Journal Articles
Andrighetto, G, Szekely, A, Guido, A, Gelfand, M, Abernathy, J, Arikan, G,
Aycan, Z, Bankar, S, Barrera, D, Basnight-Brown, D, Belaus, A, Berezina, E, Blumen, S, Boski, P, Bui, HTT, Cárdenas, JC, Čekrlija, Đ, de Barra, M, de Zoysa, P, Dorrough, A, Engelmann, JB, Euh, H, Fiedler, S, Foster-Gimbel, O, Freitas, G, Fülöp, M, Gardarsdottir, RB, Gill, CMHD, Glöckner, A, Graf, S, Grigoryan, A, Growiec, K, Hashimoto, H, Hopthrow, T, Hřebíčková, M, Imada, H, Kamijo, Y, Kapoor, H, Kashima, Y, Khachatryan, N, Kharchenko, N, León, D, Leslie, LM, Li, Y, Liik, K, Liuzza, MT, Maitner, AT, Mamidi, P, McArdle, M, Medhioub, I, Teixeira, MLM, Mentser, S, Morales, F, Narayanan, J, Nitta, K, Nussinson, R, Onyedire, NG, Onyishi, IE, Osin, E, Özden, S, Panagiotopoulou, P, Pereverziev, O, Perez-Floriano, LR, Pirttilä-Backman, AM, Pogosyan, M, Raver, J, Reyna, C, Rodrigues, RB, Romanò, S, Romero, PP, Sakki, I, Sánchez, A, Sherbaji, S, Simpson, B, Spadoni, L, Stamkou, E, Travaglino, GA, Van Lange, PAM, Winata, FF, Zein, RA, Zhang, QP, Eriksson, K (2024)
Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countries,
Nature Communications, 15(1), DOI:
Aycan, Z, Özbilgin, M, Moraligil, B, Epitropaki, O (2024)
Reluctance to lead: Conceptualization and contextualization,
European Management Journal, ISSN: 0263-2373. DOI:
Moraligil, B,
Aycan, Z, Özbilgin, M, Erbil, C (2024)
Don't judge a leader by their reluctance,
Human Resource Management Journal, ISSN: 0954-5395. DOI:
Knappert, L, Peretz, H,
Aycan, Z, Budhwar, P (2023)
Staffing effectiveness across countries: An institutional perspective,
Human Resource Management Journal, 33(1), pp.17-46, ISSN: 0954-5395. DOI:
Shelia, S and
Aycan, Z (2022)
“Do you feel like becoming a leader?” Emotions and the likelihood of self-nomination for leadership,
The Leadership Quarterly, 34(2), 101643, ISSN: 1048-9843. DOI:
Auvinen, E,
Aycan, Z, Tsupari, H, Herttalampi, M, Feldt, T (2022)
“No Worries, there is No Error-Free Leadership!”: Error Strain, Worries about Leadership, and Leadership Career Intentions among Non-Leaders,
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 7(1), 6, DOI:
Aycan, Z and Shelia, S (2019)
“Leadership? No, Thanks!” A New Construct: Worries About Leadership,
European Management Review, 16(1), pp.21-35, ISSN: 1740-4754. DOI:
Adler, NJ and
Aycan, Z (2018)
Cross-Cultural Interaction: What We Know and What We Need to Know,
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 5(1), pp.307-333, ISSN: 2327-0608. DOI:
Aycan, Z and Cemalcilar, Z (2018)
Cigdem Kagitcibasi (1940–2017),
American Psychologist, 73(1), pp.98-98, ISSN: 0003-066X. DOI:
Gelfand, MJ,
Aycan, Z, Erez, M, Leung, K (2017)
Cross-cultural industrial organizational psychology and organizational behavior: A hundred-year journey,
Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), pp.514-529, ISSN: 0021-9010. DOI:
Dietz, J, Fitzsimmons, SR,
Aycan, Z, Francesco, AM, Jonsen, K, Osland, J, Sackmann, SA, Lee, H-J, Boyacigiller, NA (2017)
Cross-cultural management education rebooted,
Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 24(1), pp.125-151, ISSN: 2059-5794. DOI:
Durante, F, Fiske, ST, Gelfand, MJ, Crippa, F, Suttora, C, Stillwell, A, Asbrock, F,
Aycan, Z, Bye, HH, Carlsson, R, Björklund, F, Dagher, M, Geller, A, Larsen, CA, Latif, A-HA, Mähönen, TA, Jasinskaja-Lahti, I, Teymoori, A (2017)
Ambivalent stereotypes link to peace, conflict, and inequality across 38 nations,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(4), pp.669-674, ISSN: 0027-8424. DOI:
Varma, A,
Aycan, Z, Budhwar, P, Pichler, S, Uygur, U, Paluch, R (2016)
Host country nationals' support to expatriates: an investigation in Turkey,
European J. of International Management, 10(6), pp.605-605, ISSN: 1751-6757. DOI:
Paluch, R, Uygur, U, Budhwar, P, Pichler, S, Varma, A,
Aycan, Z (2016)
Host country nationals' support to expatriates: an investigation in Turkey,
European J. of International Management, 10(6), pp.605-605, ISSN: 1751-6757. DOI:
Thomas, DC, Liao, Y,
Aycan, Z, Cerdin, J-L, Pekerti, AA, Ravlin, EC, Stahl, GK, Lazarova, MB, Fock, H, Arli, D, Moeller, M, Okimoto, TG, van de Vijver, F (2015)
Cultural intelligence: A theory-based, short form measure,
Journal of International Business Studies, 46(9), pp.1099-1118, ISSN: 0047-2506. DOI:
Aycan, Z (2014)
