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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Zeynep Aycan

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Journal Articles

Andrighetto, G, Szekely, A, Guido, A, Gelfand, M, Abernathy, J, Arikan, G, Aycan, Z, Bankar, S, Barrera, D, Basnight-Brown, D, Belaus, A, Berezina, E, Blumen, S, Boski, P, Bui, HTT, Cárdenas, JC, Čekrlija, Đ, de Barra, M, de Zoysa, P, Dorrough, A, Engelmann, JB, Euh, H, Fiedler, S, Foster-Gimbel, O, Freitas, G, Fülöp, M, Gardarsdottir, RB, Gill, CMHD, Glöckner, A, Graf, S, Grigoryan, A, Growiec, K, Hashimoto, H, Hopthrow, T, Hřebíčková, M, Imada, H, Kamijo, Y, Kapoor, H, Kashima, Y, Khachatryan, N, Kharchenko, N, León, D, Leslie, LM, Li, Y, Liik, K, Liuzza, MT, Maitner, AT, Mamidi, P, McArdle, M, Medhioub, I, Teixeira, MLM, Mentser, S, Morales, F, Narayanan, J, Nitta, K, Nussinson, R, Onyedire, NG, Onyishi, IE, Osin, E, Özden, S, Panagiotopoulou, P, Pereverziev, O, Perez-Floriano, LR, Pirttilä-Backman, AM, Pogosyan, M, Raver, J, Reyna, C, Rodrigues, RB, Romanò, S, Romero, PP, Sakki, I, Sánchez, A, Sherbaji, S, Simpson, B, Spadoni, L, Stamkou, E, Travaglino, GA, Van Lange, PAM, Winata, FF, Zein, RA, Zhang, QP, Eriksson, K (2024) Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countries, Nature Communications, 15(1), DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-44999-5.

Aycan, Z, Özbilgin, M, Moraligil, B, Epitropaki, O (2024) Reluctance to lead: Conceptualization and contextualization, European Management Journal, ISSN: 0263-2373. DOI: 10.1016/j.emj.2024.02.005.

Moraligil, B, Aycan, Z, Özbilgin, M, Erbil, C (2024) Don't judge a leader by their reluctance, Human Resource Management Journal, ISSN: 0954-5395. DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12574.

Knappert, L, Peretz, H, Aycan, Z, Budhwar, P (2023) Staffing effectiveness across countries: An institutional perspective, Human Resource Management Journal, 33(1), pp.17-46, ISSN: 0954-5395. DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12411.

Shelia, S and Aycan, Z (2022) “Do you feel like becoming a leader?” Emotions and the likelihood of self-nomination for leadership, The Leadership Quarterly, 34(2), 101643, ISSN: 1048-9843. DOI: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2022.101643.

Auvinen, E, Aycan, Z, Tsupari, H, Herttalampi, M, Feldt, T (2022) “No Worries, there is No Error-Free Leadership!”: Error Strain, Worries about Leadership, and Leadership Career Intentions among Non-Leaders, Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 7(1), 6, DOI: 10.16993/sjwop.166.

Aycan, Z and Shelia, S (2019) “Leadership? No, Thanks!” A New Construct: Worries About Leadership, European Management Review, 16(1), pp.21-35, ISSN: 1740-4754. DOI: 10.1111/emre.12322.

Adler, NJ and Aycan, Z (2018) Cross-Cultural Interaction: What We Know and What We Need to Know, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 5(1), pp.307-333, ISSN: 2327-0608. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-032117-104528.

Aycan, Z and Cemalcilar, Z (2018) Cigdem Kagitcibasi (1940–2017), American Psychologist, 73(1), pp.98-98, ISSN: 0003-066X. DOI: 10.1037/amp0000164.

Gelfand, MJ, Aycan, Z, Erez, M, Leung, K (2017) Cross-cultural industrial organizational psychology and organizational behavior: A hundred-year journey, Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), pp.514-529, ISSN: 0021-9010. DOI: 10.1037/apl0000186.

Dietz, J, Fitzsimmons, SR, Aycan, Z, Francesco, AM, Jonsen, K, Osland, J, Sackmann, SA, Lee, H-J, Boyacigiller, NA (2017) Cross-cultural management education rebooted, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 24(1), pp.125-151, ISSN: 2059-5794. DOI: 10.1108/ccsm-01-2016-0010.

