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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Joanne Berry-Frith

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Journal Articles

Berry-Frith, J (2024) A Framework For Reflection: Using Play To Understand The Relationship Between Art And Bioimaging, Leonardo, pp.1-24, DOI: 10.1162/leon_a_02604.

Berry-Frith, J (2024) Advancing art–science collaboration through a framework of play: What is the purpose of generating hand-drawn representations of technologically advanced, high-resolution image-data?, Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, Volume 9(1), pp.35-53, ISSN: 2057-0384. DOI: 10.1386/drtp_00127_1.

Calvert, S and Hoogslag, N (2019) Decriminalising Ornament: The Pleasures of Pattern, Journal of Illustration, 6(1), pp.3-8, ISSN: 2052-0204. DOI: 10.1386/jill_00001_2.

Berry-Frith, J (2015) The in-betweener, VaroomLab, 4(Visionaries), ISSN: 2052-1820.


Berry-Frith, J (2024) How can an artist-researcher develop a framework by testing play as a concept (2023). An in-person presentation at Loughborough University LOUGHBOROUGH, UK Systems science, design science, citizen science, and data science.. In https://rsdsymposium.org/rsd12-loughborough-uk/, https://rsdsymposium.org/rsd12-synergy-between-sciences/, Loughborough University.

Berry-Frith, J (Accepted for publication) STEAM, Ars Electronica’s, Virtual Garden (2020). In Keplers Garden https://ars.electronica.art/keplersgardens/en/demystifying-arts-and-sciences/. In Leopoldseder, H, Schöpf, C, Stocker, G (ed) Ars Electronica’s, Virtual Garden. In Keplers Garden, On line.

Berry-Frith, J (2020) STEAM Innovation and Curriculum (STEAM INC) at BCU.ac.uk (2020). The first International STEAM Conference contributed to STEAM approaches in Europe. In Veart, L and Carhill-Jones, T (ed) The first International STEAM Conference contributed to STEAM approaches in Europe, Birmingham City University.

Berry-Frith, J (2019) Generating new methods and scope for communicating scientific research where reprocessing advanced imaging data is used as an essential part of a creative protocol. In SCANDEM 2019: 70th Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopic Society: From Atoms to Complex Systems, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Berry-Frith, J (2017) Art made from live scientific images to help and influence how they are visually communicated and distributed (2017). CUMULUS Hong Kong Design for Everything. In Cumulus Working Papers,, Cumulus Hong Kong Design for Everything Copyright © 2017 Hong Kong Design Institute and Cumulus International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media.

Berry-Frith, J, Self, T, Holliday, N (2011) Agonist and inverse agonist pharmacology revealed by quantitative assessment of ghrelin receptor internalisation [Abstract]. In BPS Winter Meeting 2010; Proceedings of the British Pharmacological Society (BPS), London, UK.


Berry-Frith, J and Robinson, A (Accepted for publication) Drawn in light: A visual documentation of Jo Berry's "Hijacking natural systems", Andrew Robinson, ISBN: 9781908542014.


Berry-Frith, J (2018) Visualization of scientific image data as art data. In Schiuma, G and Carlucci, D (ed) Big Data in the Arts and Humanities: Theory and Practice, CRC Press, pp.143-158, ISBN: 9781498765855.


Berry-Frith, J (2025) Solo Exhibition Art-Science Interplay (2023), Coningsby Gallery, London. https://www.coningsbygallery.com/exhibition/new-works-by-jo-berry-july-2023, Coningsby Gallery, 21 pieces , 17-01-2025 to 31-01-2025.

Berry-Frith, J (2023) Group Exhibition: Symposium: What is Drawing Research? (2023) Birmingham School of Art, Margaret Street, Birmingham. http://www.uwedrawingresearch.com/, Birmingham School of Art, Margaret Street, Birmingham, 2 pieces , 03-11-2023 to 18-12-2023.

Berry-Frith, J, Hill, PS, Briddon, S, Golding, J, Markus, R, Self, T, Kilpatrick, L (2019) The Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors (COMPARE) Compare Conference (2017). The Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors (COMPARE) Compare, Conference. Nottingham University Conference Centre, Medical School, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, 20 pieces , 29-09-2019 to 29-09-2019.

