Publications for Angelika Zimmermann
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Journal Articles
Hu, X,
Zimmermann, A, Marlow, S (2024)
Multilevel causal mechanisms in social entrepreneurship: the enabling role of social capital,
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, pp.1-23, ISSN: 0898-5626. DOI:
Zimmermann, A and Kenter, J (2023)
Framing the change and changing frames: Tensions in participative strategy development,
Politics & Policy, 51(1), pp.81-113, ISSN: 1555-5623. DOI:
Zimmermann, A, Albers, N, Kenter, JO (2021)
Deliberating our frames: How members of multi-stakeholder initiatives use shared frames to tackle within-frame conflicts over sustainability issues,
Journal of Business Ethics, 178(3), pp.757-782, ISSN: 0167-4544. DOI:
Zimmermann, A, Lioliu, E, Oliveira, J (2020)
How do offshoring-related changes in job characteristics affect onshore managers’ affective organizational commitment? The moderating role of perceived organizational valence,
Journal of Information Technology, 35(4), pp.316-336, ISSN: 0268-3962. DOI:
Caligiuri, P, De Cieri, H, Minbaeva, D, Verbeke, A,
Zimmermann, A (2020)
International HRM insights for navigating the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for future research and practice [Editorial],
Journal of International Business Studies, 51, pp.697-713, ISSN: 0047-2506. DOI:
Hu, X, Marlow, S,
Zimmermann, A, Martin, L, Frank, R (2019)
Understanding opportunities in social entrepreneurship: a critical realist abstraction,
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 44(5), pp.1032-1056, ISSN: 1042-2587. DOI:
Butler, CL, Minbaeva, D, Makela, K, Maloney, MM, Nardon, L, Paunova, M,
Zimmermann, A (2018)
Towards a strategic understanding of global teams and their HR implications: an expert dialogue,
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, ISSN: 1466-4399. DOI:
Zimmermann, A, Oshri, I, Lioliou, E, Gerbasi, A (2017)
Sourcing in or out: implications for social capital and knowledge sharing,
Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 27(1), pp.82-100, ISSN: 0963-8687. DOI:
Gerogiannis, I,
Zimmermann, A, Wilson, A (2017)
Services offshoring: A microfoundations perspective,
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 306, pp.1-18, ISSN: 1865-1348. DOI:
Zimmermann, A and Ravishankar, MN (2016)
A systems perspective on offshoring strategy and motivational drivers amongst onshore and offshore employees,
Journal of World Business, 51(4), pp.548-567, ISSN: 1090-9516. DOI:
Zimmermann, A and Bollbach, M (2015)
Institutional and cultural barriers to transferring Lean production to China: evidence from a German automotive components manufacturer,
Asian Business & Management, 14(1), pp.53-85, ISSN: 1472-4782. DOI:
Liouliu, E and
Zimmermann, A (2015)
Vendor opportunism in IT outsourcing: a TCE and social capital perspective,
Journal of Information Technology, ISSN: 0268-3962.
Lioliou, E,
Zimmermann, A, Willcocks, L, Gao, L (2014)
Formal and relational governance in IT outsourcing: Substitution, complementarity and the role of the psychological contract,
Information Systems Journal, 24(6), pp.503-535, ISSN: 1350-1917. DOI:
Zimmermann, A and Ravishankar, MN (2014)
Knowledge transfer in IT offshoring relationships: The roles of social capital, efficacy and outcome expectations,
Information Systems Journal, 24(2), pp.167-202, ISSN: 1350-1917. DOI:
Zimmermann, A and Middleton, C (2014)
Vicious and virtuous circles in offshoring relationships,
Professional Outsourcing Resource.
Hislop, D, Bosch-Sijtsema, D,
Zimmermann, A (2013)
Introduction for special themed section: Information and communication technologies and the work-life boundary,
New Technology, Work and Employment, 28(3), pp.177-178, ISSN: 0268-1072. DOI:
Zimmermann, A, Raab, K, Zanotelli, L (2013)
Vicious and virtuous circles of offshoring attitudes and relational behaviours. A configurational study of German IT developers,
INFORMATION SYSTEMS JOURNAL, 23(1), pp.65-88, ISSN: 1350-1917. DOI:
Zimmermann, A (2011)
Interpersonal relationships in transnational, virtual teams - towards a configurational perspective,
International Journal of Management Reviews, 13(1), pp.59-78, DOI:
Zimmermann, A and Ravishankar, MN (2011)
Collaborative IT offshoring relationships and professional role identities: Reflections from a field study,
Journal of Vocational Behavior, 78(3), pp.351-360.