Durante, F, Fiske, ST, Gelfand, MJ, Crippa, F, Suttora, C, Stillwell, A, Asbrock, F, Aycan, Z, Bye, HH, Carlsson, R, Björklund, F, Dagher, M, Geller, A, Larsen, CA, Latif, A-HA, Mähönen, TA, Jasinskaja-Lahti, I, Teymoori, A (2017) Ambivalent stereotypes link to peace, conflict, and inequality across 38 nations, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(4), pp.669-674, ISSN: 0027-8424. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1611874114.

Varma, A, Aycan, Z, Budhwar, P, Pichler, S, Uygur, U, Paluch, R (2016) Host country nationals' support to expatriates: an investigation in Turkey, European J. of International Management, 10(6), pp.605-605, ISSN: 1751-6757. DOI: 10.1504/ejim.2016.079512.

Paluch, R, Uygur, U, Budhwar, P, Pichler, S, Varma, A, Aycan, Z (2016) Host country nationals' support to expatriates: an investigation in Turkey, European J. of International Management, 10(6), pp.605-605, ISSN: 1751-6757. DOI: 10.1504/ejim.2016.10000296.

Thomas, DC, Liao, Y, Aycan, Z, Cerdin, J-L, Pekerti, AA, Ravlin, EC, Stahl, GK, Lazarova, MB, Fock, H, Arli, D, Moeller, M, Okimoto, TG, van de Vijver, F (2015) Cultural intelligence: A theory-based, short form measure, Journal of International Business Studies, 46(9), pp.1099-1118, ISSN: 0047-2506. DOI: 10.1057/jibs.2014.67.

Aycan, Z (2014) “Houston, We Do Have a Problem!”: Why Should Industrial–Organizational Psychologists Be Pulled by Psychology Departments?, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 7(3), pp.333-336, ISSN: 1754-9426. DOI: 10.1111/iops.12158.

Aycan, Z, Schyns, B, Sun, J-M, Felfe, J, Saher, N (2013) Convergence and divergence of paternalistic leadership: A cross-cultural investigation of prototypes, Journal of International Business Studies, 44(9), pp.962-969, ISSN: 0047-2506. DOI: 10.1057/jibs.2013.48.

Arman, G and Aycan, Z (2013) Host country nationals' attitudes toward expatriates: development of a measure, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(15), pp.2927-2947, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2013.763839.

Ertureten, A, Cemalcilar, Z, Aycan, Z (2013) The Relationship of Downward Mobbing with Leadership Style and Organizational Attitudes, Journal of Business Ethics, 116(1), pp.205-216, ISSN: 0167-4544. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-012-1468-2.

Aycan, Z, Bayazit, M, Berkman, Y, Boratav, HB (2012) Attitudes towards women managers: Development and validation of a new measure with Turkish samples, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21(3), pp.426-455, ISSN: 1359-432X. DOI: 10.1080/1359432x.2011.557860.

Gelfand, M, Shteynberg, G, Lee, T, Lun, J, Lyons, S, Bell, C, Chiao, JY, Bruss, CB, Al Dabbagh, M, Aycan, Z, Abdel-Latif, A-H, Dagher, M, Khashan, H, Soomro, N (2012) The cultural contagion of conflict, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 367(1589), pp.692-703, ISSN: 0962-8436. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2011.0304.

Thomas, DC, Stahl, G, Ravlin, EC, Poelmans, S, Pekerti, A, Maznevski, M, Lazarova, MB, Elron, E, Ekelund, BZ, Cerdin, J-L, Brislin, R, Aycan, Z, Au, K (2012) Development of the Cultural Intelligence Assessment, pp.155-178, ISSN: 1535-1203. DOI: 10.1108/s1535-1203(2012)0000007011.

Keleş, S and Aycan, Z (2011) The relationship of managerial values and assumptions with performance management in Turkey: understanding within culture variability, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(15), pp.3080-3096, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2011.599952.