Berry-Frith, J (2018) Decriminalising Ornament: The Pleasures of Pattern. Ruskin Gallery, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (2018), Ruskin Gallery, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, 2 pieces (Digital drawings and data montage), 01-11-2018 to 26-11-2018.

Berry-Frith, J, Fernandez-Rodriguez, DJ, Engblom, PJ, Ericson, PM (2018) Exhibition at the Biofilms, Research Centre for Bio Interfaces, annual research centre conference, theme ‘Biomarkers’ (2018). https://joberry.co.uk/projects/project/skin, Malmo University, Malmö, Sweden, 30 pieces , 24-10-2018 to 29-03-2023.

Berry-Frith, J, Hill, PS, Briddon, S, Markus, R, Golding, J, Kilpatrick, L, Self, T (2018) Exhibition at COMPARE 2018 Formal launch of COMPARE, Medical School, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham. Keynote speaker: Professor Brian Kobilka, 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Stanford, USA. https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/life-sciences/news/2018/compare-launch.aspx https://joberry.co.uk/projects/project/portfolio-from-demystifying-art-and-science-through-the-use-of-playful-creative-methodologies-nottingha, Queens Medical Centre, 20 pieces , 18-04-2018 to 18-03-2023.

Berry-Frith, J, Palaniyappan, PL, Slater, A, Ryan (Lightworks), R (2017) Public Art Exhibition (2015, 2016, 2017): Brain Container, Lightpool Festival, Blackpool Illuminations. https://joberry.co.uk/commissions/commission/light-it-up, Blackpool Illuminations, One Large Installation pieces (Cast Perspex, Container, Lighting, Sound), 01-09-2017 to 30-11-2017.

Berry-Frith, J, Berry-Frith, J, Palaniyappan, DL (2015) Exhibition at the Centre for Translational Neuroimaging for Mental Health launch (2015), The Institute of Mental Health, Nottingham University, The Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham, 10 pieces , 01-09-2015 to 31-03-2015.

Berry-Frith, J (2011) Hijacking natural systems (2011), Derby Museum and Art Gallery, Royal Derby Hospital, 30 pieces , 01-09-2011 to 30-11-2011.

Berry-Frith, J (2006) Visions of Light (2006–2007), Lincoln Cathedral, 20 pieces (Laser cut light boxes), 01-11-2006 to 31-01-2007.

Berry-Frith, J and Berry-Frith, J (2002) Exhibition and exhibition catalogue (2002): Order, Regimentation, Collision. Funded by AHRC, AHRB and ACE of work produced as part of working as an Advanced Research Fellow at Loughborough University, Wollaton Hall, 20 pieces , 01-11-2002 to 21-12-2002.

Berry-Frith, J (2002) Light box Drawings (2002), Loughborough University School of Art and Design, UK, 16 pieces (Laser cut lightboxes), 01-09-2002 to 31-10-2002.

Berry-Frith, J Exhibition (2019) SCANDEM meeting (from the Nordic imaging society), Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI) Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg, Sweden. https://joberry.co.uk/projects/project/demystifying-arts-and-science-through-playful-creative-technologiesthe-centre-for-cellular-imaging-cci-the-department-of-chemistry-and-molecular-biology-sahlgrenska-academy-sweden, pieces , to .

Berry-Frith, J COMPARE, The Cell Signalling and Pharmacology Group and a minor study at the Molecular and the Cellular Biology Group, School of Life Sciences, Queens Medial School, University of Nottingham (2018), pieces , to .

Berry-Frith, J Public Art Exhibition: Brain Container, Lightpool Festival, Blackpool Illuminations (2017), pieces , to .

Berry-Frith, J Hijacking Natural Systems, Solent Showcase, Southampton Solent University (2012), pieces , to .

Berry-Frith, J The Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI) Sahlgrenska Academy Gothenburg University, and The Biofilms, Research Centre for Bio-interfaces, Malmö University, Sweden: Jo Berry (2019), pieces , to .

Berry-Frith, J SCANDEM meeting of the Nordic imaging society, Centre for Cellular Imaging (2019). Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg, Sweden + Presentation of research at the conference, pieces , to .

Internet Publications

Berry-Frith, J (2024) Art-Science Collaboration Framework: Play as a concept Umapping-studio-unmapped (2024).