“Houston, We Do Have a Problem!”: Why Should Industrial–Organizational Psychologists Be Pulled by Psychology Departments?,
Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 7(3), pp.333-336, ISSN: 1754-9426. DOI:
Aycan, Z, Schyns, B, Sun, J-M, Felfe, J, Saher, N (2013)
Convergence and divergence of paternalistic leadership: A cross-cultural investigation of prototypes,
Journal of International Business Studies, 44(9), pp.962-969, ISSN: 0047-2506. DOI:
Arman, G and
Aycan, Z (2013)
Host country nationals' attitudes toward expatriates: development of a measure†,
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(15), pp.2927-2947, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI:
Ertureten, A, Cemalcilar, Z,
Aycan, Z (2013)
The Relationship of Downward Mobbing with Leadership Style and Organizational Attitudes,
Journal of Business Ethics, 116(1), pp.205-216, ISSN: 0167-4544. DOI:
Aycan, Z, Bayazit, M, Berkman, Y, Boratav, HB (2012)
Attitudes towards women managers: Development and validation of a new measure with Turkish samples,
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21(3), pp.426-455, ISSN: 1359-432X. DOI:
Gelfand, M, Shteynberg, G, Lee, T, Lun, J, Lyons, S, Bell, C, Chiao, JY, Bruss, CB, Al Dabbagh, M,
Aycan, Z, Abdel-Latif, A-H, Dagher, M, Khashan, H, Soomro, N (2012)
The cultural contagion of conflict,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 367(1589), pp.692-703, ISSN: 0962-8436. DOI:
Thomas, DC, Stahl, G, Ravlin, EC, Poelmans, S, Pekerti, A, Maznevski, M, Lazarova, MB, Elron, E, Ekelund, BZ, Cerdin, J-L, Brislin, R,
Aycan, Z, Au, K (2012)
Development of the Cultural Intelligence Assessment, pp.155-178, ISSN: 1535-1203. DOI:
Keleş, S and
Aycan, Z (2011)
The relationship of managerial values and assumptions with performance management in Turkey: understanding within culture variability,
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(15), pp.3080-3096, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI:
Gelfand, MJ, Raver, JL, Nishii, L, Leslie, LM, Lun, J, Lim, BC, Duan, L, Almaliach, A, Ang, S, Arnadottir, J,
Aycan, Z, Boehnke, K, Boski, P, Cabecinhas, R, Chan, D, Chhokar, J, D’Amato, A, Subirats Ferrer, M, Fischlmayr, IC, Fischer, R, Fülöp, M, Georgas, J, Kashima, ES, Kashima, Y, Kim, K, Lempereur, A, Marquez, P, Othman, R, Overlaet, B, Panagiotopoulou, P, Peltzer, K, Perez-Florizno, LR, Ponomarenko, L, Realo, A, Schei, V, Schmitt, M, Smith, PB, Soomro, N, Szabo, E, Taveesin, N, Toyama, M, Van de Vliert, E, Vohra, N, Ward, C, Yamaguchi, S (2011)
Differences Between Tight and Loose Cultures: A 33-Nation Study,
Science, 332(6033), pp.1100-1104, ISSN: 0036-8075. DOI:
Tung, RL and
Aycan, Z (2008)
Key success factors and indigenous management practices in SMEs in emerging economies,
Journal of World Business, 43(4), pp.381-384, ISSN: 1090-9516. DOI:
Yildirim, D and
Aycan, Z (2008)
Nurses’ work demands and work–family conflict: A questionnaire survey,
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 45(9), pp.1366-1378, ISSN: 0020-7489. DOI:
Thomas, DC, Elron, E, Stahl, G, Ekelund, BZ, Ravlin, EC, Cerdin, J-L, Poelmans, S, Brislin, R, Pekerti, A,
Aycan, Z, Maznevski, M, Au, K, Lazarova, MB (2008)
Cultural Intelligence,
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 8(2), pp.123-143, ISSN: 1470-5958. DOI:
Aycan, Z and Kirmanoglu, H (2007)
Managerial subcultures in Turkey: how does membership in business associations impact managerial values and assumptions?,
European J. of International Management, 1(1/2), pp.111-111, ISSN: 1751-6757. DOI:
Gelfand, MJ, Erez, M,
Aycan, Z (2007)
Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior,
Annual Review of Psychology, 58(1), pp.479-514, ISSN: 0066-4308. DOI:
Aycan, Z, Al-Hamadi, AB, Davis, A, Budhwar, P (2007)
Cultural orientations and preferences for HRM policies and practices: the case of Oman,
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(1), pp.11-32, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI:
Metcalf, LE, Bird, A, Shankarmahesh, M,
Aycan, Z, Larimo, J, Valdelamar, DD (2006)
Cultural tendencies in negotiation: A comparison of Finland, India, Mexico, Turkey, and the United States,
Journal of World Business, 41(4), pp.382-394, ISSN: 1090-9516. DOI:
Aycan, Z and Kabasakal, H (2006)
Social Contract and Perceived Justice of Workplace Practices to Cope With Financial Crisis,