Gelfand, MJ, Raver, JL, Nishii, L, Leslie, LM, Lun, J, Lim, BC, Duan, L, Almaliach, A, Ang, S, Arnadottir, J, Aycan, Z, Boehnke, K, Boski, P, Cabecinhas, R, Chan, D, Chhokar, J, D’Amato, A, Subirats Ferrer, M, Fischlmayr, IC, Fischer, R, Fülöp, M, Georgas, J, Kashima, ES, Kashima, Y, Kim, K, Lempereur, A, Marquez, P, Othman, R, Overlaet, B, Panagiotopoulou, P, Peltzer, K, Perez-Florizno, LR, Ponomarenko, L, Realo, A, Schei, V, Schmitt, M, Smith, PB, Soomro, N, Szabo, E, Taveesin, N, Toyama, M, Van de Vliert, E, Vohra, N, Ward, C, Yamaguchi, S (2011) Differences Between Tight and Loose Cultures: A 33-Nation Study, Science, 332(6033), pp.1100-1104, ISSN: 0036-8075. DOI: 10.1126/science.1197754.

Tung, RL and Aycan, Z (2008) Key success factors and indigenous management practices in SMEs in emerging economies, Journal of World Business, 43(4), pp.381-384, ISSN: 1090-9516. DOI: 10.1016/j.jwb.2008.04.001.

Yildirim, D and Aycan, Z (2008) Nurses’ work demands and work–family conflict: A questionnaire survey, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 45(9), pp.1366-1378, ISSN: 0020-7489. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2007.10.010.

Thomas, DC, Elron, E, Stahl, G, Ekelund, BZ, Ravlin, EC, Cerdin, J-L, Poelmans, S, Brislin, R, Pekerti, A, Aycan, Z, Maznevski, M, Au, K, Lazarova, MB (2008) Cultural Intelligence, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 8(2), pp.123-143, ISSN: 1470-5958. DOI: 10.1177/1470595808091787.

Aycan, Z and Kirmanoglu, H (2007) Managerial subcultures in Turkey: how does membership in business associations impact managerial values and assumptions?, European J. of International Management, 1(1/2), pp.111-111, ISSN: 1751-6757. DOI: 10.1504/ejim.2007.012920.

Gelfand, MJ, Erez, M, Aycan, Z (2007) Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior, Annual Review of Psychology, 58(1), pp.479-514, ISSN: 0066-4308. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.psych.58.110405.085559.

Aycan, Z, Al-Hamadi, AB, Davis, A, Budhwar, P (2007) Cultural orientations and preferences for HRM policies and practices: the case of Oman, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(1), pp.11-32, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI: 10.1080/09585190601068243.

Metcalf, LE, Bird, A, Shankarmahesh, M, Aycan, Z, Larimo, J, Valdelamar, DD (2006) Cultural tendencies in negotiation: A comparison of Finland, India, Mexico, Turkey, and the United States, Journal of World Business, 41(4), pp.382-394, ISSN: 1090-9516. DOI: 10.1016/j.jwb.2006.08.004.

Aycan, Z and Kabasakal, H (2006) Social Contract and Perceived Justice of Workplace Practices to Cope With Financial Crisis, Group & Organization Management, 31(4), pp.469-502, ISSN: 1059-6011. DOI: 10.1177/1059601104273063.

Jackson, T and Aycan, Z (2006) Editorial: From Cultural Values to Cross Cultural Interfaces, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 6(1), pp.5-13, ISSN: 1470-5958. DOI: 10.1177/1470595806062348.

Mohr, G, Müller, A, Rigotti, T, Aycan, Z, Tschan, F (2006) The Assessment of Psychological Strain in Work Contexts, European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 22(3), pp.198-206, ISSN: 1015-5759. DOI: 10.1027/1015-5759.22.3.198.

Aycan, Z and Eskin, M (2005) Relative Contributions of Childcare, Spousal Support, and Organizational Support in Reducing Work–Family Conflict for Men and Women: The Case of Turkey, Sex Roles, 53(7-8), pp.453-471, ISSN: 0360-0025. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-005-7134-8.

Aycan, Z (2005) The interplay between cultural and institutional/structural contingencies in human resource management practices, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(7), pp.1083-1119, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI: 10.1080/09585190500143956.

Aycan, Z (2004) Key Success Factors for Women in Management in Turkey, Applied Psychology, 53(3), pp.453-477, ISSN: 0269-994X. DOI: 10.1111/j.1464-0597.2004.00180.x.

Aycan, Z and Fikret-Pasa, S (2003) Career Choices, Job Selection Criteria, and Leadership Preferences in a Transitional Nation: The Case of Turkey, Journal of Career Development, 30(2), pp.129-144, ISSN: 0894-8453. DOI: 10.1177/089484530303000203.

