Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU
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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Deborah Harty

From (year): To (year):

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Journal Articles

Harty, D and Sawdon, P (2016) Interweaving in hybrid methodologies, Journal of Visual Arts Practice, ISSN: 1470-2029. DOI: 10.1080/14702029.2016.1141559.

Harty, DJ (2013) hyperdrawing, Visual Inquiry: Learning and Teaching Art, 2(1), pp.99-99, ISSN: 2045-5879.

Harty, D (2012) drawing//phenomenology//drawing: an exploration of the phenomenological potential of repetitive processes, TRACEY drawing and visualisation research, Process(Process), ISSN: 1742-3570.

Harty, D and Sawdon, P (2012) The taste of tree?.


Harty, D (2024) Drawing as Phenomenology. In Drawing Articulations, Leeds Beckett University.

Harty, D (2018) The Science of Seeing Skyscapes – A photographic documentary of watching. In EWASS 2018: European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, Arena & Convention Centre (ACC), Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Harty, D (2016) Temporal Trace: a phenomenological enquiry. In AAH2016, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh.

harty, D and Sawdon, P (2015) Collaborative Drawing through Dialogue. In Drawing Conversations, Coventry University.

Harty, DJ and Sawdon, PJ (2015) interweaving in hybrid methodologies. In Correlating Theory and Practice in Fine Art Research, London Metropolitan University.

Harty, D (2012) drawing through touch: a phenomenological approach. In Drawing Out, University of the Arts London.

Harty, DJ (2011) perceiving//believing: black as paradox. In Kaleidoscope: New Perspectives on the Humanities, Warwick University.


Harty, DJ, O'Donnell, L, Sawdon, PJ (2014) mooquacious wutterances, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Gallery, January 2014.


Harty, D (2020) Wandering through drawing's trace. In Reed, JJHGS (ed) Body, Space, and Place in Collective and Collaborative Drawing: Drawing Conversations II, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.217-229, ISBN: 9781527541962.

Harty, D, Brown, D, Asturias, AR, Simcox, K, Johnson, P (2019) The science of seeing skyscapes – A photographic documentary of watching. In Brown, LHD (ed) Visualising Skyscapes: Material Forms of Cultural Engagement with the Heavens, Routledge, pp.226-246, ISBN: 9781138303614.

Harty, DJ and Sawdon, PJ (2017) THREE STATES [OF DIALOGUE]: YOU ME US. In Collective and Collaborative Drawing in Contemporary Practice: Drawing Conversations, Cambridge Scholars, pp.98-113, ISBN: 978-1-5275-0347-2.

Harty, D (2015) Trailing temporal trace. In Drawing Ambiguity: Beside the Lines of Contemporary Art, © I.B. Tauris,ISBN: 9781784530693.

Harty, D (2012) drawing//digital//data: a phenomenological approach to the experience of water. In Biologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts: Scientific Data through Graphics, Information Science Reference (© 2012 IGI Global), pp.337-355, ISBN: 9781466609433. DOI: 10.4018/9781466609426.


Harty, D (2024) Darkness, Fronteer Gallery, pieces , 23-10-2024 to 02-11-2024.

Harty, DJ and Sawdon, P (2016) Performing Drawology, Bonington Gallery, 1 pieces (drawing), 15-01-2016 to 15-02-2016.

Harty, DJ (2014) drawology: one year on, Lanchester Gallery, 42 pieces , to .

Harty, DJ (2013) drawology, Bonington Gallery Nottingham, 39 pieces , to .

Internet Publications

Sawdon, P and Harty, D (2011) hide and seek.


Harty, D (2009) Drawing//experience : a process of translation.


Harty, D (2024) UNESCO Mirror Identity Drawing Project.


Harty, D (2024) IMPR[IN]T, Exhibition catalogue contribution to Lucy O'Donnell's 'our little earth bound tales' at the Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Ireland..

Harty, D (2024) Darkness, The drawings were submitted as part of an exhibition looking at the theme of darkness at the Fronteer Gallery in Sheffield (23 October 2024 - 2 November 2024). Exploring qualities of luminous darkness has been an ongoing interest in Harty’s drawing research, which focuses on exploring the potential of drawing to record experience.Compressed charcoal and graphite on paper, 20x20cms.© The Artist, CC BY NC ND 4.0About the exhibition:Darkness saw over 30 UK artists respond to the theme of darkness in a variety of artistic disciplines and styles.

Harty, D (2015) Content, Drawn chapter contribution to 'Anchor'.

Harty, D (2014) Drawology: the drawn of the drawing? [foreword], Drawology: the drawn of the drawing? [foreword].

Tormey, CJ (2010) TRACEY Drawing and Visualisation Research: Drawing and Technology.

Sawdon, P and Harty, D (2010) disjointd dialog, disjointd dialog.

Harty, D and Sawdon, P (2007) grounded, This moving image piece is part of Harty and Sawdon's artist collaboration incorporating several drawing research projects including Triptych and Animation in Process..

Harty, D and Sawdon, P (2006) Hinged, Triptych is a collaborative research group originated by Kingston University, Loughborough University and Dublin Institute of Technology. Practice and theory will be explored to contribute to knowledge of the act of drawing. This includes investigation of diverse and contemporary aspects of the fine arts, design, built environment, pedagogy and theory on drawing. Our strategic intention is to improve the recognition, use and understanding of drawing pedagogy, whilst investigating the use and application of drawing in professional practice. Triptych is built upon the research interests and expertise of its members..

Harty, D and Sawdon, P (2006) Pivot, Triptych is a collaborative research group originated by Kingston University, Loughborough University and Dublin Institute of Technology. Practice and theory will be explored to contribute to knowledge of the act of drawing. This includes investigation of diverse and contemporary aspects of the fine arts, design, built environment, pedagogy and theory on drawing. Our strategic intention is to improve the recognition, use and understanding of drawing pedagogy, whilst investigating the use and application of drawing in professional practice. Triptych is built upon the research interests and expertise of its members..

Harty, D and Sawdon, P (2006) Exchange, Triptych is a collaborative research group originated by Kingston University, Loughborough University and Dublin Institute of Technology. Practice and theory will be explored to contribute to knowledge of the act of drawing. This includes investigation of diverse and contemporary aspects of the fine arts, design, built environment, pedagogy and theory on drawing. Our strategic intention is to improve the recognition, use and understanding of drawing pedagogy, whilst investigating the use and application of drawing in professional practice. Triptych is built upon the research interests and expertise of its members..

Getting in touch

Research Office
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453