Group & Organization Management, 31(4), pp.469-502, ISSN: 1059-6011. DOI:
Jackson, T and
Aycan, Z (2006)
Editorial: From Cultural Values to Cross Cultural Interfaces,
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 6(1), pp.5-13, ISSN: 1470-5958. DOI:
Mohr, G, Müller, A, Rigotti, T,
Aycan, Z, Tschan, F (2006)
The Assessment of Psychological Strain in Work Contexts,
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 22(3), pp.198-206, ISSN: 1015-5759. DOI:
Aycan, Z and Eskin, M (2005)
Relative Contributions of Childcare, Spousal Support, and Organizational Support in Reducing Work–Family Conflict for Men and Women: The Case of Turkey,
Sex Roles, 53(7-8), pp.453-471, ISSN: 0360-0025. DOI:
Aycan, Z (2005)
The interplay between cultural and institutional/structural contingencies in human resource management practices,
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(7), pp.1083-1119, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI:
Aycan, Z (2004)
Key Success Factors for Women in Management in Turkey,
Applied Psychology, 53(3), pp.453-477, ISSN: 0269-994X. DOI:
Aycan, Z and Fikret-Pasa, S (2003)
Career Choices, Job Selection Criteria, and Leadership Preferences in a Transitional Nation: The Case of Turkey,
Journal of Career Development, 30(2), pp.129-144, ISSN: 0894-8453. DOI:
Sagie, A and
Aycan, Z (2003)
A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Participative Decision-Making in Organizations,
Human Relations, 56(4), pp.453-473, ISSN: 0018-7267. DOI:
Aycan, Z and Fikret‐Pasa, S (2003)
Journal of Career Development, 30(2), pp.129-144, ISSN: 0894-8453. DOI:
Aycan, Z (2002)
Leadership and Teamwork in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities,
Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 7(2), DOI:
Aycan, Z (2001)
Human resource management in Turkey ‐ Current issues and future challenges,
International Journal of Manpower, 22(3), pp.252-260, ISSN: 0143-7720. DOI:
Jackson, T and
Aycan, Z (2001)
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management—Towards the Future,
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 1(1), pp.5-9, ISSN: 1470-5958. DOI:
Aycan, Z (2000)
Cross-Cultural Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 31(1), pp.110-128, ISSN: 0022-0221. DOI:
Aycan, Z, Kanungo, R, Mendonca, M, Yu, K, Deller, J, Stahl, G, Kurshid, A (2000)
Impact of Culture on Human Resource Management Practices: A 10‐Country Comparison,
Applied Psychology, 49(1), pp.192-221, ISSN: 0269-994X. DOI:
Aycan, Z, Kanungo, RN, Sinha, JBP (1999)
Organizational Culture and Human Resource Management Practices,
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 30(4), pp.501-526, ISSN: 0022-0221. DOI:
Mendonca, M, Kanungo, RN,
Aycan, Z (1999)
Culture: The Forgotten Factor in Human Resource Management,
Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, 3(2), pp.1-7, ISSN: 0972-2629. DOI:
Aycan, Z (1998)
Book Reviews,
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 29(6), pp.763-766, ISSN: 0022-0221. DOI:
Aycan, Z and Kanungo, RN (1998)
Impact of acculturation on socialization beliefs and behavioral occurrences among Indo-Canadian immigrants,
Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 29(3), pp.451-467, ISSN: 0047-2328. DOI:
Aycan, Z (1997)
Expatriate adjustment as a multifaceted phenomenon: Individual and organizational level predictors,
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 8(4), pp.434-456, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI:
Mathur, P,
Aycan, Z, Kanungo, RN (1996)
Work Cultures in Indian Organisations: A Comparison Between Public and Private Sector*,
Psychology and Developing Societies, 8(2), pp.199-222, ISSN: 0971-3336. DOI:
Aycan, Z and Berry, JW (1996)
Impact of employment-related experiences on immigrants' psychological well-being and adaptation to Canada,
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 28(3), pp.240-251, ISSN: 0008-400X. DOI:
Aycan, Z (Accepted for publication) Work-Family Issues in Global Context, pp.267-471, DOI: 10.4324/9781315732084-15.
Aycan, Z (Accepted for publication) Examining the Impact of Culture on the Work-Family Interface, pp.1-99, DOI: 10.4324/9781315732084-1.
Aycan, Z (Accepted for publication) The Work-Family Interface in Different Countries in the World, pp.101-265, DOI: 10.4324/9781315732084-5.