Sagie, A and Aycan, Z (2003) A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Participative Decision-Making in Organizations, Human Relations, 56(4), pp.453-473, ISSN: 0018-7267. DOI: 10.1177/0018726703056004003.

Aycan, Z and Fikret‐Pasa, S (2003) Array, Journal of Career Development, 30(2), pp.129-144, ISSN: 0894-8453. DOI: 10.1023/a:1026112127918.

Aycan, Z (2002) Leadership and Teamwork in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities, Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 7(2), DOI: 10.9707/2307-0919.1066.

Aycan, Z (2001) Human resource management in Turkey ‐ Current issues and future challenges, International Journal of Manpower, 22(3), pp.252-260, ISSN: 0143-7720. DOI: 10.1108/01437720110398347.

Jackson, T and Aycan, Z (2001) International Journal of Cross Cultural Management—Towards the Future, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 1(1), pp.5-9, ISSN: 1470-5958. DOI: 10.1177/147059580111001.

Aycan, Z (2000) Cross-Cultural Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 31(1), pp.110-128, ISSN: 0022-0221. DOI: 10.1177/0022022100031001009.

Aycan, Z, Kanungo, R, Mendonca, M, Yu, K, Deller, J, Stahl, G, Kurshid, A (2000) Impact of Culture on Human Resource Management Practices: A 10‐Country Comparison, Applied Psychology, 49(1), pp.192-221, ISSN: 0269-994X. DOI: 10.1111/1464-0597.00010.

Aycan, Z, Kanungo, RN, Sinha, JBP (1999) Organizational Culture and Human Resource Management Practices, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 30(4), pp.501-526, ISSN: 0022-0221. DOI: 10.1177/0022022199030004006.

Mendonca, M, Kanungo, RN, Aycan, Z (1999) Culture: The Forgotten Factor in Human Resource Management, Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, 3(2), pp.1-7, ISSN: 0972-2629. DOI: 10.1177/097226299900300202.

Aycan, Z (1998) Book Reviews, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 29(6), pp.763-766, ISSN: 0022-0221. DOI: 10.1177/0022022198296007.

Aycan, Z and Kanungo, RN (1998) Impact of acculturation on socialization beliefs and behavioral occurrences among Indo-Canadian immigrants, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 29(3), pp.451-467, ISSN: 0047-2328. DOI: 10.3138/jcfs.29.3.451.

Aycan, Z (1997) Expatriate adjustment as a multifaceted phenomenon: Individual and organizational level predictors, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 8(4), pp.434-456, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI: 10.1080/095851997341540.

Mathur, P, Aycan, Z, Kanungo, RN (1996) Work Cultures in Indian Organisations: A Comparison Between Public and Private Sector*, Psychology and Developing Societies, 8(2), pp.199-222, ISSN: 0971-3336. DOI: 10.1177/097133369600800202.

Aycan, Z and Berry, JW (1996) Impact of employment-related experiences on immigrants' psychological well-being and adaptation to Canada, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 28(3), pp.240-251, ISSN: 0008-400X. DOI: 10.1037/0008-400x.28.3.240.

Aycan, Z (Accepted for publication) Work-Family Issues in Global Context, pp.267-471, DOI: 10.4324/9781315732084-15.

Aycan, Z (Accepted for publication) Examining the Impact of Culture on the Work-Family Interface, pp.1-99, DOI: 10.4324/9781315732084-1.

Aycan, Z (Accepted for publication) The Work-Family Interface in Different Countries in the World, pp.101-265, DOI: 10.4324/9781315732084-5.


Korabik, K, Aycan, Z, Ayman, R (ed) (2017) The Work-Family Interface in Global Context, Routledge, DOI: 10.4324/9781315732084.


Aycan, Z and Moraligil, B (2024) Reluctance to lead. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Management, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.219-223, ISBN: 9781803928173. DOI: 10.4337/9781803928180.ch56.

Aycan, Z and Demirag Burak, EG (2024) Culture and appraisal and the management of performance. In Gelfand, MJ and Erez, M (ed) The Oxford Handbook of Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior, Oxford University Press, pp.245-269, ISBN: 9780190085384.

Adler, NJ and Aycan, Z (2021) Cross-cultural Interaction: What We Know and What We Need to Know*. In Intercultural Management in Practice: Learning to Lead Diverse Global Organizations, pp.1-26, DOI: 10.1108/978-1-83982-826-320211002.