Zimmermann, A, Liu, X, Buck, TW (2009)
Employee Tenure and the Nationality of Joint Ventures in China,
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(11), pp.2271-2291, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI:
Zimmermann, A and Sparrow, P (2007)
Mutual Adjustment Processes in International Teams: Lessons for the Study of Expatriation,
International Studies of Management & Organization, 37(3), pp.65-88, ISSN: 0020-8825.
Zimmermann, A, Holman, D, Sparrow, PR (2003)
Unravelling Adjustment Mechanisms: Adjustment of German Expatriates to Intercultural Interactions, Work, and Living Conditions in the People's Republic of China,
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 3(1), pp.45-66.
Sparrow, PR and
Zimmermann, A (2002) International Management Teams,
Managing Internationally Mobile Employees, 19, pp.1-16.
Gerogiannis, I,
Zimmermann, A, Wilson, A Offshoring of advanced services: a microfoundations perspective,
Journal of Business Research, ISSN: 0148-2963.
Zimmermann, A (2023) The way enthusiasm builds: Frame amplification and emotional reinforcement during citizen workshops. In
European Group of Organisation Studies, Cagliari, Italy.
Zhao, J, Barnard, S,
Zimmermann, A (2022) Factors Affecting China Women's Career under China's Family Planning Policy - A Literature Review. In
British Academy of Management Conference, Manchester.
Zimmermann, A and Kenter, J (2022) Framing the change and changing frames. In
EGOS Colloquium, Vienna.
Zimmermann, A (2020) Different views, shared frames: How members of multi-stakeholder initiatives use and deliberate shared frames to agree on sustainability actions. In
British Academy of Management conference, Manchester.
Zimmermann, A (2020) Deliberating our frames: How members of multi-stakeholder initiatives use and deliberate shared frames to reach sustainability solutions. In
Academy of Management Meeting, Vancouver.
Zimmermann, A (2020) How members of multi-stakeholder initiatives use and deliberate shared frames to reach sustainability solutions. In
EGOS Colloquium, Hamburg.
Zimmermann, A (2019)
Frame deliberation in stakeholder collaborations on sustainability. In
, Brighton.
Zimmermann, A (2019)
Conceptualising frame deliberation in participative stakeholder collaborations. In
, Birmingham.
Gerogiannis, I,
Zimmermann, A, Wilson, AD (2017)
Offshoring of advanced services: a microfoundations perspective. In
Global Sourcing Workshop, LaThuille, Italy.
Gerogiannis, I,
Zimmermann, A, Wilson, A (2017)
Examining the role of employee motivation in services offshoring strategy implementation: a conceptual framework. In
BAM 2017 Doctoral Symposium, Warwick, UK.
Zimmermann, A, Lioliou, E, Oliveira, J (2017)
Managerial work characteristics and organizational commitment after offshoring. The moderating effect of perceived organizational valence. In
Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta, USA. DOI:
Zimmermann, A, Lioliou, E, Oliveira, J (2016) Managerial work characteristics and organizational commitment after offshoring. The moderating effect of perceived organizational valence. In
Global Sourcing Workshop, LaThuille, Italy.
Gerogiannis, I,
Zimmermann, A, wilson, A (2016) Organisational change in advanced services offshoring strategy: a microfoundations and goal framing perspective. In
EIWOP Small Group Meeting, Thems.
Zimmermann, A, Oshri, I, Lioliou, E, Gerbasi, A (2015) Sourcing In or Out: Implications for Social Capital and Tacit Knowledge Sharing. In
Global Sourcing Workshop, LaThuille, Italy.
Zimmermann, A and Ravishankar, MN (2014)
Task allocation strategies and motivational processes in advanced services offshoring. In
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Philadelphia, PA.
Zimmermann, A and Ravishankar, MN (2014)
Task allocation strategies and motivational processes in advanced services offshoring. In
Global Sourcing Workshop, Val D'Isere.
Zimmermann, A (2012)
Offshoring Attitudes and Relational Behaviours in German-Indian Offshoring
Collaborations. Reflections from a Field Study. In
International Conference on Intercultural Collaboration, Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Intercultural Collaboration, Bangalore, pp.107-118.
Zimmermann, A and Ravishankar, MN (2012) The evolution of professional role identities in IT offshoring relationships. In
The Proceedings of the ProPEL International Conference, Stirling, UK.
Parthasarathy, R and
Zimmermann, A (2012) Talent Management Retention Strategy: Practices and the Mechanisms behind the Retention of Employees: Evidence from a Case study in a Multinational Organisation in India. In
10th Workshop on International Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management, Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Parthasarathy, R and
Zimmermann, A (2012)
Talent Management Practices and the Mechanisms behind the Retention of Employees : Evidence from a Case study in a Multinational Organisation in India. In , (ed)
1st Workshop on Talent Management, Brussels, Belgium.
