboration: An Empirical Investigation,, ISBN: 84-8371-464-7.


Dewsnap, (2014) The Sales–Marketing Interface. In Cooper, C (ed) Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, 3rd Edition, Wiley, pp.1-1, DOI: 10.1002/9781118785317.

Dewsnap, B (1997) Trade Marketing. In Jobber, DE (ed) CIM Handbook of Selling and Sales Strategy, Butterworth Heinemann, pp.104-125, ISBN: 0 7506 3116 3.

School/Dept Working Papers

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (2004) What Factors Affect Collaboration Between Sales and Marketing Departments?.

Dewsnap, B and Jobber, D (1998) The Sales-Marketing Interface: A Social Psychological Model.

Getting in touch

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