Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 263171
Publications for Danny Buckley
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Buckley, D and Beckinsale, M (Accepted for publication) Harnessing Subjectivity In Entrepreneurship Research: A Critical Realist Approach. In Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, Sheffield.
Thompson, E and
Buckley, D (2024)
The role of tradition in crisis – ‘Women and children first’ [Abstract]. In
British Academy of Management 2024; BAM2024 Proceedings, Nottingham, UK.
Buckley, D and Cook, J (Accepted for publication) Student Perceptions of Placement Opportunities and Employability – A Reflexive Deliberation Approach. In Chartered Association of Business Schools: Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference, Birmingham.
Buckley, D and Cook, J (2023) Revolutionising the Placement Experience for Marketing Students in UK Universities. In
Proceedings of Academy of Marketing 2023 Annual Conference and Doctoral Colloquium: From Revolution to Revolutions, University of Birmingham,ISBN: 978-1-3999-58042.
Internet Publications
Buckley, D, Vershinina, N, Rodgers, P (2025)
‘I was left with nothing.’ Why apprentices are being pushed into the informal economy.
Buckley, D, Vershinina, N, Rodgers, P (2024)
How much for cash? Why the informal economy is bad for business, consumers and society.
Buckley, D (2023)
Working for cash in hand can be a vital career step and a way out of poverty.
Getting in touch
Research Office
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453