Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU
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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Serge FEUKOUA JONZO

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Journal Articles

Carlet, C, JONZO, SFEUKOUA, Salagean, A (2024) Coset leaders of the first-order Reed-Muller codes in four new classes of Boolean functions, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, ISSN: 1930-5346. DOI: 10.3934/amc.2024046.


Carlet, C, JONZO, SFEUKOUA, Salagean, A (2024) On the algebraic degree stability of Boolean functions when restricted to affine spaces. In 13th International Workshop of Coding and Cryptography; Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Perugia, Italy.

Carlet, C, JONZO, SFEUKOUA, Salagean, A (2023) Coset leaders of the first order Reed-Muller codes in the classes of Niho functions and threshold functions. In Quaglia, EA (ed) 19th IMA International Conference, IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding (IMACC) 2023; Cryptography and Coding, London, UK, pp.17-33, ISBN: 9783031478178. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-47818-5_2.

Getting in touch

Research Office
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453