Aycan, Z (2017) Introducing Project 3535. In The Work-Family Interface in Global Context, Routledge, pp.3-17, DOI: 10.4324/9781315732084-2.

Aycan, Z and Korabik, K (2017) An Integrative Model of Work-Family Conflict. In The Work-Family Interface in Global Context, Routledge, pp.269-289, DOI: 10.4324/9781315732084-16.

Erarslan-Baskurt, AB and Aycan, Z (2017) The Work-Family Interface in Turkey. In The Work-Family Interface in Global Context, Routledge, pp.175-194, DOI: 10.4324/9781315732084-10.

Aycan, Z and Korabik, K (2017) An integrative model of work-family conflict: Pan-cultural effects and cross-cultural differences. In The Work-Family Interface in Global Context, pp.269-289, DOI: 10.4324/9781315732084.

Erarslan-Baskurt, AB and Aycan, Z (2017) The work-family interface in Turkey. In The Work-Family Interface in Global Context, pp.175-194, DOI: 10.4324/9781315732084.

Aycan, Z (2017) Introducing project 3535: Lessons learned from a multicultural collaborative research project on the work-family interface. In The Work-Family Interface in Global Context, pp.3-17, DOI: 10.4324/9781315732084.

Kabasakal, H, Karakaş, F, Maden, C, Aycan, Z (2016) Women in management in Turkey. In Women in Management Worldwide: Signs of Progress, pp.227-246.

Rajadhyaksha, U, Korabik, K, Aycan, Z (2015) Gender, gender-role ideology, and the work-family interface: A cross-cultural analysis. In Gender and the Work-Family Experience: An Intersection of Two Domains, pp.99-117, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-08891-4_6.

Aycan, Z and Gelfand, MJ (2012) Cross-Cultural Organizational Psychology. In The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Psychology, Volume 2, Oxford University Press, pp.1103-1160, ISBN: 0199928282. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199928286.013.0033.

Jonsen, K, Aycan, Z, Berdrow, I, Boyacigiller, NA, Yoko Brannen, M, Davison, SC, Dietz, J, Gluesing, J, Kwantes, CT, Lazarova, M, Madzar, S, Maloney, MM, Maznevski, M, McDonough, EF, Taylor, S, Thomas, DC, Weber, TJ (2010) Scientific mindfulness: A foundation for future themes in international business. In Advances in International Management, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.43-69, ISBN: 9780857240859. DOI: 10.1108/s1571-5027(2010)00000230010.

Aycan, Z (2009) Career development of professional women in Turkey. In Perspectives on Human Development, Family, and Culture, Cambridge University Press, pp.284-298, DOI: 10.1017/cbo9780511720437.020.

Aycan, Z (2008) Cross-Cultural Approaches to Leadership. In The Handbook of Cross-Cultural Management Research, SAGE Publications, Inc, pp.219-238, DOI: 10.4135/9781412982764.n13.

Aycan, Z (2008) Cross-Cultural Approaches to Work-Family Conflict. In Handbook of Work-Family Integration, Elsevier, pp.353-370, ISBN: 9780123725745. DOI: 10.1016/b978-012372574-5.50022-3.

Aycan, Z (2004) Industrial/Organizational Psychology across Cultures. In Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, Elsevier, pp.271-283, ISBN: 9780126574104. DOI: 10.1016/b0-12-657410-3/00690-5.

Aycan, Z (Accepted for publication) Paternalism. In International and Cultural Psychology, Springer US, pp.445-466, ISBN: 9780387286617. DOI: 10.1007/0-387-28662-4_20.


Korczynski, M (2005) Human Resource Management Journal.

Aycan, Z Paternalistic Leadership, Abstract Paternalistic leadership (PL), commonly practiced in collectivistic and high power distant cultures, refers to the hierarchical superior–subordinate relationship where the leader provides care, nurturance, and guidance to employees in their professional and personal lives in a parental manner, and, in exchange, expects loyalty and deference from the employees (Aycan, 2006). Depending on the cultural context PL may be perceived as oppressive and exploitative versus caring and empowering. Cultural and organizational contingencies may also determine the extent to which PL is associated with positive or negative organizational outcomes.. DOI: 10.1002/9781118785317.weom060156.

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