Zimmermann, A and Ravishankar, MN (2012)
Knowledge transfer in offshoring arrangements: the roles of social capital, efficacy and outcome expectations. In
Zimmermann, A (2011)
Offshoring attitudes and their consequences for relationships in transnational teams. Reflections from a field study of German information technology developers. In
Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, . DOI:
Zimmermann, A (2011)
Offshoring attitudes, relational behaviours, and departmental culture. In
Proceedings of European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Helsinki, ISBN: 978-952-60-3574-1.
Zimmermann, A (2010)
Interpersonal relationships in transnational, virtual teams - towards a configurational perspective. In
Proceedings of 37th Annual Conference of The Academy of International Business (UKI), Trinity College Dublin, p.43.
Zimmermann, A, Liu, X, Buck, T (2008)
Employee tenure in China: Comparing foreign joint ventures. In
Academy of International Business conference, CD Rom, Milano.
Zimmermann, A, Liu, X, Buck, T (2008) Employee tenure in China: Comparing foreign joint ventures. In
Proceedings of 35th Academy of International Business (UKI) Conference, Portsmouth, UK, CD Rom.
Zimmermann, A (2008) Mutual Adjustment in International Teams, VDM, ISBN: 978-3-8364-6355-3.
Zimmermann, A (2024)
Global virtual teams. In Asmussen, CG, Hashai, N, Minbaeva, D (ed)
Encyclopedia of International Strategic Management, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.157-160, ISBN: 9781800884038. DOI:
Caligiuri, P, De Cieri, H, Minbaeva, D, Verbeke, A,
Zimmermann, A (2022)
International HRM insights for navigating the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for future research and practice. In
Crises and Disruptions in International Business: How Multinational Enterprises
Respond to Crises, Palgrave MacMillan, pp.417-454, ISBN: 978-3-030-80382-7. DOI:
Oshri, I, Lioliou, E, Gerbasi, A,
Zimmermann, A (2019) Organizational Controls, Social Ties and Performance in Plural Sourcing. In Kotlarski, J, Oshri, I, Willcocks, L (ed)
Digital Services and Platforms. Considerations for Sourcing
12th Global Sourcing Workshop 2018, La Thuile, Italy, February 21–24, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, SpringerLink, pp.164-185.
Zimmermann, A (2018)
Managing virtual talent. In
Global Talent Management, Routledge, pp.210-228, ISBN: 9781138712454.
Oshri, I, Kotlarsky, J,
Zimmermann, A, Vaia, G (2018)
What Client Firms Want and Are Willing
to Do to Achieve Innovation from Their
Suppliers: Insights from the Nordic,
Italian, and British Outsourcing Sectors. In Willcocks, L, Kotlarsky, J, Oshri, I (ed)
Dynamic Innovation
in Outsourcing, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.95-131, DOI:
Zimmermann, A (2011)
Interpersonal relationships in transnational, virtual teams. In Hutson, E, Sinkovics, R, R, Beril, Eds, J (ed)
Firm-level internationalization, regionalism and globalization, Palgrave, pp.201-216, ISBN: 978 0230289970.
Zimmermann, A, Liu, X, Buck, TW (2009) The Challenge of Managing Employee Tenure in China. In Ibeh, K and Davies, SE (ed)
Contemporary Challenges to International Business, Palgrave, pp.13-31, ISBN: 9780230218451.
Mayrhofer, W, Sparrow, PR,
Zimmermann, A (2008)
Modern Forms of International Working. In Dickmann, M, Brewster, C, Sparrow, eds, PR (ed)
International Human Resource Management: A European Perspective, Routledge, pp.219-239, ISBN: 978-0-415-42393-9.
Zimmermann, A, Albers, N, Kenter, JO (2021)
Supplementary Information files for Deliberating our frames: How members of multi-stakeholder initiatives use shared frames to tackle within-frame conflicts over sustainability issues, DOI:
Zimmermann, A, Lioliu, E, Oliveira, J (2020)
Supplementary information files for How do offshoring-related changes in job characteristics affect onshore managers’ affective organizational commitment? The moderating role of perceived organizational valence, DOI:
Oshri, I,
Zimmermann, A, Lioliou, E (2015)
Develop your hybrid sourcing strategy, Develop your hybrid sourcing strategy.
Zimmermann, A and Middleton, C (2013)
Offshoring attitudes. Location special. Part 2, Managing staff attitudes, Offshoring work makes a lot of employees angry, but others see only opportunity.
Why do these extremes exist? And how can managers better understand employees’