Berry-Frith, J (2024) Art Science Collaboration, An online conference–RSD12:Mapping Studio Unmapped (2024) https://rsdsymposium.org/mapping-studio-unmapped/.

Berry-Frith, J (2021) I think its always bad on Monday when I switch off this guy (2020).

Berry-Frith, J (2019) Dan and Carly video together (2019).

Berry-Frith, J (2018) Exhibition at the Biofilms, Research Centre for Bio Interfaces, annual research centre conference, theme ‘Biomarkers’.

Berry-Frith, J (2015) Exhibition at the Centre for Translational Neuroimaging for Mental Health launch, The Institute of Mental Health, Nottingham University (2015).

Berry-Frith, J (2014) Artist In residence Lakeside Arts Centre, Nottingham University, Nottingham & Honorary Research Fellow Institute of Mental Health, Nottingham University (2012–2014).

Berry-Frith, J (2014) Synthesis, an exhibition of Art and Science in partnership with The Manchester Science Festival funded by ACE (2014).

Berry-Frith, J (2014) Light (2014).

Berry-Frith, J (2012) Zeiss Munich Grand Opening Germany (2012).

Berry-Frith, J (2012) Blackpool Illuminations Centenary (2012).

Berry-Frith, J and Self, T (2011) Hijacking natural systems a journey of discovery inside our cells.

Berry-Frith, J (2011) Hijacking Natural Systems, Derby Museum and Art Gallery, The Royal Hospital Derby, the Cathedral Quarter and Bus Stops and Billboards in the City, Derby. In addition, the Digital drawings were purchased and exhibited at the School of Biomedical Science, supported by the Dean’s Art Initiative.

Berry-Frith, J (2011) Hijacking Natural Systems,Carl Zeiss, Munich, Germany.

Berry-Frith, J (2011) Millfield Sculpture Commission (2011).

Berry-Frith, J (2010) Public Art Commission: Companion Stones—a sculpture project for the Derbyshire Moorlands.

Berry-Frith, J (2007) Public Art Commission: Sheffield Millennium Galleries–Interactivity.

Berry-Frith, J (2006) Lincoln.ai, The Chapter House, Lincoln Cathedral and the Usher Gallery, Lincoln.

Berry-Frith, J (2004) Exhibition: Order, Regimentation, Collision.

Berry-Frith, J (1990) Victoria and Albert Museum Prints and Drawings Collections: Pink and blue fish.

Berry-Frith, J (1990) Victoria and Albert Museum Prints and Drawings Collections: Sea Shell Drawing.

Skelly, L and Berry-Frith, J (Accepted for publication) Art of Science: an interactive exhibition.


Berry-Frith, J and Hunt, E Skin/KIN (2019), to .


Berry-Frith, J (2024) STEAM, Ars Electronica’s, Virtual Garden. In Keplers Garden.

Berry-Frith, J (2024) Art- Science Collaboration Framework: Play as a concept (2024).

Berry-Frith, J (2024) Generating new methods and scope for communicating scientific research where reprocessing advanced imaging data is used as an essential part of a creative protocol.

Berry-Frith, J STEAM, Ars Electronica’s, Virtual Garden 2020.

Berry-Frith, J and Robinson, A Hijacking Natural Systems.


Berry-Frith, J (2021) Exhibition: Seeking Vision-a high-fidelity Virtual exhibition of 25 International Illustration Academics, Seeking Vision-a high-fidelity Virtual Exhibition of 25 International Illustration Academics Research as a part of the Sixteenth Conference on Design Principles and Practices.https://www.illustrationacademics.com/2022The Sixteenth Conference on Design Principles and Practices. Contributors: Alan Male, Andrew Howells, Andrew Selby, Andy Robert DaviesMyself, David Blaiklock, Elizabeth Delumba, Ellen Weinstein, Gary Embury, Gill Sampson, Iliana Oakes, Dr. Jake Abrams, Jo Berry, Jo Mignone, Linda Knight, Louis Netter, Mario Minichiello (PhD), Mary Jane Begin, Melanie Reim, Richard Johnson, Robert Brinkerhoff, Robyn Phillips-Pendleton, Stuart Medley, Tim Vyner and Jack McGrath at the Sixteenth Conference on Design Principles and Practices..

Getting in touch

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LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453